

1. Accession number: 20100312648570
      Title: Experiment of axial-flow air-carried toward-target pesticide deposition in greenhouse
      Authors: Lu, Jun1 ; Li, Pingping1 ; Jia, Weidong1 ; Qiu, Baijing1 
      Author affiliation: 1 Key Lab. of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Edu. and Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
      Corresponding author: Li, P. (lipingping@ujs.edu.cn
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
   Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 88-92
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: The object of this paper is to study the range of pesticide droplet deposit and droplet distribution, in different target district and plant target. By axial-flow fan of the air-carried blast sprayer in greenhouse, spraying experiment was carried out with variable height of nozzle and charged voltage, under the same condition of spray pressure, spray flux and frequency of fan. Taken the barbette model pressure atomization axial-flow air-carried high-voltage electrostatic spraying system as the experiment platform, the parameters of spraying deposition on target were calculated and analyzed. The results showed that one deposition peak area is found along the wind cylinder axes at the distance of 150-200 cm from nozzle; with the increasing voltage, pesticide droplet deposition on plant target increases obviously. The toward-target deposition ratio rises distinctly within range of spraying in the state of induction charge. To adjust height of nozzle and charged voltage is the important measures for adding toward-target deposition depending on the practical target of spraying application.
      Number of references:  12
      Main heading: Spray nozzles
      Controlled terms: Deposition  -  Drop formation  -  Electrostatics  -  Experiments  -  Greenhouses  -  Inductance  -  Pesticides  -  Targets
      Uncontrolled terms: Axial-flow air-carried  -  Charged droplet  -  Charged droplets  -  Droplet deposition  -  Electrostatic spray  -  High-voltages
      Classification code: 932.1.1 Particle Accelerators  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures  -  821.2 Agricultural Chemicals  -  813.1 Coating Techniques  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  703.1 Electric Networks  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  539.3 Metal Plating  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
2. Accession number:  20100312648580
      Title: Electrolyzed potential water sterilizing technics and mechanism on pork stuffing
      Authors: Ren, Zhandong1 ; Zhu, Yuchan1 ; Liu, Ye1 ; Zhang, Zhiyong1 ; Zhang, Qi2 
      Author affiliation: 1 School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China
                       2 Wuhan Lihui New Tech. Co. Ltd., Wuhan 430023, China
      Corresponding author: Ren, Z. (renzhandong@163.com
 Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 139-143
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: Four kinds of single sterilizing technics and two kinds of combined sterilizing technics were investigated for inactivating bacteria in the pork stuffing by electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) and electrolyzed reductive water (ERW). When the weight ratio of pork to EOW is 1:4 before stuffing preparation, the reduction of bacteria population in pork stuffing reaches 2.72 lg CFU/g by process of EOW surface sterilizing, and 3.14 lg CFU/g by process of EOW surface sterilizing combined with (ERW) mix sterilizing, respectively. With increase in the weight ratio of pork to EOW, the sterilizing effect can be improved. In addition, the value of oxidation reductive potential (ORP) and available chlorine content (ACC) quickly decline in the contacting process between EOW and pork stuffing. And the ORP value decreased from 1132 mV to 935 mV and the ACC value decreased from 78.60 mg/L to 47.35 mg/L after 1 min. The results also show that EOW has a good restraining effect on bacteria in the pork stuffing. At last, the sterilizing effect of EOW, ERW, HCl, NaOH and NaClO on Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis var. niger were all studied, which demonstrates that EOW has the best sterilizing effect and the most effect sterilizing factor is ACC and ORP.
      Number of references: 21
      Main heading: Meats
      Controlled terms: Bacteriology  -  Chlorine  -  Escherichia coli
      Uncontrolled terms: Bacillus Subtilis  -  Chlorine content  -  Electrolyzed oxidizing water  -  Niger  -  Reductive potential  -  Sterilizing mechanism  -  Weight ratios
      Classification code: 461.9 Biology  -  801.2 Biochemistry  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  822.3 Food Products
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
3. Accession number: 20100312648583
      Title: Storage time prediction model and the predictor of fruits and vegetables in cold chain
      Authors: Liu, Bin1 ; Wang, Yanhong1 ; Shen, Jiang1 ; Yu, Hui2 ; Zou, Tonghua1 
      Author affiliation: 1 Tianjin Key Lab. of Refrigeration Technology, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China
                     2 College of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
      Corresponding author: Liu, B. (lbtjcu@tjcu.edu.cn
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 156-158 204
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: The safety control is the key in the cold chain of fresh products, which includes the prediction of the store time and the management of the instant temperature. Based on the energy conservation theory, the equation of the rest store time of fresh vegetables and fruits was derived stored in 0°C. According to the present data about 8 kinds of fresh vegetables, we obtained the equation for the relationship between the store time and the storing temperature and the equation predicting the left store time at 0°C. The storing experiments for celery at 0°C, 2°C, 4°C, 6°C and 8°C proved that the store time calculated by the equation is about the same as the experiments with the difference of less than 2 days at each storing temperature. Combined with the wireless technology of sending messages, the predictor of fresh vegetables and fruits with a management function of stock was developed. The practical application shows that the predictor has a fine precision.
      Number of references:  10
      Main heading: Vegetables
      Controlled terms: Information technology - Mathematical models - Wireless telecommunication systems
      Uncontrolled terms: Cold chain  -  Cold logistics  -  Energy conservation theory  -  Fresh vegetables  -  Management functions  -  Prediction model  -  Safety controls  -  Storage time  -  Store time  -  Vegetable and fruit   -  Wireless technologies  -  Wireless transmissions
Classification code:  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television  -  717 Optical Communication  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  903 Information Science  -  921 Mathematics
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

4. Accession number: 20100312648557
Title: Control strategy of parallel-serial hybrid electrical vehicle based on the power track method
      Authors: Zuo, Yihe1 ; Xiang, Changle1 ; Yan, Qingdong1 
      Author affiliation: 1 National Key Lab. of Vehicle Transmission, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
      Corresponding author: Zuo, Y. (zuoyihe19841228@yahoo.com.cn
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 23-29
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: This paper analyzed and confirmed the whole car modes of driving, modes conversion transient algorithm, planetary system kinematics limited model for a certain parallel-serial hybrid electric vehicle configuration, and proposed based-power-track control strategy. Combining Cruise with Matlab, we carried out the combination simulation under Udc_auto cycling run condition. The simulation result showed that mode conversions are stable, and tracking pre-defined car velocity effect is good. The engine can be controlled to work at the vicinity of its optimizing curve under accelerating condition of medium and high velocity of vehicle. The control strategy and algorithm are valid. Compared with conventional vehicle, HEV control strategy can realize that the decreasing ratio of fuel consumption reaches 55.42% under the same cycle run condition.
      Number of references:  11
      Main heading: Electric vehicles
      Controlled terms: Automobiles - MATLAB - Secondary batteries
 Uncontrolled terms: Control strategies  -  High velocity  -  Hybrid electric vehicle  -  Hybrid electrical vehicle  -  Mode conversions  -  Planetary system  -  Power tracks  -  Simulation result  -  Track control  -  Velocity effects
      Classification code: 723.5 Computer Applications  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  702.1.2 Secondary Batteries  -  921 Mathematics  -  682.1.2 Locomotives  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  432 Highway Transportation  -  662.2 Smaller Vehicles
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

5. Accession number: 20100312648597
      Title: Molecular dynamics simulation for variation relationship of volume-elasticitymodulus of crystal cu with pressure and temperature
      Authors: Li, Guannan1 ; Miao, Enming1 ; Fei, Yetai1 
      Author affiliation: 1 School of Instrument Science and Opto-Electronic Engineering,HefeiUniversity of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
      Corresponding author: Miao, E. (miaoem@163.com
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 228-232
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
Abstract: The variation relationship of volume-elasticity modulus of crystal Cu with pressure and temperature was analyzed by molecular dynamics simulation, to gain a sensitive point of pressure value. The results shows the volume-elasticity modulus of crystal Cu decreases as temperature rises, but increases as pressure rises before the point 75?GPa; whereas, exceeding the point, the volume-elasticity modulus of crystal Cu increases as temperature rises, but decrease as pressure rises.
      Number of references: 9
      Main heading: Elasticity
      Controlled terms: Dynamics - Molecular dynamics - Molecular mechanics
      Uncontrolled terms: Elasticity moduli  -  Molecular dynamics simulations  -  Pressure and temperature  -  Pressure rise  -  Pressure values  -  Temperature rise  -  Volume-elasticity modulus
      Classification code: 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  801.4 Physical Chemistry  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
6. Accession number: 20100312648586
      Title: Energy-efficient query algorithms for moisture sensor networks based on fine-grain gradient
      Authors: Xiao, Deqin1, 2 ; Zhou, Quan2 ; Wang, Jingli1 ; Li, Jiuhao2 ; Luo, Xiwen2 
      Author affiliation: 1 College of Informatics, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
2 Key Laboratory of Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
      Corresponding author: Luo, X. (xwluo@scau.edu.cn
 Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 169-176
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: On the basis of the existing query algorithms in wireless sensor networks, with the target to extend the life cycle, the energy-efficient query algorithms for moisture sensor networks based on fine-grain gradient (EEQAFGG) was proposed by binding the excellent idea of the aggregation tree with location-assisted querying. Further more, three sub-modules of EEQAFGG about query routing, query processing, and query unconventionality processing were designed in detail. The EEQAFGG in regional query and whole network query from small to ultra-large-scale network was simulated, and was compared with aggregation tree query and location-assisted query. Simulation shows that EEQAFGG can effectively reduce energy consumption, uniform network load and extend network life cycle, and it is especially suitable for large-scale farmland monitoring data query. Particularly in regional query, the life cycle of EEQAFGG is longer than SPT querying and Compass querying by 10% to 50%.
      Number of references: 10
      Main heading: Wireless sensor networks
      Controlled terms: Computer simulation  -  Electric load forecasting  -  Life cycle  -  Moisture control  -  Moisture meters  -  Query processing  -  Sensor networks  -  Wireless telecommunication systems
      Uncontrolled terms: Data query  -  Energy consumption  -  Energy efficient  -  Fine-grain gradient  -  Large-scale network  -  Moisture sensors  -  Network life cycle  -  Network load  -  Query algorithms  -  Query routing   -  Submodules
      Classification code: 731.3 Specific Variables Control  -  732 Control Devices  -  903.1 Information Sources and Analysis  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  903.3 Information Retrieval and Use  -  944.1 Moisture Measuring Instruments  -  944.2 Moisture Measurements  -  913.1 Production Engineering  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television  -  716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment  -  717 Optical Communication  -  706.1 Electric Power Systems  -  722.3 Data Communication, Equipment and Techniques  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  723.3 Database Systems  -  722.4 Digital Computers and Systems
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
7. Accession number: 20100312648566
      Title: Experiment on optimal forcing method for seed-corn thresher
      Authors: Jie, Xin1 ; Li, Xiaofeng1 ; Sun, Liang1 ; Du, Xin1 ; Gao, Lianxing1 
 Author affiliation: 1 College of Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China
      Corresponding author: Gao, L. (lianxing_gao@126.com
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 71-75 29
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: In order to research threshing seed-corn identity and damage mechanism, improve threshing principle, reduce damage and enhance efficiency, the threshing experiments for Longdi-401 seed-corn were carried out by using the LDS microcomputer control and electron draw press test machine, to investigate the effects of variety, moisture condition, force position and restriction property. The results show that under the same condition, it's easiest at corn bottom fringe to thresh, the second is at top fringe and the last is middle fringe; the longitudinal bending force is the optimal forcing method for threshing.
      Number of references: 13
      Main heading: Agriculture
      Controlled terms: Experiments - Moisture control - Optimization - Seed
      Uncontrolled terms: Bending force  -  Damage mechanism  -  Longitudinal bending force  -  Microcomputer control  -  Moisture conditions  -  Test machine
      Classification code: 731.3 Specific Variables Control  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  944.2 Moisture Measurements
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

8. Accession number: 20100312648584
      Title: Limited hydrolysis of soybean proteins and modifications in emulsifying property and oil absorption capacity
      Authors: Zhao, Xinhuai1 ; Hou, Yao1 
      Author affiliation: 1 Key Laboratory of Dairy Science, Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
      Corresponding author: Zhao, X. (zhaoxh@mail.neau.edu.cn
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year:  2009
      Pages: 159-163 209
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: Soybean protein concentrate and soybean protein isolate were both limited hydrolysed with neutrase and trypsin respectively. SDSPAGE was employed to analyse protein degradation in the hydrolysed soybean protein products. The relationship between hydrolysis pattern and the functional properties of the hydrolysed soybean protein products, such as emulsion property and oil absorption, were investigated. The emulsifying activity index, emulsion stability and oil absorption capacity of eight hydrolysed soybean protein products with the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 1% or 2% were detected. The experimental data indicate that the emulsifying property and oil absorption capacity correlate with the protease used or the DH. For soybean protein concentrate, hydrolysis with neutrase or trypsin improves its emulsifying property and oil absorption capacity, and hydrolysis with trypsin to the DH of 1% gains the optimal emulsifying property and oil absorption capacity. At the same time, hydrolysis with neutrase or trypsin improves the emulsifying activity index of soybean protein isolate, but reduces the oil absorption capacity, and hydrolysed soybean protein isolate with trypsin to a DH of 1% has the optimal emulsion property.
      Number of references: 14
      Main heading: Emulsification
      Controlled terms: Absorption  -  Hydrolysis  -  Polyacrylonitriles  -  Proteins
      Uncontrolled terms: Emulsion properties  -  Emulsion property  -  Oil absorption  -  Soybean protein concentrates  -  Soybean proteins
      Classification code: 802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  815.1.1 Organic Polymers  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
9. Accession number: 20100312648558
      Title: Design and road tests of ASR controller based on the V-flow
      Authors: Zhang, Wei1 ; Wang, Weida2 ; Yu, Guizhen1 ; Ding, Nenggen1 ; Zou, Hongming3 
      Author affiliation: 1 School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
                       2   School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
3   R and D Center, Guangzhou Automobile Group Corporation, Guangzhou 510640, China
      Corresponding author: Yu, G. (yugzbuaa@gmail.com
      Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
      Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
      Volume: 40
      Issue: 12
      Issue date: December 2009
      Publication year: 2009
      Pages: 30-36
      Language: Chinese
      ISSN: 10001298
      Document type: Journal article (JA)
      Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
      Abstract: For acceleration slip regulation system (ASR), the traditional method develops the control algorithm through vehicle road experiments, which needs a long period and a high cost. The experiments are only carried on after the development of ECU hardware, which can't meet the requirement of parallel engineering of software and hardware. The ASR controller was developed based on the V-flow method. Then the development of ECU was accomplished, by the modeling and simulation of ASR system, implementation of rapid control prototype (RCP), hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS), and the vehicle road tests. The research results indicate that the developed ECU can realize the ASR function preferably, and the V-flow developing method is ascendant to develop of the vehicle electronic control systems.
      Number of references: 14
      Main heading: Controllers
      Controlled terms: Algorithms  -  Computer simulation  -  Electronics industry  -  Experiments  -  Hardware  -  Power electronics  -  Remelting  -  Roads and streets  -  Synthetic apertures
      Uncontrolled terms: Control algorithms  -  Hardware in-the-loop simulation  -  High costs  -  Modeling and simulation  -  Parallel engineering  -  Rapid control prototypes  -  Research results  -  Road tests  -  Slip regulation  -  System controllers   -  Vehicle electronics
      Classification code: 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial  -  715.2 Industrial Electronic Equipment  -  716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment  -  921 Mathematics  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  714 Electronic Components and Tubes  -  713.5 Other Electronic Circuits  -  406.2 Roads and Streets  -  534.1 Foundries  -  545.3 Steel  -  605 Small Tools and Hardware  -  712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials  -  713 Electronic Circuits
      Database: Compendex
      Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
10. Accession number:  20100312648590
       Title: Image diagnosis algorithm of diseased wheat
       Authors: Chen, Bingqi1 ; Guo, Xuemei1 ; Li, Xiaohua1 
 Author affiliation: 1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
       Corresponding author: Chen, B. (cbq93@sohu.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 190-195
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Diseased areas were emphasized using wavelet transformation and texture matrix, of which the binary image was obtained by threshold processing. Color values of the diseased area were calculated by matching the binary image and the original image. The diseased image in the database was searched using a principle of the least difference of color value between current image and image in database. Then the right rate of the detecting with the algorithm is above 90%.
       Number of references: 21
       Main heading: Diagnosis
       Controlled terms: Binary images  -  Color matching  -  Imaging systems  -  Learning algorithms  -  Textures  -  Wavelet transforms
       Uncontrolled terms: Color values  -  Current image  -  Disease diagnosis  -  Image diagnosis  -  matrix  -  Original images  -  Threshold processing  -  Wavelet transformations
       Classification code: 933 Solid State Physics  -  921.3 Mathematical Transformations  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  801 Chemistry  -  746 Imaging Techniques  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
11. Accession number: 20100312648571
       Title: Key technology of variable-rate spraying system of online mixing pesticide
       Authors: Liu, Zhizhuang1 ; Xu, Hanhong1 ; Hong, Tiansheng1 ; Zhang, Wenzhao2 ; Zhu, Yuqing1 ; Zhang, Kun1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Key Laboratory of Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, Ministry of Education, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
2 Department of Electronic Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou 425100, China
       Corresponding author: Hong, T. (tshong@scau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
    Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
    Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 93-96 129
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: This paper developed a mixing pesticide device, a differential pressure flow meter, and a flow metering valve, with the corresponding control system, to achieve variable rate spraying based on online mixing pesticide. Variable rate spraying was implemented by using the system to measure flow of water and pesticide, and control chemical flow in real time. The experimental results show that the errors of the flow meter are within ±2.0%, and the controlling errors of chemical flow are within ±3.0% in this system.
       Number of references: 16
       Main heading: Flowmeters
       Controlled terms: Agriculture  -  Errors  -  Flow measurement  -  Mixing  -  Pesticides  -  Real variables
       Uncontrolled terms: Flow metering - On-line mixing - Online mixing pesticide - Precision Agriculture - Variable rate
       Classification code: 943.1 Mechanical Instruments  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  921 Mathematics  -  821.2 Agricultural Chemicals  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  802.3 Chemical Operations - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
12. Accession number: 20100312648601
       Title: Spinning technology based on principle of continuous multipoint forming
       Authors: Hu, Zhiqing1, 2 ; Li, Mingzhe2 ; Sui, Zhen3 ; Guan, Wenyu4 
       Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
2 Roll Forging Research Institute, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
                       3 School of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
                       4  YTO Engine Machinery Company, Luoyang 471004, China
       Corresponding author: Hu, Z. (zqhu@jlu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 247-250
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The novel spinning processing based on the continuous multipoint forming was proposed, and the rollers disposal and the drive mode were discussed. Then, the effective spinning set was developed, on which a lot of experimental parts were formed, and the round sheet metal was achieved. Therefore, this study paves the way for building the basic theory of effective spinning, resolving the structure design of flexible roller, the control point setup, and the mode of auto control system, as well probing into technology parameter.
       Number of references: 8
       Main heading: Sheet metal
       Controlled terms: Metal spinning  -  Rollers (machine components)  -  Spinning (fibers)
       Uncontrolled terms: Auto control  -  Basic theory  -  Control point  -  Drive mode  -  Flexible forming  -  Flexible roller  -  Multi-point forming  -  Plastic forming  -  Spinning technologies  -  Structure design   -  Technology parameters
       Classification code: 535.1 Metal Rolling  -  535.2 Metal Forming  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  819.3 Fiber Chemistry and Processing
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
13. Accession number: 20100312648587
       Title: AVI system for classification of foreign fibers in cotton
       Authors: Yang, Wenzhu1, 2 ; Li, Daoliang1 ; Wei, Xinhua3 ; Kang, Yuguo4 ; Li, Futang4 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
2  College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China
3  Provincial Key Laboratory Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
4  China Cotton Machinery and Equipment Co. Ltd., China Cotton Industries Ltd., Beijing 100089, China
       Corresponding author: Li, D. (dliangl@cau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 177-181 227
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: An online classification system was developed based on automated visual inspection (AVI) technology to classify the foreign fibers detected in cotton. The proposed system uses a lint layer generator to bring the foreign fibers buried inside the lint to the surface, to make them easy to be "seen". A Piranha color camera with a tri-linear CCD sensor was used to detect color foreign fibers, and a Piranha2 line scan CCD camera was employed to detect the white foreign fibers which can emit fluorescence under the ultraviolet excitation. Then a fuzzy classifier integrating multiple classifiers was designed for the classification of the detected foreign fibers. The results indicate that the mean veracity of classification of foreign fibers reaches 80%.
Number of references: 15
       Main heading: Fibers
       Controlled terms: Automation  -  Cameras  -  Classifiers  -  Computer vision  -  Cotton  -  Digital cameras  -  Inspection  -  Integration  -  Visual communication
       Uncontrolled terms: Automated visual inspection  -  Color cameras  -  Foreign fiber  -  Fuzzy classifiers  -  Line scan CCD  -  Linear CCD sensors  -  Multi-classifier  -  Multiple classifiers  -  On-line classification  -  System use   -  Ultra violet excitation
       Classification code: 802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  812 Ceramics, Refractories and Glass  -  817 Plastics and Other Polymers: Products and Applications  -  921.2 Calculus  -  819.1 Natural Fibers  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  913.3.1 Inspection  -  819.4 Fiber Products  -  742.2 Photographic Equipment  -  741.2 Vision  -  716.4 Television Systems and Equipment  -  717.1 Optical Communication Systems  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  731.6 Robot Applications  -  732 Control Devices
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
14. Accession number: 20100312648565
       Title: Exploiture and experiment of self-walking cotton-stalk combine harvester
       Authors: Wang, Fengde1 ; Chen, Zhi1 ; Dong, Shiping1 ; Sun, Yufeng1 ; Wu, Lili1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
       Corresponding author: Chen, Z. (chenz@caams.org.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 67-70 66
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The basic structure and principle of cotton-stalk combine harvester were introduced. Whole configuration, chassis structure and feed cutter mechanism were designed. The automation in harvest, cut up, collection load, unload, was achieved, by adopting the following methods: principle of lengthways symmetric configuration simplification of feed mechanism, and configuration of the roller cutter by cross symmetry in left and right. The result indicate that the process is reasonable with the good applicability, which accelerates the development of cotton-stalk large-scale utilization.
       Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Harvesters
       Controlled terms: Cotton - Experiments - Machine design - Machinery
       Uncontrolled terms: Basic structure - Combine harvesters - Feed cutter mechanism - Feed mechanisms - Scale utilization - Self-walking
       Classification code: 601 Mechanical Design - 819.1 Natural Fibers - 821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 901.3 Engineering Research
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
15. Accession number: 20100312648560
       Title: Study on priorities of human-machine interface in combine harvester cab
       Authors: Qiu, Ying1 ; Zhu, Zhongxiang1 ; Mao, Enrong1 ; Song, Zhenghe1 ; Hu, Weibin2 ; Zhu, Xianxue2 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
2 Foton Lovol International Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Weifang 261206, China
       Corresponding author: Song, Z. (gxy16@cau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 43-47
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The structure of human-machine interface in combine harvester cab was analyzed in terms of ergonomics, then, the priorities of the components were calculated using the modified method of TOPSIS, based on the interview and investigation to 2 designers in the corporation and 45 experienced drivers. The results showed that components used in emergency and frequently are prior to others. Therefore the procedure is more scientific and effective combined with both subjective and objective methods, and the conclusion could be applied to design or evaluate the combine harvester cab.
       Number of references: 9
       Main heading: Harvesters
       Controlled terms: Ergonomics - Machine components - Man machine systems
       Uncontrolled terms: Combine harvesters - Human Machine Interface - Objective methods
       Classification code: 461.4 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  961 Systems Science
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

16. Accession number: 20100312648596
       Title: Fractal model of tangential contact stiffness of joint interfaces and its simulation
       Authors: Wen, Shuhua1 ; Zhang, Xueliang1 ; Wen, Xiaoguang1 ; Wang, Pengyun1 ; Wu, Meixian1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Mechanical and Electronic Engineering College, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
       Corresponding author: Wen, S. (kd_wsh@sina.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 223-227
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Based on contact fractal theory and micro-contact size distribution function, a fractal model for tangential contact stiffness of joint interfaces, considering the influence of the domain extension factor for micro-contact size distribution, was proposed. By numerical simulation, the nonlinear relationship between the tangential contact stiffness and the characteristic parameters of joint interfaces was obtained. The result shows that the tangential contact stiffness of joint interfaces increases with the normal total load applied on joint interfaces, and descreases with the tangential load. Moreover, the tangential contact stiffness increases with the fractal characteristic length scale parameter G* descreasing, but complicatedly varies with the fractal dimension D.
       Number of references: 5
    Main heading: Fractal dimension
       Controlled terms: Computer simulation - Distribution functions - Size determination - Size distribution - Stiffness
       Uncontrolled terms: Characteristic parameter  -  Fractal characteristics  -  Fractal model  -  Fractal theory  -  Joint interfaces  -  Micro-contact  -  Non-linear relationships  -  Numerical simulation  -  Tangential contact  -  Tangential load   -  Total load
       Classification code: 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments  -  933.1 Crystalline Solids  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  922.1 Probability Theory  -  951 Materials Science  -  921 Mathematics  -  531.2 Metallography  -  423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  723.5 Computer Applications
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
17. Accession number: 20100312648577
       Title: Study of mold cone angle of hydraulic briquetting press based on ANSYS
       Authors: Liu, Chao1 ; Dong, Yuping1 ; Wu, Yunyu1 
 Author affiliation: 1 Key Laboratory of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061, China
       Corresponding author: Dong, Y. (dongyp@sdu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 125-129
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN:  10001298
       CODEN:  NUYCA3
       Document type:  Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Mold cone angle is an important parameter. The simulation of the main molding stage of hydraulic briquetting machine was carried out with the finite element software ANSYS, in which the special ANSYS parametric design language was used to optimize analysis the mold cone angle of hydraulic briquetting press. The relationship between mold cone angle and equivalent stress was studied, along with the relationship between the friction stress and displacement in different mold cone angle values. The result indicated the best range of mold cone angle of 5.5°-6.0° is obtained, in which, the simulation results are approximately in accordance with the measured values. Furthermore, the briquette block has a good density, and quality, and is suitable for storage and transportation.
       Number of references:  10
       Main heading: Molds
       Controlled terms: Briquetting  -  Computer simulation languages  -  Computer software  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Hydraulics  -  Linguistics  -  Machine design  -  Optimization  -  Presses (machine tools)
       Uncontrolled terms: ANSYS parametric design language  -  Cone angle  -  Equivalent stress  -  Finite element software  -  Friction stress  -  Simulation result
       Classification code: 921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  812.3 Glass  -  816.2 Plants and Machinery for Plastics and Other Polymers  -  818.4 Rubber Factories and Machinery  -  903.2 Information Dissemination  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  632.1 Hydraulics  -  603.1 Machine Tools, General  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  535.2.1 Metal Forming Machines  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

18. Accession number: 20100312648553
       Title: Characteristics of filtration and flow-resistance of wall-flow diesel particulate filter
       Authors: Gong, Jinke1 ; Liu, Yunqing1 ; Long, Gang1 ; Wu, Gang1 ; Yu, Mingguo1 ; Yu, Xuan1 
       Author affiliation: 1  College of Mechanical and Vehicle, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
       Corresponding author: Gong, J. (gongjinke@126.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 1-7 18
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Based on the air-flow characteristics of diesel wall-flow particulate filter, the mathematical model of loading process for the wall-flow filter was proposed. In this model, the porous wall was assumed to be composed of numerous spherical collectors. The effects of the exhaust-flow characteristic and the structural parameter of filter on the over-all properties of filter were analyzed. The results showed that decreasing exhaust-flow and increasing volume of filter optimize the characteristics of filtration and flow-resistance. Decrease in the ratio of length to diameter of filter optimize flow-resistance, whereas has no influence on filtration. Increment in wall thickness optimizes filtration, whereas deteriorates flow-resistance. Exhaust temperature and channel width both have a minor influence on both filtration and flow-resistance. The experimental results verified the accuracy of mathematical model.
       Number of references: 13
       Main heading: Walls (structural partitions)
       Controlled terms: Air filters  -  Computer simulation  -  Diesel engines  -  Fuel filters  -  Mathematical models  -  Pumps  -  Wall flow
       Uncontrolled terms: Air flow  -  Channel widths  -  Diesel particulate filters  -  Exhaust temperature  -  Flow characteristic  -  Flow resistance  -  Loading process  -  Particulate filters  -  Porous walls  -  Structural parameter   -  Wall thickness
Classification code:  921 Mathematics  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  651.2 Wind Tunnels  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  618.2 Pumps  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  523 Liquid Fuels  -  522 Gas Fuels  -  521.3 Fuel Burners  -  451.2 Air Pollution Control  -  408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  402 Buildings and Towers
       Database:  Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

19. Accession number: 20100312648585
       Title: Features of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) in greenhouse
       Authors: Zheng, Jian1 ; Cai, Huanjie1 ; Wang, Jian1 ; Wang, Yan2 
       Author affiliation: 1 Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid Area of Ministry of Education, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
2  College of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
       Corresponding author: Cai, H. (caihj@nwsuaf.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
    Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 164-168 176
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The characteristics and effects of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) on crops were analyzed on the basis of the observed radiation data from greenhouse. The results showed that a linear relationship between PAR and water surface evaporation exists, with the correlation coefficient of 0.7974. The photosynthesis rate (Pn) increases with the PAR increasing, but when the PAR reached a certain number, the photosynthesis rate stopped increasing. The cell sap concentration of leaf (CSC) shows a single peak curve with the PAR, but has a certain delay phenomenon relative to the PAR. The daily variation trends of the total solar radiation (Q) and PAR presents a single peak curve in sunny day or overcast day during winter or spring, Furthermore, the values in sunny day are higher than in overcast day. The utilization ratio of PAR for mini-watermelon in the autumn of 2007 and the spring of 2008 are 6.38% and 6.31% respectively, above the result of field crop.
       Number of references: 20
       Main heading: Radiation effects
       Controlled terms: Crops  -  Evaporation  -  Greenhouses  -  Leaf springs  -  Military engineering  -  Photosynthesis  -  Sun  -  Vapors
       Uncontrolled terms: Cell sap  -  Concentration of  -  Correlation coefficient  -  Field crops  -  Linear relationships  -  Photosynthesis rate  -  Photosynthetic active radiations  -  Photosynthetic rate  -  Single peak  -  Utilization ration   -  Utilization ratios  -  Water surface
       Classification code: 821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  744 Lasers  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  711 Electromagnetic Waves  -  641.1 Thermodynamics  -  622.2 Radiation Effects  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  404.1 Military Engineering  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  657.2 Extraterrestrial Physics and Stellar Phenomena
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

20. Accession number: 20100312648576
       Title: Self-priming vortex pump variable speed performance and internal flow test
       Authors: Sha, Yi1 ; Li, Jinlei2 ; Liu, Xiangsong2 ; Hou, Liyan2 ; Cheng, Feng1 
       Author affiliation: 1 School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2 School of Power and Energy Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: Sha, Y. (shayi01@sina.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 119-124
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The 25WZ112 vortex self-priming pump test prototype was developed. Through the experiment of type and the external characteristics of the variable rotational speed, performance curves, such as qv-H and qv-η, were obtained. The curve conversion for qv-H meets the proportion law of similar theory, but the qv-NPSH curve conversion does not satisfy the cavitation affinity law for the vortex pump. The flow channel field was measured with 5-hole probe, to gain the distribution of flow static pressure ps, equivalent vre radial velocity and equivalent circumferential velocity vue at the various pump rotational speed. By analyze the test data, the relation between the external characteristic and the internal flow was discussed, also the type and location for the cavitations of the vortex pump was presented.
       Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Pumps
       Controlled terms: Cavitation  -  Flow fields  -  Speed
       Uncontrolled terms: 5-hole probes  -  Circumferential velocity  -  Curve conversion  -  External characteristic  -  Flow channels  -  Internal flows  -  Performance curve  -  Radial velocity  -  Rotational speed  -  Self priming pumps   -  Self-priming  -  Similar theory  -  Static pressure  -  Test data  -  Variable speed  -  Vortex pumps
       Classification code: 618.2 Pumps  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics  -  931.1 Mechanics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

21. Accession number: 20100312648599
       Title: Research on efficiency characteristic of angle type hydraulic transformer
       Authors: Jing, Chongbo1 ; Wei, Chao1 ; Li, Xueyuan1 ; Liu, Dinghua1 
 Author affiliation: 1 National Key Laboratory of Vehicular Transmission, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
       Corresponding author: Jing, C. (weipeter1@bit.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 237-241
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The mathematic models of displacement, flow, angular torque and efficiency about angle type hydraulic transformer were built respectively. Then, the efficiency hill of hydraulic transformer was drawn, and efficiency characteristic was revealed. The results of analysis and test show that the total efficiency of hydraulic transformer is above 70% in normal condition and the high efficiency range is wider. The total efficiency increase first and decrease afterwards with the increment of flow of load circuit or rotational speed, and presents the same change tendency with the increment of pressure of load circuit or rotation angle of valve plate.
       Number of references: 8
       Main heading: Electric transformer testing
       Controlled terms: Cost effectiveness  -  Hydraulics
       Uncontrolled terms: Efficiency characteristic  -  High efficiency  -  Hydraulic transformer  -  Mathematic model  -  Normal condition  -  Rotation angles  -  Rotational speed  -  Total efficiency  -  Transformation ratio
Classification code: 912.3 Operations Research  -  912.2 Management  -  911.2 Industrial Economics  -  715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial  -  706.2 Electric Power Lines and Equipment  -  704 Electric Components and Equipment  -  632.1 Hydraulics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

22. Accession number: 20100312648592
       Title: Development of a ground speed collecting system for the variable rate fertilizer machine based on bluetooth
       Authors: Qi, Jiangtao1 ; Zhang, Shuhui1 ; Yu, Yingjie1 ; Xu, Yan1 
       Author affiliation: 1   Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education,
                       Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
       Corresponding author: Zhang, S. (shzhang@jlu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 200-204
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Measuring the ground speed is important for a variable rate fertilizer machine. Since the working environment is hard, the reliability and anti-jamming capability of the ground speed collecting system is poor. A ground speed collecting system for a variable rate fertilizer machine is developed based on Bluetooth. The ground speed sensor of the system is a photoelectric encoder, which is set on one of the wheels of the machine. An ARM microprocessor is used to receive input signals from the ground speed sensor, and calculate the working speed. And then the working speed signals are transformed into the Bluetooth signal format, and transmitted to variable rate fertilizer controller by the KC111 adapters. The maximum error of the test is 2.92%. It shows that the developed system is practical.
       Number of references: 16
       Main heading: Speed
       Controlled terms:  Agriculture   -   Bluetooth   -   Fertilizers   -   Sensors
       Uncontrolled terms: Anti-jamming capability  -  Ground speed  -  Input signal  -  Maximum error  -  Photoelectric encoders  -  Precision Agriculture  -  Signal formats  -  Variable rate  -  Variable rate fertilization  -  Working environment   -  Working speed
       Classification code: 902.2 Codes and Standards  -  821.2 Agricultural Chemicals  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  732.2 Control Instrumentation  -  716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment  -  801 Chemistry
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

23. Accession number: 20100312648561
       Title: Design of low noise for timing gear cover based on topology optimization
       Authors: Fang, Hua1 ; Wang, Tianling1 ; Li, Shengcheng1 
       Author affiliation: 1   State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
       Corresponding author: Fang, H. (fh0917@sina.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 48-50 47
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The optimization of timing gear cover was carried by using Altair Hyperworks, to gain the optimal mass distribution. Hereby, the structural modification was performed. The mode of timing gear cover avoided the frequency range of timing gear train excitation, to reduce the radiated noise. In order to calculate radiated sound power of timing gear cover, the finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) were used. The calculating result shows that the radiated sound power on new timing gear cover decrease by 2.4 dB, which was validated by the verification test.
       Number of references: 7
       Main heading: Boundary element method
       Controlled terms: Modal analysis  -  Structural optimization  -  Time measurement  -  Topology
       Uncontrolled terms: Frequency ranges  -  Gear train  -  Gear-cover  -  Low noise  -  Mass distribution  -  Noise  -  Radiated noise  -  Radiated sound  -  Structural modifications  -  Topology Optimization   -  Verification tests
       Classification code: 703.1 Electric Networks  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  943.3 Special Purpose Instruments
 Database:  Compendex
 Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

24. Accession number: 20100312648581
       Title: Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of paeonia suffruticosa Andr. seed oil
       Authors: Yi, Junpeng1, 2 ; Zhu, Wenxue2 ; Ma, Haile1 ; Wang, Yifen3 
       Author affiliation: 1   College of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
2  College of Food and Bioengineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
3  Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Kunming 650204, China
       Corresponding author: Zhu, W. (zwx@mail.haust.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 144-150
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Based on the single factor test, the effects of particle size, SC CO2 flow rate, pressure, and temperature, extraction time on oil extraction yield were investigated. As a result, three independent variables, such as particle size, pressure, and temperature, have significant effects on the oil yield. A three-factor and five-level second-order regression for central composite experimental design was employed to study the response, and the interaction of the factors on the oil yield was also investigated. By the analysis of response surface, a polynomial regression equation was obtained, to gain the optimal conditions of SC CO2 extraction followed as, particle size of 60 mesh, CO2 flow rate of 20 L/h, extraction pressure of 35 MPa, temperature of 45°C, and time of 120 min. In the aboved condition, the experimental yield of the Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. seed oil is 24.22%. GCMS analysis shows that the extracted oil is abundant in unsaturated fatty acid with the majority of the components as linoleic acid (23.34%) and linolenic acid (66.85%).
       Number of references: 11
       Main heading: Extraction
       Controlled terms: Acids  -  Carbon dioxide  -  Fatty acids  -  Oils and fats  -  Seed  -  Supercritical fluid extraction  -  Surface analysis  -  Surface properties
       Uncontrolled terms: Central composite  -  Central composite design  -  Central composite designs  -  Experimental design  -  Extraction pressure  -  Extraction time  -  GC-MS analysis  -  Independent variables  -  Linoleic acid  -  Linolenic acids   -  Oil extraction  -  Oil yield  -  Optimal conditions  -  Polynomial regression equations  -  Response surface  -  Response surface analysis  -  Second orders  -  Seed oil  -  Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction  -  Unsaturated fatty acids
       Classification code: 951 Materials Science  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  822.3 Food Products  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  644.2 Refrigerants  -  423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

25. Accession number: 20100312648588
       Title: High accuracy measurement of grape stem diameter based on computer vision
       Authors: Zeng, Qingbing1 ; Liu, Chengliang1 ; Miao, Yubin1 ; Wang, Shiping2 ; Huang, Danfeng2 
       Author affiliation: 1   School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2   School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
       Corresponding author: Zeng, Q. (zengqingbing@sjtu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 182-185
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: For non-contact and high accurate measurement of grape stem diameter, a method based on computer vision was proposed. Bilateral filtering was implemented for smoothing original grayscale images. Furthermore, the grape stem was extracted from the background by Otsu and BloB analysis. According to the localized feature point, the position of stem diameter was determined. Then the stem diameter was calculated by the pixel size coefficient and the pixels of the stem diameter. Consequently, continuous stem diameter measurement was achieved. Field applications and experimental results show that the repeatability accuracy of the system achieves ±0.5 μm.
       Number of references: 9
       Main heading: Computer vision
       Controlled terms: Image enhancement - Imaging systems - Pixels
       Uncontrolled terms: Accurate measurement  -  Bilateral filtering  -  Blob analysis  -  Field application  -  Gray-scale images  -  High-accuracy measurements  -  Localized features  -  Non-contact  -  Non-contact measurement  -  Noncontact measurements   -  Pixel size  -  Stem diameter
       Classification code: 742.2 Photographic Equipment  -  741.2 Vision  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  746 Imaging Techniques  -  731.6 Robot Applications  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  722.2 Computer Peripheral Equipment  -  723.5 Computer Applications
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

26. Accession number: 20100312648559
       Title: Locomotion control of unmanned high-speed AWIDAWIS vehicle
       Authors: Ruan, Jiuhong1 ; Li, Yibin1 ; Rong, Xuewen1 ; Song, Rui1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Center for Robotics, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061, China
       Corresponding author:  Li, Y. (liyb@sdu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 37-42
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The high performance locomotion control is an essential issue of the unmanned AWIDAWIS (all-wheel-independent-drive and steering) vehicle. Firstly, a kind of hierarchical locomotion control architecture suited to the unmanned vehicle was proposed. Its top layer, middle layer and bottom layer are the locomotion controller, the control allocator and the independent wheel drive-brake-steering servo controller, respectively. Secondly, a novel vehicle dynamic/kinematics integrated locomotion control means was developed using the extended state observer (ESO) and active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method, and the controller was subsequently designed. Finally, the vehicle locomotion control simulations under different conditions were performed. The results showed the proposed control method is virtual, and that the control objective for AWIDAWIS vehicle locomotion couldn't be designed simply.
       Number of references:  7
       Main heading: Controllers
       Controlled terms: Automobile parts and equipment  -  Automobile steering equipment  -  Biped locomotion  -  Degrees of freedom (mechanics)  -  Disturbance rejection  -  Remotely operated vehicles  -  Steering  -  Wheels
       Uncontrolled terms: Active disturbance rejection controls  -  Allocators  -  Bottom layers  -  Control methods  -  Control objectives  -  Extended state observer  -  High-speed  -  Independent wheel  -  Integrated locomotion control  -  Locomotion control   -  Locomotion controllers  -  Middle layer  -  Servo-controllers  -  Unmanned drive
       Classification code: 732.1 Control Equipment  -  732 Control Devices  -  731.5 Robotics  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  671.2 Ship Equipment  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  461.3 Biomechanics, Bionics and Biomimetics  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

27. Accession number: 20100312648562
       Title: Design method of precision spade punch planter of maize based on CBR
       Authors: Yang, Yu1 ; Li, Chenghua2 ; Zhang, Guoliang3 
       Author affiliation: 1   College of Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China
2   School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110168, China
3   College of Forestry, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China
       Corresponding author: Li, C. (chenghuali2000@yahoo.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year:  2009
       Pages: 51-55
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Traditional calculational models for similarities between case properties lack the adaptability to imprecision information in an uncertain environment, therefore, based on case-based reasoning (CBR) principle, and determination method for real case similarity and combined calculation method for properties weight were studied. A similarity computation model among interval value and an objective method based on the deviation information of similarity values among properties were proposed. CBR principle was applied in design of precision spade punch planter of maize. IDEF0 method was adopted to disassemble design procedure. The nearest-neighbor case retrieval strategy was used to accomplish case retrieval. Then, the retrieved case was modified to meet the needs of the design. Three-dimensional parameterized model was developed, and dynamic simulation was carried out for design scheme by using Pro/E, which verified effectiveness and feasibility of the design.
       Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Case based reasoning
       Controlled terms: Bits  -  Design  -  Three dimensional
       Uncontrolled terms: Based on case-based reasoning  -  Calculation methods  -  Case retrieval  -  Case similarity  -  CBr  -  Design method  -  Design procedure  -  Design scheme  -  Digital designs  -  Dynamic simulation   -  Interval value  -  Nearest-neighbors  -  Objective methods  -  Parameterized model  -  Similarity computation  -  Uncertain environments
       Classification code: 408 Structural Design  -  603.2 Machine Tool Accessories  -  723.4 Artificial Intelligence  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics  -  903.1 Information Sources and Analysis
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

28. Accession number: 20100312648603
       Title: Simulation on regular polygon forming and locus of knifepoint based on rotary cutting machine tool
       Authors: Hu, Changjun1, 2 ; Qian, Ruiming2 ; Shi, Lei2 
       Author affiliation: 1   Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chizhou College, Chizhou 247000, China
                       2   School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
       Corresponding author: Hu, C. (hcjqy123@163.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 255-260
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Through analyzing a simple rotary cutting device for regular polygon, the forming principle was introduced, and the equation of knifepoint relative to workpiece was established. Then, the reason for length error of the polygon and the method of modifying were discussed along with straightness error. Hence, the precision of regular polygon cutting on rotary cutting machine tool gets assurance, and the work efficiency increases. By programming with VB, the dynamic simulation for locus of knifepoint was performed. Furthermore, the modeled curve of knifepoint, which proves the locus of regular polygon realized on rotary cutting machine tool can be actualized.
       Number of references: 15
       Main heading: Cutting
       Controlled terms: Computer simulation - Cutting equipment - Machine tools
       Uncontrolled terms: Cutting simulation  -  Dynamic simulation  -  Regular polygon  -  Rotary cutting machines  -  Straightness errors  -  Work efficiency  -  Work pieces
       Classification code: 502.2 Mine and Quarry Equipment - 603.1 Machine Tools, General - 604.1 Metal Cutting - 606.2 Abrasive Devices and Processes - 723.5 Computer Applications
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

29. Accession number: 20100312648573
       Title: Numerical simulation and experiment of inlet guide vane pre-whirl regulation for centrifugal pump
       Authors: Gui, Shaobo1 ; Cao, Shuliang1 ; Tan, Lei1 ; Zhu, Baoshan1 
       Author affiliation: 1 State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
       Corresponding author: Cao, S. (caoshl@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 101-106
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Based on the analysis of fluid flow at the inlet of the impeller, one kind of hydraulic design method for inlet guide vane was proposed, used to adjust the operation point of centrifugal pump. The goal of the method lies in reducing the incidence loss and recirculation loss and improving the hydraulic performance for centrifugal pump at off-design condition. Based on the SIMPLEC algorithm, the Reynolds averaged NavierStokes equation and RNG k-Ε turbulent model equation were solved. Then, the 3-D turbulent flow field of the centrifugal pump with inlet guide vane was simulated with the condition of various angles. Numerical results of operation performance are agreed well with the experimental date. Furthermore, the basic principle and mechanism of inlet guide vane pre-whirl regulation were analyzed.
       Number of references: 11
       Main heading: Pumps
       Controlled terms: Centrifugal pumps  -  Experiments  -  Flow of fluids  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Hydraulics  -  Inlet flow  -  Mathematical models  -  Numerical analysis  -  Pumping plants  -  Three dimensional   -  Wakes
       Uncontrolled terms: Basic principles  -  Fluid flow  -  Hydraulic designs  -  Hydraulic performance  -  Inlet guide vane  -  Numerical results  -  Numerical simulation  -  Off design condition  -  Operation performance  -  Operation point   -  Recirculations  -  Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations  -  SIMPLEC algorithm  -  Turbulent models  -  With inlets
       Classification code: 931.1 Mechanics  -  656.1 Space Flight  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  655.2 Satellites  -  632.1 Hydraulics  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  618.2 Pumps  -  446 Waterworks  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

30. Accession number: 20100312648569
       Title: Finite element analysis and optimization on leaf spring curved surface of nonlinear vibration dryer
       Authors: Yang, Xiaolan1 ; Liu, Jifeng2 ; Pu, Xiangfeng2 
       Author affiliation: 1  College of Material Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China
2  College of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China
       Corresponding author: Yang, X. (yxhh001@163.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year:  2009
       Pages: 84-87
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Aiming at the existing problems of the linear non-resonance vibrator dryer used in projects, the nonlinear nearby resonance double-mass vibrator dryer is applied. Following the introduction of the working principle, this paper analyzed the maximum transverse force of sieve plate on vibrator dryer when suffering sudden load of system, and performed finite element analysis of buckling deformation of leaf spring curved surface. The study shows that it is correct to consider the sudden load generated by the factors such as the material viscosity with temperature change and the heterogeneity of granularity. It is possible that transverse destabilization of the canister occurs when the buckling deformation of leaf spring suffers an action of lateral force from a sudden load. Finite element models based on the ANSYS software were established to analyze the stress of leaf spring. By investigating the physical response and the stress distribution, the buckling deformation of leaf spring in every step was solved. The above model can be widely used in the stability and the security of the system.
       Number of references: 14
       Main heading: Leaf springs
       Controlled terms: Buckling  -  Deformation  -  Dryers (equipment)  -  Finite element method  -  Optimization  -  Resonance  -  Stress concentration  -  Surfaces  -  Vibration analysis  -  Vibrators
       Uncontrolled terms: ANSYS software  -  Buckling deformation  -  Curved surfaces  -  Existing problems  -  Finite element analysis  -  Finite element models  -  Lateral force  -  Leaf spring curved surface  -  Mass vibrators  -  Material viscosity   -  Non-linear vibrations  -  Non-resonances  -  Physical response  -  Sieve plates  -  Stress distribution  -  Temperature changes  -  Transverse force  -  Working principles
       Classification code: 751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials  -  752.1 Acoustic Devices  -  801.4 Physical Chemistry  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  951 Materials Science  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  751.1 Acoustic Waves  -  701 Electricity and Magnetism  -  408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  601.1 Mechanical Devices  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  604.2 Machining Operations  -  642.2 Industrial Furnaces and Components  -  691.1 Materials Handling Equipment
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
31. Accession number: 20100312648582
       Title: Effect of spermidine on chilling-sensitivity of 'okubao' peach
       Authors: Feng, Zhihong1 ; Zhao, Yingli1 ; Li, Jianhua1 ; Yan, Genzhu1 ; Wang, Liang1 ; Wang, Chunsheng1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Farm Product Storage and Fresh-Keeping, Shanxi Academy of Agriculture Science, Taiyuan 030031, China
       Corresponding author: Wang, C. (sxnkybxs168@163.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 151-155 209
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: 'Okubao'peaches were dipped in spermidine (Spd) of different concentrations, and then were stored under 0-1°C. The results showed that Spd treatment reduces occurrence of chilling injury in comparison with CK; Spd at 50 mg/L is more effective in alleviating fruit browning, deferring occurrence of chilling injury, reducing chilling-sensitivity and prolonging freshening time of 'Okubao' peach, than 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L.
       Number of references: 19
       Uncontrolled terms: Chilling injury - Spermidine
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

32. Accession number: 20100312648594
       Title: Method of foreign patent knowledge acquisition to support product conceptual innovation design
       Authors: Wang, Zhaoxia1 ; Qiu, Qingying1 ; Feng, Peien1 
       Author affiliation: 1 State Key Laboratory of CAD and CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
       Corresponding author: Qiu, Q. (medesign@zju.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 210-216
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: A method of patent document classification guided by design objective was proposed. And then the support of different types of patents on product innovation was analyzed. The knowledge system for product innovation, comprised of innovation level knowledge, association knowledge, principle knowledge and patent language knowledge, was established. Based on frame structure and concept graph the representation model of patent principle knowledge was described. Furthermore, a method for patent principle knowledge acquisition of mechanical product was studied. Nature language understanding was utilized to extract patent working-structure concept graph from patent document. Domain association knowledge was employed to distill the functional effect of principle knowledge. Finally, with the conceptual innovation design of drill chuck as an example, this method was proved to utilize patent knowledge for conceptual design, and to improve product innovation capability.
       Number of references: 12
       Main heading: Patents and inventions
       Controlled terms: Conceptual design  -  Information retrieval systems  -  Knowledge acquisition  -  Knowledge representation  -  Linguistics  -  Machinery  -  Mergers and acquisitions  -  Multi agent systems  -  Product design  -  Structural design
       Uncontrolled terms: Concept graph  -  Design objectives  -  Foreign patent  -  Frame structure  -  Innovation design  -  Knowledge system  -  Language understanding  -  Mechanical product  -  Patent classifications  -  Patent documents   -  Product innovation  -  Representation model
Classification code: 913.1 Production Engineering  -  912 Industrial Engineering and Management  -  903.3 Information Retrieval and Use  -  903.2 Information Dissemination  -  902.3 Legal Aspects  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  723.4 Artificial Intelligence  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  408.1 Structural Design, General  -  408 Structural Design
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

33. Accession number: 20100312648564
       Title: Deduction of input spectrum of tractor-implement combination andvibrationsimulation base on farm surface roughness
       Authors: Yang, Zidong1 ; Geng, Duanyang1 ; Peng, Lifang1 ; Wang, Xiangyou1 
       Author affiliation: 1   School of Agriculture and Light Industry Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
       Corresponding author: Wang, X. (wxy@sdut.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 62-66
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The spectrum matrix of six-tire input, comprised of the two-axle and four-wheel of the tractor and the one-axle and two wheel of the seeder, were deduced. The obtained matrix can be applied to research the vibrating frequency domain characteristics of the seeder which is caused by the farm surface roughness. And by applying the R-W method, a dynamics model with 22 freedoms of the seeder was set up. Then the motion and dynamics was analyzed based on the derived dynamics equation. Furthermore, with the method of multiple-step Geal estimation and correction, the time domain was solved, and with the method of equivalent method of statistical linearization, the frequency domain was solved. Comparative analysis shows that the dynamics model is right.
Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Time domain analysis
       Controlled terms: Axles  -  Dynamics  -  Equations of motion  -  Farms  -  Frequency domain analysis  -  Frequency estimation  -  Linearization  -  Metal analysis  -  Surface properties  -  Surface roughness   -  Tractors (agricultural)  -  Tractors (truck)  -  Wheels
       Uncontrolled terms: Comparative analysis  -  Dynamics equation  -  Dynamics models  -  Equivalent method  -  Frequency domains  -  matrix  -  Simulation  -  Spectrum simulation  -  Statistical linearization  -  Time domain   -  Vibration simulation
       Classification code: 801 Chemistry  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.2 Calculus  -  921.3 Mathematical Transformations  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  951 Materials Science  -  751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound  -  531 Metallurgy and Metallography  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components  -  682.1.1 Railroad Cars  -  703.1.1 Electric Network Analysis  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing  -  731.1 Control Systems
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

34. Accession number: 20100312648574
       Title: Numerical calculation for effect of fluid-structure interaction on flow field in centrifugal pump
       Authors: Pei, Ji1 ; Yuan, Shouqi1 ; Yuan, Jianping1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Technology and Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: Yuan, S. (shouqiy@ujs.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 107-112
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: A combined calculation for turbulent flow and structure response of impeller was first established using two-way coupling method to study the effect of FSI of impeller on flow field in centrifugal pump. For the calculation, the flow field is based on Reynolds-averaging NS equations and standard two equation k-Ε turbulent model with the multiple reference frame, and the structure response is based on elastic structural dynamic equation. Mesh deformation, the velocity and static pressure distributions and the radial trust were analyzed, comparing with the calculated results without FSI. The analysis results indicate that, a small mesh deformation occurs in fluid and structure domain which leads to not only different distribution of load that is imposed from flow field to structure but also different impact that is made on fluid by structure, resultingly changing the distribution of flow field; the variations of static pressure distribution are different around impeller outlet and volute flow channel, according to the position of the blade relative to the cut-water; the variations of velocity distribution mostly happen around blades and impeller outlet; the magnitude and direction of radial trust have significant changes.
       Number of references: 17
       Main heading: Pumps
       Controlled terms: Centrifugal pumps  -  Deformation  -  Dynamic response  -  Flow fields  -  Flow measurement  -  Fluid structure interaction  -  Fluids  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Pressure distribution  -  Pumping plants   -  Structural dynamics  -  Water analysis
       Uncontrolled terms: Analysis results  -  Different distributions  -  Flow channels  -  Impeller outlet  -  Mesh deformation  -  Multiple-reference frames  -  N-S equations  -  Numerical calculation  -  On flow  -  Reynolds   -  Static pressure distributions  -  Structure domains  -  Structure response  -  Turbulent models  -  Two equation  -  Two-way coupling
       Classification code: 631 Fluid Flow  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery  -  801 Chemistry  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  932.2 Nuclear Physics  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  618.2 Pumps  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  408 Structural Design  -  408.1 Structural Design, General  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  445.2 Water Analysis  -  446 Waterworks
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

35. Accession number: 20100312648598
       Title: Kinematic analysis and parameter optimization of eccentric sprockets transmission mechanism
       Authors: Dai, Li1, 2 ; Zhao, Xiong3 ; Zhao, Yun3 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Biology System Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
2 College of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Sci.-Technol. University, Hangzhou 310018, China
3 College of Machine and Automation Controlling, Zhejiang Sci.-Technol. University, Hangzhou 310018, China
       Corresponding author: Zhao, Y. (zhaoyun@zstu.edu.cn
       Source title:  Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 233-236 241
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Aiming at the large fluctuation for chains length of two eccentric sprockets transmission mechanism at work, an eccentric tensional sprocket was set. The chains were always in tension through the optimized revolving center, eccentricity and initiatory phasic angle of the eccentric tensional sprocket. By kinematics analysis with differential equation, the relation equation of angle displacement between the main sprockets wheel and subordinate sprockets was obtained. Then, the optimization calculation for the position of rotary center, initiatory phasic angle and eccentricity of the tensional sprocket was accomplished, with a view of the minimal degree of tightness fluctuate of chain. An optimizing example was present. Furthermore, the consideration for the non-continuity of chain length was taken into in optimization.
       Number of references: 9
       Main heading: Wheels
       Controlled terms: Differential equations - Kinematics - Sprockets - Structural optimization
       Uncontrolled terms:  Chains length  -  Eccentric sprockets  -  Kinematic Analysis  -  Kinematics analysis  -  Minimal degree  -  Optimization calculation  -  Parameter optimization  -  Transmission mechanisms
       Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components - 921.2 Calculus - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 931.1 Mechanics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

36. Accession number: 20100312648579
       Title: Hyperspectral scattering profiles for prediction of beef tenderness
       Authors: Wu, Jianhu1 ; Peng, Yankun1 ; Jiang, Fachao1 ; Wang, Wei1 ; Li, Yongyu1 ; Gao, Xiaodong1 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
       Corresponding author: Peng, Y. (ypeng@cau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 135-138 150
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: To predict and classify beef tenderness, a laboratory hyperspectral imaging system was developed to capture hyperspectral scattering images from the surface of beef samples in the spectral region of 400-1000 nm. Reflectance spectral characters were obtained from hyperspectral image. By using the method of step-wise regression, six optimal bands, 430, 496, 510, 725, 760 and 828 nm were selected for establishing the multi-linear regression (MLR) model. The model gives good prediction values of beef WBSF with the correlation coefficient of cross validation of 0.96 and the standard error of cross validation of 0.64 kg. Based on the measured tenderness values, samples were divided into two classes, i.e., group 0 (<6.0 kg) and group 1 (>6.0 kg). From selected bands, canonical discriminant functions were built to divide samples into two classes. The full cross validation was employed with the classification accuracy of 83.3% and 90.9%. Resultingly, the overall accuracy of classification is 87.0%. This research demonstrates that the hyperspectral imaging technique is useful for nondestructive determination of beef tenderness.
       Number of references: 17
       Main heading: Meats
       Controlled terms: Imaging techniques - Optoelectronic devices
       Uncontrolled terms: Beef tenderness  -  Canonical discriminant function  -  Classification accuracy  -  Correlation coefficient  -  Cross validation  -  Hyper-spectral images  -  HyperSpectral  -  Hyperspectral Imaging  -  Hyperspectral imaging systems  -  Multi-linear regression   -  Nondestructive determination  -  Scattering image  -  Scattering profiles  -  Spectral characters  -  Spectral region  -  Standard errors  -  Stepwise regression
       Classification code: 822.3 Food Products  -  746 Imaging Techniques  -  741.3 Optical Devices and Systems  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  717.2 Optical Communication Equipment  -  714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

37. Accession number: 20100312648595
       Title: Sketch of product conceptual design
       Authors: Yuan, Hao1, 2 ; Lu, Zhangping1 ; Tang, Lei3 
       Author affiliation: 1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
2 College of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
                       3  Jiangda Technology Development Limited Company, Shanghai 201203, China
       Corresponding author: Yuan, H. (yuanhao@ujs.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 217-222
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Sketch of conceptual design was researched. Through digging the semantic of different strokes and perspective projection in the sketch, the design creation was recorded and comprehended. Then, the indistinct novel information of sketch was translated into useful information for back-end engineering design. Finally, we proposed a method that was more suitable for the design habit by improving previous algorithm, and primarily achieved 3-D sketch to support conceptual design.
       Number of references: 28
       Main heading: Conceptual design
       Controlled terms: Three dimensional
       Uncontrolled terms: 3-D sketch - Engineering design - Novel information - Perspective projections
       Classification code: 408 Structural Design - 723.5 Computer Applications - 902.1 Engineering Graphics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
38. Accession number: 20100312648575
       Title: Study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pump rubber seals
       Authors: Wang, Yang1 ; Wang, Caihong1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Technology and Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: Wang, Y. (pgwy@ujs.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 113-118
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: This paper briefly introduced the harmfulness of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the source of PAHs in the pump rubber seals, and established a measuring method of 16 kinds of PAHs in pump rubber seals, by ultrasonic extraction coupled with GCMS. The conditions for extraction were optimized, and the separation and determination conditions of 16 kinds of PAHs were defined. Through ultrasonic extraction, the selected ion monitor (SIM) was used to detect in pump rubber seals and quantitatively analyzed with the inner standard method. PAHs were spiked to evaluate the accuracy of this method. The average recovery varies from 80.9%-103.8% while the relative standard derivation of the precision experiment ranges from 4.80%-15.7%. This method is sensitive, accurate and suitable for the determination of PAHs in pump rubber seals.
       Number of references: 7
       Main heading: Aromatic hydrocarbons
       Controlled terms: Organic compounds  -  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons  -  Pumps  -  Rubber  -  Seals  -  Sonochemistry  -  Ultrasonic applications  -  Ultrasonics
       Uncontrolled terms: Analysis  -  Average recovery  -  Measuring method  -  Rubber seals  -  Standard method  -  Ultrasonic extraction
       Classification code: 818.1 Natural Rubber  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  801.1 Chemistry, General  -  753.3 Ultrasonic Applications  -  753.1 Ultrasonic Waves  -  753 Ultrasonics and Applications  -  751.1 Acoustic Waves  -  619.1.1 Pipe Accessories  -  618.2 Pumps
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

39. Accession number: 20100312648589
       Title: Detection of damaged cottonseeds using machine vision
       Authors: Liu, Shaojun1 ; Wang, Ku1 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
       Corresponding author: Wang, K. (wangku@263.net
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 186-189
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop image algorithms for sorting broken cottonseeds. An automatic detection system based on machine vision was designed to distinguish normal cottonseeds from broken ones. Image algorithm was developed with introduction of three statistical characteristics, which includes mean, variance and the ratio of mean to variance. Image algorithm testing on a validation data showed that broken seeds were distinguished from normal ones with accuracy of up to 93%.
       Number of references: 17
       Main heading: Computer vision
       Uncontrolled terms: Automatic Detection - Image algorithms - Machine vision - On-machines - Statistical characteristics - Validation data
       Classification code: 723.5 Computer Applications - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741.2 Vision
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

40. Accession number: 20100312648568
       Title: Experiment on the flow field of the air-and-screen cleaning device
       Authors: Li, Yaoming1 ; Tang, Zhong1 ; Li, Hongchang1 ; Zhao, Zhan1 ; Xu, Lizhang1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Key Lab. of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technol., Ministry of Edu. and Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: Li, Y. (ymli@ujs.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 80-83
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: At the simulation platform of DFQX3 air-and-screen cleaning device, the velocity of flow at different positions of the vibration sieve surface was measured through the space-points. With the measurement, the velocity of flow in the surface is less than 4.81 m/s which is low-speed airflow. We used Matlab to plot the isovel and velocity variation curve of the cross section, vertical section and horizontal section at different positions in the screen surface, and then analyzed the distribution rules of the velocity of flow on the screen surface of the air-and-screen cleaning device. The result shows that the velocity of flow is symmetric on both sides of the screen surface, and is close at both ends while complex in the middle.
       Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Surface cleaning
       Controlled terms: Air cleaners - Experiments - Flow fields - MATLAB - Velocity
       Uncontrolled terms: Cleaning devices - Cross section - Distribution rule - Horizontal section - Screen cleaning - Simulation platform - Velocity variations - Vertical section
Classification code: 921 Mathematics  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  802 Chemical Apparatus and Plants; Unit Operations; Unit Processes  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  539 Metals Corrosion and Protection; Metal Plating  -  451.2 Air Pollution Control  -  651.2 Wind Tunnels
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

41. Accession number:  20100312648572
       Title: Experiment on airfoil-shaped measuring flume in trapezoidal canal
       Authors: Pan, Zhibao1 ; Lü, Hongxing1 ; Zhang, Xiaofei1 ; Luo, Tianfeng2 ; Jing,
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 2 Gansu Research Institute for Water Conservancy, Lanzhou 730000, China
3 Immigration Office of Reservoir Area, Gansu Development and Reform Commission, Lanzhou 730030, China
       Corresponding author: Lü, H. (lvhongxing@tom.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 97-100 143
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Theoretical formula for discharge calculation of airfoil-shaped measuring flume in trapezoidal canal under free condition was proposed, based on the analysis on principle of circular cone and cylinder measuring flume which is presented by Hager. The coefficient of discharge correction is determined by relative head. A serial of indoor experiments about flume was carried out with 6 kinds of contraction ratios. Non-dimensional correlation between relative flow rate and relative head was developed according to experimental datum. The results show that there is a good relationship between relative flow rate and relative head. The maximum relative error of discharge calculation is less than ±3.5%, and the maximum submergence limit is 0.90. A preferable water measuring performances is obtained when the contraction ratio ranges from 0.372 to 0.585.
       Number of references: 11
       Main heading: Discharge (fluid mechanics)
       Controlled terms: Airfoils - Buoyancy - Experiments - Hydraulic structures - Hydraulics - Lift
       Uncontrolled terms: Circular cones  -  Discharge calculation  -  Discharge measurements  -  Experimental data  -  Hydraulic characteristic  -  Hydraulic characteristics  -  Indoor experiment  -  Maximum relative errors  -  Measuring performance  -  Relative flow   -  Theoretical formula  -  Trapezoidal canal
       Classification code: 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  652.1 Aircraft, General  -  651.1 Aerodynamics, General  -  632.1 Hydraulics  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics  -  631 Fluid Flow  -  611 Hydroelectric and Tidal Power Plants  -  446.2 Related Hydraulic Structures  -  444.1 Surface Water  -  441 Dams and Reservoirs; Hydro Development  -  407.2 Waterways  -  407 Maritime and Port Structures; Rivers and Other Waterways
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

42. Accession number: 20100312648591
       Title: Application of backward cloud to chalkiness detection
       Authors: Shi, Lijuan1, 2 ; Wen, Youxian2 ; Mou, Tongmin3 ; Chen, Fang1 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Basic Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2 College of Engineering and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
3 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
       Corresponding author: Wen, Y. (wenyouxian@mail.hzau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
    Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 196-199 232
       Language: Chinese
    ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: A method based on the cloud theory was developed to improve the automatic degree and accuracy of chalkiness detection. In this method, without man's intervention, chalkiness and non-chalkiness were defined as two qualitative concepts. An asymmetrical cloud was used to represent chalkiness, and a symmetrical cloud was used to represent non-chalkiness. These two clouds were respectively described by two groups of digital characters. Firstly, dynamic threshold program was designed to acquire training samples for the two clouds. Secondly, backward cloud generators were developed to implement the transformation from the quantities to the qualitatives. Finally, maximum value judgment method was used to separate the chalky region from non-chalky region according to the membership function of each cloud. The result shows that the classification accuracy of cloud classifier is higher than the classification accuracy of traditional hard classifiers.
       Number of references: 12
       Main heading: Membership functions
       Controlled terms: Classifiers - Clouds
       Uncontrolled terms: Backward cloud  -  Classification accuracy  -  Cloud classifier  -  Cloud theory  -  Digital characters  -  Dynamic threshold  -  Maximum value judgment  -  Training sample
       Classification code: 443 Meteorology  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  921 Mathematics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

43. Accession number: 20100312648602
       Title: Interpolation of cubic B-spline closed curve based on periodic extension
       Authors: Li, Xueyi1, 2 ; Wang, Zhao2 ; Lian, Xiaomin2 ; Zeng, Qingliang1 
       Author affiliation: 1 School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China
                        2   Department of Automobile Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
       Corresponding author: Li, X. (xueyi_l@163.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 251-254
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
    Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: According to the periodic extension fact for closed curve, a method of cubic B-spline interpolation for closed curve was proposed. By extending knots and control points, the interpolated curve closed entirely at closing point. Considering the character of incomplete bond matrix for coefficient matrix of interpolation system of equations, an algorithm for solving linear banded system of equations with two columns of non-zero elements was introduced to improve the computational efficiency. Examples of application show that the proposed technology has the stable performance and high efficiency, can be used to interpolate complex closed curve with whatever shape, and it is especially useful for problems with large number of data points.
       Number of references: 5
       Main heading: Curve fitting
       Controlled terms: Computational efficiency - Interpolation - Matrix algebra - Splines
       Uncontrolled terms: Band matrix  -  Banded systems  -  Closed curve  -  Coefficient matrix  -  Control point  -  Cubic B -spline  -  High efficiency  -  matrix  -  Number of datum  -  System of equations
       Classification code: 922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory  -  921.1 Algebra  -  921 Mathematics  -  723.1 Computer Programming  -  601.2 Machine Components
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

44. Accession number: 20100312648556
       Title: Spark energy control and measurement for electronic-controlled automotive engine
 Authors: Zhang, Hongguang1 ; Wang, Daojing1 ; Liu, Kai1 ; Bai, Xiaolei1 ; Liang, Hong1 ; Li, Dong1 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
       Corresponding author: Zhang, H. (zhg5912@263.net
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 19-22
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: The electronic-controlled ignition system was developed for automotive engines fueled with compressed natural gas (CNG). In order to evaluate the spark energy of the electronic-controlled system and optimize the electronic-controlled ignition system, referring to SAE J973-1999 standard, the spark energy measurement system was developed. Taking Zener string as simulation load, the voltage across the sampling resistance was acquired on time by digital oscilloscope, then the exact value of spark energy was obtained by integral calculations. The results show that the spark energy can be evaluated quantitatively and effectively. For the electronic-controlled automotive CNG engine JL465Q5, when the engine speed is lower than 2500 r/min, the optimized charge time of the primary ignition coil is 6 ms; when the engine speed is between 2500 r/min and 5000 r/min, the optimized charge time of the primary ignition coil is 3 ms; when the engine speed is higher than 5000 r/min, the optimized charge time of the primary ignition coil is 2 ms.
       Number of references: 10
       Main heading: Automobile engines
       Controlled terms: Automobile parts and equipment  -  Cathode ray oscilloscopes  -  Electric power measurement  -  Electric sparks  -  Energy resources  -  Engines  -  Ignition systems  -  Instruments  -  Optimization
       Uncontrolled terms: Automotive engine  -  CNG engine  -  Compressed natural gas  -  Controlled system  -  Digital oscilloscope  -  Engine speed  -  Ignition coils  -  Integral calculations  -  ON time  -  Simulation load   -  Spark energy
       Classification code: 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments  -  942.2 Electric Variables Measurements  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components  -  525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues  -  612 Engines  -  612.1 Internal Combustion Engines, General  -  521.1 Fuel Combustion  -  617.3 Steam Engines  -  661.1 Automotive Engines  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  654.2 Rocket Engines
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
45. Accession number: 20100312648600
       Title: Property of flow resistance for piezoelectric pump with "V"-shape tube
       Authors: He, Xiuhua1 ; Zhang, Rui1 ; Yang, Song1 ; Deng, Xulian1 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: He, X. (zddeng@ujs.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 242-246
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Based on the flow characteristics of diffuser/nozzle used in valve-less piezoelectric pump, a new type of "V"-shape tube was presented for micro total analysis systems. The structure and flow property of the valveless piezoelectric pump with "V"-shape tube was analyzed. Finite element method was applied to simulate the flow in the "V"-shape tube for the flow characteristics. And the ANSYS was employed to analyze numerically the effects of the "V"-shape tube structure on the flow resistance property. The results show that, compared with the splitter angle, diffuser angle and the inlet width of "V"-shape tube, the effect of the length of the "V"-shape tube on the flow resistance property is smaller. And a large depth benefits to improve the pump efficiency.
       Number of references: 8
       Main heading: Finite element method
       Controlled terms: Inlet flow - Piezoelectric devices - Piezoelectricity - Pumps - Tubes (components)
       Uncontrolled terms: Diffuser angle  -  Diffuser/nozzle  -  Flow characteristic  -  Flow properties  -  Flow resistance  -  Micro total analysis systems  -  Piezoelectric pump  -  Pump efficiency  -  Tube structures  -  Valve-less
       Classification code: 714 Electronic Components and Tubes  -  708.1 Dielectric Materials  -  704 Electric Components and Equipment  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  618.2 Pumps  -  616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components  -  511.2 Oil Field Equipment  -  619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
46. Accession number: 20100312648555
       Title: Transient operation strategy of gasoline HCCI engine
       Authors: Hou, Shengzhi1 ; Xie, Hui1 ; Chen, Tao1 ; Hu, Shuntang1 ; Zhao, Hua1 
       Author affiliation: 1 State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
       Corresponding author: Hou, S. (houshengzhi@yahoo.com.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 13-18
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: One practical and adequate approach to achieve HCCI combustion in the gasoline engine is trapping hot burned gas via fully variable valve actuation, but the control methods become complex with various adjusted valve parameters. Through the experiment research, transient response of the HCCI engine to change in the four control variables of 4VVAS were investigated respectively, and the response time for the four actuators constants were compared. It was found that, in order to realize fast transient operation in HCCI mode, appropriate coordinated and synchronous operation of the four actuators is required. The experimental results show that, during coupling regulation of the four variables, symmetric principle of valve timing and synchronal principle of valve lift are proposed to simplify coupling strategy and improve IMEP transition. The obtained result forms the foundation of transient control strategy for the HCCI engine based on the 4VVAS.
       Number of references: 9
       Main heading: Combustion
       Controlled terms: Actuators - Coordination reactions - Gasoline - Smoke
       Uncontrolled terms: Control methods  -  Control strategies  -  Control variable  -  Experiment research  -  Fast transients  -  Gasoline engines  -  Gasoline HCCI  -  HCCI combustion  -  HCCI engine  -  Response time   -  Synchronous operations  -  Transient operation  -  Transient response  -  Valve lift  -  Valve timing  -  Variable valve actuation
       Classification code: 802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  801.3 Colloid Chemistry  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  731.2 Control System Applications  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  632 Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Related Equipment, and Fluidics  -  523 Liquid Fuels  -  521.1 Fuel Combustion  -  451.1 Air Pollution Sources  -  602.1 Mechanical Drives
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

47. Accession number: 20100312648567
       Title: Development on test-bed of longitudinal axial threshing-separating-cleaning unit
       Authors: Xu, Lizhang1 ; Li, Yaoming1 ; Li, Hongchang1 ; Zhao, Zhan1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Key Lab. of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technol., Ministry of Edu. and Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
       Corresponding author: Xu, L. (justxlz@126.com
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 76-79 134
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: An axial threshing-separating-cleaning test-bed with easily adjustable working parts and parameters was developed based on the modularization design. The threshing-separating-cleaning index mark and the distribution of materials after rethreshing was acquired under different working conditions. With industrial computer and acquisition cards as control center, a measurement and control software were programmed to collect, display and analysis data of motional parameters such as rotational speed, vibration frequency, torque and power consumption, et al. The experiments on the test-bed can provide the data for the optimization of cleaning mechanism structure and working parameters for axial combine harvester.
       Number of references: 14
       Main heading: Agriculture
       Controlled terms: Combines  -  Feeding  -  Grain (agricultural product)  -  Harvesters  -  Mechanisms  -  Modular construction  -  Structural optimization  -  Test facilities  -  Testing  -  Vibration analysis
       Uncontrolled terms: Acquisition cards  -  Axial feeding  -  Axial-threshing with axial feeding  -  Cleaning tests  -  Combine harvesters  -  Control center  -  Industrial computers  -  Measurement and control  -  Mechanism structure  -  Modularization design   -  Power Consumption  -  Rotational speed  -  Threshing units  -  Unit tests  -  Vibration frequency  -  Working conditions  -  Working parameters  -  Working parts
       Classification code: 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  691.2 Materials Handling Methods  -  751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  601.3 Mechanisms  -  423.1 Test Equipment  -  422.2 Test Methods  -  422.1 Test Equipment  -  405.2 Construction Methods  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  423.2 Test Methods
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
48. Accession number: 20100312648554
       Title: Modeling and simulation of new type hypocycloid single-cylinder diesel engine
       Authors: Xue, Yunfeng1 ; Du, Qungui1 ; Zhu, Junpeng1 
       Author affiliation: 1 School of Mechanical and Auto Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
       Corresponding author: Xue, Y. (xue.yunfeng@mail.scut.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 8-12 61
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Mathematic model of the working process for new type hypocycloid single-cylinder diesel engine was built base on thermodynamic theory. And simulation for the pressure and temperature in cylinder, the mean effective pressure and so on, was performed in Matlab software. The results show that the model exactly predicts the performance of the new type hypocycloid single-cylinder diesel engine. The new engine has a higher cylinder pressure than the conventional S195 diesel engine. The maximum pressure and indicated mean effective pressure is improved by 5% and 10.7%, respectively. And the transformation mechanism of the new hypocycloid energy improves working process of the engine.
       Number of references: 19
       Main heading: Engine cylinders
       Controlled terms: Computer simulation  -  Computer software  -  Cylinders (shapes)  -  Diesel engines  -  Engines  -  MATLAB
       Uncontrolled terms: Cylinder pressures  -  Indicated mean effective pressure  -  Mathematic model  -  Matlab- software  -  Maximum pressure  -  Mean effective pressure  -  Modeling and simulation  -  Numerical simulation  -  Pressure and temperature  -  Single-cylinder diesel engine   -  Thermodynamic theory  -  Transformation mechanisms  -  Working process
       Classification code: 723.5 Computer Applications  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  654.2 Rocket Engines  -  921 Mathematics  -  617.3 Steam Engines  -  612.1.1 Internal Combustion Engine Components  -  612 Engines  -  408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  612.2 Diesel Engines
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

49. Accession number: 20100312648578
       Title: Simulation analysis of compressing molding under general condition for straw biomass based on ansys
       Authors: Sun, Qixin1 ; Zhang, Renjian1 ; Dong, Yuping2 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang 222005, China
                      2 Key Laboratory of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061, China
       Corresponding author: Dong, Y. (dongyp@sdu.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 130-134
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: Simulation analysis of molding process for straw biomass was carried based on ANSYS. The mechanics mold was established according to its biology mechanism and chemical component, along with contact pairs. Then molding rules and relations between pressure and deformation were obtained through nonlinearity analysis. The analysis results showed that biomass molding under general condition process included three stages: loose, compaction, solidification, which combined the plastic deformation with the viscous deformation. The obtained results are well in agreement with experiment data.
       Number of references: 14
       Main heading: Molding
       Controlled terms: Biology - Biomass - Deformation
       Uncontrolled terms: Analysis  -  Analysis results  -  ANSYS  -  Chemical component  -  Contact pair  -  Experiment data  -  Molding process  -  Nonlinearity analysis  -  Simulation analysis  -  Three stages   -  Viscous deformation
       Classification code: 821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  818.3 Rubber and Elastomer Processing  -  816.1 Processing of Plastics and Other Polymers  -  805.1.1 Biochemical Engineering  -  535.2 Metal Forming  -  525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues  -  461.9 Biology  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

50. Accession number: 20100312648593
       Title: Design and experiment on intelligent precising feeding machine for single dairy cow
       Authors: Ni, Zhijiang1 ; Gao, Zhenjiang1 ; Meng, Hewei2 ; Kan, Za2 
       Author affiliation: 1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
2 College of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China
       Corresponding author: Gao, Z. (zjgao@cau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 205-209
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai,  Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: To realize the high productivity of dairy cow, the pH value of rumen for single dairy cow must be kept stable. The amount of concentrated feed has a significant effect on the fluctuation of pH value. In order to keep the pH value stable, the concentrated feed must be given precisely. Based on the technology of RFID and MCU, a kind of movable precising feeding machine for single dairy cow was designed. This kind of machine can realize the precise feeding of concentrated feed. Through one-month feeding experiment in the dairy cow farm, the output of milk increases by 4 kg per day.
       Number of references: 6
       Main heading: pH effects
       Controlled terms: Dairies - Feeding - Machine design
       Uncontrolled terms: Concentrated feed - Dairy cow - Dairy farming - Feeding experiments - High productivity - pH value
       Classification code: 402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings - 601 Mechanical Design - 691.2 Materials Handling Methods - 801.1 Chemistry, General - 822.1 Food Products Plants and Equipment
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

51. Accession number: 20100312648563
       Title: Rice seeds feeding process in cell wheel based on high-speed photography technology
       Authors: Wang, Zaiman1 ; Luo, Xiwen1 ; Huang, Shixing1 ; Chen, Weitong1 ; Li, Jiuhao1 
       Author affiliation: 1 Key Laboratory of Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, Ministry of Education, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
       Corresponding author: Luo, X. (xwluo@scau.edu.cn
       Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
       Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
       Volume: 40
       Issue: 12
       Issue date: December 2009
       Publication year: 2009
       Pages: 56-61
       Language: Chinese
       ISSN: 10001298
       CODEN: NUYCA3
       Document type: Journal article (JA)
       Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
       Abstract: High-speed photography technology was used to analyse the seeds flowing rule, feeding-seed posture and the feeding trend in feeding process for the cell wheel of the precision rice hill-drop drilling machine. The high-speed photographs showed that seeds mainly flow down from the control board with erect or oblique posture. In the feeding process, most seeds feed into the bottom of the cell in erect or oblique posture and other seeds feed to the upper in flat posture. Totally 91.1% seeds finish the feeding process in the second feeding-room. Therefore, the optimal design of the second feeding-room can improve the performance of the feeding process.
       Number of references: 18
       Main heading: High speed photography
       Controlled terms: Feeding - High speed cameras - Seed - Speed - Wheels
       Uncontrolled terms: Control boards  -  Drilling machines  -  High-speed  -  In-cell  -  Optimal design  -  Rice  -  Rice seed
Classification code:  601.2 Machine Components  -  691.2 Materials Handling Methods  -  742.1 Photography  -  742.2 Photographic Equipment  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  931.1 Mechanics
       Database: Compendex
       Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
? 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.