


1. Spatio-temporal Variation and Migration Mechanism of Soil Salinity in Chanan Irrigation Area of Ili

Accession number: 20181304948878

Authors: Liu, Qianqian (1, 2); Su, Litan (1); Liu, Guangming (3); Hasimu, Shawulan (4); Zhang, Yin (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi; 830011, China; (2) College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; 100049, China; (3) Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing; 210008, China; (4) Xinjiang Institute of Land and Resources Planning, Urumqi; 830011, China

Corresponding author: Su, Litan(sulitan@ms.xjb.ac.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 221-228

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Chanan Irrigation Area of Ili was selected as the study area. Through the combination of electromagnetic fast soil electrolytic conductivity acquisition technology with laboratory analysis, and using the construction of soil salinity interpretation model to get soil salinity content of 0~30 cm, 30~60 cm and 60~100 cm soil layer in the autumn of 2015 and 2016. On the one hand, simple statistical classification was conducted, and the semi-variogram analysis and spatial interpolation analysis for soil salinity characteristic factors were carried out; on the other hand, the elevation information of the study area was extracted, and the buffer area through investigating the influence of river was analyzed, which aimed at constructing suitable magnetic induction type fast precise diagnostic evaluation and utilization planning technology for the study area and the same irrigation area. Preliminary studies indicated that: firstly, from the autumn of 2015 to the autumn of 2016, non-saline soil area was significantly reduced, while moderate-saline soil area was significantly increased, there was a trend that non-saline soil and mild-saline soil were evoluted to moderate-saline soil. Secondly, soil salinity in the study area had a migration trend to central and eastern regions, with an increasing trend of salinization area and the average of salt content. Moreover, both the river and the terrain were the main influence factor of soil salt movement, while the river was the main influence factors on the large scale of space, and the terrain was the main influence factor on the small scale space. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Soils

Controlled terms: Classification (of information)  -  Electrolytic analysis  -  Irrigation  -  Rivers  -  Spatial variables measurement  -  Technology transfer

Uncontrolled terms: Buffer  -  Electrolytic conductivity  -  Irrigation area  -  Salinity migration  -  Spatio-temporal variation

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

  -  801.4.1 Electrochemistry


  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements

Mechanical Variables Measurements

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.026

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



2. Movement and Mixing of Crushed Straw Material in Rotary Drum with Straight Plates

Accession number: 20181304948862

Authors: Zhou, Jingzhi (1); Feng, Junxiao (1, 2); Zhou, Zhixing (3); Li, Shizhong (3)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Key Laboratory for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Metallurgical Industry, Beijing; 100083, China; (3) Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing; 100084, China

Corresponding author: Feng, Junxiao(jxfeng@ustb.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 86-97

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Annual production of straw is 600 to 800 million tons in China.Dr.LI Shizhong solid-state fermented crushed straw material to acquire ethanol. However, the fermentation heat in bed often over accumulate and kill the yeast, as crushed straw material has low heat conductivity. Dr. Li use rotary drum with straight plates as fermentation drum to solve the problem. The length of plates and the number of plateshasgreat influence on movementand mixing of crushed straw material. However, there is less study in this area. In order to study the influence, section test platform was designed referred to laboratory level rotary drum. The drum can connect 1/2/4 plates andthe length of plates can adjust to 15%/35%/55%/75% ratio of drum (R). The material filling ratio and rotary speed is the same as laboratory level rotary drum: 50%, 1 r/min. Some of the material was colored black while the other remains uncolored. They are laid in drum orderly to form acolored and an uncolored material layer.The two layers will mix with drum rotation, and the bed section color will change at the same time. Therefore, the section color can measure the mixing degree of colored and uncolored material. The faster the section color turn uniform grey, the faster thematerial totally mixed. The faster the material totally mixed, the greater the promoting effect of plates on averaging bed’s fermentation heat.The method to measure mixing degree was built based on image analysis, as shown in figure 2.Mesh the bit-mapped picture and calculate the number of uncolored material grids (N0) and all material grids (N) as the black pixeldensity interval between them are different. The quotient (Imix) of N0divided by N is dimension less and will turn to 0 from 0.5 along with mixing and can mark the mixing degree. The time Imix- time fitting line turn 0 is the complete mixing time of colored and uncolored material (Tc).Data analysis resultshows that: Imixis the most accurate in the case of grid size 8 mm; black pixel density [0.1, 0.7] marks the uncolored material grid, [0.1, 1] marksall material grid. The software to calculate Imixwas programmed with Visual Studio. Thirteen section-mixing tests were done: 1/2/4 plate(s) with length 15%/35%/55%/75% ratio of drum.The control group is 0 plate. Each test were done 5 times to obtained the average Tc.The results show that: (1)The length of plates has greater influence on Tcthan the number of plates, they are in the same order of magnitude and have strong coupling effects. (2) Tcis the smallest under influence of 4×0.55R plates. (3) Synthetically, Tcchange like cos function along with longer plates, change like exponential function along with more plates. (4) Tcdecrease under influence of single long plate or multi middle-length plates, increase under influence of multishort plates or multilong plates. The movement modes of material were studied. From 0 to 4 plates, 0.15R to 0.75R, there is no one unique mode for every test condition. All the movement modes, the influence of plates on mixing and the mixing mechanismhave been analyzed and classified which is shown in table 2.The research can guide designing of plates of laboratory level rotary drums. It can also deepen the understanding of complex movement of crushed straw material in rotary drum with plates. However, for industrial level rotary drums, the conclusions above can not be used uncritically as the drums become much bigger. Tests need to be done on industrial level drums with methods above to acquire conclusions of bigger drums. Furthermore, two important conclusionsfor any kind of mixing process were put forward. (1)There are only two ways to mix material A and B. The first way is to let material group that totally comprised of Aleaves Amaterial layer and embed in B material layer. The second way is to break and mix material group which contains both material A and B. The first can happen in any part of the material bed, while the second can only happen in interface of material A and B. (2) If there is no permanently blocking area, the more material falling areas the material bed has, the faster the colored and uncolored material mix. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Interfaces (materials)

Controlled terms: Color  -  Exponential functions  -  Fermentation  -  Image analysis  -  Mixing  -  Testing

Uncontrolled terms: Annual production  -  Material layers  -  Movement modes  -  Promoting effect  -  Rotary drum  -  Straw materials  -  Strong coupling  -  Test condition

Classification code: 741.1 Light/Optics


  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

  -  921 Mathematics


  -  951 Materials Science

Materials Science

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.010

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



3. Calibration Method of Soil Contact Characteristic Parameters Based on DEM Theory

Accession number: 20181304948861

Authors: Wang, Xianliang (1); Hu, Hong (1); Wang, Qingjie (1); Li, Hongwen (1); He, Jin (1); Chen, Wanzhi (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Qingjie(wangqingjie@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 78-85

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Discrete element modelling (DEM) is a numerical method for examining the dynamic behaviour of granular media. Soil is a nonuniform, discontinuity, elastic-plastic complicated medium. Although there are some advantages of using continuum numerical methods, the assumption of continuity is not always valid, as when there is a change in the soil structure and soil translocation. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the continuum numerical methods, discrete element modelling (DEM), which is a discontinuum numerical method for modelling the mechanical behaviour of granular materials, is a relevant approach for modelling soil as it can consider soil failure, deformation and translocation. In DEM simulation, soil is composed of individual particles which can be defined to be very small in size. And one of the key aspects for successful DEM simulation is to define and calibrate the model soil particles so that they reflect the behavior of real soil. This study presents a systematic method for calibrating a granular soil model, which is based on the surrogate model theory. This systematic method including four steps: (1) construct the soil contact model, the soil parameters were determined by two ways, measurement of three of the real-material properties through experiments and reference some soil parameters; (2) determination of the design variables defining the virtual soil, the design variables were selected by soil parameter sensitivity analysis; (3) construction of surrogate models for the virtual-material properties as a function of the design variables via simulated experiments; (4) optimization of the design-variable values to fit the virtual-soil properties to the real-soil values. The Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Cohesion Model (ECM) was selected to fit the soil particle contact model, which was the elastic-plastic mechanics model. And the ECM contact parameters and it’s value were constant adhesive pull-off force f0:-0.001 N, adhesive parameter stiffness kadh:45 kN/m, tangential stiffness factor γt:0.05, loading spring stiffness k1:100 kN/m, unloading/reloading spring stiffness k2:613 kN/m. The virtual soil model sensitivity analysis results showed that the particle radium, particle contact static friction and rolling friction should be calibrated and optimized. Finally, this paper constructed a soil model, the real soil sample experiment tested were taken from Zhuozhou city Hebei province, the soil texture is sandy loam soil. By this way, the optimized soil model parameters were particle radium 5.7 mm, the static friction between two soil particles 0.45, the rolling friction between two soil particles 0.21, respectively. The soil penetration resistance tests simulation with optimized physical parameters were carried out. The real test about soil penetration resistance were carried out. Results showed that the difference values between virtual simulation and real test within 5.1%. And, it proved that the soil model after optimized could replace the real soil and take some simulation relate to soil-implement. This study provide the theory for soil model parameter calibration and optimization based on DEM method. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Soil testing

Controlled terms: Calibration  -  Elastoplasticity  -  End effectors  -  Friction  -  Fuel additives  -  Geosynthetic materials  -  Granular materials  -  Numerical methods  -  Radium  -  Sensitivity analysis   -  Soil surveys  -  Soils  -  Stiction  -  Stiffness  -  Tribology  -  Unloading

Uncontrolled terms: Contact characteristics  -  Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)  -  Individual particles  -  Mechanical behaviour  -  Parameter calibration  -  Simulated experiments  -  Soil model  -  Soil penetration resistance

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  622.1 Radioactive Materials, General

Radioactive Materials, General

  -  691.2 Materials Handling Methods

Materials Handling Methods

  -  731.5 Robotics


  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

  -  921 Mathematics


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity

Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity

  -  951 Materials Science

Materials Science

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.009

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



4. Quantitative Analysis of Preferential Flow in Slope Farmland Soils Based on Multi-index Evaluation and Fractional Dimension

Accession number: 20181304948877

Authors: Zhang, Dongxu (1); Zhang, Hongjiang (1); Cheng, Jinhua (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Hongjiang(zhanghj@bjfu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 214-220 and 277

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Preferential flow is the phenomenon of water and solute rapidly transport through preferential flow paths such as macropores, wormholes and root holes. Studying the development degree of preferential flow has a certain reference value for efficient use of agricultural fertilizer and prevention of groundwater pollution. With the purpose of evaluating the development degree of preferential flow under different slope farmlands in Chongqing purple sandstone area, the dye tracer experiments were designed in three sample regions (pumpkin, citrus and maize). The morphological and statistical methods were used to extract parameters from the image of soil profile in three slope farmlands. Multi-index evaluation method was used to determine the preferential flow indicator PFI. Combined with fractal theory in geometry, the development degree of soil preferential flow was quantitatively evaluated. Six characteristic preferential flow indexes (staining area ratio of preferential flow area, uniform flow infiltration depth, preferential flow fraction, length index, peak index and coefficient of variation) revealed that the preferential flow of pumpkin and citrus was higher than that of maize; the order of preferential flow indicator PFIfrom large to small was pumpkin (0.88), citrus (0.77) and maize (0). Box-counting dimension calculation of wetting front curve can characterize the non-uniformity of soil water infiltration. The larger box-counting dimension was, the more irregular shape of wetting front curve and the higher degree of preferential flow development were. Fractional dimension of wetting peak trace calculated by Fractal Fox 2.0 software basically got the same result, which showed that it was feasible to evaluate the development degree of soil preferential flow quantitatively. Fractional dimension with advantages of simple operation, low cost and high accuracy was suitable for field scale, which can enrich the study method of soil preferential flow. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Groundwater flow

Controlled terms: Farms  -  Fractal dimension  -  Fractals  -  Groundwater  -  Groundwater pollution  -  Infiltration  -  Soil moisture  -  Soils  -  Wetting

Uncontrolled terms: Box dimension  -  Multi-index  -  Preferential flows  -  Quantitative evaluation  -  Slope farmland

Classification code: 444.2 Groundwater


  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  921 Mathematics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.025

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



5. Characteristics of Growth-promotion and Antibiosis by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens L-H15

Accession number: 20181304948886

Authors: Zhang, Ying (1); Qin, Yuxuan (1); Shang, Qingmao (2); Zhang, Zhigang (2); Lai, Mengxuan (1); Li, Pinglan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing; 100081, China

Corresponding author: Li, Pinglan(lipinglan@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 284-291 and 298

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is a kind of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). This kind of beneficialrhizosphere bacterium plays a key role in increasing soil fertility, promoting plant growth and suppressing the growth of phytopathogens in the field of agriculture. This characteristics of growth-promotion and antibiosis of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens L-H15 was studied. Genes which were relevant to the characterizations of growth-promotion and antibiosis of B. amyloliquefaciens L-H15 were analyzed based on the complete genome sequencing. Meanwhile, the capabilities of biofilm formation, nitrogen fixation, phosphate and potassium solubilization, production siderophores and phytohormones were measured. The results indicated that L-H15 showed the capability of biofilm formation and the amount of bacteria which could colonize the root surface was up to 105CFU/g. The relative expression of siderophores was 60.22%, and the production of IAA, CTK and GA could reach 61.35 pmol/L, 48.93 ng/mL and 82.46 pmol/L, respectively. The diameters of inhibition zone were (8.67±1.15) mm and (2.50±0.50) mm, respectively, when cocultured L-H15 with two fugal pathogens, i.e., Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum. In conclusion, L-H15, which showed excellent characterizations in both aspects of growth-promotion and antibiosis, had great potential to become a biological control agent in the future. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 38

Main heading: Antibiotics

Controlled terms: Bacteria  -  Bacteriology  -  Biofilms  -  Nitrogen fixation  -  Pathogens  -  Plants (botany)

Uncontrolled terms: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  -  Biofilm formation  -  Biological control agent  -  Complete genomes  -  Fusarium oxysporums  -  Growth promotion  -  Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria  -  Rhizoctonia solani

Classification code: 461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology

Medicine and Pharmacology

  -  461.9 Biology


  -  462.5 Biomaterials (including synthetics)

Biomaterials (including synthetics)

  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.034

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



6. Technology of Green Accurate Oxygen Enhancement in Aquaculture

Accession number: 20181304948893

Authors: Jiang, Jianming (1); Zhu, Zhengwei (1); Li, Zhengming (2); Zhao, Dean (2); Shi, Bing (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Information Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou; 213164, China; (2) School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 334-339

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: High-density mode was widely adopted in China’s aquaculture, and single manual control of the mechanical oxygenation mode was chosen. To ensure safety, an extensive over-anaerobic mode was used, but the security was still difficult to improve. Human resources and electricity were wasted. A new type of automatic oxygen enrichment model was proposed, which utilized a biofan to improve the water quality and increase oxygen in the case of an emergency. The biofan was driven by solar battery, which circulated water day and night. It not only released the harmful substances in the bottom water body, but also greatly improved the dissolved oxygen content of the whole water body through the photosynthesis of the algae in the water body. It led to a significant reduction in the impeller aerator time to oxygen. Through the comparison test, it was found that the variation of dissolved oxygen concentration in automatic control mode was less than that in single oxygenation model in 24 h. By measuring and analyzing the dissolved oxygen content at 0.6 m and 1.0 m below the water, it can be seen that the difference of dissolved oxygen content in the upper and lower layers in automatic control mode was smaller than that in the single control mode. It was mainly because the upper and lower water bodies continued to cycle in automatic control mode. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water was monitored by ZigBee wireless sensor network in real time. When the dissolved oxygen concentration was lower than the set lower limit, impeller aerator was automatically activated, and when it was higher than the set upper limit, impeller aerator was stopped to achieve the purpose of accurate oxygen. Incremental PID control mode was adopted. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Dissolved oxygen

Controlled terms: Aquaculture  -  Automation  -  Biochemical oxygen demand  -  Dissolution  -  Impellers  -  Oxygen  -  Oxygenation  -  Process control  -  Thermoelectricity  -  Three term control systems   -  Water quality  -  Wireless sensor networks  -  Zigbee

Uncontrolled terms: Biofan  -  Concentration of dissolved oxygen  -  Dissolved oxygen concentrations  -  Dissolved oxygen contents  -  Harmful substances  -  Incremental PID controls  -  Oxygen enhancement  -  Oxygen enrichment

Classification code: 445.2 Water Analysis

Water Analysis

  -  601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

  -  722.3 Data Communication, Equipment and Techniques

Data Communication, Equipment and Techniques

  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Automatic Control Principles and Applications

  -  731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

  -  804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.041

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



7. Movement and Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Solute Migration under Multipoint Drip Irrigation in Red Soil

Accession number: 20181304948882

Authors: Pei, Qingbao (1, 2); Liu, Weijia (1, 3); Zhang, Jianfeng (1); Wang, Haiwei (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Faculty of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an; 710048, China; (2) Jiangxi Engineering Research Center of Water Engineering Safety and Resources Efficient Utilization, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang; 330099, China; (3) Jiangxi Province Water Resources Planning and Design Institute, Nanchang; 330020, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Jianfeng(362891584@qq.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 255-262

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to grasp the movement law of soil water and solute in dual point source drip irrigation, and provide reference for the design and management of drip irrigation of navel orange in red soil hilly areas, a mathematical model for water and nitrate nitrogen transport in five different red soil bulk densities was established. With the help of Hydrus-3D model, the soil water and solute distribution characteristics and wetting front transition and confluence process were simulated under the different red soil unit weights, the same drip discharge and nitrogen application rate. The simulation results were in good agreement with the test results: the deviations of simulated wetting front migration and confluence process, wetting zone soil moisture content and NO3--N content between the measured and simulated values were less than 9.5%; the simulated and measured values were in good agreement, and it showed that the confluence of soil moisture and NO3--N content in the same depth was below the wetting front under the drip soil, and red soil in high density hindered the wetting front velocity. Overall, Hydrus-3D can be used to simulate the wetting zone and the transport and distribution of water and nitrogen under drip irrigation fertilizer irrigation and red soil irrigation. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Soils

Controlled terms: Computer simulation  -  Fertilizers  -  Irrigation  -  Moisture  -  Nitrogen  -  Nitrogen fertilizers  -  Numerical models  -  Soil moisture  -  Soil testing  -  Wetting

Uncontrolled terms: Distribution of water  -  Drip irrigation  -  Measured values  -  Nitrate nitrogen  -  Nitrogen application rates  -  Red soils  -  Solute distribution  -  Solute migration

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

  -  804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

  -  921 Mathematics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.030

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



8. Optimal Design and Model Test of High Performance S-shaped Shaft Extension Pump System

Accession number: 20181304948867

Authors: Liu, Chao (1); Zhang, Song (2); Xie, Chuanliu (1); Qian, Jun (2); Xie, Rongsheng (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Hydraulic and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou; 225100, China; (2) Yangzhou Survey Design Research Institute Co., Ltd., Yangzhou; 225007, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 132-140

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: S-shaped shaft extension pump is an important device for low-lift pumping station. The efficiency of the existing S-shaped extension pump system can not satisfy the users, so it is difficult to be applied to the practice. Based on CFD numerical simulation, an optimization of the traditional S-shaped bend was made, a new S-shaped shaft extension pump scheme was proposed. A whole flow passage of the system was obtained. The results displayed excellent flow characteristics of the system and the axial velocity uniformity at outlet section of the suction passage at different flow rates was over 99.2%; the efficiency of the system was higher than 77.1% from the pump performance prediction which was approved by the model test. The model pump test was conducted in a high accuracy test standed for hydraulic machinery to validate the numerical results. Under the blade angle of -4°, -2°, 0° and 2°, the lifting heads were between 1.7 m and 2.0 m, and the maximum pumping efficiencies reached 77.1%~78.35%, which met the higher requirements for application in practice. The horizontal S-shaped shaft extension pump system was successfully applied to a pumping station of Gold-Dam water diversion project in Yangzhou City. The field test of pumping station showed that the hydraulic performances of the high efficient planar S-shaped shaft extension pump system for the prototype system and the performance results of the model system test were basically coincident. The pump units were running stably, and vibration and noise were small. The high efficient planar S-shaped shaft extension pump system had advantages in simple structure, compact layout, less occupation of land, large working space, convenient installation and maintenance. The operation cost of the pumping station would be low due to the hydraulic losses of the system were significantly reduced, especially for the long-running pumping station which had effects on energy saving and consumption reducing; and it was convenient to be used in small and medium sized pumping station to implement standardized construction. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 32

Main heading: Pumps

Controlled terms: Computational fluid dynamics  -  Energy conservation  -  Flood control  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Pumping plants  -  Testing

Uncontrolled terms: Bend  -  CFD numerical simulations  -  Consumption reducing  -  Flow charac-teristics  -  Hydraulic performance  -  Passage  -  Performance  -  S shape

Classification code: 442.1 Flood Control

Flood Control

  -  446 Waterworks


  -  525.2 Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

  -  618.2 Pumps


  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

  -  723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.015

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



9. Optimization Design and Experiment on Clamping Static and Dynamic Finger-spoon Maize Precision Seed Metering Device

Accession number: 20181304948858

Authors: Wang, Jinwu (1); Tang, Han (1); Guan, Rui (1); Li, Xin (1); Bai, Haichao (1); Tian, Liquan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 48-57

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A clamping static and dynamic finger-spoon maize precision seed metering device was designed based on limited guiding principle to improve the performance and adaptability of maize seed metering device and meet the requirements of precision planting. The overall structure and working principle of the seed metering device were illustrated and analyzed. The optimal design of structural parameters of key components was conducted, such as the finger-spoon plate and the limited guiding assembly. The single factor tests were carried out with rotational speed and adjustment dimension as the experiment factors. The average seeding qualified index and the seeding coefficient of variation were chosen for evaluating the seeding performance. The results showed that the clamping finger-spoon maize precision seed metering device had good adaptability to four different types of maize seeds. To improve the working performance of the metering device and obtain the best operation parameters, the quadratic general rotary unitized design was carried out. Based on experimental data, a mathematical model was built by using the Design-Expert 6.0.10 software, the experimental factors were optimized, and the best combination was achieved. Test results showed that as the rotational speed was 30.5 r/min, the adjustment dimension was 12.0 mm, and the seeding qualified index was 88.41%, the seeding coefficient of variation was 12.32%, which could meet the requirements of precision planting. The results can provide the guidance and direction for the design and development of high-speed precision mechanical seed-metering device. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Seed

Controlled terms: Pneumatic materials handling equipment  -  Structural optimization

Uncontrolled terms: Coefficient of variation  -  Design and Development  -  Limited guiding  -  Maize  -  Precision planting  -  Precision seed-metering devices  -  Seed metering devices  -  Static and dynamic finger-spoon

Classification code: 632.4 Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery

Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.006

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



10. Realization of Walking Intelligence Oxygenated Robot Based on Solar Power

Accession number: 20181304948894

Authors: Zhang, Jing (1); Shen, Jie (1); Liu, Xiaomei (2)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) Jiangsu Kemao Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhenjiang; 212001, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 340-345

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to expand the oxygenation range of fish ponds, improve oxygenous efficiency, ameliorate the water environment and save energy, the solar-powered walking intelligence robot was developed. The robot can walk intelligently and stir the upper and lower layers of water for oxygenation, which was suitable for 2 666~5 333 m2of fish ponds for auxiliary oxygenation. The robot was developed based on HF-LPB100 ultra low power embedded WiFi module exchanges data with the whole system, the solar panels provided electrical energy, besides, ultrasonic distance measurement module was used to avoid obstacles, the ultrasonic depth finder prevented the robot stranding, and there were two modes designed for the robot: automatic mode and manual mode. In the manual mode, the moving direction of robot was decided by remote control from the user for oxygenation. In the automatic mode, Z-type finite state mode was chosen in the path planning, which was based on ant colony algorithm. STM8L051F3P6 was used as core to control the electric motors, and PWM generated a square wave that decided L9110’s level to control the differential speed of double motors. The results showed that the path of the robot can reach more than 23.17% of the area, and the oxygen increasing range was 15.4% greater than that of the traditional aerator, and the oxygenation capacity was 1.69 kg/h. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 11

Main heading: Intelligent robots

Controlled terms: Ant colony optimization  -  Aquaculture  -  Electric machine control  -  Fish  -  Fish ponds  -  Lakes  -  Motion planning  -  Oxygenation  -  Remote control  -  Robots   -  Solar energy

Uncontrolled terms: Ant colony algorithms  -  Electrical energy  -  Intelligence robots  -  Moving direction  -  Oxygenation capacity  -  Traversal area  -  Ultrasonic distance measurements  -  Water environments

Classification code: 657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena

Solar Energy and Phenomena

  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Automatic Control Principles and Applications

  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.042

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



11. Gas Burner Design and Experiment on Emission Characteristics of Biomass Pyrolysis Gas

Accession number: 20181304948888

Authors: Yao, Zonglu (1); Zhang, Li (1); Zhao, Lixin (1); Jia, Jixiu (1); Cong, Hongbin (1); Hu, Erfeng (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Energy Resource Utilization from Agriculture Residue, Ministry of Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing; 100125, China

Corresponding author: Zhao, Lixin(zhaolixin5092@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 299-305

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Tar removal and energy recovery of tar are two main problems, which hinder the development of the clean and efficient combustion technology of pyrolysis gas. Based on the combustion technology of fuel gas, the design of a new type of pyrolysis gas burner and study on the pyrolysis gas combustion and emission characteristics were focused on. According to the quantity of the pyrolysis gas, the treatment capacity of the burner was 2~5 m3/h. The parameters of the burner were determined by theoretical calculation. The experiment platform consisted of gas burner, combustion chamber, catalystic cracking equipment and flue gas analyzer. Pyrolysis gas originated from peanut shell continuous carbonization flowed into gas burner without condensing. The carbonization temperature and retention time were 500 and 30 min. The direct combustion test and catalytic combustion experiment were carried out, respectively. The experiment results indicated that the gas burner was working well. The combustion of pyrolysis gas was stable and combustion efficiency could amount to 98.5%. However, under the action of the catalyst, the combustion efficiency was increased to 98.9%, while the nitrogen oxides produced was increased by 20 mg/m3. The research results provided an important reference for the development of high efficiency clean utilization technology of pyrolysis gas. The location of the catalytic cracking unit would need to be studied. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Gases

Controlled terms: Carbonization  -  Catalysis  -  Catalytic cracking  -  Combustion chambers  -  Cracks  -  Gas burners  -  Nitrogen oxides  -  Pyrolysis  -  Tar

Uncontrolled terms: Biomass pyrolysis  -  Carbonization temperatures  -  Catalytic combustion  -  Combustion efficiencies  -  Direct combustion  -  Efficient combustions  -  Emission characteristics  -  Theoretical calculations

Classification code: 522 Gas Fuels

Gas Fuels

  -  654.2 Rocket Engines

Rocket Engines

  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

  -  804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic Compounds

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.036

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



12. Research Progress Analysis of Robotic Harvesting Technologies in Greenhouse

Accession number: 20181304948853

Authors: Liu, Jizhan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Corresponding author: Liu, Jizhan(liujizhan@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 1-18

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: As harvesting operation is with the most labor cost, however, the most difficult to realize mechanized work in greenhouse crop production, robotic harvesting technology has been developing rapidly in recent decades. Especially, research on robotic harvesting technology for main crops such as tomatoes, strawberries has been conducted continuously and deeply in Japan. Since the beginning of the new century, research in China in this field has become the most active. Development process of research on robotic harvesting technology for different greenhouse crops in Japan, China, the European Union, South Korea and so on were analyzed, and global main research units and specialists, key technical characteristics, level of development and course of evolution in this field were summarized. In conclusion, the flexibility to complex non-structural environment and deep integration of complex robot system were regarded as two keys to stimulate the development of greenhouse picking robot technology. Finally, it was believed that operation environment factorization, robot configuration standardization, multi-robot cooperation and man-robot collaboration would become the development trend in future, thereby to accelerate the development of robotic harvesting technology and its application in greenhouse industry. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 133

Main heading: Harvesting

Controlled terms: Compensation (personnel)  -  Crops  -  Cultivation  -  Greenhouses  -  Robotics  -  Robots  -  Wages

Uncontrolled terms: Deep integrations  -  Development process  -  Development trends  -  Greenhouse crop production  -  Greenhouse crops  -  Harvesting operations  -  Multi-robot cooperation  -  Robot configurations

Classification code: 731.5 Robotics


  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  912.4 Personnel


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.001

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



13. Groundwater Depth Forecast Based on IL-HMMs

Accession number: 20181304948883

Authors: Su, Kai (1); Yue, Depeng (1); Yang, Di (2); Yu, Qiang (1); Ma, Huan (1); Zhang, Qibin (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Beijing Key Laboratory of Precision Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Department of Geography, University of Florida, Gainesville; FL; 32611, United States

Corresponding author: Yue, Depeng(yuedepeng@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 263-268

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: An improved hidden Markov prediction model (IL-HMMs) based on incremental learning was developed, which was based on the prediction of regional groundwater table in the typical county of Dengkou, a typical arid region in Northwest China. In order to test the IL-HMMs model prediction results, the predicted results was compared with the measured data of 2013, and the results of hidden Markov model (HMMs), weighted Markov chain (WMCP) and BP neural network (BPNN) prediction model. The results showed that compared with other forecasting models, the prediction accuracy of IL-HMMs model was improved significantly, the error was smaller and the robustness was better. The groundwater depth in 2018 was predicted by using the IL-HMMs model. The prediction results showed that in 2018 the average annual groundwater depth would be increased slightly and the groundwater depth would be increased in some areas. The IL-HMMs model of groundwater depth prediction had good stability and robustness, it can provide ideas and methods for the dynamic prediction of groundwater depth, and also provide an important basis for the development, utilization and protection of groundwater resources in the region. Tracking and monitoring the change of water level, preventing the groundwater level from falling continuously and making emergency response plan can be utilized to realize the sustainable development and utilization of water resources. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 17

Main heading: Groundwater resources

Controlled terms: Forecasting  -  Groundwater  -  Hidden Markov models  -  Markov processes  -  Neural networks  -  Water levels  -  Water resources

Uncontrolled terms: Arid region in northwests  -  Dengkou counties  -  Development and utilizations  -  Emergency response plans  -  Ground water depths  -  Hidden markov models (HMMs)  -  Incremental learning  -  Protection of groundwater

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

  -  444.2 Groundwater


  -  922 Statistical Methods

Statistical Methods

  -  922.1 Probability Theory

Probability Theory

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.031

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



14. Axis Trajectory of Cantilever Multistage Centrifugal Pump Based on Multiple Excitation

Accession number: 20181304948864

Authors: Jiang, Xiaoping (1); Zhu, Jiawei (1); Feng, Qi (1, 2); Li, Wei (1); Zhou, Ling (1); Wang, Chuan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Technical and Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) FURUI Special Equiement Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang; 215600, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 105-113

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In view of cantilever multistage centrifugal pump in operation process is prone to vibration of shafting and bring reliable and stability problems, due to its unique suspension center cantilever rotor structure. The rotor axis trajectory of cantilever multistage centrifugal pump was explored under design flow through combination of numerical simulation and experimental verification. Cantilever multistage centrifugal pump rotor dynamic characteristics in the operation was not only influenced by the uneven quality of unbalance mass, but also influenced by sealing fluid excitation force, fluid excitation force induced by chamber and fluid added mass. The dynamic model of the cantilever multistage centrifugal pump was simulation with the above calculation results so that the influence of sealing fluid excitation force, fluid excitation force induced by chamber and fluid added mass on the rotor axis trajectory could be calculated. Furthermore, the simulation results were compared with those of the model without sealing fluid excitation force, fluid excitation force induced by chamber and fluid added mass, the model with sealing fluid excitation force only, the model with both sealing fluid excitation force and fluid excitation force induced by chamber and the model with all excitation. Finally, the simulation was verified by the test of rotor axis trajectory. The results showed that the sealing fluid excitation force of the ring of impeller improved the stability of system, compared with the rotor with no sealing excitation force, and reduced the radial displacement amplitude. Fluid excitation force induced by chamber increased the cross stiffness of rotor system led to an increase in the amplitude of vibration. Fluid added mass compared with sealing excitation force and fluid excitation force induced by chamber had a remarkable effect on transient response of cantilever rotor system and the magnitude of displacement nearly gapped two orders of magnitude. The research provided reference for improving the operation stability of cantilever structure optimization of multistage centrifugal pump. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Nanocantilevers

Controlled terms: Centrifugal pumps  -  Rotors  -  Sealing (finishing)  -  Structural optimization  -  Trajectories  -  Transient analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Calculation results  -  Cantilever structures  -  Multi-drive  -  Multi-stage centrifugal pumps  -  Multiple excitations  -  Orders of magnitude  -  Radial displacements  -  Simulation and experimental verifications

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

  -  618.2 Pumps


  -  761 Nanotechnology


  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

  -  933 Solid State Physics

Solid State Physics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.012

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



15. Design and Experiment on Symmetrical Driven Disc Plows Combined Tillage Machine for Rice-Rapeseed Rotation Area

Accession number: 20181304948856

Authors: Liu, Xiaopeng (1, 2); Zhang, Qingsong (1, 2); Xiao, Wenli (1, 2); Ma, Lei (1, 2); Liu, Lichao (1, 2); Liao, Qingxi (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan; 430070, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan; 430070, China

Corresponding author: Liao, Qingxi(liaoqx@mail.hzau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 33-41

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Considering the soil of in mid-lower Yangtze River is sticky and the amount of straw is large, the furrow should be ditched while rapeseed is planting, which leads the power consumption of traditional tillage is large. Compared with the traditional plow, driven disc plows are not easy to be blocked and traction resistance is small. The design of symmetrical type driven disc plows combined tillage machine for rice-rapeseed rotation area was carried out. According to dynamics and kinematic analysis of driven type disc plows, its main structure and technical parameters were analyzed and determined. Based on the principle of plow forming and soil extrusion, the surface of front ditch plow was designed, and it was determined that when the width of ditching area was 350 mm, the quality of furrow and seedbed can be ensured. The tillage depth stability experiments results indicated that actual working depth of the machine was consistent with the control depth, and tillage stability coefficients were more than 90%. The seedbed quality experiments results showed that the depth and width of furrows which was ditched by ditching system were 241.6~293.5 mm and 328.6~370.8 mm, respectively. The soil squeezed by combined ship type opener can effectively filled the furrows which was formed by driven disc plows, the actual landfill rate of furrows was more than 87.67%. The seedbed roughness was 22.45~26.70 mm, soil crushing rate was 60.14%~68.37%. The orthogonal test indicated that the optimum operation condition was the tillage depth was 180 mm, the speed of machine was 3.5 km/h, and operating speed of driven disc plows was 160 r/min. Under this condition, the power consumption was 24.37 kW, straw coverage rate was 92.78%, soil crushing rate was 66.74%, seedbed roughness was 24.18 mm, and landfill rate was 92.3%. The experiment results showed that the quality of symmetrical type driven disc plows combined tillage machine satisfied the actual production requirements of rapeseed planting. The research conclusion had great theoretical value and practical significance to the design of machine which worked for planting rapeseed. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Agricultural machinery

Controlled terms: Agriculture  -  Crushing  -  Electric power utilization  -  Experiments  -  Extrusion  -  Land fill  -  Oilseeds  -  Soils

Uncontrolled terms: Combined type  -  Disc plows  -  Furrow  -  Lower yangtze rivers  -  Optimum operation conditions  -  Production requirements  -  Rapeseed  -  Stability coefficient

Classification code: 452 Municipal and Industrial Wastes; Waste Treatment and Disposal

Municipal and Industrial Wastes; Waste Treatment and Disposal

  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  706.1 Electric Power Systems

Electric Power Systems

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.004

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



16. Spatial Distribution and Soil Pollution Risk Evaluation of Soil Heavy Metals Content Based on Geostatistics

Accession number: 20181304948881

Authors: Yang, Qiyong (1); Xie, Yunqiu (1); Luo, Weiqun (1); Gu, Jiahui (1, 2); Zeng, Hongchun (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Karst Ecosystem and Treatment of Rocky Desertification, Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Guilin; 541004, China; (2) School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Xie, Yunqiu(yqxie@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 248-254

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A large number of soil heavy metal content data and spatial data were obtained through soil survey and laboratory analysis. Spatial variability of soil heavy metals were analyzed by ordinary Kriging (OK) and classical statistical analysis. The pollution risks of each soil heavy metals were studied by utilizing indicator Kriging (IK) and the integrated risk of soil pollution was calculated by multiple variable indicator Kriging (MVIK). Results showed that the contents of heavy metals of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni and Zn in karst area were obviously higher than those in non-karst area. They were significantly correlated with each other (p © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Copper

Controlled terms: Agriculture  -  Cadmium  -  Heavy metals  -  Interpolation  -  Lead  -  Lithology  -  Nickel  -  Pollution  -  Risks  -  Soil pollution   -  Soil surveys  -  Soils  -  Spatial distribution  -  Zinc

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural productions  -  Correlation coefficient  -  Environment management  -  Indicator kriging  -  Kriging  -  Laboratory analysis  -  Multiple-variable indicator kriging  -  Soil heavy metals

Classification code: 481.1 Geology


  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  531 Metallurgy and Metallography

Metallurgy and Metallography

  -  544.1 Copper


  -  546.1 Lead and Alloys

Lead and Alloys

  -  546.3 Zinc and Alloys

Zinc and Alloys

  -  548.1 Nickel


  -  549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals

Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention

Accidents and Accident Prevention

  -  921 Mathematics


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.029

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



17. Experiment and Analysis on Outlet Flow Pattern and Pressure Fluctuation in Inlet Conduit of Vertical Axial-flow Pumping System

Accession number: 20181304948868

Authors: Yang, Fan (1); Zhao, Haoru (1); Liu, Chao (1); He, Jiye (2); Tang, Fangping (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Hydraulic Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou; 225127, China; (2) Hydraulic Engineering Construction Bureau of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing; 210029, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 141-146 and 113

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Pressure fluctuation in vertical axial-flow pumping system caused by outlet flow pattern of inlet conduit is the primary sources of operation instability. By means of pressure transduces and red threads installed in outlet section of inlet conduit, fluctuating pressure signals were obtained and recorded under various operating conditions. The signals in time and frequency domains of the signals were analyzed by using short-time Fourier transform method. The results showed that when the flow rate was less than 0.7Qbep, the deviation direction of red threads of internal wall were the same as the impeller rotating direction in inlet conduit, while the flow rate was larger than 0.7Qbep, the deviation direction of red threads of internal wall was along the axial direction. With the increase of rotational speed, the pulsating amplitude of each measuring point was increased at Qbep, while with the increase of rotational speed, the pulsating amplitude was gradually decreased. The pulsating amplitude was decreased firstly and then increased with the increase of flow rate at the same rotational speed, and the pulsating amplitude was the minimum under the optimum operating condition. The main frequency of each measuring points was four times of rotational frequency at different rotational speeds. The subdominant frequency of each measuring points was one time of rotational frequency in Qbep. Both flow rate and rotational speed had significant influence on the subdominant frequency of outlet section in inlet conduit under small and large flow rate conditions. With the increase of rotational speed, the increase amplitudes of measuring point pulsating amplitudes were different under different operating conditions. The pressure fluctuation amplitude was larger in the frequency range of 0 ~ 8 times of rotational frequency for inlet conduit outlet section at different rotational speed. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 18

Main heading: Flow patterns

Controlled terms: Axial flow  -  Flow rate  -  Pumping plants  -  Speed  -  Testing

Uncontrolled terms: Different operating conditions  -  Experiment and analysis  -  Flow pumping  -  Inlet conduits  -  Optimum operating conditions  -  Pressure fluctuation  -  Short time Fourier transforms  -  Time and frequency domains

Classification code: 446 Waterworks


  -  631 Fluid Flow

Fluid Flow

  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.016

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



18. Kinematics Analysis and Design Optimization of Novel 3T1R Parallel Manipulator

Accession number: 20181304948900

Authors: Yang, Guilin (1, 2); Wu, Cuncun (1, 2); Chen, Chinyin (1, 2); Wang, Yi (1, 2); Zhang, Chi (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo; 315200, China; (2) Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Equipment Technology, Ningbo; 315200, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 386-394 and 420

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A new four-degree-of-freedom (4-DOF) parallel manipulator that can produce 3-DOF translations and 1-DOF rotation was proposed. It had two identical limbs connected to the moving platform through passive revolute joints, and each limb had two identical branches driven by a pair of base mounted collinear prismatic joints. Due to such a simple and symmtrical kinematic structure, the 4-DOF parallel manipulator had the advantages of simple kinematics, large workspace, high speed, high positioning accuracy and easy processing. These advantages made it an appropriate candidate for high-speed and high-precision sorting, pick-and-place, palletizing and assembling operations. Compared with similar parallel manipulator, it showed a unique advantage in long-distance high-speed operations. Firstly, the configuration of 4PPa-2PaR parallel manipulator was introduced, the simplified mathematical model of the mechanism was established, the number and nature of mobility were verified with screw theory and the modified Grübler-Kutzbach criterion, and the kinematic characteristics was studied. Secondly, the workspace was determined by a numerical method, the influence of each design parameter on the workspace was analyzed, and the workspace shape and geometric constraint condition were discussed by analytic method in detail. Finally, the ratio of workspace to parallel mechanism itself was determined as the objective function, the design constraints, such as boundary constraints, non-interference constraints, singularity avoidance constraints and workspace shape constrains, were established and genetic algorithm was selected to optimize the size parameters. The results showed that the ratio of workspace to parallel mechanism itself and workspace volume after optimization were significantly increased, and the optimization results provided important guidance for the subsequent prototype development. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Manipulators

Controlled terms: Degrees of freedom (mechanics)  -  Genetic algorithms  -  Joints (anatomy)  -  Kinematics  -  Mechanisms  -  Numerical methods

Uncontrolled terms: Design optimization  -  Four degree of freedom  -  Kinematic characteristics  -  Parallel manipulators  -  Prototype development  -  Simplified mathematical model  -  Singularity avoidance  -  Workspace

Classification code: 461.3 Biomechanics, Bionics and Biomimetics

Biomechanics, Bionics and Biomimetics

  -  601.3 Mechanisms


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.048

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



19. Fitting of Hyperspectral Reflectance of Vegetation and Shallow Soil Water Content in Oasis of Arid Area

Accession number: 20181304948879

Authors: Chen, Wenqian (1, 2); Ding, Jianli (1, 2); Tan, Jiao (1, 2); Li, Xiang (3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi; 830046, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, Ministry of Education, Xinjiang University, Urumqi; 830046, China; (3) School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing; 100875, China

Corresponding author: Ding, Jianli(watarid@xju.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 229-236

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Water resources have become a key factor for restricting the social, economic and agricultural development of arid area in Northwest China. In recent years, agriculture in arid oasis has developed rapidly, and human activities have seriously affected balance on the regional soil moisture, resulting in a large area of salinization. Therefore, the monitoring of soil moisture is of great practical significance to the development of oasis agriculture and economy. Taking the oasis of Weiku in Xinjiang as the study area, totally 41 soil moisture samples and hyperspectral data of the oasis vegetation in arid area were collected, and the vegetation index was taken as bridge. Multiple regression (MLSR), partial least squares (PLS) regression and support vector machine regression (SVR) were used to establish the inversion model of soil water content in oasis, respectively, the regression models were tested respectively. The experimental results showed that the accuracy of different models was different. Through the optimization of parameters and extraction of optimal test set, the fitting effect from good to bad was improved SVR model, PLS model and MLSR model, which were based on the vegetation The improved SVR model had a good fitting effect, R2was 0.891 6, RMSE was only 2.004, the analysis accuracy in the oasis of arid area reached the practical prediction accuracy. The R2values of MLSR model and PLS model were 0.630 0 and 0.654 9, and RMSE were 3.001 and 2.749, respectively. The results showed that it was an effective method to improve the monitoring accuracy of shallow soil water content in oasis, and it can also provide more data for monitoring soil moisture in arid area. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Soil moisture

Controlled terms: Agricultural machinery  -  Agriculture  -  Arid regions  -  Least squares approximations  -  Moisture  -  Moisture control  -  Regression analysis  -  Soil surveys  -  Soils  -  Vegetation   -  Water content  -  Water resources

Uncontrolled terms: Hyper spectra  -  Hyperspectral reflectance  -  Improved SVR  -  Optimization of parameters  -  Partial least-squares regression  -  Soil water content  -  Support vector machine regression (SVR)  -  Vegetation index

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  731.3 Specific Variables Control

Specific Variables Control

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.027

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



20. Spatial Arc Interpolation Analysis of Novel 5-DOF Hybrid Mechanism

Accession number: 20181304948902

Authors: Wang, Xuelei (1); Zhang, Bin (1); Xu, Songbing (1); Li, Chuanjun (1); Wu, Taiyu (1); Zhang, Chunlong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Bin(zhangbin64@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 403-411

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A novel 2SPU+U+RRR 5-DOF hybrid mechanism with one 2-DOF parallel mechanism and one 3-DOF serial mechanism was presented. This 5-DOF hybrid mechanism had advantages of large workspace and high stiffness compared with traditional hybrid mechanism. A prototype of this hybrid mechanism was constructed and it was equivalent to a U+RRR parallel mechanism, the analytic formulas for solving its inverse/forward displacement kinematics were derived and the forward displacement was derived based on D-H method. The unique solution of the inverse kinematics was determined based on the shortest distance rule, and the correctness of the analytical expression of the inverse/forward displacement kinematics was verified. The length of the two SPU active legs were derived based on the rotation angle of the Hooke hinge, thus the analytic formulas for solving the inverse displacement kinematics of the 2-DOF parallel mechanism was derived. Theoretical kinematics formulas and results provided foundation for the control of the hybrid mechanism, structure optimization design, dynamics performance analysis, manufacturing and applications and the study also enriches the application area of lower-mobility parallel mechanisms. A novel interpolation algorithm for an arc based on equal radian data sampling was derived, the calculation of interpolation algorithm was greatly simplified. In order to verify the correctness of the interpolation algorithm for an arc, the experimental prototype and its control system were built. The simulation result by Matlab and the experimental prototype result showed that the interpolation algorithm for an arc was correctness and this algorithm had great application prospect. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Interpolation

Controlled terms: Inverse kinematics  -  Inverse problems  -  Kinematics  -  MATLAB  -  Mechanisms  -  Optimization  -  Structural optimization

Uncontrolled terms: Analytical expressions  -  Arc interpolation  -  Experimental prototype  -  Hybrid mechanisms  -  Interpolation algorithms  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Structure optimization  -  Theoretical kinematics

Classification code: 601.3 Mechanisms


  -  921 Mathematics


  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.050

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



21. Wine Quality Analysis Based on Organic Acids Detected by HPLC

Accession number: 20181304948896

Authors: Yu, Jing (1); Sun, Ya’na (2); Sun, Xiangyu (1, 3); Ma, Tingting (1, 4); Wu, Ying (2); Huang, Weidong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Beijing; 101300, China; (3) College of Enology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (4) College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Huang, Weidong(huanggwd@263.net)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 354-362

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Organic acids are one of the important flavoring materials and functional compounds in wines. A new method for determining the content of seven kinds of organic acids simultaneously in wines with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was established. Using this method, all seven organic acids were successfully separated. The method showed good linear relationship, precision and repeatability. Using this method to analyze the varietal wine and vintage wine, results showed that variety and vintage both had significant influence on organic acids in both red and white wines, in which variety played a greater effect than vintage. In red wines, the main organic acids were tartaric acid and lactic acid, while the citric acid content was very low. Meanwhile, in white wines, which was different from red wines, the main organic acids were citric acid and malic acid, followed by tartaric acid. Furthermore, this method was used to analyze the organic acids quality condition in Beijing market wines. The results also showed that the overall quality condition in Beijing market wines was good. Only five samples among 103 wine samples were found with an overdose of citric acid, with a relevance ratio of 4.9%. It could be effective to distinguish wine from other wine according to organic acid content. Citric acid content and the scale value of citric acid on whole organic acids could be used to preliminary detect fake wines, especially these fake wines using alcohol, essence, saccharin and water. What’s more, organic acid characteristics were different between imported wine and domestic wine, wines from different regions, wines from different wineries. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Wine

Controlled terms: Citric acid  -  Commerce  -  Flavor compounds  -  High performance liquid chromatography  -  Lactic acid  -  Liquid chromatography  -  Organic acids  -  Quality control  -  Sugar substitutes

Uncontrolled terms: Acid content  -  Characteristic analysis  -  Functional compounds  -  Linear relationships  -  Overall quality  -  Tartaric acids  -  Varieties  -  Wine quality

Classification code: 804.1 Organic Compounds

Organic Compounds

  -  822.3 Food Products

Food Products

  -  913.3 Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.044

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



22. Improved De-noising Method of Laying Hens’ Vocalization

Accession number: 20181304948892

Authors: Du, Xiaodong (1); Teng, Guanghui (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Teng, Guanghui(futong@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 327-333

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Sound analysis has become an important tool for studying the behavior, health and welfare of animals in recent years. Monitoring laying hens’ sound can be used to evaluate their health or welfare. However, large-scale henhouses exist more noise interference such as a typical fan noise, which has a great effect on accurately recognizing poultry vocalization. Hy-line brown laying hens were taken as an example and poultry sound signal pretreatment was applied for reducing the fan noise interference as far as possible. Different types of laying hens’ vocalization and fan noise were recorded by digital sound collection platform. LabVIEW software was used for sound signal processing and analyzing time-frequency characteristics of the fan noise as well as poultry vocalization. Meanwhile, compared with different noise reduction methods, including IIR filter de-noising, wavelet threshold de-noising and improved spectral subtraction methods, and the effect of different de-noising methods were evaluated. Results showed that the sound frequency of laying hens were mainly distributed between 400 Hz and 2 500 Hz, and fan noise frequency distribution was between 0 Hz and 1 000 Hz. In the acoustic environment of SNR within -8~20 dB, the improved spectrum subtraction method had the minimum root mean square error (0.03~0.38) with the shortest processing time (6~7 ms), which had good outcome in practical application. This study provided foundation for analyzing laying hens’ vocalization in fan noise environment of large-scale henhouses. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Acoustic signal processing

Controlled terms: Acoustic noise  -  Computer programming languages  -  IIR filters  -  Mean square error  -  Signal processing  -  Signal to noise ratio

Uncontrolled terms: De-noising  -  Fan noise  -  Laying hens  -  Sound signal  -  Spectral subtractions

Classification code: 703.2 Electric Filters

Electric Filters

  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages

Computer Programming Languages

  -  751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound

Acoustics, Noise. Sound

  -  751.4 Acoustic Noise

Acoustic Noise

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.040

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



23. Effects of Wind Regime and Vent Configuration on Microclimate in Tunnel Greenhouses in Summer

Accession number: 20181304948890

Authors: He, Keshi (1); Chen, Dayue (2); Sun, Lijuan (3); Liu, Zhenglu (4)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai; 200240, China; (2) School of Electronics, Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai; 200240, China; (3) Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing; 100081, China; (4) Sunqiao Modern Agriculture Development Zone, Shanghai; 201210, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Dayue(dychen@sjtu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 311-318 and 339

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The effects of vent configuration and wind regime on the microclimate in the tunnel greenhouse were numerically investigated. A full scale computational fluid dynamics model (CFD model) was constructed based on a tunnel greenhouse cultivated with water spinach in eastern China. The model was firstly validated by comparing CFD simulations with experimental temperatures. The simulations had similar trends to those of the experiments with less than 1.1 of difference. It was then employed to investigate the greenhouse airflow and temperature patterns with different vent configurations, evaluate the effect of vent configuration on the ventilation rate, temperature difference between inside and outside, and the inside climate homogeneity, and reveal the greenhouse microclimate mechanism with different wind regimes. Simulations showed that different vent configurations induced different inside microclimate patterns and ventilation performances. The roof plus side opening provided the highest ventilation rate, the minimum temperature difference and a relatively uniform indoor climate, and thus can be recommended for summer ventilation. Wind regime had a significant impact on the airflow and temperature patterns in the greenhouse, which considerably affected the cooling performance and the indoor climate homogeneity. With the weather conditions of high temperature and low wind speed, thermal driven ventilation played a remarkable effect on the greenhouse microclimate. The roof and side opening can improve greenhouse cooling performance remarkably and reduce air temperature in crop canopy effectively. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Greenhouse effect

Controlled terms: Computational fluid dynamics  -  Fluid dynamics  -  Greenhouses  -  Roofs  -  Ventilation  -  Vents  -  Wind

Uncontrolled terms: Computational fluid dynamics modeling  -  Greenhouse microclimate  -  Microclimate  -  Minimum temperature differences  -  Temperature differences  -  Vent configurations  -  Ventilation performance  -  Wind regime

Classification code: 443.1 Atmospheric Properties

Atmospheric Properties

  -  643.5 Ventilation


  -  821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures

Farm Buildings and Other Structures

  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.038

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



24. Adaptive Features Fusion and Fast Recognition of Potato Typical Disease Images

Accession number: 20181304948855

Authors: Xiao, Zhiyun (1); Liu, Hong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Electric Power, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot; 010080, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 26-32

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In view of the difficulty in region location and classification of potato typical diseases under natural conditions, a new adaptive features fusion and fast recognition method of potato typical disease images was proposed. The segmented disease image, processing object of the proposed method, could be obtained as following two steps. Firstly, by using K-means, Hough transform and superpixels segmentation algorithms, the whole potato blade containing disease region was located in complicated background. Secondly, the disease region was separated from green blade by combining with two-dimensional Otsu and morphology method. On the basis of the segmented disease image, totally 124 potato disease features, including 18 color features, 21 shape features and 85 texture features were extracted. As thus, the color, shape and texture features were fused adaptively based on principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm and weighted formulation, and used to potato diseases recognition by support vector machine (SVM). According to features fusion and SVM recognition, totally 13 weighted principal components were gained as following three steps. Firstly, color, shape and texture features were automatically divided into many feature blocks, including RGB and HSV, geometric statistics (GS), central moments and Hu moments, Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), high frequency low order moments and low frequency low order moments (HMLM), and high frequency covariance matrix eigenvalues and low frequency lower order moments (HELM). By comparison of recognition rates and features dimension, RGB, GS and HELM feature blocks were selected from color, shape, texture feature blocks, respectively. Secondly, five RGB, five GS and three HELM principal components were acquired by PCA algorithm. Thirdly, RGB, GS and HELM were weighted based on their recognition rates of principal components, and each principal component was also weighted based on weight distribution formulation. The recognition test of three kinds of typical potato samples showed that the proposed method had an obvious advantage. By using the same SVM recognition model, and compared with recognition rates of traditional adaptive methods, including PCA descending dimension, feature sorting selection, and so on, the proposed adaptive feature fusion algorithm had high average recognition rate which was increased by at least 1.8 percentage points. By using the same 13 adaptive fusion features, average recognition rate of the proposed recognition method was 95.2%, which were increased by 3.8 percentage points and 8.5 percentage points than those of ANN and Bayes, respectively, and run time of the proposed recognition method was 0.600 s, which was 3 s faster than that of ANN. Therefore, the proposed method could be used to greatly improve the recognition speed based on effectively ensuring the recognition accuracy. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Principal component analysis

Controlled terms: Color  -  Covariance matrix  -  Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions  -  Hough transforms  -  Image fusion  -  Image processing  -  Image segmentation  -  Support vector machines

Uncontrolled terms: Gray level co occurrence matrix(GLCM)  -  Lower order moments  -  Principal Components  -  Recognition accuracy  -  Recognition methods  -  Superpixels segmentations  -  Weight distributions  -  Weighted fusion

Classification code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

  -  741.1 Light/Optics


  -  921 Mathematics


  -  921.3 Mathematical Transformations

Mathematical Transformations

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.003

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



25. Design and Experiment of Pneumatic Cylinder Array Precision Seed-metering Device for Cotton

Accession number: 20181304948859

Authors: Ni, Xiangdong (1); Xu, Guojie (1); Wang, Qi (1); Peng, Xiaorui (1); Wang, Jian (1); Hu, Bin (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi; 832003, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 58-67

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Xinjiang is the largest production base of quality cotton and commodity cotton in China. Sowing is one of the most important links which affects the development of cotton industry. In order to improve the precision and efficiency of seed-metering device for cotton, a pneumatic cylinder array precision metering device for cotton was designed, which combined the features of array suction and pneumatic clearing with side direction. The working principle and component of precision seeder were introduced, the key structure parameters were determined, and the mechanical model of single cotton seed during the air-suction filling process was established. In test, cotton seed Xinluzao 48 was selected as experimental material. Based on pre-experiments, the cylinder speed, hole diameter and vacuum pressure were taken as main impact factors, the quality of feed index, miss index and multiple index were taken as response indices, and the second orthogonal rotation combination test was executed, which used the Design-Expert software. The regression models were established, and effects of various factors on the performance indices were analyzed. The research gained the best combination of the parameters by using multi-objective optimization, which was as follows: the cylinder speed was 15.5 r/min, the hole diameter was 3.5 mm, and vacuum pressure was 4.2 kPa. Under the condition of the optimal combination parameters, the quality of feed index, miss index and multiple index were 93.5%, 2.0% and 4.5%, respectively. According to optimization parameter combination, the verification test was repeated five times, the results showed that the experimental results were basically consistent with the optimization results, and the sowing quality satisfied the requirements of precision sowing for cotton. The sowing adaptability experiment was carried out under the same conditions with three cotton seeds (Xinluzao 48, Xinluzao 52 and Xinluzao 60), whose overall dimension existed some differences from each other. All the qualities of feed index were more than 92%, all the miss indices were less than 3%, and all the multiple indices were less than 5%, indicating that when planting different cotton seeds, the precision seeder had certain adaptability to different varieties of cotton seeds. The study provided a theoretical reference for the design of pneumatic cylinder precision seed-metering device for cotton. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 18

Main heading: Cotton

Controlled terms: Cylinders (shapes)  -  Multiobjective optimization  -  Plants (botany)  -  Pneumatic drives  -  Pneumatic equipment  -  Pneumatic materials handling equipment  -  Pneumatics  -  Regression analysis  -  Seed  -  Software testing

Uncontrolled terms: Array  -  Experimental materials  -  Optimization parameter  -  Orthogonal rotations  -  Performance indices  -  Pneumatic Cylinders  -  Precision seed-metering devices  -  Seed metering devices

Classification code: 632.3 Pneumatics


  -  632.4 Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery

Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery

  -  723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.007

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



26. Effect of Different LED Light Qualities on Growth Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings

Accession number: 20181304948891

Authors: He, Shihang (1); He, Di (1); Xu, Chunlin (1); Zhao, Lijun (1); Chen, Ya (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Corresponding author: He, Di(hedi4826@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 319-326

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to ensure the supplement of healthy seedlings in tomato anniversary production, the effect of different light qualities on the growth characteristic of tomato seedlings was investigated during different periods in the artificial climate environment, and the optimal artificial light was confirmed for the seedlings. LED was chosen as the experimental light. Because the small size, durability, long lifetime, cool emitting temperature, and the specific wavelengths for a targeted cultivation made them more suitable than traditional light sources. Therefore, three treatments of mixed red and blue LED qualities of RB3/1, RB5/1 and RB7/1 and white LED (W) were used to illuminate the tomato seedlings with the photoperiod of 12 h/12 h and the natural light irradiation as the compared treatment. The comprehensive evaluation method was adopted to analyze the effect of different light qualities on the growth characteristic of the tomato seedlings during different periods. The results showed that the employment of white LED and the combination of red and blue LED as the single light source in an artificial climate system could meet the requirement of tomato seedlings growth. Light quality had extremely significant effect on the hypocotyls length, leaf area and ratio of root to shoot (P © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Quality control

Controlled terms: Concrete beams and girders  -  Fruits  -  Light emitting diodes  -  Light sources  -  Plants (botany)

Uncontrolled terms: Artificial climate  -  Artificial climate environments  -  Artificial light source  -  Comprehensive evaluation  -  Different lights  -  Growth characteristic  -  LED lights  -  Tomato seedlings

Classification code: 412 Concrete


  -  714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  913.3 Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.039

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



27. Land Use Zoning in Northeast China Based on Two-dimension Graphics Cluster Methods

Accession number: 20181304948870

Authors: Lu, Chang (1); Lei, Guoping (1); Zhou, Hao (1); Zhang, Ao (1); Zhang, Kangkang (1); Yang, Xuexin (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Land Management, Northeastern University, Shenyang; 110169, China

Corresponding author: Lei, Guoping(guopinglei@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 155-164

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Land use zoning is the basis and key elements of the overall land use planning. It is important to determine the future land use direction, formulate the land use structure and spatial layout adjustment strategy, and realize the regional land differentiation management and sustainable utilization. As the most important commodity grain base in China, Northeast China has a significance to the national food security. However, the economic development level of different provinces in Northeast China is quite different. The development of regional economy is unbalanced. The index system of characterizing the three-dimensional state of land use in the main grain producing areas was constructed, and the two-dimensional graph theory clustering method and GIS spatial analysis method were used to study the land use zoning of 184 county-level administrative units in northeast region, and differentiated land use regulation measures were put forward. The results showed that the three-dimensional evaluation index system of land use can clearly reflect the natural background condition, development status and future development potential of land use; the results of land use zoning in Northeast China obtained by two-dimensional graph clustering and GIS qualitative analysis had good spatial continuity as well as zoning integrity, which improved the feasibility and scientificalness of land use zoning. The northeast region was divided into twelve zones consisted of three city comprehensive development zones, two agricultural and animal husbandry land use zones, one agricultural and forestry land use zone, one agricultural, forestry and animal husbandry land use zone, five forestry and agricultural ecological zones. The research had certain reference significance for the management of land use in the main grain producing areas. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 22

Main heading: Land use

Controlled terms: Agriculture  -  Animals  -  Cluster analysis  -  Economic and social effects  -  Economics  -  Food supply  -  Forestry  -  Geographic information systems  -  Grain (agricultural product)  -  Graph theory   -  Regional planning  -  Spatial variables measurement  -  Timber  -  Urban planning  -  Zoning

Uncontrolled terms: Clustering methods  -  County area  -  Land use zoning  -  Northeast China  -  Producing areas

Classification code: 403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development

Urban and Regional Planning and Development

  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  822.3 Food Products

Food Products

  -  903.3 Information Retrieval and Use

Information Retrieval and Use

  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements

Mechanical Variables Measurements

  -  971 Social Sciences

Social Sciences

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.018

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



28. Investigation on Near-surface Wireless Wind Speed Profiler Based on Thermistors

Accession number: 20181304948860

Authors: Liu, Haiyang (1); Chang, Jiali (1); Hou, Zhanfeng (1); Chen, Zhi (1); Xuan, Chuanzhong (1); Shang, Xiaobin (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot; 010018, China

Corresponding author: Hou, Zhanfeng(njau-hzf@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 68-77

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Currently, wind speed profilers in common use have many problems, such as complex wiring, large volume, high power consumption, low measurement accuracy and automation level. They are also unable to achieve the real time recording and data processing. These bring many difficulties to study the variation law of near surface wind velocity, terrain roughness and its ability to resist wind erosion of degraded grassland. A thermal wind speed sensor which had small volume, low power consumption, high precision measurement was developed, and a near-surface velocity profiler with functions of automatic wind-direction recognition and wireless data transmission was designed, which can realize data automatic collection, wireless transmission and real-time data processing of environmental temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and near-surface wind speeds. Experiment results showed that the rotating start-up wind speed of the profiler was 3.7 m/s, and the measurement range of the wind sensor whose maximum response time was no more than 3 s was 0~16 m/s with accuracy not less than 0.3 m/s. It can work continuously more than 7 h with one time charge, reflecting the change rule of the near-surface wind speed in height accurately with goodness of fitting of wind speed profiles above 0.9. The system can circularly scan up to six testing points, automatic collect and process wind speed data. The length of data packet was 35 bytes, the effective transmission distance can reach 500m and the data transfer time for six testing points was less than 10s under the conditions of 2.4 kb/s transfer rate and maximum transmitting power. The system had advantages of low power consumption, easy to use, simple operation, automatic data acquisition, which can satisfy the needs of studying the change rule of near-surface wind speed. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 17

Main heading: Wind

Controlled terms: Atmospheric humidity  -  Atmospheric pressure  -  Data acquisition  -  Data handling  -  Data transfer  -  Electric power utilization  -  Speed  -  Thermistors

Uncontrolled terms: Automatic acquisition  -  Automatic data acquisition  -  High-precision measurement  -  Maximum transmitting power  -  Real-time data processing  -  Wind profiler  -  Wireless data transmission  -  Wireless transmissions

Classification code: 443.1 Atmospheric Properties

Atmospheric Properties

  -  706.1 Electric Power Systems

Electric Power Systems

  -  714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.008

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



29. Design and Experiment of Maize Kernel Traits Acquisition Device

Accession number: 20181304948854

Authors: Song, Peng (1, 2); Zhang, Han (1, 3); Wang, Cheng (1, 2); Luo, Bin (1, 2); Zhao, Yong (1, 2); Pan, Dayu (1, 3)

Author affiliation: (1) Beijing Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (2) National Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (3) Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Cheng(wangc@nercita.org.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 19-25

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In the process of automatic maize kernel trait extraction, the parameters of maize kernel can be obtained by machine vision. In the process of machine vision analysis, the accumulation of maize grain affects the extraction of kernel parameters. A method of obtaining information of corn kernel and cyclotron vibration platform was designed. Through the analysis of the stress distribution of accumulation seed cyclotron motion process, the vibration platform swing speed was determined, and the grain accumulation was reduced. Through the vibration kernel accumulation was reduced first, and then maize kernel image was obtained. In the image processing and analysis stage, image of maize kernels was segmented. To solve the segmentation problem of maize kernels, an improved watershed algorithm was proposed. After watershed segmentation, the D-value between the minimum watershed value and the minimum value of the pixel points between adjacent segmentation region were calculated, and then the D-value was compared with T. If the D-value was less than T, the adjacent segmentation region was merged. Segmentation made each maize kernel be a region. The number of maize grains corresponded to the number of regions. After the segmentation was completed, minimum external rectangle of single seed was established by improved Graham scanning method. The length and width of the minimum external rectangle corresponded to the length and width of the kernel. Verification experiments were carried out on the corn seed metering device. The final test results showed that the correct rate of segmentation method proposed on maize grain reached above 98.05% and the determination correlation coefficient between algorithm and manual measured values was above 0.97. The system can realize rapid acquisition of relevant information of maize kernel, and achieve the expected performance index as well as meet practical demands. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Vibration analysis

Controlled terms: Computer vision  -  Cyclotrons  -  Extraction  -  Grain (agricultural product)  -  Image processing

Uncontrolled terms: Correlation coefficient  -  Image processing and analysis  -  Machine vision analysis  -  Maize kernels  -  Segmentation methods  -  Verification experiments  -  Water-shed algorithm  -  Watershed segmentation

Classification code: 723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  932.1.1 Particle Accelerators

Particle Accelerators

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.002

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



30. Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Stack Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator Amplified by Flexure Hinge

Accession number: 20181304948696

Authors: He, Zhongbo (1); Rong, Ce (1); Yang, Zhaoshu (2); Xue, Guangming (1); Zheng, Jiawei (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Department of Vehicle and Electrical Engineering, Shijiazhuang Mechanical Engineering College, Shijiazhuang; 050003, China; (2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland; 1010, New Zealand

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 421-428 and 247

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Novel electro-hydraulic servo valves (EHSVs) usually require their actuators output large stroke bi-directionally. To meet these requirements, a special stack giant magnetostrictive actuator amplified by flexure hinge (FASGMA) was designed, the displacement model of this actuator was established, and experiments were conducted to verify the model. Firstly, considering the ways to provide bias magnetic field in traditional GMA, a specific structure, with permanent magnets (PMs) and short GMM rods located iteratively, was designed, whose output was amplified by a bridge-type flexure hinge. Then, based on the structure, a strain model of SGMA was established, which can describe the strain distribution along the GMM rod. In addition, the amplification ratio and eigenfrequency of the flexure hinge were analyzed by basic theories of mechanics and finite element method. Meanwhile, with an optimization design method proposed, the structural parameters of the amplifier were decided. Moreover, a multi-DOF displacement model of FASGMA was set up, which considered the interaction of flexure hinge and SGMA as well as the strain distribution along the axial direction of SGMA. After that, the number of DOF was determined. Finally, an experimental system was established, and the proposed model was verified by both step and sinusoidal experiments. The results indicated that when the FASGMA was excited by step signals, the maximum output displacement was about 130 μm, the response time was about 70 ms. Under harmonic excitation, the frequency bandwidth was about 60 Hz and the actuator performed a good tracking behavior with the excitation signal. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Finite element method

Controlled terms: Actuators  -  Bridges  -  Hinges  -  Hydraulic actuators  -  Iterative methods  -  Magnetostrictive devices

Uncontrolled terms: Displacement model  -  Experimental validations  -  Flexure hinge  -  Giant magnetostrictive actuator  -  Stack structure

Classification code: 401.1 Bridges


  -  732.1 Control Equipment

Control Equipment

  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.052

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



31. Method of Plant Point Cloud Registration Based on Kinect of Improved SIFT-ICP

Accession number: 20181304948873

Authors: Shen, Yue (1); Pan, Chengkai (1); Liu, Hui (1); Gao, Bin (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Corresponding author: Liu, Hui(amity@ujs.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 183-189

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at solving the low-accuracy and slow-speed problem of traditional registration, an improved SIFT-ICP registration method for color point clouds of plant was put forward. Original color point clouds of plant was merged by color images and depth images obtained by Kinect from different perspectives. Firstly, preprocessing was carried out to extract point clouds of plant from original point clouds, in which lots of point clouds of background and noise were involved. Secondly, by making use of depth features and boundary characteristics of plant point clouds, the key points were detected by means of SIFT (Scale invariant feature transforms) algorithm. Thirdly, normal calculation was executed on the key points computed previously, which was revised by adapting the estimation to accelerate the normal estimation process. The normal estimation was determined by the number of surrounding points. For the sparse part of point cloud, the value of adjacent point was reduced, on the contrary, it was increased in the process of normal estimation. Meanwhile, the FPFH (Fast point feature histograms) descriptor was developed to obtain the characteristic vector which contained 33 dimension element for each key point. Fourthly, SAC-IA (Sample consensus-initial alignment) algorithm, an initial registration algorithm, was applied to register plant color point clouds from different perspectives to provide a better spatial mapping relationships for accurate registration. Finally, on the basis of initial registration, the ICP (Iterative closest point) algorithm, which was accelerated by adapting Nanoflann instead of Flann, was used to refine the initial transform matrix inferred by initial registration. Experiments showed that this registration method can improve not only registration speed but also registration accuracy, the average Euclidean distance between corresponding points was below 7 mm and registration time-consuming was less than 30 s. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Iterative methods

Controlled terms: Color

Uncontrolled terms: 3D point cloud  -  Accurate registration  -  Initial registration  -  Kinect  -  Plant

Classification code: 741.1 Light/Optics


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.021

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



32. Upgrading of Char from Lauan Pyrolysis for Production of Activated Char with Multilevel Pore Structure

Accession number: 20181304948889

Authors: Yin, Shi (1); Zhu, Lingjun (1); Liu, Yincong (1); Wang, Xiaoliu (1); Wang, Shurong (1)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou; 310027, China

Corresponding author: Zhu, Lingjun(lingjun_zhu@zju.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 306-310 and 326

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Char from lauan pyrolysis was used as feedstock, and its structure and surface properties were improved through physical and chemical activation way with microwave-assisted method and the traditional calcination method. After being activated, the biochar was characterized by various characterization techniques, including nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results showed that the activated biochar had abundant micropores and mesopores which formed a multilevel pore structure, and the surface area of the micropores accounted for 36%~48%. In addition, the biochar activated through microwave pretreatment and N2atmosphere calcination had a high surface area of 1 224 m2/g. The uniform microwave heating produced micropores and the mesopores were further formed through calcination. The efficient synergistic effect of both the two thermal treatments led to the high surface area and multilevel pore structure. The activated biochar yield of 42% was obtained under the condition of microwave pretreatment and N2calcination. Besides, different activation methods had a significant effect on the infrared properties of biochar, and the oxygen-containing groups on the surface of activated biochar were greatly reduced. The thermal stability of biochar after activation was significantly improved and there were no apparent weight loss peaks, which was beneficial for the utilization of biochar as catalyst support. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Chemical activation

Controlled terms: Calcination  -  Cracking (chemical)  -  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy  -  Gas adsorption  -  Microporosity  -  Microwave heating  -  Microwaves  -  Pore structure  -  Pyrolysis  -  Scanning electron microscopy   -  Thermodynamic stability  -  Thermogravimetric analysis  -  X ray diffraction

Uncontrolled terms: Bio chars  -  Characterization techniques  -  Lauan  -  Microwave assisted  -  Microwave pretreatment  -  Microwave-assisted methods  -  Multilevel pore  -  Oxygen containing groups

Classification code: 641.1 Thermodynamics


  -  711 Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

  -  711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media

Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media

  -  801 Chemistry


  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.037

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



33. Spatial Pattern of Heavy Metal in Reclaimed Soil of Wasteland and Its Relationship to Reclamation Measures

Accession number: 20181304948880

Authors: Zhang, Shiwen (1); Zhou, Yan (2); Luo, Ming (2); Zhou, Xu (2); Cui, Hongbiao (1); Huang, Yuanfang (3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan; 232001, China; (2) Land Management Center, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing; 100035, China; (3) College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100193, China

Corresponding author: Huang, Yuanfang(yfhuang@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 237-247

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: At present, the study about historical mining wasteland as the object, the spatial distribution characteristics of reclamation soil quality and the relationship between the spatial distribution characteristics of soil quality and the response to reclamation measures are rarely reported in the literature. Based on classical statistics, variation function theory and empirical Bayesian Kriging method, the southwest area of historical sulfur mining wasteland reclamation area as the research object, from two aspects of point and area, the spatial distribution characteristics of reclamation soil heavy metals were systematically analyzed, and the quantitative relationship between them and reclamation measures was revealed. The results showed that the combined method of classical statistics, geostatistics and empirical Bayesian Kriging was feasible to reveal the spatial distribution characteristics of soil heavy metals. The variation coefficients of heavy metals in the five soils were larger, which were consistent with the characteristics disorder, the variability and the spatial uniformity and the abrupt change of land reclamation. The enrichment coefficient of heavy metals in soil was more than 2. Under the interaction of mining, reclamation measures and topography interaction, the heavy metals in different soils had a certain similarity in the global space, in the north-south and east-west basically showed two low and high in the middle of the inverted “U” trend. The C0/(C0+C1) of most heavy metals of reclaimed soils was 50%, and the random factors, such as soil cover, soil fertility and soil pH value regulation, were dominant in the spatial variation of different heavy metals. No matter what kind of heavy metals, the eastern of the first region, the northern of the second region, and the western of the fourth region had higher heavy metal content; the western of the first and second regions, the northern of the third region was relatively low. The average content of heavy metals in forest land and grassland was higher than that of cultivated land, and the heavy metal pollution, especially the Cd, was needed to control the heavy metal pollution in the future. With the increase of the effective soil layer thickness, the heavy metals in the soil showed a decreasing trend. There was no significant difference of soil heavy metal between the effective soil layer thickness in 30~100 cm, which suggested that the effective soil layer thickness of the reclaimed soil in the study area was 100 cm or more. As soil pH value became smaller, the total heavy metals in reclaimed soil showed an increasing trend, but the control of pH value to reduce the content of heavy metals in soil needed to be maintained at a certain extent, the pH value of proposed study area was continuously controlled in 7 ~ 8. The research results would provide guidance on the method of quality monitoring for the reclamation of abandoned industrial and mining land, and provide a scientific basis for historical mining wasteland reclamation soil heavy metal pollution further control and management. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 43

Main heading: Soil surveys

Controlled terms: Cadmium  -  Forestry  -  Heavy metals  -  Industrial research  -  Interpolation  -  Land reclamation  -  Land use  -  pH  -  Pollution  -  Pollution control   -  Quality control  -  Reclamation  -  Soil pollution control  -  Soils  -  Spatial distribution

Uncontrolled terms: Control and management  -  Distribution characteristics  -  Enrichment coefficients  -  Geo-statistics  -  Heavy metal pollution  -  Reclaimed soil  -  Spatial patterns  -  Wasteland

Classification code: 403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development

Urban and Regional Planning and Development

  -  442.2 Land Reclamation

Land Reclamation

  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  531 Metallurgy and Metallography

Metallurgy and Metallography

  -  549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals

Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals

  -  801.1 Chemistry, General

Chemistry, General

  -  901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

  -  913.3 Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control

  -  921 Mathematics


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.028

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



34. Downscaling Transformation Method for Vegetation Temperature Condition Index Based on Point Spread Function

Accession number: 20181304948871

Authors: Wang, Pengxin (1, 2); Liu, Jiao (1, 2); Li, Li (1, 2); Zhang, Shuyu (3); Xie, Yi (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing for Agri-Hazards, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing; 100083, China; (3) Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Xi’an; 710014, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 165-173

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) has been widely used in drought monitoring, which is in the assumption that their shape of the scatter plots of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) was a triangular at a regional level. Bsaed on the vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) drought monitoring results retrieved from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data products (MODIS-VTCI) and the relative VTCI derived from the Landsat OLI/TIRS products (Landsat-VTCI) in the Guanzhong Plain, China, the MODIS-VTCI was transformed from a coaser resolution of 930 m to a finer resolution of 30 m by using the point spread function, called PSF-VTCI, and the PSF-VTCIs were validated for their quantification. The results showed that there was good agreement between the PSF-VTCIs and the Landsat-VTCIs terms of their correlation coefficient and structural similarity index. The correlation coefficients between the PSF-VTCIs and the cumulative precipitation were similar to those between the MODIS-VTCIs and the cumulative precipitation, which were both larger than those between the Landsat-VTCIs and the cumulative precipitation, indicating the PSF-VTCIs were not only related to the space heterogeneity of the Landsat-VTCIs but also the accurate quantitative drought monitoring results of the MODIS-VTCIs. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Optical transfer function

Controlled terms: Condition monitoring  -  Drought  -  Radiometers  -  Satellite imagery  -  Vegetation

Uncontrolled terms: Cumulative precipitation  -  Down-scaling  -  Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer datum  -  Normalized difference vegetation index  -  Retrieval  -  Spatial heterogeneity  -  Structural similarity indices  -  Vegetation temperature condition index

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

  -  655.2 Satellites


  -  741.1 Light/Optics


  -  944.7 Radiation Measuring Instruments

Radiation Measuring Instruments

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.019

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



35. Measurement Method of Forest Floor and Soil Water Content Based on Standing Wave Ratio

Accession number: 20181304948885

Authors: Yan, Xiaofei (1, 2); Zheng, Xiaoliang (1, 2); Zhao, Yajie (1, 2); Zhao, Yandong (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhao, Yandong(yandongzh@bjfu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 278-283 and 236

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Forest floor moisture measurement plays a significant role in the research of forest hydrology, carbon cycle, forest fire spread and risk evaluation. A detection method of forest floor water content based on standing wave ratio (SWR) was introduced. The developed SWR sensor with two parallel anular probes could measure the water content and electrical conductivity in forest floor or mineral soil by using time-sharing multiplexing technology. Experimental results showed that the relationships between the output voltage of SWR sensor and the water content of partly decomposed forest floor, well decomposed forest floor and mineral soil were linear, respectively. Compared with the commercial TDR sensor, the SWR sensor showed a better performance with smaller mean absolute error and lower cost in the measurement of forest floor and soil water content. In addition, the SWR sensor had obvious advantages when the forest floor layer was thin ( © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Forestry

Controlled terms: Carbon  -  Deforestation  -  Elastic waves  -  Electric conductivity  -  Fires  -  Floors  -  Moisture  -  Moisture determination  -  Moisture meters  -  Risk assessment   -  Soil moisture  -  Soil surveys  -  Soils

Uncontrolled terms: Accurate measurement  -  Electrical conductivity  -  Forest floor moisture  -  Forest floors  -  Moisture Measurement  -  Multiplexing technologies  -  Soil water content  -  Standing-wave ratio

Classification code: 402 Buildings and Towers

Buildings and Towers

  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

  -  804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

  -  914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention

Accidents and Accident Prevention

  -  914.2 Fires and Fire Protection

Fires and Fire Protection

  -  931.1 Mechanics


  -  944.1 Moisture Measuring Instruments

Moisture Measuring Instruments

  -  944.2 Moisture Measurements

Moisture Measurements

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.033

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



36. Investigation of Active Braking System Based on Personification Intelligent Decision Planning Algorithm

Accession number: 20181304948898

Authors: Yuan, Chaochun (1); Liu, Hui (1); Chen, Long (1); Shen, Jie (2); He, Youguo (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn; 48128, United States

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 370-379

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to improve the safety of intelligent vehicle in sudden traffic dangerous condition, a humanoid intelligent decision-planning algorithm was designed for active braking system. The characteristics of braking deceleration of experienced drivers under sudden traffic hazard were simulated and the target current function Ii-hopeof the braking motor under the condition of different maximum tire-road friction coefficient was established. According to the actual slip ratio λ and the maximum tire-road friction coefficient μ in the braking process, a real-time decision-planning was made for the optimal target current of the braking motor. Using CarSim’s vehicle model, a humanoid intelligent decision-planning algorithm of active braking system was built in Simulink. Through the joint simulation of CarSim and Simulink and compared with the hydraulic brake system that existed in CarSim, the braking performance of stationary target and moving target under different tire-road friction coefficients was analyzed. The results showed that in the sudden danger of traffic conditions, the designed humanoid intelligent decision-planning algorithm was able to control the slip ratio in the current road near optimal slip ratio, and when taking both comfort and safety into consideration, the braking ability of the active braking system was increased by 4.12%~4.38%, which effectively reduced the accident rate of intelligent vehicle under the dangerous traffic condition. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Braking performance

Controlled terms: Accidents  -  Braking  -  Friction  -  Hydraulic brakes  -  Intelligent vehicle highway systems  -  Roads and streets  -  Tires  -  Tribology  -  Vehicles

Uncontrolled terms: Active braking  -  Active braking systems  -  Hydraulic brake systems  -  Intelligent decisions  -  Planning algorithms  -  Real time decisions  -  Safe distance  -  Tire-road friction coefficients

Classification code: 406.1 Highway Systems

Highway Systems

  -  406.2 Roads and Streets

Roads and Streets

  -  602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions

Mechanical Drives and Transmissions

  -  662.1 Automobiles


  -  818.5 Rubber Products

Rubber Products

  -  914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention

Accidents and Accident Prevention

  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity

Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.046

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



37. Non-destructive Detection Method of K Value in Pork with Terahertz Spectroscopy

Accession number: 20181304948895

Authors: Qi, Liang (1, 2); Zhao, Maocheng (1, 3); Zhao, Jie (1, 4); Tang, Yuweiyi (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing; 210037, China; (2) Center for Analysis and Testing, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing; 210046, China; (3) Taizhou University, Taizhou; 225300, China; (4) School of Aeronautical Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Industrial Professional Technology, Nanjing; 210023, China

Corresponding author: Zhao, Maocheng(mczhao@njfu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 346-353

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: K value is an important freshness index. It indicates nucleotide degradation, which is usually employed to assess meat spoilage. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a common analytical method to estimate K value. However, it is time-consuming, destructive, and is not suitable to monitor pork freshness rapidly, non-invasively and in real-time. The feasibility of Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy in predicting K value of pork non-destructively was studied. The THz spectra (0.2~2 THz) of 80 pork samples with different freshness in the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode were acquired. Their K values were also measured by HPLC. Three models were established to predict K value, such as principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares regression (PLSR), and back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) after the sample spectra were preprocessed by the first order derivative and filtered smoothly by Savitzky-Golay. Comparative research results showed that the nonlinear algorithm model of BP-ANN was the most superior way among three models whose root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 14.36% and correlation coefficient (RP) was 0.75 in the prediction set. The THz spectral combined with BP-ANN model can be used to predict pork K value although it was not perfect. Compared with HPLC, the THz spectral was non-destructive, rapid and simple. The research would lay a theoretical foundation for developing portable THz inspection equipment based on the THz spectroscopy. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 32

Main heading: Terahertz spectroscopy

Controlled terms: Backpropagation  -  Forecasting  -  High performance liquid chromatography  -  Least squares approximations  -  Liquid chromatography  -  Mean square error  -  Meats  -  Neural networks  -  Principal component analysis  -  Regression analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Attenuated total reflectance modes  -  Back propagation neural networks  -  Back-propagation artificial neural network  -  K-values  -  Nondestructive detection  -  Partial least squares regressions (PLSR)  -  Pork  -  Root-mean-square error of predictions

Classification code: 723.4 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

  -  822.3 Food Products

Food Products

  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.043

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



38. Design and Experiment of Adaptive Leveling Chassis for Hilly Area

Accession number: 20181304948857

Authors: Liu, Pingyi (1); Peng, Fengjuan (1); Li, Haitao (1); Wang, Zhuangzhuang (1); Wei, Wenjun (1); Zhao, Junpeng (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Zhongzhuo Fire Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing; 101300, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 42-47

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: With the improvement of agricultural mechanization in China, the development of agricultural machinery suitable for hilly and mountainous regions has been paid more and more attention; However, due to poor hilly and mountainous regions operating environment, when agricultural vehicles are in the walk, the processes of roll angle and pitch angle have a great change, affecting vehicle stability. The existing agricultural vehicle leveling is mainly through mechanical, electronic, hydraulic and other control technology to achieve, mostly when the body tilts, according to the degree of tilt of the vehicle to calculate the amount of adjustment and leveling, this method is characterized by complex control and high cost. Aiming at the problems, an adaptive leveling method was proposed. And an adaptive leveling suspension and an adaptive leveling chassis with the suspension were designed by using this method. Three-dimensional model was established by using 3D modeling software, and the model was introduced into dynamic analysis software ADAMS for simulation analysis. By analyzing the simulation process, it was possible that the sum of the roll angle and pitch angle of the adaptive leveling chassis can be reduced by about 60% when walking on amplitude and wavelength-specific waveform ground which referenced to a certain operating environment. The test of sample machine was carried out, and the results showed the feasibility of the adaptive leveling method and the correctness of the simulation analysis, that was, the adaptive leveling of the chassis can reduce the sum of roll angle and pitch angle when the chassis was running and can be realized and met the requirements of the agricultural chassis in the hilly area. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 13

Main heading: Chassis

Controlled terms: Agricultural machinery  -  Agriculture  -  Automobile suspensions  -  Computer software  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Magnetic levitation vehicles  -  Vehicles

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural mechanization  -  Agricultural vehicles  -  Control technologies  -  Hilly areas  -  Mountainous regions  -  Operating environment  -  Simulation analysis  -  Three-dimensional model

Classification code: 632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components

Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components

  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.005

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



39. Mechanism Analysis and Parameter Optimization of Blade-type Feed Mixer

Accession number: 20181304948863

Authors: Wang, Defu (1, 2); Li, Chao (1, 2); Li, Liqiao (1, 2); Li, Baiqiu (1, 2); Wang, Guofu (1, 2); Lin, Yi (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Pig-breeding Facilities Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Harbin; 150030, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 98-104

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to promote technology progress and innovative development of feed mixers and sustainable development of feed industry in China, carrying out mixing mechanism and innovative research of feed mixers is of great significance. In view of less research of mixing mechanism of feed mixers in China, the mechanism analysis and parameter optimization of the developed blade-type mixer were carried out. Through theoretical analysis and high-speed photograph research, the conclusion could be obtained that the material distribution zone could be divided into peristalsis zone, sliding zone and throwing zone according to the material movement in the blade-type mixer. And peristalsis zone was dominated by shear mixing, sliding zone was dominated by strong shear mixing, throwing zone was dominated by strong shear mixing and diffusion mixing along with weak convective mixing. And the position, size, shape of each zone were highly affected by the structure and operation parameters of the blade-type mixer. Under the condition of loading coefficient of 65%, which was determined by preliminary experiments, blade width, rotation speed and mixing time were used as experimental factors, variation coefficient was chosen as evaluation indicator, then experiments were done based on three factors five levels orthogonal rotation combination experimental method. Results showed that the descending order of effects of various factors on variation coefficient was rotation speed, mixing time and blade width. When blade width was 138 mm, mixing time was 4.7 min and rotation speed was 32.5 r/min, the variation coefficient was 3.11%. The research results of the blade-type feed mixer could provide reference for the optimum design of feed mixers. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 13

Main heading: Mixers (machinery)

Controlled terms: Mixing  -  Physiology  -  Rotation

Uncontrolled terms: Blade-type  -  Evaluation indicators  -  Experimental factors  -  High speed photographs  -  Material distribution  -  Mixing mechanisms  -  Parameter optimization  -  Variation coefficient

Classification code: 461.9 Biology


  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.011

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



40. Design and Experiment of Forest Telescope Intelligent Dendrometer

Accession number: 20181304948875

Authors: Qiu, Zixuan (1); Feng, Zhongke (1); Lu, Jing (1); Sun, Renjie (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Precision Forestry Key Laboratory of Beijing, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Feng, Zhongke(fengzhongke@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 202-207 and 213

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Based on the principle of photogrammetry, image-processing technology and forest measurement, the forest telescope intelligent dendrometer composed of PDA module, remote EDM module, telephoto lens CCD and rotational station was developed to obtain the parameters such as inclination angle, azimuth angle, remote distance and image information. By using Java language and developing in Android Studio 2.1 systems development environment, the functions such as tree height measuring module, DBH measuring module, micro-sample plot measuring and basic measurement can be achieved. Verified by experiments, the measuring accuracy of tree height was as high as 93.32%, DBH was as high as 96.49%, stand average height was as high as 94.47%, stand average DBH was as high as 91.68%, stand density was as high as 86.04%, and that of stand volume measurement was 82.64%. It showed that the equipment can solve problems such as observation difficulties of non-arrival points and measurement difficulties of visible factors. Therefore, it can be used and promoted in the forestry inventory in the future. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Forestry

Controlled terms: Android (operating system)  -  Design  -  Experiments  -  Image processing  -  Telescopes  -  Volume measurement

Uncontrolled terms: Android development  -  Dendrometer  -  Forest measurement  -  Image information  -  Image processing technology  -  Inclination angles  -  Measuring accuracy  -  Systems development

Classification code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements

Mechanical Variables Measurements

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.023

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



41. Automatic Measurement of Diameter at Breast Height with Electronic Bar Code

Accession number: 20181304948876

Authors: Liu, Jincheng (1); Feng, Zhongke (1); Fan, Yongxiang (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Precision Forestry Key Laboratory of Beijing, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Feng, Zhongke(fengzhongke@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 208-213

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to realize the rapid and accurate determination of diameter at breast height (DBH), EAN-13 bar code encoding and decoding rules was taken as template, based on the Android platform and Open CV intelligent image processing technology, an electronic bar code ruler was designed and implemented to realize the automatic measurement of the tree DBH size by single operation. When the bar code encoding was completed, bar code image was scanned by using mobile phone APP, through image preprocessing, bar code identification, location and diameter automatic measurement and recording, data storage and export process, the automatic measurement of DBH in forest survey was realized. By selecting 205 samples of coniferous trees and 200 broadleaf trees, the electronic bar code was used to measure them, at the same time, the measurement results were compared with the precision of the traditional measuring ruler. The experimental results showed that the measurement accuracy of the method can be more than 99.95%, which can meet the precision requirements of continuous logging of national forest resources. Meanwhile, the method of measuring tree breast diameter of each tree was only 11 to complete the work of measuring diameter, and the measuring work efficiency was greatly increased. This method had good application prospect of the tree DBH measurement in forest survey. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Bar codes

Controlled terms: Codes (symbols)  -  Digital storage  -  Encoding (symbols)  -  Forestry  -  Image processing  -  Image recording  -  Medical imaging  -  Pumping plants  -  Signal encoding  -  Surveys

Uncontrolled terms: Application prospect  -  Automatic measurements  -  Diameter-at-breast heights  -  Electronic bar code ruler  -  Encoding and decoding  -  Intelligent image processing  -  Measurement accuracy  -  Standing tree

Classification code: 446 Waterworks


  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

  -  722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques

Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques

  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

  -  746 Imaging Techniques

Imaging Techniques

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.024

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



42. Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics and Attribution Analysis of Wheat Water Footprint in Baojixia Irrigation Area, China

Accession number: 20181304948884

Authors: Feng, Dongpu (1); Wei, Xiaomei (1); Jiang, Ya’nan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Wei, Xiaomei(weixiaomei57@tom.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 269-277

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Irrigation areas, as the major wheat producers in China, are facing water resources and environment problems which were led by huge water and fertilizer consumption in wheat production. To comprehensively assess these issues, the total water footprint (WFT) of wheat and production water footprint (WF) for per unit mass of wheat were calculated based on monthly meteorological and agricultural data from the Baojixia Irrigation Area (BIA) during the period of 1994-2010. Mann-Kendall trend test and the GIS based inverse distance weighted spatial interpolation were applied to analyze the temporal and spatial variations of wheat water footprint indices. Furthermore, the logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition (LMDI) method was employed to quantify the contributions of driving factors for changes in WFT. The result showed that the average values of wheat WFT and WF were 673 million m3and 1.04 m3/kg, while the green, blue and grey components accounted for 34.51%, 30.16% and 35.33%, respectively. The WFT and WF of wheat were declined significantly with slops of -17 million m3/a and -0.02 m3/(kg•a), respectively. The averages of WF and its green and blue components (1994-2010) rose gradually from southeast to northwest in BIA, however, the grey production water footprint was increased from center of the BIA to both sides. By LMDI method, the WFT in BIA was highly depended on human activities (-113.57%) rather than climate change (13.57%). The driving factors in order of importance were irrigation quota (-56.58%), total plant area (-55.78%), rate of wheat plant area (-43.76%), nitrogen fertilizer per hectare (39.96%), climate change (13.48%) and irrigation water utilization coefficient (2.59%). Excessive fertilization was common in BIA, which caused serious water pollution and huge amount of grey consumption. Meanwhile, the low irrigation water utilization coefficient in BIA led to more water wasted in conveyance. Based on the research, the practical suggestions for improving WFT and WF were fertilizer reduction and construction for high irrigation water utilization coefficient. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Water pollution

Controlled terms: Climate change  -  Fertilizers  -  Inverse problems  -  Irrigation  -  Nitrogen fertilizers  -  Water  -  Water resources  -  Water supply

Uncontrolled terms: Divisia index method  -  Irrigation area  -  Temporal and spatial variation  -  Water consumption  -  Water footprint

Classification code: 443.1 Atmospheric Properties

Atmospheric Properties

  -  444 Water Resources

Water Resources

  -  446.1 Water Supply Systems

Water Supply Systems

  -  453 Water Pollution

Water Pollution

  -  804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.032

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



43. Effects of Staggered Blades on Cavitation Characteristics of Double-suction Centrifugal Pump

Accession number: 20181304948866

Authors: Han, Wei (1, 2); Zheng, Hao (1, 2); Wang, Liqiong (3); Zhang, Zhenzhong (3); Su, Min (4)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou; 730050, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Fluid Machinery and System of Gansu Province, Lanzhou; 730050, China; (3) Shandong Shuanglun Co., Ltd., Weihai; 264203, China; (4) College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou; 730050, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 124-131 and 140

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to identify effects of staggered blades on cavitation characteristics of double-suction centrifugal pump, considering the influence of the shrouds of pump and fillet, the blades of both sides of the impeller were separated circumferentially at 0°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 30° staggered angles, respectively. RNG k-Ε turbulence model and Rayleigh-Plesset equation were applied to simulate cavitation characteristics and performance test under design conditions. In order to highlight the generality of the research conclusion, the definition of staggered degree was introduced and the vapor volume fraction on the middle stream surface of impeller and head and the variation of the impeller torque at different staggered degrees were analyzed. Compared with experimental values, the results indicated that the prediction results were accurate to some extent; it can be seen that the selection of reasonable staggered degree can improve the performance of anti-cavitation. At different staggered degrees, the corresponding net positive suction head values were different when the impeller torque was subjected to a sharp decrease, when the staggered degree was at 1, the impeller torque was stable in cavitation and relatively less in cavitation; when net positive suction head was under critical net positive suction head, the region of static pressure was lower than the local cavitation pressure at the double-suction centrifugal pump impeller channel and the vapor occupied the least flow area at the flow channel, staggered degree at 1 was the least. Therefore, the cavitation characteristics were relatively good when the staggered degree was at 1 to provide a theoretical basis for improving the cavitation characteristics and the safe operation of double-suction centrifugal pump. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 13

Main heading: Cavitation

Controlled terms: Centrifugal pumps  -  Channel flow  -  Computer simulation  -  Impellers  -  Pumps  -  Turbulence models

Uncontrolled terms: Cavitation characteristics  -  Cavitation pressure  -  Double-suction centrifugal pumps  -  Experimental values  -  Net positive suction heads  -  Rayleigh-Plesset equation  -  Staggered blades  -  Vapor volume fraction

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

  -  618.2 Pumps


  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics

Liquid Dynamics

  -  723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.014

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



44. Forward Kinematics of General 12-6 Stewart Redundant Parallel Mechanism

Accession number: 20181304948901

Authors: You, Jingjing (1); Fu, Zhouzhou (2); Wu, Hongtao (3, 4); Li, Chenggang (3, 4); Zhou, Wei (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing; 210037, China; (2) College of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing; 210037, China; (3) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing; 210016, China; (4) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Precision and Micro-manufacturing Technology, Nanjing; 210016, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 395-402

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the present situation that forward kinematics of most 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) parallel mechanisms cannot be described with whole analytical solutions, and a very few of them can be described with whole analytical solutions but also with these difficulties, including calculation, programming, and sorting the suitable solution, a general 12-6 Stewart redundant parallel mechanism with hybrid single opened chains was presented, and a whole analytical decoupling algorithm of forward kinematics, which was needed by the closed-loop real-time feedback control system, was constructed. By calculating the position and orientation characteristics set and decomposing the routes of single opened chains, the topological configuration of new mechanism was analyzed, and then the coupling degrees was solved, which were useful to show clearly direction to construct and process the kinematics equations. Based on the topological relations between four coplanar feature points on the moving platform, the combination algorithms of 15 quadratic isomorphic compatible equations were designed, and then the whole analytical solution, which was succinct, symmetric and unique, of forward displacement equations was derived. Based on the method of base points, velocity relations between feature points were established, and then forward velocity equations were solved. Based on compatibility equations and velocity equations, the Jacobian matrix of mechanism was derived, and then three types of singular equations were also derived. Experimental results indicated that the calculated values of forward displacement equations were well consistent with the measured values, and calculation error of forward velocity equations was 0.08%, and the calculation/sampling time ratios of these two equations were 0.21 and 0.32, respectively, which met the real-time demand of control algorithms. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Kinematics

Controlled terms: Adaptive control systems  -  Chains  -  Degrees of freedom (mechanics)  -  Feedback control  -  Jacobian matrices  -  Mechanisms  -  Topology  -  Velocity

Uncontrolled terms: Analytical algorithms  -  Compatibility equation  -  Forward kinematics  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Position and orientations  -  Real time  -  Real-time feedback control system  -  Topological configuration

Classification code: 601.3 Mechanisms


  -  602.1 Mechanical Drives

Mechanical Drives

  -  731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

  -  921.1 Algebra


  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory

  -  931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.049

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



45. Variation Rule and Estimation Model of Stem Water Content Based on Micro-environment Parameter Set

Accession number: 20181304948887

Authors: Gao, Chao (1, 2); Zhao, Yue (1, 2); Zhao, Yandong (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhao, Yandong(yandongzh@bjfu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 292-298

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Stem water content is an important parameter for evaluating plant physiological water conditions. Poplar trees were selected as research objects. The estimation model of stem water content was proposed by analyzing the variation relationship between stem water content and micro-environment parameter set. Considering the multi-collinearity between micro-environment parameter set, the maximum principal component PC1 of micro-environment parameter set was chosen as a feature variable via principal component analysis. The feature variable retained 98.89% of the original data information. In addition, the complexity of model was simplified by reducing the data dimension. PC1 as the input variable and stem water content as the output variable, the oblique ellipse model between the two was established. In six sunny days with similar micro-environment, the mean error of the model was less than 0.05%, root mean square error of the model was less than 0.06%, and decision coefficient of the model was greater than 0.94. The oblique ellipse model can precisely estimate real-time stem water content, but because of the differences in morphological indexes of poplar trees, the estimated parameters of different oblique ellipse models between stem water content and PC1 were different. Moreover, the estimation model of stem water content should be respectively established according to different seasons and weather environment. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Physiological models

Controlled terms: Forestry  -  Geometry  -  Indium compounds  -  Mean square error  -  Parameter estimation  -  Principal component analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Ellipse model  -  Parameter set  -  Poplar trees  -  Principal component analysis method  -  Stem water content

Classification code: 921 Mathematics


  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.035

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



46. Nonlinear Regression Model of Speed-governing Performance of Axial Flow Pump Device

Accession number: 20181304948869

Authors: Duan, Xiaohui (1, 2); Tang, Fangping (1); Shi, Lijian (1); Xie, Chuanliu (1); Zhang, Wenpeng (1); Xia, Ye (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Hydraulic Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou; 225100, China; (2) School of Electrical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng; 224051, China

Corresponding author: Tang, Fangping(tangfp@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 147-154

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The model of speed-governing performance of axial flow pump device was deduced by combining theory with experimental data, and by using multiple nonlinear regression analysis method. The study of the model was aimed at a present situation that there was no speed-governing performance model with clear physical meaning. With this model, the study of speed control strategy can go further. Firstly, the characteristic equation of head, efficiency about speed and flow was deduced by the basic equation of water pump, combined with some assumptions. And then a conclusion that the efficiency and head characteristic curve was shown to be nonlinearly variable by the change of speed which was given by the test of two different types axial flow pump devices on the high-precision hydraulic machinery test bed. The undetermined coefficients of characteristic equation were concluded by multivariate nonlinear regression algorithm combined by ‘nlinfit’ function and genetic algorithm, using experimental data as the observation value, and using the characteristic equation as the predictive model. By comparing `nlinfit’ function with genetic algorithm, it was clear that the coefficient solution tended to locally optimum by using `nlinfit’ function only. And it tended to globally optimum by combining with genetic algorithm. By comparing the experimental data with prediction model, both of which are of two different types axial flow pump devices’ speed-governing performance of head and efficiency, it showed that on the whole area, the head error between prediction model and measured value was 0~0.8 m, and the efficiency error was 0~8%. On the area nearby the design point, the head error between prediction model and measured value was 0~0.5 m, and the efficiency error was 0~5%. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 15

Main heading: Nonlinear equations

Controlled terms: Axial flow  -  Efficiency  -  Errors  -  Forecasting  -  Genetic algorithms  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Pumps  -  Regression analysis  -  Speed

Uncontrolled terms: Axial flow pump  -  Multiple nonlinear regression  -  Multivariate non-linear regression  -  Non-linear regression  -  Nonlinear regression models  -  Prediction model  -  Speed governing  -  Undetermined coefficients

Classification code: 618.2 Pumps


  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

  -  913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.017

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



47. Identification and Analysis of Soybean Meal and Antibiotic Mycelial Residues Based on Near Infrared Micro-imaging

Accession number: 20181304948897

Authors: Yang, Zengling (1); Lin, Yufei (1); Liang, Hao (1); Li, Shouxue (1, 2); Xiao, Zhiming (2); Fan, Xia (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Institute of Quality Standards & Testing Technology for Agro-products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing; 100081, China

Corresponding author: Fan, Xia(fanxia@caas.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 363-369

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: AMR (antibiotic mycelial residue) added to animal feed easily leads to drug resistance influencing human health and environment. However, there is a lack of effective detection methods, especially fast and convenient detection technology, to distinguish AMR from animal feed. In order to search effective detection methods, qualitative discriminant analysis of soybean meal and antibiotic residue was made at first. The feasibility of near infrared micro-imaging for the identification of soybean meal and antibiotic mycelial residues was explored. Three soybean meal samples and three kinds of antibiotic mycelial residues were used to collect the near-infrared microscopic images of the samples by Fourier transform near-infrared microscopy. The near-infrared microscopic images collected were reconstructed and the spectra of all the samples were pretreated. The Duplex algorithm was employed to screen the representative spectra from pretreatment spectra of different samples to establish spectral library of soybean meal and antibiotic mycelial residues. Different discriminant models of soybean meal and different kinds of antibiotic mycelial residues were built by using different pretreatment methods combined with PLS-DA(partial least squares discriminant analysis)and SVM-DA (support vector machine discriminant analysis). The results showed that two kinds of modeling methods based on near-infrared micro-imaging spectroscopy were effective in the identification of three kinds of antibiotic mycelial residues and soybean meal samples, and the correctness rate was above 99.4%. The first-order derivative + SNV preprocessing method was better than that without preprocessing, the first derivative and the second derivative. SVM-DA model was superior to PLS-DA, and SVM-DA in feature extraction method was better than PCA (principal component analysis). The results presented indicated that the near infrared microscopic imaging technique can be used to qualitatively distinguish antibiotic mycelial residue from soybean meal, and it also provided theoretical basis for further research. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 18

Main heading: Infrared devices

Controlled terms: Animals  -  Antibiotics  -  Discriminant analysis  -  Drug therapy  -  Image processing  -  Least squares approximations  -  Principal component analysis  -  Support vector machines

Uncontrolled terms: Feature extraction methods  -  First order derivatives  -  Fourier transform near infrared  -  Micro-imaging  -  Partial least squares - discriminant analysis  -  PCA (principal component analysis)  -  Qualitative discriminant analysis  -  Soybean meal

Classification code: 461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology

Medicine and Pharmacology

  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  922 Statistical Methods

Statistical Methods

  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.045

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



48. Analysis and Verification of Linear Driven Parallel Robot Reverse Dynamics

Accession number: 20181304948695

Authors: Wu, Chaoyu (1); Qian, Xiaowu (2); Yu, Wei (1); Yu, Jin (1); Cheng, Min (1)

Author affiliation: (1) The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions, Chongqing University, Chongqing; 400044, China; (2) Department of Basic Teaching, Zhenjiang College, Zhenjiang; 212002, China

Corresponding author: Qian, Xiaowu(qianxw@zjc.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 412-420

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the question of the dynamic of linear driven parallel robot, based on the geometric structure model of linear driven parallel robot, the kinematics model of linear driven parallel robot was established by using the vector method. The inverse kinematics model, velocity and acceleration model of the linear driven parallel robot was obtained based on the d’Alembert’s form of the principle of virtual work, each actuated torque of the mechanical system moving parts were analyzed with a virture displacement. The dynamic equation was derived and the affecting factors of the linear driven parallel robot was determined. By a given trajectory of the moving platform, the torque of the motors was derived by the back solution, the inertia term which was the most important factor of the torque was analyzed. By a conical spiral trajectory, through the combined simulation model of Matlab and ADAMS with the test of load characteristic, the test curve was compared with the theoretical curve of electrical motors torque, which can verify the correctness of the dynamic theoretical model and the theoretical dynamic equation, which made the foundation of optimization of dimensional synthesis and trajectory planning of linear driven parallel robot and also gave the theoretical support for the research and development of the similar parallel robot. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Robots

Controlled terms: Curve fitting  -  Inverse kinematics  -  Kinematics  -  MATLAB  -  Robot programming  -  Torque  -  Trajectories

Uncontrolled terms: Analysis and verifications  -  Combined simulation  -  Dimensional synthesis  -  Load characteristics  -  Parallel robots  -  Principle of virtual work  -  Research and development  -  Virtual work principle

Classification code: 731.5 Robotics


  -  921 Mathematics


  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  931.1 Mechanics


  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.051

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



49. Dynamic Data Transmission Management System Based on Table-driven Methods

Accession number: 20181304948874

Authors: Li, Lin (1); Zheng, Haining (1); Peng, Fan (1); Gu, Jinfeng (1); Lu, Shuhan (2); Zhang, Dahong (3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Computer and Information Science, University of Ohio State, Columbus; 43210, United States; (3) School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Dahong(zhangdahong591120@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 190-201

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In recent years, information management system (IMS) has been widely applied to every different fields. A series of problems arose because most developers only focused on the design and implement of their own application systems. It caused resources to be wasted in various fields. Meanwhile, the system development efficiency was low, and the expansibility and versatility of system were poor. The object was to design and implement a reusable software system to meet the common demands of information collection and statistic system in IMS. The dynamic data transmission management system (DDTMS) was based on table-driven methods, and it contained data access component, data verification component, vacancy data filling component and statistical result query component. Each component performed specific functions. The dynamic data transmission management system was developed on Visual Studio 2013 platform. Lots of technologies were used to finish the reusable software system like factory pattern, dynamic compilation, jQuery and C#, and so on. In order to test the data transmission management system sufficiently, it was applied to two systems. One system was Chinese forestry ecological resources environmental bearing capacity: data dispenser, and another system was China ecological security index system. The experimental results showed that the reusable software system was practical and stable. It was of good versatility. And it had greatly improved the development efficiency and the expansibility of system. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Data communication systems

Controlled terms: Computer software  -  Computer software reusability  -  Data transfer  -  Ecology  -  Efficiency  -  Information management  -  Search engines

Uncontrolled terms: Data filling  -  Design and implements  -  Dynamic compilation  -  Dynamic data transmission  -  Information collections  -  Information management systems  -  Reusable softwares  -  Table-driven methods

Classification code: 454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology and Ecosystems

  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

  -  913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.022

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



50. Stepped Decompression Control Method of Solenoid Valve

Accession number: 20181304948899

Authors: Sun, Chengwei (1); Chu, Liang (1); Guo, Jianhua (1); Wang, Yanbo (1); Li, Wenhui (2)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun; 130025, China; (2) Jilin Dongguang Aowei Auto. Brake System Co., Ltd., Changchun; 130012, China

Corresponding author: Guo, Jianhua(jlu_guojianhua@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 380-385

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: During the hydraulic control unit of ESC (electronic stability control) working process, the main function of the solenoid valve is to adjust the wheel cylinder pressure precisely. However, the linear control mode which can not maintain consistency of control accuracy is susceptible to the state of the hydraulic brake system and the working environment of the solenoid valve, therefore, the stepped decompression control method was proposed, and control parameters were calibrated to realize the precise decompression control. Based on the analysis of the hydraulic valve spool force and hydraulic response characteristics of solenoid valve, it was pointed out that the pressure change rate can be obtained by adjusting pressure control status and duration time of the signal state of solenoid valve to provide basis for the realization of stepped decompression control. The pressure control state of solenoid valve adopted the delay opening and closing control method, which can avoid the frequent switching of the pressure control state between the decompression state and the holding pressure state. The duration time of the solenoid valve control signal state was affected by the pressure change rate and the switching delay phenomenon, in which the flow rate coefficient of the valve port affected the pressure change rate, the opening delay time and the closing delay time affected the switching delay phenomenon were calibrated by the test. With the help of a test bench, different pressure increase rates were tested when the cylinder hydraulic pressure was decreased. Results show that the proposed stepped decompression control method can make the cylinder pressure follow the target pressure well and the bias of experiment data can be maintained within 1 MPa. At the same time, the control method had high control precision. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Solenoid valves

Controlled terms: Calibration  -  Cylinders (shapes)  -  Hydraulic brakes  -  Hydraulic machinery  -  Linear control systems  -  Pressure control  -  Solenoids

Uncontrolled terms: Control parameters  -  Electronic stability control  -  Flow coefficients  -  Flow rate coefficients  -  Hydraulic brake systems  -  Hydraulic control units  -  Pressure change  -  Working environment

Classification code: 619 Pipes, Tanks and Accessories; Plant Engineering Generally

Pipes, Tanks and Accessories; Plant Engineering Generally

  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

  -  704.1 Electric Components

Electric Components

  -  731.3 Specific Variables Control

Specific Variables Control

  -  961 Systems Science

Systems Science

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.047

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



51. Crop Classification Method with Differential Characteristics Based on Multi-temporal PolSAR Images

Accession number: 20181304948872

Authors: Guo, Jiao (1, 2); Wei, Pengliang (1); Zhou, Zhengshu (3); Su, Baofeng (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Internet of Things, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (3) Data 61, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Perth; WA 6014, Australia

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 174-182

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Crop type classification is one of the most significant applications in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) imagery. As an advanced remote-sensing technique, PolSAR has been proved to provide high-resolution information, including the intensity and polarization of illustrated land surface. However, single-temporal PolSAR data are restricted to provide sufficient information for crop classification and identification. With the increase of number of airborne and spaceborne PolSAR systems, a large number of real PolSAR data are generated, and thus provides opportunities for multi-temporal data analysis. The potential of improving crop classification accuracy by introducing the differential characteristics of H/α parameters for multi-temporal PolSAR images was investigated. Firstly, by analyzing the characteristics of several typical crops in different growing stages, a new parameter was defined for the first time to describe the differential characteristics of H/α distribution. Therefore, a new supervised classification method with the newly defined parameter was proposed to classify different crop types. The main idea of the proposed method was to apply various features of classical H/α parameters to improve the accuracy of crop classification. A validation test for the new approach was performed with Sentinel-1 data sets which were simulated by Radarsat-2 data sets and provided by ESA. The results showed that the mean accuracy of the proposed method was improved by 4 percentage points compared with the supervised complex Wishart classifier when the six kinds of crops were classified. Furthermore, the number of classes was reduced to 4 and the accuracy was almost improved by 6 percentage points. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 22

Main heading: Classification (of information)

Controlled terms: Crops  -  Image classification  -  Image enhancement  -  Polarimeters  -  Radar  -  Radar imaging  -  Remote sensing  -  Synthetic aperture radar

Uncontrolled terms: Crop classification  -  Crop classification methods  -  Differential characteristic  -  Multi-temporal  -  Multi-temporal data analysis  -  Polarimetric synthetic aperture radars  -  Remote sensing techniques  -  Scattering char-acteristics

Classification code: 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

  -  716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment

Radar Systems and Equipment

  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

  -  941.3 Optical Instruments

Optical Instruments

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.020

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex



52. Cavitation Characteristics of Ultra-low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump Based on Fluid-Acoustic Coupling Method

Accession number: 20181304948865

Authors: Wang, Yong (1); Zhao, Yuqi (1); Dong, Liang (1); Dai, Cui (2); Liu, Houlin (1); Xu, Hailiang (3)

Author affiliation: (1) Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (3) Junhe Pumps Holding Co., Ltd., Ningbo; 315171, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 48

Issue: 12

Issue date: December 25, 2017

Publication year: 2017

Pages: 114-123

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Centrifugal pumps are widely used in various fields. The cavitation not only causes the destruction of over-current components so as to influence the reliability of operation, but also affects the pump running stability because of vibration noise. In many cases, cavitation is unavoidable. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of cavitation monitoring and reduce the unnecessary loss caused by cavitation. The objective was to study the variation law of noise characteristics under different cavitation conditions of centrifugal pump, and the influence of cavitation development on hydrodynamic noise. The previous scholars used the test methods to get the noise signals, but the signals were not the same as different product characteristics of pumps. Therefore, it is a cost-effective method to predict the cavitation noise by numerical simulation. And the experimental method was used to verify the accuracy of numerical calculation. Firstly, an ultra-low specific speed centrifugal pump was used as the research object to build a closed test bench. Based on the pump product test system and data acquisition system, a test system of centrifugal pump cavitation noise and performance was established to realize pump performance parameters and internal field noise signals synchronization acquisition. The cavitation performance curves of the model pump were predicted by Kunz cavitation model and Zwart cavitation model respectively. And the experimental values were compared with to select the appropriate cavitation model. According to the vapor volume fraction distribution among blades and cavitation performance curve, the whole cavitation process was divided into non-cavitation stage, nascent cavitation stage, feature cavitation stage and serious cavitation stage. The effects of cavitation on internal flow field and pressure at different times during pump operation were analyzed. The acoustic boundary element method was used to transform the flow field information into sound field information. The relative error of the noise prediction value and the experimental value of each cavitation stage was compared to verify the feasibility of the forecasting method. Because the analog signals show high degree of coincidence with the actual signals. Finally, the influence of cavitation on the internal sound field was studied based on the flow sound coupling method. The study showed that for the cavitation on ultra-low specific speed centrifugal pump, Zwart model had better applicability compared with Kunz model. The relative errors between the predicted value and the experimental value of the Zwart model were all within 5% in the non-cavitation stage, the feature cavitation stage and the serious cavitation stage. The cavitation deteriorated the flow regime in the flow channels, especially from the feature cavitation stage. The number of internal vortices was increased and pressure fluctuation was increased because of the vapor, which made the increase of instability. The variation of the inner field noise signal with cavitation was complicated. In the low to middle frequency range, the sound pressure level of the discrete component of blade passing frequency and its harmonic frequencies were gradually decreased with the development of cavitation, due to the inhibitory effect of cavitation on dynamic and static interference; while the axial frequency component showed an increasing trend. The sound pressure level in high frequency range was decreased firstly and then increased sharply with the decrease of the cavitation coefficient. The high frequency eigenvalue component was gradually submerged in the wide frequency band. The increase of the sound pressure level in the high frequency band caused the total sound pressure level risen. Compared with the experimental results, the relative error was less than 5% in the non-cavitation stage and nascent cavitation stage. In feature cavitation stage and serious cavitation stage, the degree of coincidence was slightly worse, and the relative error was less than 10%. © 2017, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 31

Main heading: Cavitation

Controlled terms: Acoustic field measurement  -  Acoustic fields  -  Acoustic noise  -  Acoustic variables measurement  -  Acoustic wave transmission  -  Acoustics  -  Boundary element method  -  Centrifugal pumps  -  Cost effectiveness  -  Data acquisition   -  Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions  -  Errors  -  Experiments  -  Flow fields  -  Forecasting  -  Frequency bands  -  Numerical methods  -  Pumps  -  Sailing vessels  -  Signal processing   -  Testing  -  Vortex flow

Uncontrolled terms: Acoustic coupling  -  Blade passing frequency  -  Cavitation characteristics  -  Data acquisition system  -  Low specific speed centrifugal pump  -  Noise  -  Product characteristics  -  Synchronization acquisitions

Classification code: 618.2 Pumps


  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics

Liquid Dynamics

  -  674.1 Small Marine Craft

Small Marine Craft

  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

  -  751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound

Acoustics, Noise. Sound

  -  901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

  -  911.2 Industrial Economics

Industrial Economics

  -  921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

  -  941.2 Acoustic Variables Measurements

Acoustic Variables Measurements

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.12.013

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex