


1. Jujube Variety Recognition Based on Improved Attention Mechanism and Multi-semantic Feature Enhancement

Accession number: 20243016767798

Title of translation: 基于改进注意力机制和多语义特征增强的 自然环境下枣品种识别方法

Authors: Lei, Hao (1); Yuan, Yingchun (1); Xu, Nan (1); He, Zhenxue (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding; 071001, China

Corresponding author: Yuan, Yingchun(nd_hd_yyc@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 270-279 and 324

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In response to the low accuracy of jujube variety recognition in current natural scenarios, a jujube variety recognition model was proposed based on attention mechanism and multi-semantic feature enhancement (ICBAM_MSFE_Res50 ) . On the basis of ResNet - 50 , the attention mechanism ICBAM (improved convolutional block attention module) was introduced. ICBAM improved the convolutional block attention module (CBAM) by using one-dimensional convolution and multi-scale hole convolution, eliminating information loss during feature map dimensionality reduction, reducing the computational and parameter complexity of the model, and improving the model’s ability to extract fine-grained features in jujube fruit regions. At the same time, a multi-semantic feature enhancement ( MSFE ) module was proposed, which extracted more local salient features of jujube fruit through jujube fruit region localization algorithm, and used saliency feature suppression algorithm to force the model to learn secondary features of jujube fruit, thereby achieving the learning of multiple semantic features of jujube fruit. The experimental results showed that the accuracy of the model on the dataset of 20 types of jujube varieties was 92. 20% , which was 4. 26 percentage points higher than that of ResNet - 50. Compared with the AlexNet, VGG - 16, ResNet - 18, and InceptionV3 models, the accuracy was improved by 15. 84, 9.22, 6.86, and 3.55 percentage points, respectively. Compared with other jujube variety recognition methods, this method still performed the best in the recognition of 20 types of jujube, which can provide reference for research on jujube variety recognition in natural scenarios. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 31

Main heading: Fruits

Controlled terms: Convolution? - ?Deep learning? - ?Semantics

Uncontrolled terms: ‘current? - ?Attention mechanisms? - ?Deep learning? - ?Feature enhancement? - ?Jujube variety recognition? - ?Multi-semantic feature enhancement? - ?Percentage points? - ?Recognition models? - ?Semantic features? - ?Variety recognition

Classification code: 461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering? - ?716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.00E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.026

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


2. Sheep Behavior Recognition Method Based on Improved YOLO v8s

Accession number: 20243016767799

Title of translation: 基于改进YOLO v8s的羊只行为识别方法

Authors: Wang, Wang (1); Wang, Fushun (1, 2); Zhang, Weijin (1); Liu, Hongda (1); Wang, Chen (1); Wang, Chao (1, 2); He, Zhenxue (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding; 071001, China; (2) Hebei Key Laboratory of Agricultural Big Data, Baoding; 071001, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Fushun(xxwfsh@hebau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 325-335 and 344

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The daily behaviors of sheep, such as standing, walking, eating, drinking and sitting, are closely related to their health. Efficient and accurate recognition of sheep behaviors is crucial for disease and health detection. To address the current problem of the limited behavior of sheep caused by contact devices such as sensors and lower accuracy caused by diverse behaviors, complex scenarios, and occlusions in group farming, the method for sheep behavior recognition based on improved YOLO v8s was proposed. Firstly, the SPPCSPC was introduced to improve the feature extraction ability and the detection accuracy of the model. Secondly, the P2 detection was used to enhance ability of the model to identify and locate the small targets. Finally, multi-scale lightweight modules PConv and EMSConv were introduced and the number of parameters and calculation of the model were reduced and the lightweight was realized while ensuring the recognition of effects. The results showed that the average accuracy of the model proposed for standing, walking, eating, drinking, and sitting was 84. 62% , 92. 58% , 87. 54% , 98. 13% and 87. 18% , respectively. And the overall average accuracy was 90. 01%. Compared with Faster R - CNN, YOLO v5s, YOLO v7 , and YOLO v8s model, the average accuracy was 12.03 percentage points, 3. 95 percentage points, 1. 46 percentage points, and 2. 19 percentage points higher, respectively. The results can provide technical support for sheep health management and disease warning. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 32

Main heading: Feature extraction

Controlled terms: Behavioral research

Uncontrolled terms: Behaviour recognition? - ?Contact device? - ?Current problems? - ?Daily behaviors? - ?Lightweight? - ?Percentage points? - ?Recognition methods? - ?Sheep? - ?Sheep behaviour? - ?Yolo v8s

Classification code: 461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering? - ?971 Social Sciences

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00E00%, Percentage 1.30E+01%, Percentage 1.80E+01%, Percentage 5.40E+01%, Percentage 5.80E+01%, Percentage 6.20E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.032

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


3. Dead Duck Recognition Method Based on Improved Mask R - CNN

Accession number: 20243016768043

Title of translation: 基于改进Mask R- CNN的笼养死鸭识别方法

Authors: Bai, Zongchun (1, 2); Lu, Yinchun (1, 3); Zhu, Yixing (1); Ma, Yiheng (1); Duan, Enze (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Agricultural Facilities and Equipment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing; 210014, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Protected Agriculture Engineering in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing; 210014, China; (3) College of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Corresponding author: Duan, Enze(952510993@qq.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 305-314

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Traditional manual methods for identifying dead ducks within large-scale stacked cage poultry houses have proven to be inefficient, labor-intensive, and costly. Focusing on stacked cage housing for meat ducks, a deep learning-based method was proposed for dead duck recognition. To collect the necessary dataset, a specialized autonomous inspection system tailored for meat duck housing within three-dimensional stacked environments was initially designed. To address the issue of severe wire mesh obstruction within the cage housing, machine vision techniques were employed to repair the cage mesh and enhance images by using OpenCV. A dead duck recognition model was constructed based on Mask R - CNN , and further optimized with the Swin Transformer to overcome the limitation of Mask R - CNN’s global information integration. The accuracy of dead duck recognition among the SOLO v2 , Mask R - CNN, and Mask R - CNN + Swin Transformer models was compared and analyzed. Experimental results demonstrated that under the condition of mAP value of 90% , the Mask R - CNN + Swin Transformer model achieved an overall dead duck recognition rate of 95. 8% within the duck cages, outperforming other mainstream object detection algorithms on the autonomous inspection equipment. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 22

Main heading: Computer vision

Controlled terms: Deep learning? - ?Housing? - ?Image enhancement? - ?Mammals? - ?Mesh generation? - ?Object detection

Uncontrolled terms: Caged duck? - ?Dead duck recognition? - ?Labour-intensive? - ?Large-scales? - ?Machine-vision? - ?Manual methods? - ?Mask r - cnn? - ?Poultry house? - ?Recognition methods? - ?Transformer modeling

Classification code: 403.1 Urban Planning and Development? - ?461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?741.2 Vision? - ?921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.00E+00%, Percentage 9.00E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.030

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


4. Error Analysis Model of Parallel Robot Based on Parameters Identification

Accession number: 20243016768135

Title of translation: 基于参数辨识的并联机器人误差模型研究

Authors: Liang, Hongjian (1); Chen, Nanting (2); Chen, Mingfang (1); Hu, Junnan (1); Wu, Xueyan (1); Lu, Juan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming; 650500, China; (2) School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an; 710049, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Mingfang(mfchen_robot@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 439-448 and 458

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Error modeling and analysis are important prerequisites for ensuring the operational accuracy of robots, and many modeling methods were proposed by scholars in the past. However, few literatures directly verified the correctness of the established error model through either theoretical derivation or experimental means. To this end, an error model verification method of parallel robots based on parameter identification was proposed, which aimed to directly verify the rationality of the established error model through experiments. Firstly, the parameter identification model was established to acquire the actual structural parameters of the parallel robot, to establish the actual kinematics model. On this basis, the error model of the actual parallel robot was established by using the partial differential theory, the error parameters in the actual error model were quantitatively analyzed, and the influence of each error parameter on the pose error of the end-effector was obtained. Then, the influence of each error parameter on the pose of the end-effector was mapped to the joint input to drive the parallel robot to execute the error model verification experiment. Finally, the 3 - PUU parallel robot was taken as the object for error analysis and experimental verification. The position data collected by the laser tracker were compared with the results of error model analysis. The maximum deviation between the two was 0.50 mm, with the average deviation maintained within 0.31 mm, which intuitively indicated the rationality and correctness of the established error model. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: Error analysis

Controlled terms: Agricultural robots? - ?Digital storage? - ?End effectors? - ?Parameter estimation

Uncontrolled terms: Error analysis model? - ?Error modeling? - ?Error parameters? - ?Model method? - ?Model verification? - ?Modelling and analysis? - ?Parallel robots? - ?Parameters identification? - ?Theoretical derivations? - ?Verification method

Classification code: 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques? - ?731.5 Robotics? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Numerical data indexing: Size 3.10E-04m, Size 5.00E-04m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.043

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


5. Individual Identification Method of Cows Based on 3D CNN BiLSTM ATFA Network and Gait Feature

Accession number: 20243016767835

Title of translation: 基于3D CNN-BiLSTM-ATFA网络和步态特征的 奶牛个体识别方法

Authors: Si, Yongsheng (1); Ning, Zepu (1); Wang, Kejian (1); Ma, Yabin (2); Yuan, Ming (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding; 071001, China; (2) Hebei Provincial Station for Livestock Varieties Producing and Spreading, Shijiazhuang; 050061, China

Corresponding author: Ma, Yabin(dhimyb@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 315-324

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the low identification accuracy of cows with solid color or less pattern in pattern-based individual identification of cows, an individual identification method was proposed based on cow gait features. Firstly, the backbone network of DeepLabv3 + semantic segmentation algorithm was replaced by MobileNetv2 network. The channel and space based С BAM attention mechanism was introduced into this segmentation algorithm. The improved model was used to segment the silhouette of the cow. Then the 3D convolutional neural network (3D CNN) and the bidirectional long short-term memory network (BiLSTM) were constructed as the 3D CNN - BiLSTM network. The adaptive temporal feature aggregation module ( ATFA) was further integrated into the above network to generate the 3D CNN - BiLSTM - ATFA cow individual identification model. Finally, individual identification experiments were conducted on a total of 1 242 video datasets from 30 cows. The results showed that the MPA, MIOU and Accuracy of the improved DeepLabv3 + algorithm were 99.02% , 97. 18% and 99.71% , respectively. Individual recognition was optimal when r3d_18 was used as the backbone network of 3D CNN - BiLSTM - ATFA. The average accuracy, sensitivity and precision of individual identification based on cow gait were 94. 58% , 93. 47% and 95. 94% , respectively. Individual identification experiments with weighted feature fusion for torso and legs showed that identification accuracy can be further improved. Lameness in dairy cows had a significant effect on gait identification, the individual identification accuracies were 89. 39% and 92. 61% for cows that changed from healthy to lame and cows that remained lame during the experiment, respectively. The results can provide technical reference for intelligent individual identification of dairy cows. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 34

Main heading: Semantics

Controlled terms: Convolutional neural networks? - ?Semantic Segmentation

Uncontrolled terms: 3d convolutional neural network? - ?Bidirectional long short-term memory network? - ?Convolutional neural network? - ?Dairy cow? - ?Feature aggregation? - ?Gait features? - ?Individual identification? - ?Memory network? - ?Network adaptive? - ?Temporal features

Classification code: 723.4 Artificial Intelligence

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.80E+01%, Percentage 3.90E+01%, Percentage 4.70E+01%, Percentage 5.80E+01%, Percentage 6.10E+01%, Percentage 9.40E+01%, Percentage 9.902E+01%, Percentage 9.971E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.031

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


6. Dual-index Detection Method of Pitaya Quality and Maturity Based on YOLO v7-RA

Accession number: 20243016768223

Title of translation: 基于YOLO v7 RA 的火龙果品质与成熟度双指标检测方法

Authors: Xu, Tingling (1); Song, Liang (1); Lu, Xuehe (2); Zhang, Haidong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangsu Taihu Regional Agricultural Science Research Institute, Suzhou; 215000, China; (2) School of Geography Science and Ceomatics Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou; 215009, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Haidong(zhdsznky@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 405-414

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Research on pitaya detection methods is the basis and prerequisite for realizing intelligent picking. Existing pitaya detection methods only target a single performance indicator, which is difficult to meet the needs of real agricultural scenarios. Therefore, an accurate and efficient dual-index detection method for pitaya quality and maturity was proposed. Firstly, the adaptive discriminator enhanced style generation adversarial network algorithm was used to expand the pitaya image and establish a pitaya dataset. The image was enhanced by gamma transform to highlight the characteristics of pitaya and reduce the impact of lighting environment. Secondly, the YOLO v7 - RA model was proposed, by designing ELAN_R3 to replace the efficient layer aggregation network ( ELAN) module to reduce the extraction of repetitive features by the backbone network. This enhanced the model’s attention to fine-grained features and improved the accuracy of dual-index detection. The mixture of self-attention and convolution (ACmix)was applied to enhance the model’s ability to extract and integrate feature information, and reduce the interference of cluttered background information. Finally, the detection level of the YOLO v7 - RA model was verified through experiments. Experimental results showed that the precision rate of the method was 97. 4% , the recall rate was 97. 7% , the mAP0 5was 96. 2% , and FSP was 74 f/s. A balance between detection accuracy and detection speed was achieved. Even under occlusion, the YOLO v7 - RA model detection accuracy still reached 91. 4% . The model had good generalization ability to provide strong technical support for the development of intelligent pitaya picking. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Image enhancement

Controlled terms: Deep learning? - ?Network layers

Uncontrolled terms: Aggregation network? - ?Deep learning? - ?Detection accuracy? - ?Detection methods? - ?Maturity? - ?Performance indicators? - ?Pitaya? - ?Quality? - ?Stylegan2 - ADA? - ?YOLO v7

Classification code: 461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.00E+00%, Percentage 4.00E+00%, Percentage 7.00E+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.040

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


7. Online Detection Method for Wheat Seeding Distribution Based on Improved Concave Point Segmentation

Accession number: 20243016768250

Title of translation: 基于改进凹点分割的小麦播种籽粒落种分布在线检测方法

Authors: Xi, Xiaobo (1); Zhao, Jie (1); Shi, Yangjie (1); Qu, Jiwei (1); Gan, Hao (2); Zhang, Ruihong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou; 225127, China; (2) Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; 37996, United States

Corresponding author: Zhang, Ruihong(zhang-rh@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 75-82

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: An online detection method of seeding distribution during wheat sowing based on image processing was proposed to address problems such as low manual calculation efficiency of seeding performance parameters and lack of online detection software. A criterion for adhesive seeds based on connected region area and contour perimeter was established, and an improved concave point segmentation adhesive seed method was created to count and coordinate the segmented seeds, achieving calculation and detection of seeding uniformity, accuracy, and dispersion. A seeding test bench was built and detection software was developed. The testing results showed that at different seeding rates and seeding travel speeds, the average accuracy of the improved concave point segmentation algorithm was above 95% , which was significantly higher than that of the concave point segmentation algorithm, indicating that the method had high recognition accuracy for the total number of seed particles; as the seeding rate was increased, the probability of seed adhesion was increased, and the chance of false concave points was increased, resulting in lower algorithm accuracy; as the travel speed was increased, the probability of seed deformation and distortion in the image was increased, leading to some adhered seeds being difficult or incorrectly segmented, and the algorithm accuracy also was decreased; seeding rate and seeding travel speed had no significant effect on seeding uniformity, accuracy and dispersion, which agreed with the manual calculation and measurement results, demonstrating the feasibility of this online detection method for seeding performance. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Image segmentation

Controlled terms: Adhesives? - ?Dispersions? - ?Image enhancement? - ?Software testing

Uncontrolled terms: Adhered seed? - ?Improved concave point segmentation algorithm? - ?On-line detection method? - ?Seeding? - ?Seeding distribution? - ?Seeding performance? - ?Seeding rate? - ?Segmentation algorithms? - ?Travel speed? - ?Wheat

Classification code: 723.5 Computer Applications? - ?951 Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 9.50E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.008

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


8. Fractional Vegetation Cover Change and Driving Factors in Gansu Section of Yellow River Basin

Accession number: 20243016768236

Title of translation: 20年黄河流域甘肃段植被覆盖度变化与驱动因素分析

Authors: Tian, Yun (1); Liu, Junyan (1); Bai, Shuang (2); Sun, Jianxin (2); Zheng, Xiaoxiong (2); Sun, Zhongping (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Ecological Environment Information Center of Gansu Province, Lanzhou; 730030, China; (2) Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing; 100094, China

Corresponding author: Bai, Shuang(baishuang@secmep.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 365-372 and 404

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin, a crucial ecological security barrier in China, plays a vital role in water conservation and northern desertification control. Understanding the vegetation changes and driving forces is crucial for the ecological protection and high-quality development of the basin. Based on the MODIS NDVI dataset from 2001 to 2022, the vegetation change trend and driving force in the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin over the past 20 years were analyzed by using pixel dichotomy, coefficient of variation, trend analysis, Hurst index and geographic detector. The results showed that the FVC in Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin showed an increasing trend during 2001-2022, indicating a positive vegetation growth. In the past 20 years, nearly 1/2 of the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin had relatively high - high volatility, which was mainly distributed in the northern Loess Plateau region, while the medium volatility and relatively low - low volatility were mainly distributed in the Gannan Plateau region and the Longnan Mountain region. The vegetation in most areas of the Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin showed an improvement trend, while a few areas showed degradation, indicating a potential anti-sustainable trend in future vegetation changes. The analysis of driving forces indicated that precipitation, vegetation type and soil type were the predominant factors influencing vegetation cover in Gansu section of the Yellow River Basin. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Water conservation

Controlled terms: Ecology? - ?Rivers? - ?Vegetation? - ?Watersheds

Uncontrolled terms: Driving factors? - ?Driving forces? - ?Fractional vegetation cover? - ?Gansu section of the yellow river basin? - ?Geographic detector? - ?Geographics? - ?HURST index? - ?Plateau region? - ?Vegetation change

Classification code: 444 Water Resources? - ?444.1 Surface Water? - ?454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Numerical data indexing: Age 2.00E+01yr

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.036

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


9. Remote Sensing Monitoring of Wheat Stripe Rust Based on Canopy Downscaling Using Red SIF

Accession number: 20243016769290

Title of translation: 基于红光波段冠层SIF降尺度的小麦条锈病遥感监测

Authors: Jing, Xia (1); Zhao, Jiaqi (1); Ye, Qixing (1); Zhang, Zhenhua (1); Zhang, Yuanfang (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Geomatics Science and Technology, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian; 710054, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 252-259

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to reduce the influence of canopy geometry and other factors on the sensor detected solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence ( SIF ) , the response characteristics of red SIF ( RSIF ) fluorescence under stripe rust stress were discussed. Simple linear regression ( SLR) and non-linear regression (NLR) models for remote sensing monitoring of wheat stripe rust were constructed with RSIF as the independent variable. The results showed that the leaf scale RSIF had a significant advantage in the remote sensing monitoring of wheat stripe rust, with a 13. 2% higher correlation with the severity level (SL) of wheat stripe rust compared with far-red SIF(FRSIF). Compared with FRSIF, the R between predicted DSL and measured DSL was increased by 9. 8% and 38. 9% , and the RMSE was decreased by 23. 1% and 36.4% , respectively, using the linear regression model and non-linear regression model constructed with the blade scale RSIF as the independent variable. In addition, downscaling can improve the accuracy of RSIF monitoring of wheat stripe rust. The R between leaf scale RSIF and DSL was increased by 126. 3% compared with the canopy scale. The R between DSL and measured DSL predicted by SLR and NLR models using leaf scale RSIF as independent variable was increased by 114. 3% and 233.3% , respectively, compared with the canopy scale, and RMSE was decreased by 16.7% and 15. 4% , respectively. The research results were of great significance for improving the remote sensing monitoring accuracy of wheat stripe rust, and also had certain reference value for remote sensing monitoring of other stresses. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 29

Main heading: Fluorescence

Controlled terms: Chlorophyll? - ?Digital subscriber lines? - ?DSL? - ?Linear regression? - ?Remote sensing

Uncontrolled terms: Chlorophyll fluorescence? - ?Down-scaling? - ?Linear regression modelling? - ?Modeling accuracy? - ?Non-linear regression? - ?Red band? - ?Remote sensing monitoring? - ?Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence? - ?Stripe rust? - ?Wheat stripe rust

Classification code: 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television? - ?717 Optical Communication? - ?718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications? - ?741.1 Light/Optics? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00E00%, Percentage 1.67E+01%, Percentage 2.00E+00%, Percentage 2.333E+02%, Percentage 3.00E+00%, Percentage 3.64E+01%, Percentage 4.00E+00%, Percentage 8.00E+00%, Percentage 9.00E+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.024

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


10. Spectral Characteristics of Water Stress in Chili Pepper Leaves

Accession number: 20243016767922

Title of translation: 辣椒叶片水分胁迫高光谱特性研究

Authors: Wang, Dong (1, 2); Sun, Xin (1, 2); Zhang, Yueyang (1, 2); Xia, Hening (1, 2); Lu, Minghui (3); Zhou, Linfan (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest a and F University, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Internet of Things, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China; (3) College of Horticulture, Northwest a and F University, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 336-344

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In response to the need for smart agriculture to accurately discriminate the degree of crop water demand, taking growing peppers as the experimental samples, different degrees of water stress treatments such as water immersion and drought to the leaves of peppers were applied to analyze the hyperspectral response characteristics of pepper leaves under different degrees of water stress. The samples were divided into four water stress groups, including severe drought, mild drought, mild water-soaked, and severe water-soaked, and one experimental control group, with a total of five data groups of 20 chili peppers in each group, and the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and hyperspectral data of chili peppers’ leaves in each group were collected separately when the appearance of leaves in each group appeared to be obviously different. The effects of three different preprocessing methods, namely, multiplicative scatter correction ( MSC) , SG convolutional smoothing filter and standard normal variate transform ( SNV) , on the elimination of background information interference were compared. The SPA algorithm and CARS algorithm were used to extract the characteristic wavelengths sensitive to water stress. Support vector machine (SVM) , BP neural network, radial basis function (RBF) and random forest (RF) modeling were established for predicting different levels of water stress. The results illustrated that SG - SPA - RFB was the optimal combination for predicting the degree of water stress with 99. 02% accuracy in the training set and 94. 00% accuracy in the test set. The research result can provide a convenient and reliable non-destructive method for determining the water stress status of pepper plants. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 31

Main heading: Plants (botany)

Controlled terms: Chlorophyll? - ?Drought? - ?Fluorescence? - ?Forestry? - ?Hyperspectral imaging? - ?Nondestructive examination? - ?Radial basis function networks? - ?Support vector machines

Uncontrolled terms: Characteristic wavelength? - ?Chili pepper? - ?Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters? - ?HyperSpectral? - ?Hyperspectral image? - ?Neural-networks? - ?Smart agricultures? - ?Spectral characteristics? - ?Water demand? - ?Water stress

Classification code: 443.3 Precipitation? - ?444 Water Resources? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?741.1 Light/Optics? - ?746 Imaging Techniques? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 0.00E00%, Percentage 2.00E+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.033

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


11. Design and Experiment of Active Gripper for Spherical Fruit Grasping

Accession number: 20243016769365

Title of translation: 面向球果抓取的主动式三指手爪设计与试验

Authors: Qin, Huanhuan (1); Lai, Hongfei (2); Liu, Kun (2); Chen, Guangming (2); Lu, Wei (1); Xue, Jinlin (2); Li, Peijuan (3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing; 210031, China; (2) College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing; 210031, China; (3) Industrial Center, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing; 211167, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Guangming(gmchen@njau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 67-74

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of fast and stable spherical fruit grasping, a novel active three-finger gripper was proposed. A spherical active roller was installed at the end of the finger mechanism. A flexible silicone membrane was attached to the active roller to increase the compliance and friction of the gripper. Each finger mechanism had two degrees of freedom, which can realize the opening and closing of the finger and the rotation of the active roller. The three fingers cooperated with each other during work, and the spherical fruit can be translated toward the gripper under the friction. The spherical fruit can be grasped quickly and stably by only touching it, without the need to precisely control the position and posture of the gripper. In order to illustrate the interactive relationship between the designed active gripper and the spherical fruit, an interaction model between them was derived. Finally, in order to verify the effectiveness of the gripper, tomatoes, apples and oranges were selected as typical spherical grasping objects, and a grasping experiment based on three types of grippers (the active gripper, the fin-ray soft gripper and the parallel rigid gripper) was conducted. The experimental results showed that the active gripper had an average first-time grasping success rate of 96. 7% , an average grasping intact rate of 98. 3% , and an average task time of 5. 9 s, achieving relatively good performance in terms of grasping success rate, grasping quality and grasping efficiency. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Grippers

Controlled terms: Agricultural robots? - ?Degrees of freedom (mechanics)? - ?Friction? - ?Fruits? - ?Rollers (machine components)? - ?Silicones? - ?Spheres

Uncontrolled terms: Active gripper? - ?Active roller? - ?Agricultural robot? - ?Compliance? - ?Finger grippers? - ?Finger mechanisms? - ?Silicone membrane? - ?Spherical fruit grasping? - ?Spherical fruits? - ?Two-degree-of-freedom

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components? - ?731.5 Robotics? - ?815.1.1 Organic Polymers? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?931.1 Mechanics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 3.00E+00%, Percentage 7.00E+00%, Time 9.00E+00s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.007

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


12. Lifting and Stacking Device of Automatic Tray Lifting Machine for Rice Hard Tray Seedling

Accession number: 20243016769496

Title of translation: 水稻硬质育秧盘全自动起盘机提升与叠盘装置研究

Authors: Yi, Shujuan (1); Wang, Peng (1); Li, Yifei (1, 2); Li, Bohai (1); Cao, Zheng (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing; 163319, China; (2) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 168-178

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The existing darkroom mode of the automatic tray winch has encountered problems such as a decline in qualification rate and working stability, as well as damage to seedlings and rice trays during transportation. To address these issues, an improved hook rod lifting device with axial auxiliary push function for rice trays was designed. A simulation single factor test platform was constructed to determine the main parameters and their value range that affected its performance. The structure parameters of key components were determined, and a multi-case target evaluation result function was established by using Matlab interpolation method for standardization of evaluation index. The quadratic regression orthogonal rotating center combination test method was adopted, with tray spacing, transverse conveying speed, and lifting angle as test factors, while tray lifting qualification rate, leaf damage rate, hard disk damage rate, and number of injured seedlings served as performance evaluation indexes. Parameter combination optimization tests were conducted on the Rocky - DEM simulation test platform that had been constructed. Design-Expert 11 software was used for multi-objective parameter combination optimization. Field verification tests under conditions of 190 mm tray spacing, 0. 20 m/s transverse conveying speed, and 72° lifting angle achieved a tray lifting qualification rate of 97. 5% , leaf damage rate of 0. 52% , hard disk damage rate of 0. 45% , number of injured seedlings at 9 units, with an error of less than 1% compared with the theoretically optimized value. In comparison with the non-optimized lifting and stacking device, the pass rate for tray lifting was increased by 5. 6 percentage points, leaf damage rate was decreased by 3.5 percentage points, reducing seedling damage, and hard tray damage rate was decreased by 3. 8 percentage points. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: MATLAB

Controlled terms: Conveying? - ?Function evaluation? - ?Simulation platform

Uncontrolled terms: Damage rate? - ?DEM? - ?Hard disc? - ?Leaf damage? - ?Lifting and stacking device? - ?Lifting machines? - ?Percentage points? - ?Rice hard tray seedling? - ?Stackings? - ?Tray lifting machine

Classification code: 692.1 Conveyors? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?921 Mathematics? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00E00%, Percentage 4.50E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+00%, Percentage 5.20E+01%, Size 1.90E-01m, Velocity 2.00E+01m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.016

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


13. Design and Experiment of Trolling Branch-type Chestnut Fruit Dropping Device

Accession number: 20243016768294

Title of translation: 曳引摇枝式板栗落果装置设计与试验

Authors: Zong, Wangyuan (1, 2); Song, Bao (1); Xiao, Yangyi (1, 2); Deng, Dinglin (1); Xu, Huan (1); Li, Mao (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan; 430070, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Middle-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan; 430070, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 57-66

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In view of the difficulties in picking chestnuts in hilly areas, the high intensity of manual harvesting and the low efficiency of harvesting, a small shaking branch type chestnuts dropping device with the vibration of flexible wire rope was designed. A single pendulum model was established to analyze the conditions of fruit shedding. The tangential acceleration of fruit shedding was 285. 36 m/s , and the main factors affecting fruit shedding were the frequency, amplitude and time of branch vibration. The vibration characteristics of chestnut fruit branches were tested. The frequency range of chestnut fruit branches in the vertical direction was determined by sweeping frequency mode of 0 ~ 30 Hz with Default Shaker hydraulic shaking table, and the standing frequency test was carried out in the frequency range of 7 ~ 15 Hz. The optimal frequency range of vibrating fruit fell was found to be 10 ~ 12 Hz. According to the results of the fruit branch vibration test, ADAMS was used to simulate the shaking mechanism. The results showed that when the rocker amplitude was greater than 95 mm, the acceleration of the end of the fruit branch could meet the acceleration conditions of the chestnut fruit vibration, and the rationality of the parameter design of the fruit dropping device was confirmed. A three-factor and three-level field orthogonal test was designed, and the results showed that the highest fruit drop rate was the shaking frequency of 11 Hz, the amplitude of 135 mm, and the shaking time of 30 s. In the experiment, the highest fruit dropping rate of chestnut was 91. 9% , and the bark damage rate was 8. 8% , which met the bark damage standard of agricultural machinery popularization and identification. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Fruits

Controlled terms: Acceleration? - ?Damage detection? - ?Vibration analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Chestnut? - ?Condition? - ?Crank rocker? - ?Frequency ranges? - ?Fruit dropping device? - ?High intensity? - ?Hilly areas? - ?Orthogonal test? - ?Pendulum model? - ?Towing the swaying branch

Classification code: 821.4 Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Frequency 0.00E00Hz to 3.00E+01Hz, Frequency 1.00E+01Hz to 1.20E+01Hz, Frequency 1.10E+01Hz, Frequency 7.00E+00Hz to 1.50E+01Hz, Percentage 8.00E+00%, Percentage 9.00E+00%, Size 1.35E-01m, Size 9.50E-02m, Time 3.00E+01s, Velocity 3.60E+01m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.006

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


14. Design and Experiment of Double Roller Dried Pepper Pedicel Removal Device

Accession number: 20243016769517

Title of translation: 对辊式干辣椒脱帽装置设计与试验

Authors: Wang, Fangyan (1); Li, Fenggang (1); Zhang, Pengcheng (1); Zhang, Lianglong (1); Wang, Hongti (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao; 266109, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Hongti(lntizi59@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 191-199

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the problems such as big damage to pepper and unclean removal of pepper pedicel that exist in the mechanised pedicel removal of pepper, the design of a double roller dried pepper pedicel removal device was introduced, taking into consideration of the physical and mechanical properties of pepper and the requirements of mechanized processing. The key components of the device included three parts; drum, pedicel removal roller and screen mesh, using rotating drum and rotating roller to achieve pepper pedicel removal. The process and working principle of the pedicel removal mechanism were thoroughly analyzed to determine the critical conditions for pedicel removal of pepper. Through parameter design and mechanical analysis, optimal specifications were determined. The roller’s diameter was set at 1. 8 m, with a length of 6. 0 m and a rotational speed of 28. 83 r/min. The pedicel removal roller, on the other hand, had a diameter of 36. 0 mm, a clearance of 0. 5 mm, and a rotational speed of 134. 21 r/min. A square screen with high screening efficiency was selected based on its screen surface utilization factor, which was determined to be 60. 5% . Through the Design-Expert 12 software for experimental design and data processing, the influence of drum speed and pedicel removal roller speed on the damage rate and cleaning rate was clarified, and the optimal parameter combinations were determined to provide theoretical basis for the research and development of pepper mechanized processing technology and equipment. Subsequent pepper pedicel removal tests were conducted, and the results demonstrated that under the test conditions, the device achieved a damage rate of 0. 6% and a cleaning rate of 98. 8% . These results met industry standards and fulfilled the requirements for pepper processing. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: Mesh generation

Controlled terms: Data handling? - ?Rollers (machine components)

Uncontrolled terms: Cleaning rate? - ?Damage rate? - ?Double roller mode? - ?Dried pepper? - ?Drum rollers? - ?Pedicel removal roller? - ?Physical and mechanical properties? - ?Rotating drums? - ?Rotational speed? - ?Screen mesh

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

Numerical data indexing: Size 8.00E+00m, Angular velocity 1.3861E+00rad/s, Angular velocity 3.507E-01rad/s, Percentage 5.00E+00%, Percentage 6.00E+00%, Percentage 8.00E+00%, Size 0.00E00m, Size 5.00E-03m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.018

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


15. Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for Hydraulic System in Farmland Leveller Based on Hybrid Extended State Observer

Accession number: 20243016769515

Title of translation: 基于混合扩张状态观测器的农田平地机液压系统反步滑模控制研究

Authors: Wei, Xinhua (1, 2); Wang, Qingzhuang (1); Ji, Xin (1); Liu, Chengliang (3); Wang, Anzhe (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) Key Laboratory for Theory and Technology of Intelligent Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (3) School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai; 200240, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 37-46

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to address the issues of low control accuracy and poor anti-interference capability of farmland leveller’s hydraulic systems when operating on complex terrains, a backstepping sliding mode controller based on a hybrid extended state observer ( HESO) was designed. The HESO estimated the system’s unknown states and total disturbances based on output feedback signals and compensates for disturbances in the feedforward channel. The backstepping sliding mode controller, designed based on the fast reaching law, outputed continuous and smooth control quantities, enhancing the system’s robustness and overcoming the issues of system nonlinearity and parameter uncertainty. The stability of the proposed observer and controller was proven by using Lyapunov stability theory, resulting in a conclusion of uniformly bounded stability of errors. The effectiveness and superiority of the control algorithm proposed were verified through joint simulations with AMESim and Matlab/Simulink, as well as field experiments. Single flattening experiments on two wavy terrains with relatively complex geomorphology and three traversal experiments on two similar terrains showed that using the proposed control method, the average absolute error, maximum absolute error, and standard deviation of the absolute error of the elevation after flattening compared with the pre-flattening elevation were 0. 053 m, 0. 146 m, 0. 037 m, and 0. 02 m, 0. 041 m, 0. 011 m, respectively. These values were reduced by 36. 35% , 28. 32% , 31. 37% , and 62. 6% , 50% , 51. 83% respectively, compared with that of the PID algorithm. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Backstepping

Controlled terms: Controllers? - ?Errors? - ?Farms? - ?Hydraulic equipment? - ?Simulink? - ?Sliding mode control? - ?State estimation

Uncontrolled terms: Anti-interference? - ?Backstepping sliding mode controls? - ?Complex terrains? - ?Control accuracy? - ?Extended state observer? - ?Farmland leveler? - ?Hybrid extended state observer? - ?Hydraulic system? - ?Joint simulation? - ?Sliding mode controller

Classification code: 632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?731.1 Control Systems? - ?732.1 Control Equipment? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?921 Mathematics? - ?961 Systems Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 3.20E+01%, Percentage 3.50E+01%, Percentage 3.70E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+01%, Percentage 6.00E+00%, Percentage 8.30E+01%, Size 1.10E+01m, Size 3.70E+01m, Size 4.10E+01m, Size 5.30E+01m, Size 1.46E+02m, Size 2.00E+00m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.004

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


16. Yield Estimation of Wheat Lines Based on UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning

Accession number: 20243016769497

Title of translation: 基于无人机高光谱遥感与机器学习的小麦品系产量估测研究

Authors: Qi, Hao (1); Lu, Liangjie (2); Sun, Haifang (1); Li, Si (1); Li, Tiantian (1); Hou, Liang (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Agricultural Information and Economics, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang; 050051, China; (2) Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang; 050035, China

Corresponding author: Hou, Liang(giantark@hotmail.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 260-269

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Rapid and accurate estimation of wheat yield can improve the efficiency of breeding. Yield data of wheat lines and hyperspectral data during grain filling period were collected. Firstly, the feature wavelengths were selected as model input variables by using recursive feature elimination method. Then three linear algorithms (ridge regression, partial least squares regression, multiple linear regression) and six nonlinear algorithms ( random forest, gradient boosting regression, eXtreme gradient boosting, Gaussian process regression, support vector regression, K-nearest neighbor) were employed to establish single algorithm yield estimation models for precision comparison. Finally, the Stacking algorithm was adopted to develop multi-model ensemble combinations, aiming to identify the optimal ensemble model. The results showed that the accuracy of yield estimation models, based on different algorithms, varied significantly, and that the nonlinear models were better than the linear models. The yield estimation model based on GBR performed best in the single models, with R of 0. 72, RMSE of 534. 49 kg/hm and NRMSE of 11. 10% in the training set, R2 of 0. 60, RMSE of 628. 73 kg/hm2, and NRMSE of 13. 88% in the testing set. The performance of the ensemble models based on Stacking algorithm was closely related to the selection of primary and secondary models. The model with KNN , RR, SVR as primary models and GBR as the secondary model effectively improved the yield estimation accuracy. Compared with the single model GBR, the training set R was increased by 1. 39% and the testing set R was increased by 3. 33%. The research result can provide an application reference for yield estimation of wheat lines based on hyperspectral technology. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 46

Main heading: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

Controlled terms: Forestry? - ?Least squares approximations? - ?Multiple linear regression? - ?Nearest neighbor search? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Support vector machines

Uncontrolled terms: Estimation models? - ?Gradient boosting? - ?HyperSpectral? - ?Machine-learning? - ?Model-based OPC? - ?Remote-sensing? - ?Stacking algorithms? - ?UAV hyperspectral? - ?Wheat line? - ?Yield estimation

Classification code: 652.1 Aircraft, General? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Mass 4.90E+01kg, Mass 7.30E+01kg, Percentage 1.00E+01%, Percentage 3.30E+01%, Percentage 3.90E+01%, Percentage 8.80E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.025

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


17. Development and Experiment of Crop Feeding Angle Parameter Model in Chopping Roll of Hay Cutter

Accession number: 20243016768284

Title of translation: 铡草机切碎辊作物喂入矢角参数模型建立与试验

Authors: Wang, Zheng (1, 2); Song, Zhanhua (1, 2); Liu, Ping (1, 2); Yan, Yinfa (1, 2); Li, Yang (1, 2); Ren, Longlong (1, 2); Song, Yuepeng (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian; 271018, China; (2) Shandong Key Laboratory of Garden Machinery and Equipment, Taian; 271018, China

Corresponding author: Song, Yuepeng(uptonsong@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 200-211

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The feeding sagittal angle of the forage harvester has a significant impact on the torque load and cutting performance of the cutting roller. By detecting the relationship between the transmission belt pressure and the feeding sagittal angle of the crop, kinematic and dynamic analysis was conducted on the cutting characteristics of the harvester and the crop cutting process. The relationship between the cutting quality, energy consumption, and the feeding sagittal angle of the forage crop was revealed. A mathematical model for the feeding sagittal angle of the harvester’s cutting roller was established and optimized. The experimental results showed that when the crop feeding amount in the optimized parameter group was 5. 5 kg/s, the cutting roller speed was 1 600 r/min, and the initial pressure of the transmission belt was 1. 2 MPa, the mathematical model accuracy of the cutting crop feeding sagittal angle under this operation parameter group was the highest, with an accuracy of 79.52% and a model deviation of 0. 491 MPa (0. 957 rad) , which can effectively represent the cutting load of the hay cutter. At the same time, the cutting ability of the hay cutter was improved while ensuring the quality of crop cutting. Under the optimized cutting feeding sagittal angle model, the cutting disturbance response time was shortened by about 26.41% , and the unit operation energy consumption was reduced by about 11.36%. The establishment of the sagittal angle model for feeding the chopped crops enriched the modeling method for the cutting operation of the hay cutter, providing a reference for the design of the load control system of the hay cutter for similar forage crops. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: Feeding

Controlled terms: Belt conveyors? - ?Crops? - ?Energy utilization? - ?Harvesters? - ?Rollers (machine components)? - ?Transmissions

Uncontrolled terms: Cut into small piece? - ?Energy-consumption? - ?Forage crops? - ?Hay cutter? - ?Mathematical model of vector angle? - ?Parameter groups? - ?Parameter model? - ?Torque loads? - ?Transmission belt? - ?Vector angle

Classification code: 525.3 Energy Utilization? - ?601.2 Machine Components? - ?602.2 Mechanical Transmissions? - ?691.2 Materials Handling Methods? - ?692.1 Conveyors? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Absorbed dose 9.57E+00Gy, Angular velocity 1.002E+01rad/s, Mass flow rate 5.00E+00kg/s, Percentage 1.136E+01%, Percentage 2.641E+01%, Percentage 7.952E+01%, Pressure 2.00E+06Pa, Pressure 4.91E+08Pa

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.019

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


18. Wheat Spikelet Detection of Fusarium Head Blight Based on Improved YOLO v8s

Accession number: 20243016768076

Title of translation: 基于改进YOLO v8s的小麦小穗赤霉病检测研究

Authors: Shi, Lei (1, 2); Yang, Chengkai (1); Lei, Jingkai (1); Liu, Zhihao (1); Wang, Jian (1); Xi, Lei (1, 2); Xiong, Shufeng (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Management Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou; 450046, China; (2) Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Crain Crops, Zhengzhou; 450046, China

Corresponding author: Xiong, Shufeng(xsf@whu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 280-289

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To achieve rapid and accurate identification of fusarium head blight on wheat spikelets in complex field background, a wheat fusarium head blight image dataset comprising a total of 640 images across three growth stages; flowering, grain filling, and ripening of winter wheat was constructed. Additionally, a wheat spikelet fusarium head blight recognition method based on an improved YOLO v8s model was proposed. Firstly, using the omni-dimensional dynamic convolution (ODConv) to replace the standard convolution in the backbone network enhanced the network’s extraction of features from target regions and suppressed interference from cluttered background information. Secondly, an improved Efficient RepGFPN feature fusion network was utilized in the neck network to integrate low-level features with high-level semantic information, enabling the model to extract richer feature information. Lastly, the enhanced intersection over union ( EIoU) loss function was employed instead of the complete intersection over union ( CIoU) loss function to accelerate model convergence speed and further improve model accuracy, thus achieving rapid and accurate identification of fusarium head blight on wheat spikelets. Model validation on a self-built dataset revealed that the improved model (ОСЕ -YOLO v8s) achieved a detection accuracy of 98. 3% for fusarium head blight on wheat spikelets, which was an improvement of 2 percentage points compared with the original model. Compared with Faster R - CNN, CenterNet, YOLO v5s, YOLO v6s, and YOLO v7 models, the ОСЕ -YOLO v8s model achieved improvements of 36 percentages, 25.7 percentages, 2. 1 percentages, 2.6 percentages, and 3.9 percentages, respectively. The ОСЕ - YOLO v8s model effectively met the requirements for precise detection of fusarium head blight on wheat spikelets and could provide valuable insights for real-time monitoring of crop diseases and pests in complex backgrounds of field environments. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 32

Main heading: Convolution

Controlled terms: Complex networks? - ?Crops? - ?Fungi? - ?Object detection? - ?Semantics

Uncontrolled terms: Complex fields? - ?Dimensional dynamics? - ?Enhanced intersection over union? - ?Fusarium head blights? - ?Image datasets? - ?Loss functions? - ?Neck network? - ?Objects detection? - ?Omni-dimensional dynamic convolution? - ?YOLO v8

Classification code: 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing? - ?722 Computer Systems and Equipment? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 3.00E+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.027

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


19. Cooperative Localization Algorithm for Full Center Mass of WLS-HDS-TWR Driverless Agricultural Machines

Accession number: 20243016768059

Title of translation: 基于全质心WLS - HDS - TWR算法的无人驾驶 农业机械协同定位算法研究

Authors: Xie, Railing (1); Zhang, Zhaoguo (2); Wang, Faan (2); Zhu, Shiliang (2); Xu, Xichen (2); Zhang, Jionghao (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming; 650500, China; (2) Faculty of Modern AgricuItural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming; 650500, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Zhaoguo(zzg@kust.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 27-36 and 110

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of low accuracy, poor stability, and packet loss of agricultural machines indoor localization when the signal transmission of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) was obstructed. The research of indoor and outdoor cooperative agricultural machines localization algorithm for ultra-wideband (UWB) frequency modulation technology was carries out. Firstly, the three base-station multilateral ranging and localization model was constructed, the absolute localization solve of the main base station and the transformation of the coordinates of the auxiliary base station were realized. Meanwhile, the weighted least squares high double sided two-way ranging (WLS-HDS-TWR) with the full center mass was proposed, and the WLS estimation algorithm based on Taylor series expansion solved for the center of mass of the triangle formed by the intersection of the base station ranging circles, i.e., the localization of the active vehicle. The indoor deployment mode of UWB positioning module for multi-state base station combination was innovatively proposed. The distance information of master and slave vehicle was obtained by time of flight (TOF) method. By integrating GNSS calibration position information, master vehicle coordinates information, and distance measurement information, master-slave vehicle cooperative localization was achieved. Finally, a joint simulation platform was built based on Prescan/Simulink to verify the reliability of the proposed algorithm. The indoor and outdoor collaborative localization experiments were carried out by agricultural tracked vehicles. The experiments showed that the full center mass of WLS-HDS-TWR collaborative positioning algorithm can effectively solve the problem of indoor GNSS signal loss, and the positioning accuracy was improved by 26.98% and 22.03% compared with the HDS-TWR and the full center mass of LS-HDS-TWR algorithms, meeting the needs of intelligent agricultural machines collaborative positioning. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Base stations

Controlled terms: Agricultural robots? - ?Agriculture? - ?Global positioning system? - ?Indoor positioning systems? - ?Simulation platform? - ?Ultra-wideband (UWB)

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural machine? - ?Center mass? - ?Cooperative localization? - ?Cooperative localization algorithm? - ?Localization algorithm? - ?Multilateral ranging? - ?Multilaterals? - ?Ultrawide band? - ?Weighted least-squares? - ?Wls-hds-twr

Classification code: 716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?731.5 Robotics? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.203E+01%, Percentage 2.698E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.003

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


20. Basic Farmland Demarcation Coupling Comprehensive Quality and Spatial Connectivity of Cultivated Land

Accession number: 20243116777672

Title of translation: 稱合耕地综合质量和空间连通性的基本农田划定硏究

Authors: Lin, Jianping (1); Huang, Kun (1); Deng, Aizhen (2); Zhang, Yunping (1); Yuan, Hao (1); Feng, Guixian (1); Zhang, Peiyi (1); Zhi, Chao (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou; 341000, China; (2) Jiangxi College of Applied Technology, Ganzhou; 341000, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 221-231 and 251

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Protecting high-quality concentrated and contiguous farmland is crucial for ensuring national food security. Taking Xingguo County in Jiangxi Province as a case study, an index system for evaluating comprehensive farmland quality was systematically constructed based on natural quality, site conditions, and ecological conditions. Utilizing the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution ( TOPSIS ) comprehensive evaluation method, farmland quality was assessed. Farmland spatial aggregation characteristics were analyzed through farmland contiguity and spatial connectivity patterns, leading to the demarcation of permanent basic farmland based on comprehensive quality and connectivity. Results indicated that Xingguo County’s farmland quality was divided into 4 grades, with areas of 6 204. 95 hm2, 16 031. 72 hm2, 19 321. 79 hm2, and 3 573. 76 hm2, representing 13. 75% , 35. 52% , 42. 81% , and 7. 92% of the total farmland area respectively, with the majority falling in the medium quality range at 78. 33%. In terms of farmland connectivity, the area was classified into 5 contiguity levels, with areas of 24 731.44 hm2, 6 199. 73 hm2, 3 131.54 hm2, 7 397.71 hm2, and 3 671. 80 hm2, accounting for 54. 80% , 13. 73% , 6. 94% , 16. 39% , and 8. 14% of total farmland area, revealing varying degrees of fragmentation. Farmland of grade three or above and contiguity level four or above was designated as permanent basic farmland, covering 37 029. 62 hm , or 82. 05% of the total area. This delineation achieved the goal of “ overall stability, optimized layout, and improved quality” compared with previous permanent basic farmland designations. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Farms

Controlled terms: Food supply

Uncontrolled terms: Basic permanent farmland? - ?Comprehensive qualities? - ?Comprehensive quality of cultivated land? - ?Cultivated lands? - ?Entropy weight topsi model? - ?Entropy weights? - ?Farmland qualities? - ?High quality? - ?Spatial connectivity? - ?TOPSIS models

Classification code: 821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?822.3 Food Products

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.40E+01%, Percentage 3.30E+01%, Percentage 3.90E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+00%, Percentage 5.20E+01%, Percentage 7.30E+01%, Percentage 8.10E+01%, Percentage 9.20E+01%, Percentage 9.40E+01%, Percentage 7.50E+01%, Percentage 8.00E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.021

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


21. Tassel Detection Method of Maize Germplasm Resources Based on Improved YOLO v7-tiny

Accession number: 20243016769319

Title of translation: 基于改进YOLO v7-tiny的玉米种质资源雄穗检测方法

Authors: Ma, Zhongjie (1, 2); Luo, Chen (1, 2); Luo, Wei (1, 2); Wang, Lifeng (3); Feng, Xiao (1, 2); Li, Huiyong (3)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Agricultural Information Technology, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou; 450002, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Huang - Huai - Hai Smart Agricultural Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhengzhou; 450002, China; (3) Institute of Crop Cermplasm Resources, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou; 450002, China

Corresponding author: Li, Huiyong(lihuiyong1977@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 290-297

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Due to the rich genetic diversity of maize germplasm resources, the size, morphological structure and color of tassels were quite different. The resolution of maize tassel image collected by UAV equipped with visible light sensor was lower than that of ground acquisition, and some tassels in the image were too small, which were highly similar to the background, occluded and interlaced. The above factors led to low accuracy of tassel detection. Therefore, a tassel detection method for maize germplasm resources based on improved YOLO v7-tiny model was proposed. This method enhanced the model’s ability to extract tassel features by introducing SPD - Conv module and VanillaBlock module into YOLO v7-tiny, and adding EC A - Net module. Tested on the self-built tassel dataset of maize germplasm resources, the mean average precision of the improved YOLO v7-tiny was 94.6% , which was 1.5 percentage points higher than that of YOLO v7-tiny, and 1. 0 percentage points and 3. 1 percentage points higher than that of the lightweight models YOLO v5s and YOLO v8s, respectively. This method significantly reduced the occurrence of missing tassels and false detection of background as tassels in the image, and effectively reduced the misdetection of a single tassel as multiple tassels and the number of tassels in interlaced state. The model size of the improved YOLO v7-tiny was 17. 8 MB, and the inference speed was 231 f/s. The proposed method can improve the accuracy of tassel detection under the premise of ensuring the lightweight of the model, and can provide technical support for the real-time and accurate detection of tassel of maize germplasm resources. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

Controlled terms: Aircraft detection? - ?Conservation? - ?Natural resources

Uncontrolled terms: Detection methods? - ?Genetics diversities? - ?Germplasm resource? - ?Germplasms? - ?Maize tassel? - ?Percentage points? - ?Resources based? - ?Targets detection? - ?Visible light images? - ?YOLO v7-tiny

Classification code: 652.1 Aircraft, General? - ?716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 9.46E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.028

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


22. Design and Experiment of Variable-speed Straw Chopping Machine Based on PLC Control with Equal Diameter Cam Transmission

Accession number: 20243016769411

Title of translation: 基于PLC控制的等径凸轮传动自动变速秸秆粉碎还田装置设计与试验

Authors: Lin, Han (1, 2); He, Jin (1, 2); Li, Hui (3); Wang, Chao (1, 2); Li, Hang (1, 2); Tan, Lu (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment for Conservation Tillage, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing; 100083, China; (3) Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery Sciences, Jinan; 250100, China

Corresponding author: He, Jin(hejin@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 96-110

Language: English

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To enhance the chopping quality of the maize straw chopping machine and address issues such as the inability to adjust traditional straw chopping parameters, a straw variable-speed chopping device based on a programmable logic controller (PLC) controlled mechanism utilizing an equal diameter cam mechanism for reciprocating motion was designed. Through analyzing force variations during straw chopping underground support conditions, the primary factors influencing the effectiveness of straw chopping were identified, and the LS-Dyna software was employed to determine the range of values for these factors. Through theoretical calculations and dynamic simulation analysis, the motion trajectory of the chopping blades was optimized, and key component parameters of the chopping mechanism were determined. To improve the chopping pass rate of maize straw chopping process, a “pump-valve-motor” speed regulation model was established. A human-machine interface was designed for operational parameter settings, facilitating rapid matching of chopping device operational parameters under different straw cover conditions. Experimental trials were conducted, with forward speed and straw cover as test factors and straw chopping pass rate as the evaluation index. The results demonstrated that there was a significant increase in chopping pass rate with the increase of chopping speed when the field straw cover was constant. Conversely, with a constant chopping speed, the chopping pass rate was decreased as field straw cover was increased. Beyond chopping speed of 200r/min, the chopping pass rate reached over 90% and remained relatively constant. To further validate the experimental results, a comparative test was conducted between variable-speed and constant-speed straw chopping methods, revealing straw chopping pass rate of 92.17% for the variable-speed method compared with the constant-speed method. This device achieved precise control of operational parameters for straw chopping, providing technical support for the intelligent development of straw chopping machines. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Cams

Controlled terms: Quality control

Uncontrolled terms: Equal diameter cam? - ?Maize straw? - ?Operational parameters? - ?Pass rate? - ?Programmable logic controller control? - ?Proportional speed regulation? - ?Speed regulation? - ?Straw mulching? - ?Variable speed? - ?Variable speed chopping straw returing machine

Classification code: 601.3 Mechanisms? - ?913.3 Quality Assurance and Control

Numerical data indexing: Angular velocity 3.34E+00rad/s, Percentage 9.00E+01%, Percentage 9.217E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.010

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


23. Optimization of Static and Dynamic Performance of Industrial Robot Forearm Considering Flexibility

Accession number: 20243016767900

Title of translation: 考虑连杆和关节柔性的工业机器人大臂 静动态性能优化

Authors: Xiao, Zhengming (1, 2); Duan, Junjie (1); Zhou, Chuan (3); Yu, Shike (3); Wu, Xing (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming; 650500, China; (2) Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, Kunming; 650500, China; (3) The 705 Kunming Branch of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Kunming; 650003, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 449-458

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: With the development of automation technology, industrial robots are widely used in various fields , in order to improve the overall performance of industrial robots and reduce their static and dynamic performance errors, a topology optimization method that integrally took into account the flexibilities of connecting rods and joints of industrial robots was proposed. Combining robot dynamics and topology optimization, the multi-objective topology optimization function model of industrial robot forearm was established by linear weighted sum method based on the solid isotropic material with penalization ( SIMP) , based on the theory of flexible multi-body dynamics, the simulation model of robot rigid-flexible coupling dynamics with joints flexibilities and connecting rods flexibilities was established by using the finite element software and multi-body dynamics software, and the load spectra of the robot forearm was obtained in the extreme working conditions. Finally, the weight coefficients of each sub-objective in the optimization objective function were determined by using hierarchical analysis and the function was solved. The optimization result showed that the stiffnesses and natural frequencies of the optimized robot forearm were improved, the robot forearm was lightened by 18. 71% from 20. 233 kg to 16. 477 kg. The robot model was reconstructed by virtual prototype technology and its whole was analyzed, and the result showed that the maximum deformation displacement of the robot was decreased from 0. 208 mm to 0. 188 mm under the the maximum load, and the static deformation error was reduced by 9. 62% , the dynamic localization error was decreased from 0. 777 mm to 0. 687 mm, and the localization accuracy was improved by 11. 58% . The above topology optimization method provided an effective theoretical reference for improving the overall static-dynamic performance of industrial robots. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Errors

Controlled terms: Compliant mechanisms? - ?Computer software? - ?Flexible couplings? - ?Industrial robots? - ?Machine design? - ?Topology

Uncontrolled terms: Automation technology? - ?Hierarchical analysis? - ?Optimisations? - ?Performance error? - ?Positioning accuracy? - ?Rigid-flexible coupling dynamics? - ?Static and dynamic performance? - ?Topology optimisation? - ?Topology Optimization Method

Classification code: 601 Mechanical Design? - ?602.2 Mechanical Transmissions? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?731.6 Robot Applications? - ?921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory? - ?931.1 Mechanics

Numerical data indexing: Mass 2.33E+02kg to 1.60E+01kg, Mass 4.77E+02kg, Percentage 5.80E+01%, Percentage 6.20E+01%, Percentage 7.10E+01%, Size 1.88E-01m, Size 2.08E-01m to 0.00E00m, Size 6.87E-01m, Size 7.77E-01m to 0.00E00m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.044

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


24. Research on High-througput Adaptive Recognition Mask R-CNN Model for Rice Blast Disease Based on FPGA Acceleration

Accession number: 20243016768008

Title of translation: 基于FPGA加速的Mask R- CNN稻瘟病高通量自适应识别模型研究

Authors: Yang, Ning (1); Cheng, Wei (1); Zhang, Zhaoyuan (1); Fang, Xiao (1); Mao, Hanping (2)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Electrical Information and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) School of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Corresponding author: Mao, Hanping(maohp@ujs.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 298-304 and 314

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Image-based on-site detection technology for rice blast relies on prior knowledge which is affected by computational power and field network conditions, rendering adaptive real-time detection impossible. To tackle these challenges, a Mask R - CNN (Mask region-based convolutional neural network) model for rapid, high-throughput, and adaptive identification of rice blast was proposed. This model can be accelerated by using field programmable gate array ( FPGA) . Firstly, the backbone network was replaced with MobileNetV2 , leveraging its inverted residual module to decrease computations and enhance the model’s parallel processing capabilities. Following that, a feature pyramid network module was incorporated to facilitate multi-scale feature fusion for rice blast, enabling the model to possess multi-scale adaptive processing abilities. Finally, the fully convolutional network (FCN) branch outputed the instance segmentation of rice blast lesions, utilizing the Softmax function to accurately localize and classify rice blast diseases. The validation results of the model using test datasets for rice blast disease demonstrated significant capabilities; when the input was a full HD image, the average inference time of the model was reduced to 85 ms, which was 86. 2% and 63. 0% faster than the GPU server and the same level GPU edge computing platform, respectively. When the intersection over union ratio was 0. 6, the accuracy can reach 98. 0% , and the disease spot capture ability was improved by 21. 2% on average. The Mask R - CNN adaptive fast identification model proposedcan realize the rapid field detection of rice blast disease under severe network conditions, and had better anti-noise ability and robust performance, which provided an efficient real-time system-on-chip scheme for real-time detection, inspection and mitigation of rice disease. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Object detection

Controlled terms: Convolution? - ?Convolutional neural networks? - ?Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)? - ?Graphics processing unit? - ?Interactive computer systems? - ?Neural network models? - ?Object recognition? - ?Real time systems? - ?Signal detection? - ?System-on-chip

Uncontrolled terms: Blast disease? - ?Field programmable gate array? - ?Field programmables? - ?Mask R - CNN? - ?Network condition? - ?Objects detection? - ?Programmable gate array? - ?Real-time detection? - ?Rice blast detection? - ?Rice blasts

Classification code: 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits? - ?716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing? - ?721.2 Logic Elements? - ?721.3 Computer Circuits? - ?722.4 Digital Computers and Systems? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?723.4 Artificial Intelligence

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 0.00E00%, Percentage 2.00E+00%, Time 8.50E-02s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.029

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


25. Type Synthesis of Bifurcation 2Rv Generalized Parallel Mechanisms with Variable/Invariable Rotational Axes

Accession number: 20243016768298

Title of translation: 具有变/定转轴的一类分岔2RV广义并联机构构型综合

Authors: Hu, Xuyu (1); Liu, Hongzhao (2); Liu, Wei (3); Xu, Baohui (1); Wang, Pengpeng (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng; 044000, China; (2) School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an; 710048, China; (3) School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an; 710660, China

Corresponding author: Liu, Hongzhao(liu-hongzhao@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 427-438

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The direction vector of the first rotating axis near the fixed platform remains constant in most existing 2R parallel mechanisms, while the direction vector of the second rotating axis near the moving platform only changes around the first rotating axis, and it remains constant relative to the moving platform. Based on spherical 4R mechanism, a class of 1 Rv parallel mechanism with variable/in variable rotation axis was synthesized, and the change of the rotation axis of 1 Rv mechanism was derived according to the finite screw theory. Based on bifurcation IRv parallel mechanisms with variable/invariable rotation axis, a 2Rv parallel mechanisms with two variable/invariable rotational axes was proposed by using the finite screw theory. The assembly condition and drive configuration of this kind of 2Rv parallel mechanism were analyzed. The novel bifurcated 2Rv parallel mechanism consists of four motion modes; invariable - invariable axes motion mode ( in this mode, the first axis of rotation vector was invariable, and the second axis of rotation was also invariable relative to the moving platform) , invariable - variable axes motion mode (in this mode, the first axis of rotation vector was invariable, and the second axis of rotation was variable relative to the moving platform) , variable - invariable axes motion mode ( in this mode, the first axis of rotation vector was variable, and the second axis of rotation was invariable relative to the moving platform ) , and variable - variable axes motion mode (in this mode, the first axis of rotation vector was variable, and the second axis of rotation was also variable relative to the moving platform) . The existing 2R parallel mechanism with two invariable rotation axes was extended to the bifurcation 2Rv generalized parallel mechanism with two variable/invariable rotation axes ( variable and invariable rotation axes) . ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Fixed platforms

Controlled terms: Bifurcation (mathematics)? - ?Rotation? - ?Screws? - ?Vectors

Uncontrolled terms: 2rv? - ?Axis of rotation? - ?Bifurcation motion? - ?Generalized parallel mechanism? - ?Moving platform? - ?Parallel mechanisms? - ?Rotation axes? - ?Rotational axes? - ?Type synthesis? - ?Variable/invariable rotational axis

Classification code: 511.2 Oil Field Equipment? - ?605 Small Tools and Hardware? - ?921.1 Algebra? - ?931.1 Mechanics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.042

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


26. Design and Experiment of Intelligent Pruning System for Fruit Trees Based on LiDAR

Accession number: 20243016769428

Title of translation: 基于激光雷达的果树智能修剪系统设计与试验

Authors: Yang, Yang (1, 2); Han, Huayu (1); An, Dong (1); Wang, Yu (1); Tang, Wu (1); Liu, Jinghui (1); Song, Long (3); Zhou, Yan (3)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Engineering, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei; 230036, China; (2) Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Green Agricultural Equipment, Hefei; 230036, China; (3) Mechanical Equipment Research Institute, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences, Shihezi; 832000, China

Corresponding author: Zhou, Yan(zhouyan683886@sina.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 47-56 and 123

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The traditional fruit tree pruning process has problems such as high labor intensity, low pruning efficiency, and difficulty in ensuring pruning quality. An intelligent pruning robot arm for fruit trees was designed, and an intelligent pruning system for fruit trees was developed based on solid-state LiDAR and programmable logic controller, achieving automatic pruning of fruit trees. In order to verify the control accuracy of the pruning arm, independent accuracy tests and pruning target position accuracy tests were conducted on the swinging mechanical arm, lifting mechanical arm, and pruning cutting assembly of the pruning machine. The independent accuracy test results showed that the average control accuracy errors of the swinging mechanical arm, lifting mechanical arm, and pruning cutting assembly were 2. 32% , 3. 75% , and 2. 50% , respectively. The pruning target position accuracy test results showed that the average length errors of the target positions Хъ and Zb were 2. 98% and 1. 85% , respectively. The operating inclination angle of the pruning assembly was also determined, the average error was 4. 35% , which met the accuracy requirements for fruit tree pruning. A fruit tree pruning experiment was conducted at the Aksu fruit tree planting base in Xinjiang. The results showed that the fruit tree pruning machine equipped with solid-state LiDAR can obtain real-time three-dimensional spatial information of the fruit tree. The pruning machine can formulate pruning strategies based on the information of the fruit tree crown detected by LiDAR. The excellent pruning rates of pear orchards and apple orchards were 93. 3% and 86. 6% , respectively. This system can effectively improve the efficiency of fruit tree pruning and reduce the labor intensity of pruning personnel. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Orchards

Controlled terms: Agricultural robots? - ?Efficiency? - ?Errors? - ?Fruits? - ?Intelligent robots? - ?Optical radar? - ?Reforestation

Uncontrolled terms: Accuracy test? - ?Automatic pruning? - ?Fruit tree pruning machine? - ?Fruit trees? - ?Labour intensity? - ?LiDAR? - ?Mechanical arm? - ?Pruning strategy? - ?Target position? - ?Tree pruning

Classification code: 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment? - ?731.5 Robotics? - ?731.6 Robot Applications? - ?741.3 Optical Devices and Systems? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 3.00E+00%, Percentage 3.20E+01%, Percentage 3.50E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+01%, Percentage 6.00E+00%, Percentage 7.50E+01%, Percentage 8.50E+01%, Percentage 9.80E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.005

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


27. Steering Angle Estimation Method for Tractors without Angle Sensor Using ARMAX KF and Speed Compensation

Accession number: 20243016768204

Title of translation: 基于ARMAX-KF与速度补偿的拖拉机 无前轮传感器转角估计方法

Authors: Zhang, Wenyu (1, 2); Zhang, Guocheng (1); Zhang, Zhigang (1, 2); Luo, Xiwen (1, 2); Yuan, Bingxuan (1); Bao, Kaiyuan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Key Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, South China Agricultural University, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou; 510642, China; (2) Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Artificial Intelligence (GDKL - AAI), Guangzhou; 510642, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Zhigang(zzg208@scau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 415-426

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To address the complicated installation and maintenance of the steering angle sensor and inaccurate angle estimation in traditional agricultural machinery navigation systems, the ARMAX - KF method and vehicle speed compensation were proposed to estimate the steering angle of tractors without steering angle sensors. Initially, the Hammerstein nonlinear system was used to model the tractor’s steering system, followed by identification using the RLS method as an ARMAX model. Subsequently, a method was proposed to obtain the velocity of the rear axle center point through speed lever arm compensation. Finally, ARMAX - KF was designed to estimate the steering angle, utilizing the correcting characteristics of the Kalman filter, using the tractor’s kinematic steering angle as the observation value to correct the integrated angle velocity predicted by the ARMAX model, thus estimating the steering angle of the tractor. The method of measuring speed for speed lever arm compensation achieved the average absolute error of the compensated kinematics steering angle of 1. 110°, with a standard deviation of 1.727°, reducing the error by 61. 13% and 31.55% compared with the values obtained before compensation. In the dynamic angle test, the standard deviation of the angle velocity predicted by the ARMAX model was 2. 439(°)/s, reducing the error by 56. 58% compared with the method using a fixed transmission ratio. The absolute average error of the steering angle estimation based on ARMAX - KF was 0. 649°, with a standard deviation of 0. 371°, reducing the error by 56. 9% and 78. 82% , respectively, compared with the methods using a fixed transmission ratio and the Kalman filter. In the straight-line navigation tracking test, the steering angle estimation standard deviation based on ARMAX - KF was 0. 649°. The proposed method improved the accuracy of angle estimation and enhanced the quality of agricultural machinery navigation. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Kalman filters

Controlled terms: Automobile steering equipment? - ?Error compensation? - ?Kinematics? - ?Navigation systems? - ?Statistics? - ?Steering? - ?Tractors (agricultural)? - ?Tractors (truck)

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural machinery navigation system? - ?Angle estimation? - ?Angle measuring? - ?ARMAX model? - ?Electric steering wheel? - ?Speed compensation? - ?Standard deviation? - ?Steering angle measuring? - ?Steering angles? - ?Steering wheel

Classification code: 662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components? - ?663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics? - ?931.1 Mechanics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.30E+01%, Percentage 3.155E+01%, Percentage 5.80E+01%, Percentage 8.20E+01%, Percentage 9.00E+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.041

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


28. Tensile Properties of Residual Film in Tillage Layer Based on Discrete Element Method

Accession number: 20243016769322

Title of translation: 基于离散元法的耕层残膜拉伸性能研究

Authors: Shen, Shilong (1, 2); Zhang, Jiaxi (1, 2); Jiang, Yongxin (3); Wang, Yichao (1, 2); Liu, Xuanfeng (3); Li, Jinming (1, 2); Dong, Wenhao (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Institute, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi; 830052, China; (2) Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Intelligent Agriculture Equipment, Urumqi; 830052, China; (3) Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi; 830091, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Jiaxi(zhangjiaxi@edu.xjau.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 132-141

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Due to the lack of accurate discrete element model parameters in the design and optimization process of the key agricultural machinery components of the plough layer residual film recycling machine, the research on the interaction mechanism between the plough layer residual film recycling machine and the residual film was restricted to a certain extent. Taking the residual film in the tillage layer of cotton field as the research object, the residual film in the tillage layer content and ultimate tensile force were measured, and the residual film content and ultimate tensile force of different tilting depth and thickness were obtained. According to the measurement results, the Hertz - Mindlin with Bonding contact model was selected for discrete element model parameter calibration by using EDEM software. The normal stiffness per unit area, tangential stiffness per unit area, critical normal stress, critical tangential stress, bond radius and contact radius were selected as test factors. Through Plackett - Burman test, the steepest climbing test and Box - Behnken test were used in turn. Finally, the significant parameters of the optimal Bonding model were determined as normal stiffness per unit area, critical normal stress and bond radius, whose values were 2. 36 X 105 N/m3 ,6. 47 X 104 Pa and 0. 004 mm, respectively. The simulation test was carried out to verify the parameters, and the error value was 5. 88% , which met the requirements. Through the comparative analysis of the residual film in the tillage layer state and tensile curve of the physical testing and simulation test in the stretching process, the rationality of the residual film model in the tillage layer was proved, which provided theoretical support for the later residual film in the tillage layer recycling machine to simulate the mechanical recovery of residual film in the tillage layer and analyze the separation mechanism of film and soil. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 35

Main heading: Tillage

Controlled terms: Agricultural machinery? - ?Cotton? - ?Machine components? - ?Machine design? - ?Recycling? - ?Stiffness? - ?Tensile testing

Uncontrolled terms: Bonding model? - ?Cotton fields? - ?Discrete element models? - ?Per unit? - ?Residual film in the tillage layer of cotton field? - ?Residual films? - ?Simulation tests? - ?Tensile forces? - ?Tensile simulation test? - ?Ultimate tensile force

Classification code: 452.3 Industrial Wastes? - ?601 Mechanical Design? - ?601.2 Machine Components? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?951 Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Size 4.00E-03m, Surface tension 5.00E+00N/m, Percentage 8.80E+01%, Pressure 4.00E+00Pa

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.013

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


29. Parameter Calibration and Experiment of Polyhedral Cottonseed Discrete Element Based on Tavares Model

Accession number: 20243016768003

Title of translation: 基于Tavares模型的多面体棉籽离散元参数标定与试验

Authors: Li, Yuanchao (1, 2); Tian, Xinliang (1, 2); Zhao, Yan (1, 2); Liu, Xuehu (1, 2); Zhou, Maile (3); Dai, Fushuang (1, 2); Wang, Wenzhe (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi; 832003, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Northwest Agricultural Equipment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shihezi; 832003, China; (3) School of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Corresponding author: Zhao, Yan(zhaoyan@shzu.edu)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 124-131 and 220

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming to address the lack of an accurate simulation model for the compression and crushing process of cottonseed, based on the discrete element method, the Xinluzao 84 cottonseed was used as the research object, and its parameters were calibrated through the combination of physical tests and simulations. According to the actual morphological characteristics of cottonseed, the volume of cottonseed was calculated by using the average particle size to represent the size of cottonseed in the vertical length direction, and the result was less error with the volume obtained by using the triaxial dimensions, which proved that it was reliable to use the average particle size to describe the size of cottonseed in the vertical length direction. The polyhedral model of cottonseed was rapidly constructed by using the mesh modelling function in Solidworks 2022.The correlation was established between the volume relative error, simulation time, and the number of facets of the model. It was determined that the optimal number of facets for the polyhedral cottonseed model was 1.098, with corresponding simulation time of 171 minutes and volume relative error of 0.46%. The stacking angle test was employed to calibrate the interspecific parameters of cottonseed. The results indicated that the collision recovery coefficient of cottonseed-cottonseed, the static friction coefficient of cottonseed-cottonseed, and the rolling friction coefficient of cottonseed-cottonseed had a significant effect on the stacking angle. The optimal parameter combinations were determined to be 0.106, 0.248, and 0.105, respectively. Relative error of 0.28% was observed between the simulation stacking angle and the actual stacking angle when using these parameter values, demonstrating the accuracy of the cottonseed parameters. The parameters of the Tavares model were calibrated and verified by the indexes of cottonseed crushing force and crushing energy through the single particle compression test. The results showed that the relative errors of cottonseed crushing force and crushing energy were 2.37% and 2.87%, respectively. This indicated that the constructed cottonseed model and the calibrated parameters of the Tavares model were able to effectively characterize the compression and crushing process of cottonseed. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Oilseeds

Controlled terms: Compression testing? - ?Crushing? - ?Errors? - ?Particle size? - ?Stiction

Uncontrolled terms: Average particle size? - ?Cottonseed? - ?Crushing energy? - ?Crushing simulation? - ?Discrete elements? - ?Parameters calibrations? - ?Relative errors? - ?Simulation time? - ?Stacking angle? - ?Tavares model

Classification code: 821.4 Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.37E+00%, Percentage 2.80E-01%, Percentage 2.87E+00%, Percentage 4.60E-01%, Time 1.026E+04s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.012

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


30. Design and Experiment of Wheat Precision Seed Metering Device with Staggered Hook-tooth

Accession number: 20243016769397

Title of translation: 交错勾齿式小麦精量排种器设计与试验

Authors: Wang, Yunxia (1); Huang, Sutong (1); Zhang, Wenyi (1); Qi, Bing (1); Zhou, Xunze (1); Ding, Youqiang (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing; 210014, China

Corresponding author: Qi, Bing(qibing@caas.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 142-153 and 167

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the demand for precision seeding of wheat and the uniformity seed spacing, a precision seed metering device with staggered hook-tooth was designed. The hook tooth were used to grab seeds orderly, and the staggered arrangement of the teeth allows the falling seeds to form a staggered and ordered surface, reducing collision and overlap between seeds. The key structural parameters and curve profile of the hole were determined by analyzing the seed postures during seed-filling process. The effects of the rotational speed of the seeding wheel and the angle of the seed-filling area on the operation performance were analyzed by using discrete element method EDEM. The simulation results showed that the speed of the seeding wheel had a significant effect on the seeds postures. The increase in the angle of the seed-filling area was conducive to improving the seed-filling performance. However, too large an angle of the filling area may cause the successfully filled seeds to fall out of the hole. On this basis of that, laboratory tests were conducted. Qualified rate, single rate, and multiple rate were used as performance indicators. Rotational speed of seeding wheel, height of seed-filling area and speed ratio of brush/seeding wheel were the test factors. The regression equations of the qualified rate, single rate, and multiple rate were obtained. Through the regression equations, it was found that the optimum performance of the seed metering device was achieved. A validation tests were carried out using the optimal parameters at the seeding wheel speed of 18 r/min, the height of seed-filling area of 73 mm, and the speed ratio of brush/seeding wheel of 2. 5. The qualification rate was 90. 36% , and the single rate was 87. 26% , which verified the reliability of the regression model. Comparison tests were carried out by selecting the seed metering device commonly used in wheat planter. A high speed camera was used to capture the process of seed dropping. The metering device designed realized the staggered and orderly seeds falling, which improved the uniformity of seed distribution. The research result can provide theoretical support for the development of wheat precision seeding technology. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 22

Main heading: Wheels

Controlled terms: Filling? - ?High speed cameras? - ?Regression analysis? - ?Seed

Uncontrolled terms: EDEM? - ?Precision seed-metering devices? - ?Precision seeding? - ?Regression equation? - ?Rotational speed? - ?Seed filling? - ?Single rate? - ?Speed ratio? - ?Staggered hook-tooth? - ?Wheat precision seed metering device

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components? - ?691.2 Materials Handling Methods? - ?742.2 Photographic Equipment? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Angular velocity 3.006E-01rad/s, Percentage 2.60E+01%, Percentage 3.60E+01%, Size 7.30E-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.014

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


31. Analysis and Experiment on Drag Reduction Characteristics of Digging Shovel of Panax notoginseng Harvester

Accession number: 20243016768349

Title of translation: 三七收获机挖掘铲减阻特性分析与试验

Authors: Wang, Faan (1, 2); Ni, Chang (1, 2); Zhang, Zhaoguo (1, 2); Xu, Hongwei (1, 2); Xie, Kaiting (1, 2); Wang, Boyang (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Faculty of Modern Agricultural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming; 650500, China; (2) Research Center on Mechanization Engineering of Chinese Medicinal Materials of Yunnan Universities, Kunming; 650500, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Zhaoguo(zzg@kust.edu)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 179-190 and 199

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of high resistance and high injury rate in mechanized harvesting of Panax notoginseng in hilly and mountainous areas, taking different shovel types of excavator as the research object, comparative experimental research on the operation mechanism and parameter optimization of excavator shovel of Panax notoginseng harvester was carried out. Through theoretical analysis and mechanical calculation, the main structural parameters of each shovel type excavator were determined, and the three-dimensional model of the excavator was established by Solidworks. The simulation and comparison tests of displacement and flow direction of four shovel types of excavator were carried out to track the spatial motion trajectory of rhizome particles and soil particles, and the triaxial displacement segments were obtained. It was showed that the special curvature change of the bionic curve of the boar head had a significant impact on the soil breaking resistance, and the bionic shovel surface reduced the excavation resistance by changing the flow direction of soil particles. By using the Design-Expert 13 software, taking the shovel length, width and blade inclination as the test factors, and taking the excavation resistance as the test index, the combination test was carried out. The optimal combination of operation parameters was obtained as the shovel length of 354 mm, the shovel width of 40 mm, and the blade inclination of 70°. Under this combination, the average excavation resistance was 439. 75 N. The high-speed photography experiment was carried out to obtain the movement trajectory of Panax notoginseng rhizome and soil. The results showed that the movement trend of Panax notoginseng rhizome and soil particles was consistent with the simulation experiment, which verified the reliability of the discrete element model. The orthogonal test was conducted with the penetration angle, blade spacing and excavation speed as the test factors and the excavation resistance as the test index. The results showed that the primary and secondary order of the influence of different working parameters on the excavation resistance was the penetration angle, blade spacing and excavation speed. The optimal combination of working parameters was the penetration angle of 15°, blade spacing of 80 mm and excavation speed of 0. 4 m/s. Through comprehensive evaluation of the performance of reducing viscosity and resistance, the bionic excavator had the best operation effect. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Excavation

Controlled terms: Bionics? - ?Harvesters? - ?High speed photography? - ?Shovels? - ?Software testing? - ?Soils? - ?Viscosity

Uncontrolled terms: Blade spacing? - ?Digging shovels? - ?Discrete-element simulations? - ?Drag reduction characteristic? - ?Excavation resistance? - ?Excavation speed? - ?Operation parameters? - ?Panax notoginseng? - ?Panax notoginseng harvester? - ?Soil particles

Classification code: 461.1 Biomedical Engineering? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?742.1 Photography? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

Numerical data indexing: Force 7.50E+01N, Size 3.54E-01m, Size 4.00E-02m, Size 8.00E-02m, Velocity 4.00E+00m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.017

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


32. Optimization of Citrus Cold Storage Efficiency Time-series Prediction Model Based on TiDE PatchTST

Accession number: 20243016768346

Title of translation: 基于TiDE-PatchTST 模型的柑橘冷藏效率时序 预测模型优化

Authors: Yang, Xinting (1, 2); Guo, Xian Gyang (1); Han, Jiawei (2, 3); Liu, Tong (1); Yang, Lin (4)

Author affiliation: (1) Department of Information, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai; 201306, China; (2) Research Center of Information Technology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing; 100097, China; (3) National Engineering Laboratory for Agri-product Quality Traceability, Beijing; 100097, China; (4) Department of Infomration Science and Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou; 510225, China

Corresponding author: Han, Jiawei(hanjw@nercita.org.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 396-404

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The temperature fluctuation during the low-temperature storage process of citrus is a key factor that triggers quality and safety risks for the fruit and increases refrigeration energy consumption. Simultaneously, quality and energy consumption are crucial evaluation indicators for assessing the efficiency of citrus cold storage. Achieving dynamic predictions for both aspects can provide reliable support for scientifically anticipating and precisely optimizing citrus cold storage efficiency. In light of this, a citrus cold storage efficiency time-series prediction model was proposed based on PatchTST. Firstly, a basic PatchTST model was constructed based on the self-attention mechanism and the channel independent ( CI) prediction method. Secondly, by integrating the basic PatchTST model with the covariate feature extraction module from the TiDE model, feature extraction for all sequences in the multivariate time series dataset was achieved, effectively improving the model’s prediction accuracy. Finally, quantitative analysis of the correlation between cold storage refrigeration parameters, energy consumption, and citrus temperature was conducted by using the Pearson correlation analysis method. This analysis helped determine the input parameters for the TiDE - PatchTST model. The model was then trained and tested with 5 000 sets of experimental data, and its accuracy and superiority were compared and validated against other models like basic PatchTST and Informer. The results showed that the predicted cold storage energy consumption values of the TiDE - PatchTST model had average absolute errors (MAE) and root mean square errors (RMSE) of 3. 645 W-h and 10. 421 W-h, respectively. The MAE and RMSE for citrus temperature predictions were 0. 034°C and 0. 042°C , respectively. Compared with Transformer model, the MAE and RMSE in energy consumption predictions were decreased by up to 41. 43% and 39. 27% , and in citrus temperature predictions, they were decreased by up to 46. 03% and 28.81%. The research result can provide strong support for the dynamic perception and optimization control of temperature fluctuations and energy consumption during the citrus cold storage process. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Cold storage

Controlled terms: Correlation methods? - ?Digital storage? - ?Energy efficiency? - ?Energy utilization? - ?Extraction? - ?Feature extraction? - ?Forecasting? - ?Mean square error? - ?Quality control? - ?Safety factor ? - ?Time series

Uncontrolled terms: Citrus? - ?Cold storage efficiency? - ?Energy-consumption? - ?Model optimization? - ?Patchtst? - ?Prediction modelling? - ?Storage efficiency? - ?TiDE? - ?Time series prediction? - ?Time-series prediction model optimization

Classification code: 525.2 Energy Conservation? - ?525.3 Energy Utilization? - ?644.3 Refrigeration Equipment and Components? - ?694.4 Storage? - ?722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations? - ?913.3 Quality Assurance and Control? - ?914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.70E+01%, Percentage 2.881E+01%, Percentage 3.00E+00%, Percentage 4.30E+01%, Power 4.21E+02W, Power 6.45E+02W, Temperature 3.07E+02K, Temperature 3.15E+02K

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.039

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


33. Design and Experiment of Direct-injection Straw Picking and Crushing Deep Burying Machine

Accession number: 20243016769475

Title of translation: 直注式秸秆捡拾粉碎深埋机设计与试验

Authors: Tong, Zhenwei (1, 2); Li, Hongwen (1, 2); Lu, Caiyun (1, 2); Wang, Chao (1, 2); Zhong, Guangyuan (1, 2); Lin, Han (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Cultivated Land Conservation Agricultural Science Observation and Experiment Station, Northern Hebei Province, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Li, Hongwen(lhwen@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 83-95

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to improve the quality of straw deep burial, a direct-injection straw deep burial method was proposed to address the problems of poor straw picking effect, single conveying method, low conveying efficiency, and low deep burial rate during the straw deep burial process. A direct injection straw picking, crushing, and deep burial machine was designed, and the overall structure and working principle were explained. Design and analysis were conducted on key components, and a nonprotective ring-type pickup device was designed. The movement stages of the pickup device and the trajectory of the tines were analyzed, and the phase angles corresponding to the four-movement stages were determined. A mechanical conveying device consisted of straw conveying screws and blades, and a pneumatic conveying device mainly consisted of straw ejection fan blades and straw conveying ducts. The straw conveying capacity was analyzed, the straw conveying screw’s structural parameters were determined, and the straw conveying screw’s minimum speed was obtained. An analysis of straw conveying blades, straw ejection fan blades, and straw conveying ducts clarified that the key factors affecting straw transport effectiveness were machine forward speed, straw conveying screw rotational speed, straw ejection fan blades rotational speed, angle of straw conveying blades, and angle of straw ejection fan blades. The simulation experiment results showed an interaction between the machine’s forward speed and the rotational speed of the straw conveying screw. The optimal operating parameters were machine forward speed of 3 km/h, straw conveying screw rotational speed of 1 200 r/min, and straw ejection fan blades rotational speed of 1 600 r/min. Field experiments were conducted on a direct injection straw picking and crushing deep burying machine. The results showed that the average straw picking rate and average deep burying rate were 91. 02% and 90. 03% , respectively. The range of wind speed and operating torque at the outlet of the straw conveying duct was 1. 78 ~ 26. 83 m/s and 61. 55 ~214. 78 N-m, respectively. All working components operated well, and the operating quality was stable. The experimental results met the design requirements and can achieve the operation of straw-deep burial and returning to the field, providing a basis for developing and improving straw-deep burial and returning machines. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 43

Main heading: Crushing

Controlled terms: Conveying? - ?Direct injection? - ?Ducts? - ?Pickups? - ?Pneumatics? - ?Screws? - ?Wind

Uncontrolled terms: Conveying efficiency? - ?Deep burials? - ?Fan blades? - ?Forward speed? - ?Mechanical? - ?Mechanical pneumatic conveying device? - ?Picking device? - ?Pneumatic conveying? - ?Rotational speed? - ?Straw picking chopping, deepburial and returning machine

Classification code: 443.1 Atmospheric Properties? - ?521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research? - ?605 Small Tools and Hardware? - ?632.3 Pneumatics? - ?692.1 Conveyors

Numerical data indexing: Angular velocity 1.002E+01rad/s, Angular velocity 3.34E+00rad/s, Force 7.80E+01N, Percentage 2.00E+00%, Percentage 3.00E+00%, Size 3.00E+03m, Velocity 8.30E+01m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.009

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


34. Effect of Water-saving Irrigation and Nitrogen Reduction Combined with Biochar Application on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water and Nitrogen Utilization of Rice

Accession number: 20243016768343

Title of translation: 节水灌溉减氮配施生物炭对水稻光合特性与水氮利用的影响

Authors: Zhang, Zuohe (1); Zhou, Lijun (1); Li, Haoyu (1); Kong, Fandan (1); Lu, Xianglong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Agriculture and Hydraulic Engineering, Suihua University, Suihua; 152061, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 386-395 and 438

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To elucidate the effects of water-saving irrigation and nitrogen reduction combined with biochar application on the photosynthetic characteristics and water and nitrogen utilization of rice, a combination of field trials test and microzone test was used. 15N tracing technology was applied, with B0N1 (no biochar application+conventional nitrogen application level) as the control. B1N2 (10% nitrogen reduction+12.5t/hm2biochar), B2N2 (10% nitrogen reduction+25t/hm2biochar), B1N3 (20% nitrogen reduction+12.5t/hm2biochar), B2N3 (20% nitrogen reduction+25t/hm2biochar), B1N4 (30% nitrogen reduction+12.5t/hm2biochar) and B2N4 (30% nitrogen reduction+25t/hm2biochar) were set up, the photosynthetic characteristic parameters of rice plant leaves, as well as dry matter accumulation and water consumption processes, were observed, and the relationship between photosynthetic characteristic parameters and WUE, NUE, amount of dry matter, and yield was established. The results showed that under water-saving irrigation, appropriate nitrogen reduction combined with biochar application can increase leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll content (SPAD), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), and transpiration rate (Tr), while reducing stomatal limitation values (Ls). Excessive reduction of nitrogen fertilizer or application of biochar would increase Ls, decrease LAI, SPAD, Pn, Gs, and Tr Compared with B0N1 treatment, B1N2 treatment increased the total accumulation of dry matter in plants by 14.79%, while B2N4 treatment decreased that by 16.02%. The NUE, yield, and WUE of rice treated with B1N2 were significantly higher than those treated with B0N1PsPr-grouting stage) were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated, and significantly or extremely significantly negatively correlated with Ls. Overall, B1N2 treatment was the most optimal, which meant reducing the application of 10% nitrogen fertilizer and apply 12.5t/hm2 of biochar under water-saving irrigation was beneficial for improving water and nitrogen utilization efficiency and yield. The research results can provide theoretical basis and technical support for the application of water-saving irrigation with nitrogen reduction and biochar application in cold and black soil paddy fields. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 36

Main heading: Nitrogen fertilizers

Controlled terms: Chlorophyll? - ?Irrigation? - ?Isotopes? - ?Plants (botany)? - ?Water conservation

Uncontrolled terms: Biochar? - ?Characteristics parameters? - ?Isotope tracing? - ?Isotope tracing technology? - ?Leaf Area Index? - ?Nitrogen reduction? - ?Paddy fields? - ?Photosynthetic characteristics? - ?Water utilization? - ?Water-saving irrigation

Classification code: 444 Water Resources? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds? - ?821.2 Agricultural Chemicals? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00E+01%, Percentage 1.258E+01%, Percentage 1.292E+01%, Percentage 1.479E+01%, Percentage 1.602E+01%, Percentage 1.82E+01%, Percentage 2.00E+01%, Percentage 2.287E+01%, Percentage 3.00E+01%, Percentage 5.66E+00%, Percentage 9.95E+00%, Force 1.50E+01N

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.038

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


35. Design and Experiment of High-speed Mechanical Centrifugal Centralized Seed Metering Device for Rapeseed

Accession number: 20243016767849

Title of translation: 油菜高速机械离心式集排器设计与试验

Authors: Liao, Qingxi (1, 2); Shen, Wenhui (1, 2); Wang, Lei (1, 2); Huo, Jiaqi (1, 2); Luo, Zhancheng (1, 2); Liao, Yitao (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan; 430070, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan; 430070, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 154-167

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Considering the practical problems that the inadequate seed supply and discharge capacity at high speed operations in the existing mechanical centrifugal metering device for rapeseed which led to mismatch between the amount of seed row and the operation speed, and poor seed row performance, a type of metering device with passive seed filling and “round hole + gradient hole column” combined type holes for seed discharge was designed. The mechanical model of seed supply and discharge process was constructed and the key structural parameters affecting seed discharge performance were analyzed and determined. The experiment on the influence of the seed supply adjustable height on the adjustment range of the seed supply rate was simulated by using EDEM discrete element simulation software, which revealed the seed supply rate was adjustable in the range of 64. 95 ~ 357. 54 g/min when the seed supply adjustable height was in the range of 3 ~ 8 mm. The influence of the hem height and inclination angle of the seed limiting sleeve on the initial seed quantity, critical speed and the maximum height of the annular seed layer was analyzed by using two factors and three levels orthogonal test. The optimum structural parameters of seed limiting sleeve were determined by bench test. Combined with high-speed photography, the relationship between the rotating speed of the moving cone and the seed metering amount under five kinds of hole structures was compared, and the optimal hole structure was determined as “round hole + gradient hole column” combined type holes. The bench verification test results of the metering performance of the metering device with better parameter combination at different rotating speeds showed that when the speed of the metering device was 115 ~ 205 r/min, the seeding amount rate was 60. 96 ~355. 76 g/min, the apiece row consistency variation coefficient was less than 5. 2% , the single row stability variation coefficient was less than 1.3%, and the damage rate was less than 0. 5% , which can meet the working speed of 6 ~ 12 km/h. The field experiment showed that when the planting speed was 7. 89 km/h and 11. 98 km/h, the apiece row plant distribution consistency of rapeseed was less than 11% , and the planting density was 43 ~ 58 plants/m , which could meet the seeding performance requirements of rapeseed. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: Structural optimization

Controlled terms: Centrifugation? - ?Computer software? - ?High speed photography? - ?Oilseeds? - ?Rotating machinery

Uncontrolled terms: Centralised? - ?Discrete-element simulations? - ?High Speed? - ?High speed mechanical centrifugal centralized seed metering device? - ?Hole structures? - ?Mechanical? - ?Metering devices? - ?Performance? - ?Rape? - ?Seed-metering device

Classification code: 601.1 Mechanical Devices? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?742.1 Photography? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Numerical data indexing: Angular velocity 1.9205E+00rad/s to 3.4235E+00rad/s, Mass flow rate 1.2692E-03kg/s, Mass flow rate 9.018E-04kg/s, Percentage 1.10E+01%, Percentage 1.30E+00%, Percentage 2.00E+00%, Percentage 5.00E+00%, Size 3.00E-03m to 8.00E-03m, Size 6.00E+03m to 1.20E+04m, Size 8.90E+04m, Size 9.80E+04m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.015

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


36. Progressive Erosion and Pump Performance Prediction of Double Suction Centrifugal Pump Vane Based on Dynamic Boundary

Accession number: 20243016769344

Title of translation: 基于动态边界的双吸离心泵叶片渐进磨损及泵性能预测

Authors: Shen, Xiaobo (1); Li, Rennian (1, 2); Han, Wei (1, 2); Chen, Diyi (3); Sun, Jianghe (4); Tian, Yaping (4)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou; 730050, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Advanced Pumps, Lanzhou University of Technology, Valves and Fluid Control System of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou; 730050, China; (3) College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest a and F University, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China; (4) Water Resources and Hydropower Surveyand Design Research Institute Co. Ltd., Lanzhou; 730099, China

Corresponding author: Li, Rennian(lirn@lut.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 212-220

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The change of overflow boundary morphology with erosion time is important to objectively and realistically reflect the erosion characteristics of double suction centrifugal pumps and erosion morphology. The Euler - Lagrange method and the dynamic boundary method of geometric reconstruction of the erosion wall were used to calculate the solid-liquid two-phase flow of the double suction centrifugal pump of Jingtaichuan Pumping Station in Gansu Province under the average sand content and the value of grain size of the Yellow River. The progressive erosion characteristics of the pump vanes were predicted, and the effects of the vane erosion mechanism and the change of wall geometry on the pump performance were analyzed combining the experimental data. The results showed that taking the maximum value of the impact angle function corresponded to the impact angle a0 as a threshold to distinguish erosion patterns. If impact angle was less than the threshold, the erosion pattern was liking a rounded crater, if it was bigger than the threshold, the erosion pattern was liking a groove. The erosion rate was high in areas where the impact angle was in the range 50° ~75° and the impact velocity was high, which both led to high level of blade erosion. The prediction period was divided into three phases based on the characteristics of the rate of change of the hydraulic performance loss. The erosion rate had the largest growth rate in the early stages, but the values were orders of magnitude smaller than those in the middle and late stages, so that the head loss rate, efficiency loss rate and mass loss rate of blade in the first 1 000 hours of erosion was less than in other stages. All these parameters showed a trend of slow growth in the early stage, fast growth in the middle stage and slow growth in later stage, and maximum growth rate in the middle stage, values of 1.51 X 10 , 1. 97 X 10 , and 4. 12 X 10 respectively. Erosion caused the fastest performance degradation of double suction centrifugal pump in the 1 000 hours to 6 000 hours erosion length range. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Erosion

Controlled terms: Centrifugal pumps? - ?Growth rate? - ?Morphology? - ?Two phase flow

Uncontrolled terms: Double-suction centrifugal pumps? - ?Dynamic boundary? - ?Erosion characteristics? - ?Erosion patterns? - ?Erosion predictions? - ?Erosion rates? - ?Impact angles? - ?Progressive erosion? - ?Pump performance? - ?Vane

Classification code: 618.2 Pumps? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General? - ?931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids? - ?951 Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Time 0.00E00s, Time 0.00E00s to 2.16E+04s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.020

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


37. Mechanical Tillage Efficiency of Land Consolidation Based on Plot Area and Shape

Accession number: 20243016769473

Title of translation: 基于地块面积和形状的土地整治机械旋耕效率研究

Authors: Zheng, Huihui (1); Du, Ning (2); Wei, Chenbo (1); Zhang, Chao (1); Xu, Yan (1, 3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100193, China; (2) Crandjoy Holdings Croup Co. Ltd., Beijing; 100020, China; (3) Land Use and Administration Research Center, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100193, China

Corresponding author: Xu, Yan(xyan@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 232-240 and 259

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to quantify the difference in mechanical tillage efficiency of plots with different areas and shapes, and scientifically evaluate the potential of land improvement in mechanical tillage efficiency, a set of standard plots was designed, and a 69. 83 kW Dongfanghong LX950 tractor supporting rotary tiller was selected for tillage, with a working width of 200 cm. The mechanical rotary tillage efficiency of plots with different area gradients and shapes was measured by field experiment. On this basis, the coupling relationship and function model of the plot area, shape and mechanical rotary tillage efficiency were established based on regional scale, and the regional mechanical rotary tillage efficiency was modified. The results showed that the regularity of plot shape affected the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency. The more regular the shape was, the higher the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency was. In the same area gradient, the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency of rectangular plots was the highest, followed by trapezoidal plots, and triangle plots were the lowest. With the increase of the land area, the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency was increased continuously. When the land area reached a certain degree, the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency tended to be stable. When the land area exceeded 7 000 m , the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency basically remained unchanged. The mechanical rotary tillage efficiency of rectangular and trapezoidal plots was higher, maintaining at 0. 25 s/m2 ; the mechanical rotary tillage efficiency of other shaped plots was lower, maintaining at about 0. 30 s/m2 . The mechanical rotary tillage efficiency at the unit level in the case area was 0. 27 s/m2. Among them, the number of low-efficiency land units was the least, accounting for 7. 10% . The number of efficient land units was the largest, accounting for 58. 24% . The mechanical rotary tillage efficiency in the western part of the case area was greater than that in the eastern part of the case area, mainly because the land fragmentation degree in the eastern part was higher than that in the western part, the land unit area was smaller and the shape was not regular, which greatly reduced the regional mechanical rotary tillage efficiency value. The experimental results showed that plots with an area greater than 7 000 m were suitable for large-scale mechanized farming, and both the plot area and the regularity of the shape affected the efficiency of mechanical rotary farming. While expanding the plot area, the land regulation project also needed to ensure the regularity of the plot shape. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 33

Main heading: Tillage

Controlled terms: Efficiency

Uncontrolled terms: Land areas? - ?Land consolidations? - ?Land improvements? - ?Mechanical? - ?Mechanical tillage efficiency? - ?Plot area? - ?Plot shape? - ?Plot unit? - ?Rotary tillages? - ?Standard-plot

Classification code: 821.3 Agricultural Methods? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00E+01%, Percentage 2.40E+01%, Power 8.30E+04W, Size 0.00E00m, Size 2.00E+00m, Time 2.50E+01s, Time 2.70E+01s, Time 3.00E+01s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.022

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


38. Deep Learning and Gaussian Process Regression Based Path Extraction for Visual Navigation under Canopy

Accession number: 20243016769310

Title of translation: 基于深度学习和高斯过程回归的玉米冠下视觉导航路径提取方法

Authors: Zhang, Weirong (1, 2); Chen, Xuegeng (3); Qi, Jiangtao (1, 2); Zhou, Junbo (1, 2); Li, Ning (1, 2); Wang, Shuo (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of ВIonic Engineering, Jilin University, Ministry of Education, Changchun; 130022, China; (2) College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun; 130022, China; (3) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi; 832003, China

Corresponding author: Qi, Jiangtao(qijiangtao@glu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 15-26

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Facing the problem of difficult maneuvering of large machines during field operations and poor fitting accuracy of navigation paths in complex scenarios, a method of extracting navigation paths under the maize canopy was proposed based on deep learning and Gaussian process regression. Firstly, based on the quadruped robot collecting images of crop rows under the corn canopy, the Mask R - CNN instance segmentation method was improved, and the simple path aggregation network ( Simple - PAN ) was introduced into the feature fusion network, and the bottom-up path augmentation module and the feature fusion operation module were increased to improve the image context feature extraction module and the fusion capability of image context features. Secondly, the dividing line between the two sides of the area was constructed on the basis of the crop row target under the crown identified by the model, the distribution of the drooping leaves on both sides of the passable area was calculated, and the navigation path algorithm was optimized based on weighted average. The Gaussian process regression ( GPR) algorithm was improved, and the DotProduct linear kernel was added to optimize the curve fitting and improve the straight line fitting effect of the GPR method. Finally, the navigation path recognition was performed on the validation set, and the average pixel deviation of the navigation paths fitted by different methods was calculated. The experimental results showed that the algorithm was able to adapt to the situation of leaf-obscuring rhizomes in corn fields, the optimized Mask R - CNN model possessed higher target segmentation accuracy under the canopy, the average deviation of the navigation line fitted based on the improved GPR algorithm was 0. 7 pixels, and the average time consumed for processing a frame with a resolution of 1 280 pixels X720 pixels was 227 ms. The algorithm can provide navigation paths with some obstacle avoidance capability under the maize canopy to meet the requirements of real-time and accuracy of navigation. The research results can provide a technical and theoretical support for the research of navigation algorithms for intelligent agricultural equipment in the field. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 32

Main heading: Pixels

Controlled terms: Agricultural robots? - ?Crops? - ?Curve fitting? - ?Deep learning? - ?Gaussian distribution? - ?Gaussian noise (electronic)? - ?Image enhancement? - ?Image fusion? - ?Image segmentation? - ?Navigation

Uncontrolled terms: Crop row under the maize canopy? - ?Crop rows? - ?Deep learning? - ?Gaussian process regressio? - ?Gaussian Processes? - ?Navigation paths? - ?Obstacles avoidance? - ?Path recognition? - ?Visual Navigation

Classification code: 461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing? - ?731.5 Robotics? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods? - ?922.1 Probability Theory? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Time 2.27E-01s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.002

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


39. Development of Guide Rail Hitch Device Connecting Combine Harvester and Rapeseed Direct Seeding Machine

Accession number: 20243016769354

Title of translation: 联合收获机与油菜直播机连接导轨式悬挂装置研究

Authors: Kang, Yan (1); Liao, Qingxi (1, 2); Lin, Jianxin (1); Han, Jingxuan (1); Wan, Xingyu (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College Of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan; 430070, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan; 430070, China

Corresponding author: Liao, Qingxi(liaoqx@mail.hzau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 111-123

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the issues of large inventory but low utilization of combined harvesters in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River, as well as the problems of the longitudinal dimension of the conventional three-point hitch of tractors being large and the structure being complex, resulting in a large turning radius and unstable center of gravity for the unit, a guide rail hitch device suitable for connecting a combined harvester with a rapeseed direct seeding machine was developed by using a modular design approach. Based on the kinematics analysis of the conventional three-point hitch, the overall structure and working principle of the guide rail hitch device were determined from the aspects of compact structure and stable center of gravity. According to the matching relationship between the guide rail hitch device and the combine harvester and rapeseed direct seeding machine, theoretical analysis was carried out from the matching of width, center of gravity and tillage depth, and the operating parameters and structural parameters of the hitch device were determined. The ANSYS Workbench simulation software was used to carry out the modal analysis of the hitch device in a free state. By analyzing the characteristics of the external excitation frequency of the frame and the simulation results, an improvement plan for the structure of the hitch device was proposed. And the first six frequencies of the optimized device were 54.09 Hz, 66.35 Hz, 83.16 Hz, 130.01 Hz, 143. 52 Hz and 174.88 Hz, which were not within the range of the external excitation frequency. The static analysis of the optimized hitch device showed that the stress values of the suspension device at the highest lifting point and operating state were 50. 531 MPa and 140. 56 MPa, respectively, which were less than the allowable stress of 156. 67 MPa. The field test results showed that the whole machine ran stably. When the field test was carried out with the forward speed of 3. 6 km/h, the stability of the ploughing depth was 87.42% , the soil breaking rate was 84. 41% , the straw burying rate was 76. 32% , and the flatness of the cage was 22. 93 mm. The test results showed that all the test indexes met the quality requirements of rape sowing. The research result can provide an idea for the research of a multi-purpose device. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Modal analysis

Controlled terms: Computer software? - ?Harvesters? - ?Oilseeds? - ?Static analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Center of gravity? - ?Combine harvesters? - ?Direct-seeding? - ?External excitation frequency? - ?Field test? - ?Guide rail? - ?Hitch device? - ?Matchings? - ?Rapesed direct seeding machine? - ?Yangtze River

Classification code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?723.5 Computer Applications? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?921 Mathematics

Numerical data indexing: Frequency 1.3001E+02Hz, Frequency 1.7488E+02Hz, Frequency 5.20E+01Hz, Frequency 5.409E+01Hz, Frequency 6.635E+01Hz, Frequency 8.316E+01Hz, Percentage 3.20E+01%, Percentage 4.10E+01%, Percentage 8.742E+01%, Pressure 5.31E+08Pa, Pressure 5.60E+07Pa, Pressure 6.70E+07Pa, Size 6.00E+03m, Size 9.30E-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.011

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


40. Analysis of Socio-economic Driving Effect of Regional Grain Virtual Water Flow

Accession number: 20243016768002

Title of translation: 区域粮食虚拟水流动经济社会影响效应分析

Authors: Tong, Jiajun (1, 2); Sun, Shikun (1, 2); Ma, Jiale (1, 2); Yin, Yali (1, 2); Wang, Yubao (1, 2); Shen, Xin (3); Xu, Jiyuan (3)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas, Northwest a and F University, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China; (2) College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest a and F University, Shaanxi, Yangling; 712100, China; (3) National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center, Beijing; 100125, China

Corresponding author: Yin, Yali(yaliyin@nwafu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 345-356 and 385

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Virtual water flow is an important manifestation of spatial redistribution of water resources. As a carrier of virtual water, grain trade and transportation involve virtual water flow. China’s population and resources show obvious spatial dislocation with food production, and the spatial matching degree of virtual water flow pattern, distribution of land and water resources, and economic and social development is poor. Based on exploring the resource and environment effect of virtual water flow in the current stage, adding the impact effect analysis on economy and society can further optimize resource allocation and promote regional sustainable development. The spatiotemporal evolution pattern of virtual water flow in 31 provinces of China from 1997 to 2021 was analyzed. Spacetime clustering analysis and coupled analysis of virtual water-economic and social data clarified the existence of significant spatial clustering of grain virtual water transportation. The amount of virtual water transportation in the main input and output provinces of food virtual water showed a significant positive correlation with the economic and social development level. Based on this background, totally nine major economic and social impact factors were selected and their spatial differences in influencing food virtual water flow were explored. The types of impact effect on food virtual water flow in 31 provinces of China were classified into industrial correlation type, social correlation type, and resource correlation type. Relevant regulatory strategies were proposed according to the economic development level, natural resource endowment, and industrial structure development of each province to weaken or even avoid the negative impact of virtual water flow on the regional economic and social development and natural environment. The results showed that the overall virtual water flow presented a trend of flowing from “ deficient” northern regions to “ rich” southern regions, and from economic backward areas to economic developed areas. The economic and social system to some extent influenced the virtual water flow. According to the impact effect of economic and social factors on food virtual water flow in different provinces, the industrial, social, and resource correlation types of food virtual water flow in each province were classified into industrial correlation type, social correlation type, and resource correlation type. In summary, promoting regional coordinated development and optimizing industrial structure would be an important solution to address the negative feedback effects of food virtual water flow in China caused by environmental and economic factors. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 63

Main heading: Economic and social effects

Controlled terms: Economic analysis? - ?Flow of water? - ?Flow patterns? - ?Grain (agricultural product)? - ?Hydraulics? - ?Regional planning? - ?Sustainable development? - ?Water resources

Uncontrolled terms: Economic and social development? - ?Effects analysis? - ?Grain virtual water flow? - ?Grey correlation analysis? - ?Influence effect analyse? - ?Regional socio-economic difference? - ?Set pair analysis? - ?Socio-economics? - ?Virtual water? - ?Virtual water-flow

Classification code: 403.2 Regional Planning and Development? - ?444 Water Resources? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General? - ?631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics? - ?632.1 Hydraulics? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?911.2 Industrial Economics? - ?971 Social Sciences

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.034

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


41. Extraction of Camellia oleifera Planting Areas in Southern Hilly Area by Combining Multi-features of Time-series Sentinel Data

Accession number: 20243016768244

Title of translation: 融合时序Sentinel数据多特征优选的南方丘陵区 油茶种植区提取

Authors: Li, Hengkai (1); Wang, Jie (1); Zhou, Yanbing (2); Long, Beiping (3)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Civil and Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou; 341000, China; (2) Research Center of Information Technology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing; 100097, China; (3) Geographic Information Engineering Brigade, Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Geology, Nanchang; 330001, China

Corresponding author: Zhou, Yanbing(zhouyb@nercita.org.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 241-251

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: As one of the economic forest species in Jiangxi Province, Camellia oleifera is also a characteristic advantageous industry in Jiangxi Province, and it is of great significance to accurately obtain its spatial distribution in terms of yield estimation, production management and policy formulation. In response to the lack of optical images due to the cloudy and rainy climate in the south, as well as the problem of fragmented terrain in hilly and mountainous areas, Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, was taken as the study area. Using time-series Sentinel satellite imagery and SRTM DEM data as data sources, a total of 125 feature variables were constructed and selected, including spectral features, vegetation - water indices, red edge indices, radar features, terrain features and texture features. Among them, the texture features were calculated by comparing 15 different scale windows by using the cumulative difference method to calculate the best texture features for Sentinel - 1 and Sentinel - 2 images. Based on ReliefF feature preference algorithm and random forest classification algorithm, eight feature combination schemes were designed to carry out experiments to explore the impact of different feature types on the extraction accuracy of Camellia oleifera. The results showed that the optimal texture feature window for both Sentinel - 1 and Sentinel - 2 calculated experimentally by using the cumulative difference method was 35 x35, and the optimal texture feature combinations were mean, variance and contrast. Building upon spectral features and vegetation - water indices, the incorporation of different features for Camellia oleifera classification demonstrated varying degrees of effectiveness. The favorability ranking of different feature types for Camellia oleifera extraction from large to small was as follows; S2 texture features, SI texture features, terrain features, radar features and red edge index. Compared with single-spectrum and index features, the inclusion of texture features significantly enhanced classification accuracy. The synergistic classification results of multiple features surpass those of single-feature classification, with the highest precision achieved through Camellia oleifera extraction based on feature selection. The ReliefF algorithm feature optimized scheme had the highest accuracy with overall accuracy of 88. 29% and Kappa coefficient of 0. 81. This study utilized time-series Sentinel satellite imagery and DEM terrain data to develop a large-scale remote sensing extraction method for Camellia oleifera in the cloudy and rainy southern hilly mountainous region. This method can serve as a reference for the investigation and monitoring of Camellia oleifera resources in the hilly areas of southern China. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 39

Main heading: Extraction

Controlled terms: Classification (of information)? - ?Feature extraction? - ?Forestry? - ?Geometrical optics? - ?Landforms? - ?Radar imaging? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Satellite imagery? - ?Textures? - ?Time series ? - ?Vegetation mapping

Uncontrolled terms: ‘camellia oleifera? - ?Camellia oleifera? - ?Cumulative difference? - ?Extraction of planting area? - ?Features optimizations? - ?Planting areas? - ?Relieff algorithms? - ?Sentinel - 2? - ?Sentinel-1? - ?Texture features

Classification code: 405.3 Surveying? - ?481.1 Geology? - ?655.2 Satellites? - ?716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing? - ?716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment? - ?741.1 Light/Optics? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?903.1 Information Sources and Analysis? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.90E+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.023

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


42. Regulation Effects of Farmland Water Level and Nitrogen Application on Winter Wheat after Waterlogging at Jointing and Booting Stage

Accession number: 20243016767813

Title of translation: 农田水位与施氮对拔节孕穗期受涝后冬小麦的调控效应

Authors: He, Pingru (1, 2); Yu, Shuang’en (1, 2); Ding, Jihui (1, 2); Ma, Tao (1, 2); Dai, Yan (1, 2); Li, Jin’gang (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing; 210098, China; (2) Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center for Agricultural Soil- Water Efficient Utilization, Carbon Sequestration and Emission Reduction, Nanjing; 210098, China

Corresponding author: Ding, Jihui(dingjihui@hhu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 373-385

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The planting experiment was conducted from 2020 to 2021 in the lysimeters at Jiangning District of Nanjing City to investigate the effects of farmland water level and nitrogen fertilization regulations on winter wheat growth, yield, grain quality, water and nitrogen utilization, nitrogen and phosphorus load after the winter wheat suffered from waterlogging during the jointing and booting stage. Winter wheat variety “ Yangmai 25” was chosen as the experimental material, after the winter wheat suffered from waterlogging during the jointing and booting stage, three high, middle and low farmland water level (the farmland water level down to - 40 cm, - 60 cm, - 80 cm in 3 days after the 1 day waterlogging) and three low, middle and high nitrogen application rates (160 kg/hm , 190 kg/hm , 220 kg/hm ) , as well as a control group with non-waterlogging and the nitrogen of 190 kg/hm were set in the experiment. The results indicated that the winter wheat plant height, aboveground dry matter, yield, water use efficiency, grain crude protein content and grain lysine content were gradually increased with the decrease of farmland water level and nitrogen application rate. Partial factor productivity of nitrogen was increased gradually with the decrease of farmland water level, while decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate. The total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and other pollutant loads were increased gradually with the decrease of farmland water level. Compared with the control treatment, the increase of nitrogen fertilizer (220 kg/hm ) could alleviate the effect of waterlogging stress, and promote the increase of winter wheat aboveground dry matter and yield by 4. 76% ~ 23. 81% and 2. 75% ~ 9. 19% , respectively. The reduction of nitrogen fertilizer (160 kg/hm ) made the winter wheat yield at the medium and high farmland water level decreased by 2. 20 % and 14. 00% , respectively, and the corresponding water use efficiency was decreased by 4. 55% and 9. 74% , respectively. The low farmland water level could decrease the yield reduction effect due to the nitrogen reduction, which increased the yield and nitrogen partial factor productivity of winter wheat by 3. 98% and 23. 49% , respectively. The higher the farmland water level was, the greater the comprehensive waterlogging degree during the water control period was, and the lower the yield was. In addition, short-term waterlogging had a positive effect on increasing the crude protein content of grains, as the crude protein contentof each treatment was increased by 11. 50% ~ 20. 21% compared with that of the control treatment. Aiming at high yield, high efficiency, pollution reduction and quality improvement, it was recommended that the farmland water level should be lowered to - 80 cm in 3 days after the winter wheat suffered from waterlogging with 5 cm water layer for lday at winter wheat jointing and booting stage, and the nitrogen application rate should be 220 kg/hm . The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the winter wheat planting and waterlogging disasters restoration in southern China and similar waterlogging-prone agricultural areas. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 40

Main heading: Efficiency

Controlled terms: Agricultural pollution? - ?Amino acids? - ?Crops? - ?Farms? - ?Grain (agricultural product)? - ?Irrigation? - ?Nitrogen? - ?Nitrogen fertilizers? - ?Phosphorus? - ?Water levels ? - ?Water pollution? - ?Water supply

Uncontrolled terms: Crude proteins? - ?Farmland water level? - ?Nitrogen application rates? - ?Nonpoint-source pollution (NPS)? - ?Regulating effect? - ?Water use efficiency? - ?Waterlogging stress? - ?Wheat quality? - ?Winter wheat? - ?Winter wheat quality

Classification code: 446.1 Water Supply Systems? - ?453 Water Pollution? - ?454.2 Environmental Impact and Protection? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control? - ?821.2 Agricultural Chemicals? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Numerical data indexing: Age 2.74E-03yr, Age 8.22E-03yr, Mass 1.60E+02kg, Mass 1.90E+02kg, Mass 2.20E+02kg, Percentage 0.00E00%, Percentage 1.90E+01%, Percentage 2.00E+01%, Percentage 2.10E+01%, Percentage 4.90E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+01%, Percentage 5.50E+01%, Percentage 7.40E+01%, Percentage 7.50E+01%, Percentage 7.60E+01%, Percentage 8.10E+01%, Percentage 9.80E+01%, Size -4.00E-01m, Size -6.00E-01m, Size -8.00E-01m, Size 5.00E-02m, Size 5.1308E+01m to 5.13334E+01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.037

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


43. Distribution Characteristics of Soil Physicochemical Properties and Salt Ions in Typical Oasis Irrigation Areas of Xinjiang

Accession number: 20243016769314

Title of translation: 新疆典型绿洲灌区土壤理化性状与盐分离子分布特征

Authors: Li, Yunxia (1, 2); Wang, Guodong (1, 2); Liu, Yu (1, 2); Lu, Ning (1, 2); Liang, Fei (1); Fan, Junliang (1); Yin, Feihu (1, 3)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Farmland Water Conservancy and Soil-fertilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Science, Shihezi; 832000, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Northwest Oasis Water-Saving Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shihezi; 832000, China; (3) China Agricultural Reclamation Water Saving Agricultural Industry Technology Alliance, Shihezi; 832000, China

Corresponding author: Yin, Feihu(nkyyfh@sohu.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Issue date: July 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 357-364 and 414

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Soil salinization and arable land degradation have seriously restricted the sustainable development of oasis irrigation agriculture in Xinjiang. Exploring the distribution characteristics of soil physicochemical properties and salt ions is a prerequisite and foundation for saline-alkaline land improvement and comprehensive utilization as well as high-quality development of oasis agriculture. The distribution characteristics of nutrient contents, and salt content and its ions in the 0 ~ 500 cm soil profile were quantitatively analyzed in the Manas River Irrigation Area in northern Xinjiang, and in the Aksu River Irrigation Area and Kashgar River Irrigation Area ( Aksu - Kashgar River Irrigation Area) in southern Xinjiang. The results showed that the contents of soil organic matter, alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, and total nitrogen in the study areas all showed a gradually decreasing trend with the increase of soil depth. In the Manas River Irrigation Area, the average values of soil organic matter, alkaline dissolved nitrogen, available phosphorus, total nitrogen content and pH value were higher in the 0 ~ 30 cm and 0 ~ 100 cm soil layers, but the average values of organic matter, alkaline dissolved nitrogen, available potassium and total nitrogen content in the 100 ~ 500 cm soil layer were lower in the Manas River Irrigation Area. The average values of total salinity and electrical conductivity in the 0 ~ 30 cm soil layer were 21. 14% and 8. 53% higher in the Aksu - Kashgar River Irrigation Area, but the average values of total salinity and electrical conductivity in the 60 ~ 100 cm soil layer were 17. 55% and 16. 50% lower in the Aksu - Kashgar River Irrigation Area, respectively. In the study areas, the dominant cations were Na and Ca , while the dominant anions were S04 and Cl . In the Manas River Irrigation Area, Na was the highest salt ions, while S04 was the highest in the Aksu - Kashgar River Irrigation Areas. In the Manas River Irrigation Area, 53. 85% of the 0 ~ 30 cm soil layer was classified as saline soil, 50. 00% of the 30 ~ 60 cm soil layer was classified as moderately and severely saline soils, and 25. 00% of the 60 ~ 100 cm soil layer was classified as severely saline soil. The dominant saline soil was sulfate, followed by chloride - sulfate. In the Aksu - Kashgar River Irrigation Area, 78. 26% of the 0 ~ 30 cm soil layer was classified as saline soil, with the highest proportion being severely saline soil. Additionally, 60. 86% of the 30 ~ 60 cm layer was classified as mildly or severely saline soils, and 39. 13% of the 60 ~ 100 cm soil layer was classified as non-saline soil. The dominant saline soils were chloride - sulfate, followed by sulfate. The results can provide a scientific foundation for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkaline land and precise fertilization in the oasis irrigation area of Xinjiang. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Ions

Controlled terms: Alkalinity? - ?Biogeochemistry? - ?Electric conductivity? - ?Irrigation? - ?Nitrogen? - ?Organic compounds? - ?Phosphorus? - ?Physicochemical properties? - ?Potassium? - ?Rivers ? - ?Soils

Uncontrolled terms: Alkalines? - ?Classifieds? - ?Irrigation area? - ?Oasis irrigation area? - ?Saline soil? - ?Salt ions? - ?Soil layer? - ?Soil salinity? - ?Soil salinization? - ?Xinjiang

Classification code: 481.2 Geochemistry? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics? - ?549.1 Alkali Metals? - ?701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena? - ?801.1 Chemistry, General? - ?801.2 Biochemistry? - ?801.4 Physical Chemistry? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 0.00E00%, Percentage 1.30E+01%, Percentage 1.40E+01%, Percentage 2.60E+01%, Percentage 5.00E+01%, Percentage 5.30E+01%, Percentage 5.50E+01%, Percentage 8.50E+01%, Percentage 8.60E+01%, Size 0.00E00m to 1.00E00m, Size 0.00E00m to 3.00E-01m, Size 0.00E00m to 5.00E+00m, Size 1.00E00m to 5.00E+00m, Size 3.00E-01m to 6.00E-01m, Size 6.00E-01m to 1.00E00m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.07.035

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.


44. Data Glove Gesture Recognition Based on Flexible Strain Sensors

Accession number: 20242716562833

Title of translation: 基于柔性应变传感器的数据手套手势识别研究

Authors: Zhu, Yinlong (1); Shen, Hongjun (1); Wu, Jie (1); Wang, Xu (1); Liu, Ying (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing; 210037, China

Corresponding author: Liu, Ying(lying_new@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 55

Issue: 6

Issue date: June 2024

Publication year: 2024

Pages: 451-458

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In response to the problems of low recognition rate and unstable response in traditional gesture recognition systems, a flexible strain sensor data glove gesture recognition system was developed, which included flexible sensors, signal acquisition systems, and gesture recognition algorithms. The system can accurately capture the motion information of each finger joint, and had the characteristics of high degree of freedom, low cost and high recognition rate. Carbon black (CB) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were doped into soft silica gel, and a resistive sensor with good linearity and high sensitivity was designed by extension technology. The experimental results showed that the sensor had good static and dynamic response characteristics, and the sensor calibration was completed. Using multiple flexible sensors to prepare data gloves and build a signal acquisition system, a gesture recognition method combining BP neural network and template matching technology was further proposed to improve the recognition rate of similar gestures, and the recognition rate of the algorithm was 98.5%. Gesture recognition experiments were carried out for different groups of people. The results showed that the accuracy of the gesture recognition system reached 92.8%, and the response time was about 40 ms. The data glove had good application potential. ? 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Number of references: 29

Main heading: Gesture recognition

Controlled terms: Carbon black? - ?Carbon nanotubes? - ?Degrees of freedom (mechanics)? - ?Neural networks? - ?Silica gel? - ?Template matching

Uncontrolled terms: Acquisition systems? - ?BP neural networks? - ?Data glove? - ?Flexible sensor? - ?Gesture recognition system? - ?Gestures recognition? - ?Sensors data? - ?Signal acquisitions? - ?Strain sensors? - ?Template matching method

Classification code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications? - ?761 Nanotechnology? - ?803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally? - ?931.1 Mechanics? - ?933.1 Crystalline Solids

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 9.28E+01%, Percentage 9.85E+01%, Time 4.00E-02s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2024.06.046

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Data Provider: Engineering Village

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2024 Elsevier Inc.