

1. Accession number: 20135017076028
  Title: Numerical simulation and experimental research on low-specific-speed sewage pump
  Authors: Zhang, Hua1 ; Chen, Bin2 ; Shi, Weidong1 ; Xu, Yandong1 ; Wang, Zhen3 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
 2  Research Institute of Chemical Machinery, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
 3  Nanjing Lanshen Pump Co. Ltd., Nanjing 211500, China
  Corresponding author: Zhang, H. (zhh091088@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  78-81 52
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    After structural modification of a submersible sewage pump with a specific speed (ns) of 60, an experimental study combined with numerical simulation and PIV measurements was carried out in order to analyze the internal flow of the volute. The calculated region was spitted by structure grid and the numerical simulation of whole flow field was performed. The results showed that due to the mouth ring leakage, turbulent kinetic energy was the greatest near this region, and the turbulent kinetic energy in the volute was greater than one in the impeller at the design condition. In addition, comparisons between experiment results of pump performance, PIV test results and CFD computations showed that they were in good agreement, which also validated the numerical result. At last the following conclusions were obtained: affected by the fact that the angle between relative velocity and circumferential direction was became larger with the increasing of the flow rate, when the flow rate was 0.6 Qopt and Qopt, partial fluid in the eighth section return to the first section through the volute, so, there were great velocity and velocity gradient in the region between the tongue and volute inlet. For 1.4 Qopt, this phenomenon disappeared, and at the region near the eighth section, its velocity was maximum, which leaded to a larger velocity gradient. Besides, at the flow rate of 1.4 Qopt, in the region between the first section and the fifth section, three high-speed wake regions from the impeller outlet could be obviously observed.
  Number of references:  11
  Main heading:   Computer simulation
  Controlled terms:  Computational fluid dynamics  -  Flow rate  -  Kinetic energy  -  Kinetics  -  Numerical models  -  Sewage pumps  -  Velocity
  Uncontrolled terms:  Circumferential direction  -  Experimental research  -  Low specific speed  -  PIV  -  Structural modifications  -  Turbulent kinetic energy  -  Velocity gradients  -  Volute
  Classification code:   452.1 Sewage  -  631 Fluid Flow  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.014
  Database:    Compendex

2. Accession number: 20135017076025
  Title: Analysis on unsteady flow in low specific speed centrifugal pump with curvature blade
  Authors: Wang, Weijun1 ; Wang, Yang1 ; Liu, Yang1 ; Cao, Puyu1 ; Li, Yacheng1 ; Lü, Zhongbin1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, Y. (pgwy@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  61-66
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The unsteady flow of the low specific speed centrifugal pump with curvature blade was simulated numerically by software Fluent, RNG k-Ε turbulence model and sliding mesh technology. Three indicator points near tongue with impeller and volute were monitored and pressure fluctuation of those points was gotten. Then, the calculating values were compared with test values. The results show that splitter blades restrain the flow separation. The performance of the pump, the pressure distributions of the pump and jet-wake region are improved deeply. The pressure pulsation amplitude of the indicator points near the tongue is proportional to the distance between the volute tongue and points.
  Number of references:  14
  Main heading:   Centrifugal pumps
  Controlled terms:  Turbulence models  -  Unsteady flow  -  Well pumps
  Uncontrolled terms:  Curvature blade  -  Low specific speed  -  Low specific speed centrifugal pump  -  Pressure fluctuation  -  Pressure pulsation  -  Sliding mesh  -  Software FLUENT  -  Splitter blade
  Classification code:   618.2 Pumps  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.011
  Database:    Compendex

3. Accession number: 20135017076031
  Title: Design and experiment of direct insert precision hill-seeder with corn whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges
  Authors: Zhao, Wuyun1 ; Dai, Fei1 ; Yang, Jie1 ; Shi, Zenglu2 ; Yang, Zheng1 ; Shi, Linrong1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
 2  School of Mechanical Engineering and Transportation, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
  Corresponding author: Zhao, W. (zhaowy@gsau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  91-97
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to meet the requirements of planting techniques of dry-land corn whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges in northwest China, to solve the problems about picked film and tore film and kind of holes with seedlings dislocation caused by the traditional film seeding machine, a direct insert corn precision hill-seeder with whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges was designed. It adopted cam-crank connecting rod mechanism and motion amplification mechanism to control the hole-former sowing and force open in fixed-point. Simulation analysis and field experiment showed that when the direct insert corn precision hill-seeder was planting operation with whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges, the hole-former horizontal velocity component was zero in sowing period and excavating period, the planting distance could be adjusted within a certain range, the arrangement of the soil hole and the hole-former motion trajectory were all reasonable, which met the requirements of agronomic techniques of dry-land corn furrow seeder with whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Seed
  Uncontrolled terms:  Corn  -  Direct insert  -  Hill-seeder  -  Horizontal velocity components  -  Motion amplification mechanisms  -  Motion trajectories  -  Planting techniques  -  Simulation analysis
  Classification code:   821.4 Agricultural Products
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.017
  Database:    Compendex

4. Accession number: 20135017076064
  Title: Slow motion control of serial robots with harmonic drives considering friction compensation
  Authors: Zhu, Shiqiang1 ; Wu, Wenxiang1 ; Wang, Xuanyin1 ; Liu, Huashan2 
  Author affiliation: 1  State Key Lab. of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
 2  College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
  Corresponding author: Zhu, S. (sqzhu@zju.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  293-299
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Due to the friction, serial robots with harmonic drives may appear rough running and control precision deterioration at low speed. To deal with this problem, a desired compensation robust controller (DCRC) with friction compensation was constructed. First, based on the frequency domain analysis of the friction data, a new friction model, which is the combination of Stribeck model and sine/cosine functions, was involved to model the friction of harmonic-drive-based joint. Second, DCRC was designed to handle the effect of joint friction and model uncertainties. In this control scheme, a feed-forward term calculated off-line using desired motion data was designed to avoid introducing measurement noise and improve the real-time performance. In this term, the joint friction compensation was also included. A robust term was designed utilizing the bounds of the uncertainty to guarantee the robustness. In addition, the globally uniformly ultimately bounded stability of the resulting closed-loop system was proved by using Lyapunov theory. Finally, experimental results illustrate that adopting the proposed friction model and controller, stable trajectory tracking at low speed can be achieved, and the average tracking error in joint space is less than 0.005°.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Tribology
  Controlled terms:  Digital storage  -  Frequency domain analysis  -  Harmonic analysis  -  Robots  -  Robust control  -  Stiction  -  Uncertainty analysis
  Uncontrolled terms:  Friction compensation  -  Globally uniformly ultimately bounded  -  Harmonic drive  -  Joint frictions  -  Low speed  -  Real time performance  -  Serial robots  -  Trajectory tracking
  Classification code:   931.1 Mechanics  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  922.1 Probability Theory  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  921.3 Mathematical Transformations  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.050
  Database:    Compendex

5. Accession number: 20135017076023
  Title: Numerical simulation for centrifugal pump at shut-off condition
  Authors: Wu, Xianfang1 ; Liu, Houlin1 ; Tan, Minggao1 ; Cui, Jianbao1 ; Ding, Jian1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Liu, H. (liuhoulin@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  48-52
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The unsteady full flow fields at shut-off condition in a centrifugal pump with specific-speed of 86.44 were simulated by unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes approach and SST model. The head of the pump at SOC was predicted based on CFD results. Through the comparison and analyses, it was concluded that the average head prediction errors was 4.7% compared with test result. There were two eddies in impeller flow passage No.1 and the rotation direction was opposite. The velocity at volute diffusion part was very small. The high speed area of the pressure surface in impeller flow passage No.1 increased first and then decreased. The pressure distribution in the volute changes evidently, and the high pressure area of the pressure surface in impeller flow passage No.1 at the exit area constantly decrease as the impeller rotates. There are always six different sizes of vortexes at the impeller inlet and the vortexes nearly block the whole impeller passage.
  Number of references:  12
  Main heading:   Impellers
  Controlled terms:  Centrifugal pumps  -  Computational fluid dynamics  -  Computer simulation  -  Flow fields  -  Numerical models  -  Unsteady flow  -  Vortex flow
  Uncontrolled terms:  Comparison and analysis  -  High pressure area  -  Impeller passage  -  Prediction errors  -  Reynolds - Averaged Navier-Stokes  -  Rotation directions  -  Shut-off condition  -  Whole flow fields
  Classification code:   601.2 Machine Components  -  618.2 Pumps  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.009
  Database:    Compendex

6. Accession number: 20135017076029
  Title: 3-D design of high performance compact pump with CFD
  Authors: Jin, Shuanbao1 ; Wang, Yongsheng1 ; Liu, Chengjiang1 ; Su, Yongsheng1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Marine Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, Y. (yongshengwang666@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  82-86 90
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to study the design method of high performance compact pump, a high specific speed mixed-flow pump was designed with axial pump configuration by solving the 3-D inverse design equations and the full viscid flow iteratively. Firstly, the performance of the high specific speed mixed-flow pump was calculated using RANS simulation, the results of CFD simulation and test data were presented and discussed briefly. The errors of the mixed-flow pump power between the CFD simulation and pump test data were below 3% in the whole calculating region. Secondly, based on the axial pump configuration, the pump was redesigned by using 3-D inverse design method and CFD simulation iteratively. The final design result indicated that the pump had high efficiency of 0.927 on the design point and the flow within the pump was smooth without any separation and cavitation. In the end, the performance of the mixed-flow pump and the redesigned compact pump were compared, which indicated that the efficiency of the redesigned compact pump was higher than the mixed-flow pump by 3%, and the transom size of the redesigned compact pump was smaller than the mixed-flow pump by 38%. The redesigned pump had compact size and excellent performance.
  Number of references:  16
  Main heading:   Computational fluid dynamics
  Controlled terms:  Computer simulation  -  Design  -  Iterative methods  -  Pumps
  Uncontrolled terms:  3-d designs  -  Axial flow pump  -  Compact  -  High specific speed  -  Inverse design methods  -  Inverse designs  -  Mixed flow pump  -  RANS simulation
  Classification code:   408 Structural Design  -  618.2 Pumps  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921.6 Numerical Methods
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.015
  Database:    Compendex

7. Accession number: 20135017076021
  Title: Investigation on 2-phases working fluid thermal cycle for diesel engine
  Authors: Zhu, Zhenxia1 ; Ma, Xiaokang1 ; Zhang, Fujun1 ; Han, Kai1  
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  Corresponding author: Han, K. (hk.bit@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  37-41 36
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    A new thermal cycle called 2-phase working fluid thermal cycle for diesel engine was proposed, which consists of the dual cycle and Rankin cycle. The noble cycle was analyzed by thermodynamic method and the forums to calculate performance indexes were deduced. Take water as the phase-changing fluid for example, the influence rules between injection parameters and cycle performance were studied. The result demonstrates that the injection of water could alleviate heat load and enhance the power of engine, while the efficiency would be decreased compared with the traditional dual cycle. When the injection mass of water and fuel are equal at one cycle, the efficiency drops by 5.79% and the power rises by 6.36%.
  Number of references:  13
  Main heading:   Water injection
  Controlled terms:  Diesel engines  -  Fluids  -  Thermal cycling  -  Thermoanalysis
  Uncontrolled terms:  Cycle performance  -  Influence rule  -  Injection parameters  -  Performance indices  -  Rankin cycles  -  Thermo dynamic analysis  -  Thermodynamic methods  -  Working fluid
  Classification code:   421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  612.1 Internal Combustion Engines, General  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  631 Fluid Flow  -  801 Chemistry
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.007
  Database:    Compendex

8. Accession number: 20135017076043
  Title: Advanced technology and new application in electronic nose
  Authors: Wang, Jun1 ; Cui, Shaoqing1 ; Chen, Xinwei1 ; Hong, Xuezhen1 ; Qiu, Shanshan1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Department of Bio-systems Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, J. (jwang@zju.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  160-167 179
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    As a novelty bionic technology, the electronic nose has attracted attention in detection of food and agricultural by-products. Literatures have been reported in the applications of wine, tea, beverage, grain, oil, meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits and so on, showing a well application prospect in food and agricultural byproducts detection by using electronic nose. With the deepening of relevant researches and constantly emerging of new technologies, the electronic nose technology has also been improved. The emergence of new sensor technologies helps to develop electronic noses with completely novelty mechanisms. A more comprehensive detection could be realized integrating the electronic nose with other analytical instruments. A combination of electronic nose and the wireless communication technology, overcoming the limitation that a traditional electronic nose can not be applied to the on-site and mobile environments, expands the scope of applications of electronic nose. This paper aims at making comprehensive discussions and analyses from these three aspects respectively, then summarizing as a reference for the subsequent researches.
  Number of references:  63
  Main heading:   Electronic equipment
  Controlled terms:  Agricultural wastes  -  Byproducts  -  Oils and fats  -  Sensors  -  Technology  -  Wireless telecommunication systems
  Uncontrolled terms:  Agricultural by-products  -  Analytical instrument  -  Combination technology  -  Electronic NOSE  -  Food detection  -  Scope of application  -  Wireless communication technology  -  Wireless technologies
  Classification code:   821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  901 Engineering Profession  -  801 Chemistry  -  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television  -  715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial  -  717 Optical Communication
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.029
  Database:    Compendex

9. Accession number: 20135017076030
  Title: Resistance characteristics experiment of two-phase flow in spiral pipe
  Authors: Zheng, Shuihua1 ; Mu, Jiegang1 ; Fan, Wencan1 ; Li, Jia1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
  Corresponding author: Mu, J. (mjg1964@zjut.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  87-90
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The resistance characteristics of air-water flow in spiral pipe were studied experimentally. The influences of mass flow rate and mass quality on pressure drop were analyzed. The empirical formula of the pressure drop was built up based on the method of dimensional analysis and the linear regression with experimental data tested at different conditions. The results showed that the pressure drop increased with the increase of gas-liquid mass flow rate and mass quality. The calculated value of the empirical formula was in good agreement with the experimental data and the formula was accurate enough to calculate the pressure drop of gas-liquid two-phase flow in spiral pipe.
  Number of references:  10
  Main heading:   Two phase flow
  Controlled terms:  Liquids  -  Pressure drop
  Uncontrolled terms:  Air-water flow  -  Calculated values  -  Dimensional analysis  -  Empirical formulas  -  Gas-liquid mass flow rate  -  Gas-liquid two-phase flow  -  Mass flow rate  -  Resistance characteristics
  Classification code:   631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.016
  Database:    Compendex

10. Accession number: 20135017076019
  Title: Raman spectroscopy research of particulate emissions from diesel engine with after-treatment device
  Authors: Ma, Zhihao1 ; Chao, Ying1 ; Li, Lei1 ; Ren, Yuan1 ; Xu, Xin2 ; Ma, Fanhua3 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Vehicle and Motive Power Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
 2  Guangzhou Sunny Metal Incorporation, Guangzhou 511442, China
 3  State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  Corresponding author: Ma, Z. (mazhihao@mail.haust.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  26-30
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to investigate the evolution law of structure and chemical components of diesel engine particulates during passing through diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and diesel particulate filter (DPF), particulates samples emitted from an electronic control high pressure common rail, turbocharged, inter-cooler diesel engine with exhaust after-treatment device were collected on the glass fiber filters. Raman spectrums at different points were measured, and characterizations of the spectrums were compared. The results showed that the Raman spectrum of engine particulates was composed of five peaks and the Raman shift of the peaks changed within a very small range. Every characterization parameter describing the structure and components of particulates varied with the different measuring points, i.e. as the measuring point shifted backward, the ID1/IG decreased, ID2/IG increased, ID3/IG, ID4/IG and IALL/IG had the trend of first increase and then decrease, which indicated that the changing process of structure and components of the particulates was not only a physical process but also a chemical one. On behalf of the degree of graphitization of the particulates of ID1/IG increased with the backward shift of the measuring point, but the organic fractions in the particulates reached maximum.
  Number of references:  25
  Main heading:   Iodine
  Controlled terms:  Air filters  -  Control  -  Diesel engines  -  Particulate emissions  -  Potassium alloys  -  Raman scattering
  Uncontrolled terms:  Diesel oxidation catalyst  -  Diesel particulate filters  -  DOC  -  DPF  -  Exhaust aftertreatment  -  High pressure common rail  -  Particulates  -  Spectroscopy research
  Classification code:   741.1 Light/Optics  -  732 Control Devices  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  451.2 Air Pollution Control  -  451.1 Air Pollution Sources  -  549.1 Alkali Metals
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.005
  Database:    Compendex

11. Accession number: 20135017076044
  Title: Numerical simulation of temperature field distribution in refrigerated truck based on CFD
  Authors: Zhao, Chunjiang1 ; Han, Jiawei1, 2 ; Yang, Xinting1 ; Qian, Jianping1 ; Xing, Bin1 
  Author affiliation: 1  National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
 2  College of Information Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
  Corresponding author: Zhao, C. (hjwlove8@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  168-173
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The object was the short distance transportation refrigerated truck, which belonged to current mainstream in Beijing. A computational model was established for solving the temperature field distribution of the refrigerated truck. The model took the wind speed at the air conditioning outlet, air temperature, cars wall and cargo area temperature of the refrigerated truck as the initial boundary conditions. The unsteady shear stress transport (SST) k-ω model of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate the temperature field distribution on different boundary conditions and stack methods in the refrigerated truck. Under specific boundary conditions with alternating the wind speed in the outlet and the cargo stack mode, the model could determine the best outlet wind speed and stack way of cargo through comparative analysis. The results showed that when the wind speed was 5 m/s and stack methods was void in the middle and two sides, the temperature field distribution in the refrigerated truck was the best uniform. The tests showed that the simulated values were in a sound agreement with the measured ones and the average absolute error of the temperature was not higher than 1°C.
  Number of references:  19
  Main heading:   Trucks
  Controlled terms:  Boundary conditions  -  Computational fluid dynamics  -  Computer simulation  -  Numerical models  -  Oceanography  -  Temperature  -  Temperature distribution  -  Wind effects
  Uncontrolled terms:  Average absolute error  -  Comparative analysis  -  Computational model  -  Different boundary condition  -  Numerical simulation of temperature fields  -  Stack methods  -  Temperature field distribution  -  Unsteady shear stress
  Classification code:   443.1 Atmospheric Properties  -  471.1 Oceanography, General  -  641.1 Thermodynamics  -  663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.030
  Database:    Compendex

12. Accession number: 20135017076063
  Title: Grading for tobacco leaf quality based on sparse representation
  Authors: Xiang, Jinhai1 ; Yang, Shen1 ; Fan, Heng1 ; Zhang, Ying1 ; Zhai, Ruifang1 ; Peng, Hui1  
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
  Corresponding author: Peng, H. (moonbird@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  287-292
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    A quality grading method based on sparse representation was proposed to identify the varieties of tobacco quality. The images of 17 different qualities of tobacco were taken as objects. Ten images of each variety were selected randomly as training samples. The colors, morphological and textural characters of these images were extracted for making up the dictionary of sparse representation. The projection of the test image on the dictionary was calculated. The minimum projection error was regarded as the certain kind of tobacco. The result of the proposed method was compared with basic pursuit algorithm, neural network, SVM and fuzzy processing. The identification accuracy of training samples was 100% and the overall one was 95.7%.
  Number of references:  25
  Main heading:   Grading
  Controlled terms:  Nondestructive examination  -  Sampling  -  Tobacco
  Uncontrolled terms:  Fuzzy processing  -  Identification accuracy  -  Projection error  -  Pursuit algorithms  -  Quality grading  -  Sparse representation  -  Tobacco leave  -  Training sample
  Classification code:   421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  913.3 Quality Assurance and Control
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.049
  Database:    Compendex

13. Accession number: 20135017076039
  Title: Study on biomass briquetting machines with vertical ring die
  Authors: Yao, Zonglu1 ; Zhao, Lixin1 ; Tian, Yishui1 ; Meng, Haibo1 ; Pang, Lisha1 ; Huo, Lili1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100025, China
  Corresponding author: Meng, H. (newmhb7209@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  139-143
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    For the low productivity, high energy consumption and low briquette quality of biomass briquetting machine, the principle of vertical ring die was used. A biomass briquetting machine was developed. A ring mold with heating resistor and cooling waterways was designed. The crushed corn straw was taken as raw materials for the experiment. The experiment result showed that the production rate was 2.1 t/h. Tons of power consumption was 35.6 kW· h/t. Machine noise was 82 dB (A). The molding rate was 95.4%. The forming density was 1.1 g/cm3. The indicators could reach the design and standard requirements. It could shorten the pre-run time by 50 min to 65 min by using the heating resistor. The ring mold takes cooling device. The temperature of the fuel could be reduced by 20°C to 30°C and the production can be increased by 5% than non-adopted in normal production.
  Number of references:  16
  Main heading:   Biomass
  Controlled terms:  Briquets  -  Briquetting  -  Energy utilization  -  Experiments  -  Molds  -  Resistors
  Uncontrolled terms:  A-RINGS  -  Cooling devices  -  Corn straws  -  Crop straws  -  High energy consumption  -  Production rates  -  Standard requirements
  Classification code:   816.2 Plants and Machinery for Plastics and Other Polymers  -  714 Electronic Components and Tubes  -  706 Electric Transmission and Distribution  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  704 Electric Components and Equipment  -  525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  525.3 Energy Utilization
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.025
  Database:    Compendex

14. Accession number: 20135017076015
  Title: Control strategy of DPF regeneration based on machine technology
  Authors: Wei, Xiong1 ; Mao, Xiaojian1 ; Zhu, Keqing1 ; Feng, Jing1 ; Wang, Junxi1 ; Jiang, Zuhua1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  Corresponding author: Wei, X. (weixiong6616398@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  1-5 11
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Control strategy of DPF regeneration based on inner diesel engine-based machine is developed, which enhances the exhaust temperature by using of inner machine measures to change the combustion of diesel engines. This method can achieve safe and effective DPF regeneration without making any changes and adding auxiliary systems in the diesel engine. Firstly, technical program and monitoring system of DPF regeneration based on inner diesel engine-based machine is proposed and designed. Secondly, soot loading model based on differential pressure, engine speed and load is established to improve the accuracy and consistency of DPF regeneration. Finally, the measures model of exhaust temperature containing the diesel engine speed and load factors, as well as the regeneration temperature model, is designed to ensure process of DPF regeneration is effective and safe. The experimental result shows that the process of DPF regeneration is effective and safe by using of this regeneration method.
  Number of references:  11
  Main heading:   Diesel engines
  Controlled terms:  Speed
  Uncontrolled terms:  Auxiliary systems  -  Control strategies  -  Differential pressures  -  Dpf regenerations  -  Exhaust temperature  -  Monitoring system  -  Regeneration temperature  -  Technical programs
  Classification code:   612.2 Diesel Engines  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.001
  Database:    Compendex

15. Accession number: 20135017076036
  Title: Optimization experiment of T-TDR sensor thermocouple node positions
  Authors: Han, Wenting1, 2 ; Qiao, Jun1 ; Xu, Jinghui2, 3 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 2  Institute of Water Saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 3  College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  Corresponding author: Han, W. (hanwt2000@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  121-127
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to improve the measurement accuracy of T-TDR sensor and optimize its structure parameters, the rules of the thermocouple node embedded positions and size to its sensitivity and accuracy were studied. Based on the node in the probe middle, midpoint moving down 2 mm and reducing the volume thermocouple nodes by spot welding, three kinds of T-TDR sensors and their measuring system were designed. The five different water content of each sandy, sandy loam and clay loam were tested to measure the thermal characteristic curves and calculate its water content. Oven drying method was used to test accuracy. The results showed that the thermocouple on the probe midpoint moving down 2 mm and spot welding junction was more sensitive to the radiant heat of the intermediate probe than the other sensors. The measurement value of moisture content had good correlation (R2 of 0.981, RMSE of 0.0152) between drying method. The measurement accuracy was higher than traditional structural parameters.
  Number of references:  22
  Main heading:   Temperature sensors
  Controlled terms:  Optimization  -  Probes  -  Soil moisture  -  Spot welding  -  Thermocouples
  Uncontrolled terms:  Different water contents  -  Measurement accuracy  -  Oven drying method  -  Soil moisture sensors  -  Structural parameter  -  Structure parameter  -  T-TDR  -  Thermal characteristics
  Classification code:   944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  -  944.5 Temperature Measuring Instruments  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  538.2.1 Welding Processes  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.022
  Database:    Compendex

16. Accession number: 20135017076048
  Title: Simulation of litchi drying based on its shell porosity determination
  Authors: Xu, Fengying1 ; Chen, Zhen1 ; Li, Changyou1 ; Liao, Jianyuan1 ; Wang, Pengcheng1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Key Laboratory of Key Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, Ministry of Education, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
  Corresponding author: Xu, F. (xu_fy@scau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  190-194 207
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Aimed at the problem of litchi drying performance is restricted by its shell pore structure, each side of the shell pore shape was observed by electron microscopy and its average porosity was calculated by Image-Pro software. Through building a model of water evaporation at high temperature, heat and mass transfer coupling for litchi multi-layer structure, using the Fluent software to simulate the temporal variations of temperature, pressure and velocity in litchi drying process, the difference between simulation result of water volume fraction in this process and experimental value was compared. The results show that the pore structure exists a self similarity in each surface of litchi shell, average porosity is 0.516±0.032; when litchi is dehydrated at 70°C, temperature of the fruit body conducts from shell towards its interior and reaches the equilibrium state gradually; a negative pressure is gradually increasing on its inner surface; water vapor on the flesh surface is with low velocity and small pressure difference, but with the time increase of loss water, the fluctuation of vapor velocity and differential pressure increase too. It's showed that the simulation result can be better corresponded with the experimental value. These research results would provide a reference for other multi-layer structure fruit drying process.
  Number of references:  17
  Main heading:   Shells (structures)
  Controlled terms:  Drying  -  Fruits  -  Pore structure  -  Porosity  -  Solids  -  Vapors
  Uncontrolled terms:  Differential pressures  -  Heat and mass transfer  -  Litchi  -  Multilayer structures  -  Pressure differences  -  Shell  -  Simulation  -  Water volume fraction
  Classification code:   408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.034
  Database:    Compendex

17. Accession number: 20135017076054
  Title: Development of crop growth spatial analysis system
  Authors: Li, Shuqiang1 ; Sun, Hong2 ; Zhang, Yan'e2 ; Li, Minzan2  
  Author affiliation: 1  Vehicle and Motive Power Engineering College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
 2  Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research, Ministry of Education, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author: Li, M. (limz@cau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  234-240
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to meet needs of information acquisition and processing of the vehicle-borne system, a crop growth spatial analysis software for vehicle-borne system was developed. The software system was composed of four functional modules: spectrum file management, canopy spectrum analysis, dynamic monitoring and spatial data analysis. It could read a variety of file types. It also could apply two kinds of spatial information analysis methods and had an interface for expert database. The proposed system was set on crop growth spatial platform to verify the effect of growth spatial analysis system for corn. Field test results showed that the system could generate crop and wheat growth distribution map and interpreted working prescription map correctly. It indicated that the system provided good technical support for the precision management of field crops.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Crops
  Controlled terms:  Spectrum analysis
  Uncontrolled terms:  Crop growth  -  Dynamic monitoring  -  Functional modules  -  Information acquisitions  -  Spatial analysis  -  Spatial data analysis  -  Spatial interpolation  -  Technical support
  Classification code:   821.4 Agricultural Products  -  921 Mathematics  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.040
  Database:    Compendex

18. Accession number: 20135017076051
  Title: Development of real-time recognition and localization methods for fruits and vegetables in field
  Authors: Xiang, Rong1, 2 ; Ying, Yibin1, 3 ; Jiang, Huanyu1, 3 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
 2  College of Quality and Safety Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
 3  Key Laboratory of Equipment and Informatization in Environment Controlled Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Hangzhou 310058, China
  Corresponding author: Ying, Y. (ybying@zju.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  208-223
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    As one of the key problem for the robotic harvesting, the real-time recognition and localization of fruits and vegetables in field have drawn wide attention. First, the development of common hardware and algorithms for the recognition of fruits and vegetables was reviewed. For the image segmentation of fruits and vegetables, researches on image preprocessing, color feature selecting, image segmentation designing and image post processing were summarized and analyzed. For the recognition of fruits and vegetables, researches on common algorithms, recognition algorithms for clustered objects and for occluded objects were reviewed. Second, active and passive range finder methods which have been used commonly in the localization of fruits and vegetables were analyzed and compared. Moreover, stereo matching methods used in the passive range finder methods for fruits and vegetables were analyzed and compared, too. Finally, existing problems in researches on the recognition and localization for fruits and vegetables in field were analyzed, and research prospects were also presented.
  Number of references:  96
  Main heading:   Fruits
  Controlled terms:  Algorithms  -  Image matching  -  Image segmentation  -  Radar equipment  -  Research  -  Vegetables
  Uncontrolled terms:  Field  -  Fruit and vegetables  -  Harvesting robot  -  Localization  -  Recognition
  Classification code:   901.3 Engineering Research  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  921 Mathematics  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.037
  Database:    Compendex

19. Accession number: 20135017076068
  Title: Workspace and scale analysis of 4-SPS/PPU parallel mechanism
  Authors: Ji, Ye1 ; Liu, Hongzhao1 ; Yuan, Daning1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Instrumental Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
  Corresponding author: Liu, H. (liu-hongzhao@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  322-328
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The parallel mechanism of 4-SPS was studied. 2T2R (2 translational and 2 rotational) 4-DOFs (degrees of freedom) parallel mechanism were obtained by configuration evolution of adding and altering the follower-limb. The constraint condition of solving the position and attitude workspace about 4-SPxyzS/PxPzUxz parallel mechanism was built. The set of points was used to calculate dimensional size of workspace. The concept of sensitivity was introduced. The numerical method was used to calculate dimensional size of position workspace and scope of attitude workspace in the solution of different scale.
  Number of references:  13
  Main heading:   Mechanisms
  Controlled terms:  Statistics
  Uncontrolled terms:  Configuration evolution  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Scale analysis  -  Singularity  -  Workspace
  Classification code:   601.3 Mechanisms  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.054
  Database:    Compendex

20. Accession number: 20135017076061
  Title: Detecting techniques of maize ear characters based on line scan image
  Authors: Liu, Guanyi1 ; Yang, Xiaohong2 ; Bai, Ming3 ; Wei, Wenjun1 ; Zhang, Shaoying1 ; Li, Haitao1  
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
 2  College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100093, China
 3  School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  Corresponding author: Li, H. (lihaitao0402@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  276-280
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    To acquire the properties of ear characters in maize automatically, a panorama of the maize ear was captured by using a line scan camera. Then the data was extracted through image processing methods. A part of the original line scan image was selected as a template. The ear image with exactly 360° views was cropped according to the normalized cross correlation of the template with the original image. Otsu method was used to segment the maize kernels, but the kernels on the image borders were split into two parts. The connectivity of those two parts of one kernel on both borders was taken as a clue to merge them into ones. This process improved the counting accuracy of kernel numbers. The row number of the kernel was obtained from the image projection method. The profile of projection was smoothed to solve the extreme points as the row number. Experiment results showed the counting accuracy of kernels numbers and kernel rows numbers were 94.6% and 99.1%, respectively.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Image segmentation
  Controlled terms:  Image matching
  Uncontrolled terms:  Detecting technique  -  Ear of maize  -  Image processing - methods  -  Image projection  -  Line scan  -  Line-scan cameras  -  Normalized cross correlation  -  Projection method
  Classification code:   741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  741.1 Light/Optics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.047
  Database:    Compendex

21. Accession number: 20135017076047
  Title: Mushroom slices drying using hot-air drying coupled with power ultrasound
  Authors: Luo, Denglin1 ; Xu, Baocheng1 ; Liu, Jianxue1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Food and Bioengineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
  Corresponding author: Luo, D. (luodenglin@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  185-189 179
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    With the aim to improve the efficiency of hot-air drying, a dryer of hot-air drying combined power ultrasound was explored according to the advantages of ultrasound on enhancing heat and mass transfer and the acoustic impedance of flexural vibrating plate. In this dryer, ultrasound could work effectively in air. The results of mushroom slices drying showed that the drying time using hot-air drying combined power ultrasound at 20 kHz, 150 W and diameter 20 cm plate was shorter as 50% as that using hot-air drying and the energy consumption per kilogram of water evaporation reduced by 22%. The mechanism of ultrasound which enhanced hot-air drying was discussed. It was possible attributed to ultrasound mechanical actions to enhance the moisture diffusion controlling step in the drying processing.
  Number of references:  13
  Main heading:   Drying
  Controlled terms:  Acoustic impedance  -  Dryers (equipment)  -  Energy utilization  -  Mechanisms  -  Moisture control  -  Ultrasonics
  Uncontrolled terms:  Controlling steps  -  Heat and mass transfer  -  Hot air drying  -  Mechanical action  -  Moisture diffusion  -  Mushroom  -  Power ultrasound  -  Water evaporation
  Classification code:   944.2 Moisture Measurements  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  753.1 Ultrasonic Waves  -  751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  601.3 Mechanisms  -  525.3 Energy Utilization
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.033
  Database:    Compendex

22. Accession number: 20135017076042
  Title: Adsorption properties of model component of bio-oil from aqueous solution by bamboo charcoal
  Authors: Li, Yunchao1 ; Wang, Xianhua1 ; Sui, Haiqing1 ; Yang, Haiping1 ; Hu, Haitao1 ; Chen, Hanping1 
  Author affiliation: 1  State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, X. (wxhwhhy@sina.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  154-159 149
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Bamboo charcoal obtained from pyrolysis was introduced as adsorbent to adsorb model compounds of bio-oil in solution. Single-, double-and four-component of bio-oil was investigated to evaluate the adsorption behavior. The results showed that the adsorption characteristics of each component were different. For single-component adsorption in 24 h, the adsorption capacity of each component by bamboo charcoal in declining order was furfural, acetic acid, phenol and glucose. When adsorption equilibrium achieved, the adsorption capacity of phenol would exceed that of acetic acid. In double-component of furfural and glucose system, furfural was showed strongly selective adsorption characteristics by bamboo charcoal. In four-component system, the adsorption capacity of each component was declined especially for acetic acid. Further more, concentration mutation was presented among acetic acid and some component which suggested that the well adsorbed furfural displaced some of the weak adsorbate. The adsorption capacity of glucose was little under all the experimental operating conditions.
  Number of references:  21
  Main heading:   Adsorption
  Controlled terms:  Acetic acid  -  Aldehydes  -  Bamboo  -  Biofuels  -  Charcoal  -  Furfural  -  Glucose  -  pH  -  Phenols
  Uncontrolled terms:  Adsorption properties  -  Bamboo charcoal  -  Bio oil  -  Competitive adsorption  -  Model components  -  Selective adsorption
  Classification code:   523 Liquid Fuels  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  801.1 Chemistry, General  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  821.4 Agricultural Products
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.028
  Database:    Compendex

23. Accession number: 20135017076071
  Title: Design and experiment for three-dimensional parallel kinematics vibration sieve
  Authors: Deng, Jiaming1 ; Shen, Huiping1 ; Li, Ju1 ; Wang, Xinxiang1 ; Huang, Tao1 ; He, Baoxiang1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213016, China
  Corresponding author: Deng, J. (czdydjm@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  342-346 328
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Instead of eccentric wheel vibrator and plane screen, a new design ideal was presented to take parallel mechanism and non-planar screen as drive source and screen, respectively. With the multi-dimensional spatial movement of parallel mechanism and the multi-dimensional permeability of non-planar screen, it can increase the screening efficiency. A parallel kinematics vibration sieve based on single DOF and two loops spatial mechanism was designed, then the topology structure of its main mechanism and kinematics based on the track of screen was analyzed and its dimensions were optimized. The design of non-planar screen and the principles of its multi-dimensional permeability was illustrated and the experimental effects of parallel kinematics vibration sieve and traditional line vibration sieve with planar screen, wave screen and pit screen were compared respectively, which verify that the screening efficiency of parallel kinematics vibration sieve with non-planar screen is as high as 98%, and the permeability is 7.4%, while the screening efficiency and permeability of line vibration sieve with planar screen is just 84% and 5%, respectively. So the efficient screening mechanism and characteristics of this new parallel kinematics vibration sieve can be revealed.
  Number of references:  21
  Main heading:   Sieves
  Controlled terms:  Design  -  Efficiency  -  Kinematics  -  Mechanisms  -  Three dimensional
  Uncontrolled terms:  Eccentric wheels  -  Parallel kinematics  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Planar screen  -  Screening efficiency  -  Screening mechanism  -  Spatial mechanism  -  Topology structure
  Classification code:   408 Structural Design  -  601.3 Mechanisms  -  605 Small Tools and Hardware  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics  -  913.1 Production Engineering  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.057
  Database:    Compendex

24. Accession number: 20135017076059
  Title: Color image segmentation algorithm of corn based on MMC and CV model
  Authors: Cheng, Yuzhu1 ; Chen, Yong1 ; Zhang, Hao1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  Corresponding author: Chen, Y. (chenyongjsnj@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  266-270
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Aiming at removing complex soil background noise in the corn seedling filed, a color image segmentation algorithm based on MMC (Maximum margin criterion) and CV (Chan-Vese) was proposed. The corn color image was transformed into gray image by using MMC, and the grayscale image was denoised by TV (Total variation) filter. Then filtered image was segmented by the CV model. The results of the experiment by Matlab showed that the algorithm could effectively get the extraction of the objection of corn and noise reduction of weed and moss simultaneously in the image. The misclassification rate and the leakage rate were 4.32% and 9.69% respectively, and the similarity was 86.57%.
  Number of references:  16
  Main heading:   Image segmentation
  Controlled terms:  Noise abatement
  Uncontrolled terms:  Background noise  -  Chan-Vese model  -  Color image segmentation  -  Corn seedling  -  Gray-scale images  -  Maximum margin criterions  -  Misclassification rates  -  Total variation
  Classification code:   741.1 Light/Optics  -  751.4 Acoustic Noise
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.045
  Database:    Compendex

25. Accession number: 20135017076057
  Title: Obstacle avoidance method of apple harvesting robot manipulator
  Authors: Ji, Wei1 ; Cheng, Fengyi1 ; Zhao, Dean1 ; Tao, Yun1 ; Ding, Shihong1 ; Lü, Jidong1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Ji, W. (jwhxb@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  253-259
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    For the problem of real-time path optimization for picking robot manipulator, an improved artificial potential field method was presented for apple picking robot manipulator to avoid obstacle under unstructured environment. According to the concrete structural characteristics of 5-DOF apple picking robot manipulator and obstacle, the manipulator model and obstacle model were analyzed. On the basis of retaining the merits of the traditional artificial potential field method which had simple structure and easy implement, for some of the shortcomings of its existence, such as local minimum points, the stuck district, combined with the characteristics of obstacles in the apple growing environment, a virtual target point was introduced to help the search process escape local optimal minimum point and obtain an optimization smooth motion curve. This method was applied in the obstacle avoidance path planning experiment for the apple picking robot manipulator, which included end-effector, obstacle and targets position. The experimental result showed that the proposed method was simple and enabled to overcome the shortcoming of traditional artificial potential field method.
  Number of references:  15
  Main heading:   Fruits
  Controlled terms:  Collision avoidance  -  Curve fitting  -  Flexible manipulators  -  Industrial robots  -  Manipulators  -  Modular robots  -  Motion planning  -  Optimization  -  Robot applications
  Uncontrolled terms:  Apple  -  Artificial potential field method  -  Growing environments  -  Harvesting robot  -  Planning experiments  -  Structural characteristics  -  Unstructured environments  -  Virtual target
  Classification code:   731.5 Robotics  -  731.6 Robot Applications  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.043
  Database:    Compendex

26. Accession number: 20135017076018
  Title: Flow characteristics in diesel nozzle with convergent conical orifice
  Authors: Cui, Huifeng1 ; Luo, Fuqiang1 ; Dong, Shaofeng1 ; Liang, Yu2 ; Zhou, Liying1, 2 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
 2  School of Mechanical Engineering, Guiyang University, Guiyang 550005, China
  Corresponding author: Luo, F. (luofq@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  19-25
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The three-dimensional numerical simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow in diesel nozzle with convergent conical orifice (CDN) was carried out by using the mixed multiphase cavitation flow model, and the effects of injection pressure, injection back pressure and needle valve movement on the cavitating distribution, the turbulent kinetic energy distribution, the mean flow velocity at outlet (MFVO) and the discharge coefficient were analysed. The results show that the increasing in the injection pressure or the needle valve's open velocity will enhance the cavitation effect, strengthen the flow disturbance, improve MFVO and the cycle fuel injection quantity, which are beneficial to the performance of diesel engine, the fuel injection and atomization; with the increase of the injection back pressure, the discharge coefficient of CDN is increased slightly, but the cavitation effect, the flow disturbance and MFVO are decreased gradually; under the same injection condition or needle valve lift, the cavitation effect of CDN is weaker than that of diesel nozzle with cylindrical orifice, MFVO and the discharge coefficient of CDN are higher than those of diesel nozzle with cylindrical orifice.
  Number of references:  16
  Main heading:   Orifices
  Controlled terms:  Cavitation  -  Computational fluid dynamics  -  Computer simulation  -  Diesel engines  -  Fuel injection  -  Kinetics  -  Needles  -  Nozzles  -  Numerical models
  Uncontrolled terms:  Conical orifices  -  Cycle fuel injection quantities  -  Discharge coefficients  -  Flow charac-teristics  -  Gas-liquid two-phase flow  -  Mean flow velocities  -  Three-dimensional numerical simulations  -  Turbulent kinetic energy distribution
  Classification code:   921 Mathematics  -  819.6 Textile Mills, Machinery and Equipment  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.004
  Database:    Compendex

27. Accession number: 20135017076046
  Title: Prediction model of respiration rate for mushroom with high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging
  Authors: Liu, Zhanli1 ; Wang, Shuling1 ; Wang, Xiangyou1 ; Wang, Juan1 ; Wang, Dongyang1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, X. (wxy@sdut.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  180-184
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to design the high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging in mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), Weibull model and Logistic model were applied to study in-package O2 and CO2 concentration and predict the respiration of mushroom. The results showed that O2 concentration in high oxygen package decreased from initial 80 kPa to 50 kPa after 50 h, while it declined slowly in control. The CO2 concentration under both treatments increased gradually, and it reached the maximum value at the end of storage. The predicted concentration of O2 and CO2 fitted well with the experimental value. The respiration of mushroom under high oxygen was well described by the CO2 production rate.
  Number of references:  24
  Main heading:   Atmospheric composition
  Controlled terms:  Carbon dioxide  -  Models  -  Modified atmosphere packaging  -  Oxygen
  Uncontrolled terms:  Agaricus bisporus  -  Experimental values  -  Logistic models  -  Modified atmosphere  -  Mushroom  -  Prediction model  -  Production rates  -  Respiration rate
  Classification code:   694.1 Packaging, General  -  801 Chemistry  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.032
  Database:    Compendex

28. Accession number: 20135017076041
  Title: Effects of Co content on synthesis of CoAPSO-5 zealite membrane
  Authors: Yang, Wenshen1 ; Lang, Lin1 ; Wang, Fengchan1 ; Yin, Xiuli1 ; Wu, Chuangzhi1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Natural Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
  Corresponding author: Yin, X. (xlyin@ms.giec.ac.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  150-153
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The continuous and highly intergrown CoAPSO-5 membranes were synthesized on the α-Al2O3 substrates by in situ crystallization, which was studied focused on effect of Co content. According to the characterization of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductive coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP), the zeolite membranes were composed of well-intergrown CoAPSO-5 crystals, which lost their own morphology and tightly covered on the α-Al2O3 substrate in random orientation. Meanwhile, the Co content of the CoAPSO-5 crystal and its influence on the morphology, the thickness and the completeness of CoAPSO-5 membranes were studied. The gas permeation measurement revealed the resulting membranes were of high-quality with few non-zealitic pores.
  Number of references:  28
  Main heading:   Gas permeable membranes
  Controlled terms:  Cobalt  -  Crystal orientation  -  Hydrothermal synthesis  -  Morphology  -  Scanning electron microscopy  -  Substrates  -  X ray diffraction
  Uncontrolled terms:  Co content  -  CoAPSO-5  -  Effects of CO  -  Gas permeation measurements  -  In-situ crystallization  -  Inductive coupled plasma  -  Random orientations  -  Zeolite membrane
  Classification code:   933.1.1 Crystal Lattice  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  951 Materials Science  -  801 Chemistry  -  549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals  -  461 Bioengineering and Biology  -  741.1 Light/Optics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.027
  Database:    Compendex

29. Accession number: 20135017076016
  Title: SCR post-processing system control strategy of diesel engine
  Authors: Liu, Chuanbao1, 2 ; Yan, Fuwu1, 2 ; Hu, Jie1, 2 ; Wang, Tengfei3 ; Wang, Tiantian1, 2 ; Rui, Pengfei1, 2 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
 2  Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
 3  Naval Architecture Staff Room, No.92060 Unit of PLA, Dalian 116041, China
  Corresponding author: Yan, F. (yanfuwu@vip.sina.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  6-11
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    SCR post-processing technology had more advantages than other technology which applied to Euro IV/V diesel engine. In order to develop control strategy of SCR post-processing system, methods of experiment and simulation were employed. Firstly coordination control strategy was designed and tested in matlab based on the state machine theory, then raw emission model, NH3 target coverage rate estimation model and mass ratio calculation model of NH3 and NOx chemical reaction from SCR catalyst were calibrated by bench test, finally correction algorithm for heat hysteresis of catalyst substrate and NH3 leak control strategy in the transient operation condition were fulfilled, which improved the SCR control system robustness. The dosing control unit using above control strategy was adopted in the target engine, which made NOx conversion efficiency achieve 60 percent and average NH3 leak equal to 1×10-5. Emission NOx value of ESC and ETC was 3.01 g/(kW·h) and 3.15 g/(kW·h), which validated the heavy duty diesel engine can satisfy Euro IV emissions regulations.
  Number of references:  10
  Main heading:   Diesel engines
  Controlled terms:  Catalysts  -  MATLAB  -  Selective catalytic reduction
  Uncontrolled terms:  Control strategies  -  Coordination control  -  Correction algorithms  -  Emissions regulations  -  Heavy-duty diesel engine  -  Post-processing system  -  Post-processing technologies  -  State machine theory
  Classification code:   451.2 Air Pollution Control  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.002
  Database:    Compendex

30. Accession number: 20135017076050
  Title: Effects of the pulsed magnetic field on membrane fluidity of Bacillus subtilis
  Authors: Qian, Jingya1 ; Ma, Haile1, 2 ; Li, Shujun3 ; Liu, Bin3 ; Song, Jianyu3 ; Guo, Danzhao1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
 2  Key Lab. of Agri-products Physics Processing, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
 3  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author: Ma, H. (mhl@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  202-207
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Effects of the pulsed magnetic field on membrane fluidity of Bacillus subtilis were investigated. 1, 6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene (DPH) was used as fluorescence probe to label the membrane of B. subtilis at 35°C for 45 min to determine the changes of fluorescence polarization and fluorescence anisotropy of B. subtilis membrane by fluorescence polarization technique. The results indicated that fluorescence polarization and fluorescence anisotropy increased with the increase of intensity and pulse number of PMF. Compared with the control group, fluorescence polarization increased greatly at 2.0 T with 25-30 pulses, 2.5 T with 25-30 pulses, 3.0 T with 20-30 pulses and 3.3 T with 10-30 pulses (P<0.05). Fluorescence anisotropy also increased greatly at 2.0 T with 30 pulses, 2.5 T with 25-30 pulses, 3.0 T with 20-30 pulses and 3.3 T with 15-30 pulses (P<0.05). The membrane fluidity decreased, resulting in the lost of the membrane function, when treated by PMF, which suggested a perhaps mechanisms for the cell death.
  Number of references:  24
  Main heading:   Fluorescence
  Controlled terms:  Anisotropy  -  Cell death  -  Cell membranes  -  Fluidity  -  Magnetic fields  -  Membranes  -  Polarization
  Uncontrolled terms:  Bacillus Subtilis  -  Control groups  -  Fluorescence anisotropy  -  Fluorescence polarization  -  Fluorescence probes  -  Membrane fluidity  -  Membrane functions  -  Pulsed magnetic fields
  Classification code:   461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering  -  461.9 Biology  -  701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  951 Materials Science
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.036
  Database:    Compendex

31. Accession number: 20135017076067
  Title: Kinematics coupling analysis of 3-PTT CNC serial-parallel machine
  Authors: Zhang, Bangcheng1 ; Wang, Zhanli1 ; Wang, Yiqiang2 ; Cai, Yun1 ; Yao, Yu1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechatronic Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130012, China
 2  Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, Z. (wangzl@mail.ccut.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  316-321
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to solve the problems of kinematics coupling, a method was put forward based on kinematics. Kinematics coupling mechanism of 3-PTT series-parallel machine tool servo feed system was analyzed. Based on hooker and motion characteristics of series, parallel institutions pose decoupling method was used for analysis. The ADAMS and Matlab were used for simulation. The results showed that this analysis could reflect the kinematics coupling of 3-PTT CNC serial-parallel machine. It had high velocity and small coupling error. The research process could effectively solve the problem of series-parallel CNC machine tool servo feed system kinematics coupling.
  Number of references:  13
  Main heading:   Couplings
  Controlled terms:  Kinematics  -  MATLAB
  Uncontrolled terms:  CNC machine tools  -  Coupling analysis  -  Coupling mechanism  -  Decoupling  -  Decoupling methods  -  Feed systems  -  Motion characteristics  -  Serial-parallel manipulator
  Classification code:   602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions  -  921 Mathematics  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.053
  Database:    Compendex

32. Accession number: 20135017076045
  Title: Comparison of state parameters calculation of N2 modified atmosphere and air
  Authors: Zhu, Wenxue1 ; Chong, Cuijuan1 ; Liu, Yunhong1 ; Fan, Jinling1 ; Luo, Lei1 ; Wu, Jianye1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Food and Bioengineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China
  Corresponding author: Zhu, W. (zwx@mail.haust.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  174-179
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Using N2 as drying media to replace air partially has the potential of getting a more rapid drying process and a better product quality. The N2-air mixed gas state parameters were calculated and a humidity-enthalpy chart relating all the relevant variables was developed. Heat transfer coefficient and mass transfer coefficient parameters were predicted according to theoretical calculation. State parameters and mass transfer coefficient for the N2-air mixed gas were found to increase with increasing N2 content, whereas heat transfer coefficient decreased with an increase in N2 content.
  Number of references:  20
  Main heading:   Mass transfer
  Controlled terms:  Enthalpy  -  Heat transfer coefficients
  Uncontrolled terms:  Heat and mass transfer coefficients  -  Humidity-enthalpy chart  -  Modified atmosphere  -  Nitrogen gas  -  State parameters
  Classification code:   641 Heat and Mass Transfer; Thermodynamics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.031
  Database:    Compendex

33. Accession number: 20135017076024
  Title: Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase turbulent flow and wear characteristics of centrifugal pump
  Authors: Wang, Jiaqiong1 ; Jiang, Wanming1 ; Kong, Fanyu1 ; Su, Xianghui1 ; Chen, Hao1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, J. (wangjiaq@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  53-60
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Three-dimensional simulation was performed for the solid-liquid two-phase turbulent flow in centrifugal pumps with particle model and inhomogeneous model separately by ANSYS-CFX software. k-Ε turbulence model was applied to predict the liquid-phase, and an algebraic equation known as the dispersed phase zero equation was adopted to predict the solid-phase. All wall boundaries were set as free slip wall conditions. Under the fraction volume of 0.1, the effect of the different diameters (0.1 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.75 mm) of solid particles on the slip velocity on the wall of flow-passage parts was studied. The results show that the slip velocity of solid particles increases along with the increase of the particle diameter. And solid particles gradually accumulate near the wall of press surface. There are three places where slip velocity of solid particles is larger and erosion of wall is more serious, such as the head of blade and the blade trailing edge, also the shroud part close to the back pressure side of blade.
  Number of references:  22
  Main heading:   Velocity
  Controlled terms:  Centrifugal pumps  -  Computer simulation  -  Numerical models  -  Turbulence models  -  Turbulent flow  -  Two phase flow  -  Wear of materials
  Uncontrolled terms:  Algebraic equations  -  Dispersed phase  -  Particle diameters  -  Slip velocity  -  Solid-liquid two-phase flow  -  Three dimensional simulations  -  Wall boundaries  -  Wear characteristics
  Classification code:   951 Materials Science  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  921 Mathematics  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  618.2 Pumps  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.010
  Database:    Compendex

34. Accession number: 20135017076060
  Title: Measuring diameters at breast height using combination method of laser and machine vision
  Authors: Cheng, Pengle1 ; Liu, Jinhao1 ; Wang, Dian1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author: Liu, J. (liujinhao@vip.163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  271-275
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The application of digital photographic method in the forest has shown great potential for improving the accuracy and efficiency. Image acquired with acommercially available digital camera were used to make measurements on 10 Platanus orientalis stems. Laser spot was used as scale instead of pole. The laser spot was extracted from the background by the 2-D Otsu algorithm. Error studies showed that the laser spot should be set at 1.3 m high to improve the measurement accuracy. The accuracy of this method for measuring diameters at breast height was tested by comparing the results with those obtained from caliper. The comparison showed that the photographic method provided a good assessment of standing tree diameters at breast height and the maximum error was 1.22%.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Forestry
  Controlled terms:  Computer vision  -  Lasers
  Uncontrolled terms:  Combination method  -  Diameter-at-breast heights  -  Diameters at breast heights  -  Maximum error  -  Measurement accuracy  -  Noncontact measurements  -  Otsu algorithm  -  Standing tree
  Classification code:   723.5 Computer Applications  -  744.1 Lasers, General  -  821.0 Woodlands and Forestry
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.046
  Database:    Compendex

35. Accession number: 20135017076034
  Title: Analysis of soil water-salt distribution and irrigation performance under brackish water film hole furrow irrigation
  Authors: Zhang, Zhanyu1 ; Feng, Genxiang1 ; Ma, Haiyan1, 2 ; Chen, Yang1 ; Si, Han1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
 2  Key Lab. of Efficient Irrigation-drainage and Agricultural Soil-water Environ. in Southern China, Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
  Corresponding author: Zhang, Z. (zhanyu@hhu.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  112-116
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Effects of flow rate and opening rate under brackish water film hole furrow irrigation on soil water salt distribution and irrigation performance were studied through a field experiment. Results show that surface water flow advance time and distance conforms to a power function distribution, water advance speed is effected by flow rate and opening rate. Film hole furrow irrigation can effectively regulate soil water-salt distribution of 0-40 cm by reducing evaporation, inhibiting salt to the surface, soil salt leaching is significant. Ea increases with the opening rate, with the changes of flow rate is not obvious. Ed decreases with the increase of flow rate and the opening rate. With the increase of opening rate, Es increases first then decreases, with the change of flow rate is not obvious. Through variance analysis influence factors of irrigation performance sorting, optimization technology combinations for experimental zone was preliminary obtained.
  Number of references:  15
  Main heading:   Irrigation
  Controlled terms:  Distribution functions  -  Flow rate  -  Soil moisture
  Uncontrolled terms:  Brackish water  -  Experimental zone  -  Furrow irrigation  -  Irrigation performance  -  Optimization technology  -  Power function distribution  -  Surface water flows  -  Water-salt distribution
  Classification code:   483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  631 Fluid Flow  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  922.1 Probability Theory
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.020
  Database:    Compendex

36. Accession number: 20135017076065
  Title: Modeling and analysis of flexible ball screw driven servomechanisms with friction and backlash
  Authors: Dong, Liang1 ; Tang, Wencheng1 ; Liu, Li1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
  Corresponding author: Tang, W. (tangwc@seu.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  300-307
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to get the structural dynamic of the high speed ball screw driven servomechanism, a hybrid modeling method was proposed. The proposed model took the axial, torsional and bending vibrations of the screw into consideration by the Euler-Bernoulli beam elements with axial and torsional theories. The servo subsystems and the other more rigid components were modeled by the lumped parameter method. The flexible ball screw feed drive servomechanism was proposed, including the friction, backlash and the cutting disturbance. Compared with the experimental results, the hybrid model could accurately capture the structural dynamics of ball screw drives. Numerical simulation indicated that the nonlinearities of friction and backlash could cause velocity fluctuations at the low speed. The torsional and axial vibrations made the servo system unstable, especially in the high speed application.
  Number of references:  15
  Main heading:   Ball screws
  Controlled terms:  Friction  -  Servomechanisms  -  Structural dynamics  -  Tribology  -  Vibrations (mechanical)
  Uncontrolled terms:  Euler-Bernoulli beam elements  -  Feed drive  -  High Speed  -  High-speed applications  -  Hybrid model  -  Hybrid modeling methods  -  Lumped parameter method  -  Vibration
  Classification code:   408 Structural Design  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.051
  Database:    Compendex

37. Accession number: 20135017076070
  Title: Optimal dynamic design of 4-DOF palletizing robot with closed-chain
  Authors: Zhang, Liang'an1 ; Ma, Yindong1 ; Shan, Jiazheng1 ; Xie, Andong1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243002, China
  Corresponding author: Zhang, L. (robotlab@qq.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  336-341
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    An approach was proposed for the optimal dynamic design of a 4-DOF palletizing robot with closed-chain. On the basis of rigid body dynamic model, a dynamic optimization objective was proposed to minimize the maximum driven torque based on target trajectory and determined motion law. Based on this, a multi-objective planning problem under certain constraining condition was constructed and then through shortest distance ideal point method converted to single-objective optimization problem. An example revealed that the robot's dynamic performance was great improved by optimizing the robot's scale parameter. The decreasing range of upper and lower arm's joint torque peak were 9.782% and 8.207% respectively, which show that the optimal dynamic design method is reasonable and effective.
  Number of references:  17
  Main heading:   Machine design
  Controlled terms:  Chains  -  Evolutionary algorithms  -  Motion planning  -  Optimization  -  Robots
  Uncontrolled terms:  Closed-chain  -  Dynamic optimization  -  Dynamic performance  -  Multi-objective planning  -  Optimal dynamics  -  Palletizing robot  -  Rigid body dynamic models  -  Single objective optimization
  Classification code:   921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  921 Mathematics  -  731.5 Robotics  -  723.4 Artificial Intelligence  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  602.1 Mechanical Drives  -  601 Mechanical Design
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.056
  Database:    Compendex

38. Accession number: 20135017076038
  Title: Optimization of ration of feeding substrates in anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure, swine manure and straw
  Authors: Wang, Xiaojiao1 ; Yang, Gaihe1 ; Feng, Yongzhong1 ; Ren, Guangxin1 ; Han, Xinhui1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Agronomy, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  Corresponding author: Yang, G. (ygh@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  133-138
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Chicken manure, swine manure, wheat straw and corn straw were selected as raw materials for optimization of anaerobic co-digestion based on mixture design and central composite design. Three raw materials in mixture design were independent variables. The ratio of chicken manure and swine manure and the ratio of carbon and hydrogen in central composite design were independent variables. The methane potential was the response variable. The results indicated that the methane potential under co-digestion of three materials performed better than single and two components. The synergy effect of several materials improved the methane potential. Under optimized proportions, the actual methane potential was 1.62, 1.70, 1.66 and 1.73 higher than the expected value. Both mixture and central composite design were suitable for optimization the proportions of raw materials, but central composite design was more appropriate.
  Number of references:  14
  Main heading:   Anaerobic digestion
  Controlled terms:  Animals  -  Design  -  Manures  -  Methane  -  Mixtures  -  Optimization  -  Straw
  Uncontrolled terms:  Anaerobic co-digestion  -  Chicken manure  -  Parameter optimization  -  Proportioning  -  Swine manure
  Classification code:   822 Food Technology  -  821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  814 Leather and Tanning  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  471 Marine Science and Oceanography  -  461.9 Biology  -  461 Bioengineering and Biology  -  408 Structural Design  -  522 Gas Fuels
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.024
  Database:    Compendex

39. Accession number: 20135017076062
  Title: Dimensionality reduction for poplar leaves features based on anisotropic kernel diffusion map
  Authors: Hu, Chunhua1 ; Li, Pingping2 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
 2  College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  Corresponding author: Hu, C. (huchunhua@njfu.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  281-286
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Dimensionality reduction approach was proposed based on anisotropic kernel diffusion map to extract the features of poplar leaves, in which the kernel parameters were adjusted adaptively. In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency, singularity points were removed and features normalization method was employed to obtain the robust features. The maximum margin criterion method was utilized to obtain anisotropic kernel parameter by gradient descent method. The results show that the anisotropic kernel diffusion map has good performance on efficiency for poplar leaves compared with LE, LTSA and PCA. The comparisons of classification experiments have been conducted, by using SVM (support vector machine) classifier to recognize the water shortage of poplar leaves, and the results validate the accuracy and stability of the proposed method.
  Number of references:  17
  Main heading:   Anisotropy
  Controlled terms:  Diffusion  -  Support vector machines  -  Water supply
  Uncontrolled terms:  Anisotropic kernel  -  Diffusion maps  -  Dimensionality reduction  -  Gradient Descent method  -  Maximum margin criterions  -  Normalization methods  -  Poplar leaves  -  SVM(support vector machine)
  Classification code:   446.1 Water Supply Systems  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.048
  Database:    Compendex

40. Accession number: 20135017076037
  Title: Effect of trace elements on anaerobic digestion of food waste
  Authors: Wu, Shubiao1 ; Lang, Qianqian2 ; Zhang, Wanqin2 ; Dong, Renjie1  
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
 2  College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China
  Corresponding author: Dong, R. (rjdong@cau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  128-132
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    For the low efficiency and instability of anaerobic digestion of food waste, the effect of trace elements including iron, cobalt, nickel, selenium, molybdenum and tungsten on anaerobic digestion of food waste was investigated under mesophilic condition (37±1)°C using CSTR reactors. The results showed that when hydraulic retention time was 40 d, organic loading rate was 3 g/(L·d), daily methane yield of the reactor with trace elements and control reactor reached to 7.1 L/d and 6.7 L/d, respectively. The methane concentration in two reactors was 62.7% and 61.6%, respectively. When organic loading rate increased to 4 g/(L·d), the methane concentration of the control reactor decreased to 19.5%. However, it could keep stable at around 60% in the reactor with trace elements. Moreover, pH value in the control reactor dropped to 5.24 rapidly which demonstrated the failure of anaerobic digestion process, but it could perform stably at around 7.2 in the reactor with trace elements. A conclusion could be easily drawn that trace elements could improve the methane production efficiency and stability of anaerobic digestion process of food waste under the investigated conditions.
  Number of references:  19
  Main heading:   Loading
  Controlled terms:  Anaerobic digestion  -  Methanation  -  Methane  -  Trace elements
  Uncontrolled terms:  Anaerobic digestion process  -  Food waste  -  Hydraulic retention time  -  Mesophilic condition  -  Methane concentrations  -  Methane production  -  Molybdenum and tungsten  -  Organic loading rates
  Classification code:   522 Gas Fuels  -  672 Naval Vessels  -  801 Chemistry  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  804 Chemical Products Generally
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.023
  Database:    Compendex

41. Accession number: 20135017076069
  Title: Variable step size database method for function generation of spherical four bar crank slider mechanism
  Authors: Sun, Jianwei1 ; Lu, He2 ; Chu, Jinkui2  
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechatronic Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130012, China
 2  Key Laboratory for Precision and Nontraditional Machining Technology, Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China
  Corresponding author: Chu, J. (chujk@dlut.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  329-335
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The variable step size database method for the function synthesis of spherical four bar crank slider mechanism was presented. Based on the analysis of input and output function of the spherical four bar crank slider mechanism, the immanent connection between output function and its corresponding harmonic characteristic parameters was discovered. Based on this discovery, a numerical atlas with variable step size database of output angle function, which contains 42 185 groups of basic dimensional types, could be created by the harmonic characteristic components and associated basic dimensional type of spherical four bar crank slider mechanism. The best suitable basic dimensional type of spherical four bar crank slider mechanism for prescribed function was decided by using fuzzy identification method and numerical atlas database. Thus the function synthesis of spherical four bar crank slider mechanism was made possible. In order to improve the precision, the result could be optimized by genetic algorithm. The ventilation device of the greenhouse was taken as an example to illustrate the analysis process and application of this method.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Harmonic functions
  Controlled terms:  Database systems  -  Harmonic analysis  -  Numerical methods  -  Spheres
  Uncontrolled terms:  Crank slider mechanisms  -  Crank sliders  -  Function generation  -  Fuzzy identification method  -  Harmonic characteristics  -  Input and outputs  -  Variable step size  -  Ventilation device
  Classification code:   631 Fluid Flow  -  723.3 Database Systems  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.6 Numerical Methods
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.055
  Database:    Compendex

42. Accession number: 20135017076020
  Title: Effects of diesel physical and chemical properties on particle size distribution in common-rail diesel engine
  Authors: Wang, Xiaodan1 ; Sun, Wanchen1 ; Li, Guoliang1 ; Du, Jiakun1 ; Lai, Chunjie1, 2 
  Author affiliation: 1  State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
 2  FAW Volkswagen Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610100, China
  Corresponding author: Sun, W. (sunwc@jlu.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  31-36
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Tests were conducted by using TSI EEPS3090 particle size spectrometer to study the effect of fuel with different physical and chemical properties on particle size distribution in common-rail diesel engine. For the fuels of different cetane number, the particle size was mostly between 5 nm and 300 nm and the particle size distributions were unimodal with peaks at 30 nm with medium or small load. Increasing cetane number appropriately could make the ignition delay period shorter and the sustained combustion period longer, which would drop the number of nuclei mode particles. Meanwhile, the number of nucleation mode particles increased with more sulphur in the fuel. With the cetane number increased, the percentage of SOF decreased and the percentage of DS increased.
  Number of references:  11
  Main heading:   Particle size analysis
  Controlled terms:  Chemical properties  -  Diesel engines  -  Fuels  -  Particle size
  Uncontrolled terms:  Common rail  -  Ignition delays  -  Nucleation mode particles  -  Physical and chemical properties  -  Small load  -  Sustained combustion  -  Unimodal
  Classification code:   943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  801 Chemistry  -  612.2 Diesel Engines  -  951 Materials Science  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  522 Gas Fuels  -  423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials  -  523 Liquid Fuels
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.006
  Database:    Compendex

43. Accession number: 20135017076017
  Title: Effects of structure of combustion chamber and injector on heavy-duty diesel performance and emission characteristics
  Authors: Si, Pengkun1, 2 ; Chen, Guisheng3 ; Wang, Xin1 ; Mao, Bin1 ; Zheng, Zunqing1 ; Yao, Mingfa1 
  Author affiliation: 1  State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
 2  Chengde Petroleum College, Chengde 067000, China
 3  Yunnan Key Lab. of Engines, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
  Corresponding author: Chen, G. (cgs_hllover@aliyun.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  12-18
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The experimental study on the effects of structural parameters of combustion chamber and injector, as well as EGR on combustion process, performance and emissions, was conducted on a common-rail heavy-duty (HD) diesel engine matched with two-stage turbocharger. The results of numerical simulation show that compared with CR17.5, CR16.8 and 16.2 can enhance in-cylinder turbulent kinetic energy, promote the mixture of air and fuel and lead to more homogeneous mixtures. The tested results show that compared with CR17.5 and CR16.2, CR16.8 can reduce BSFC because it can enhance burning rate, shorten combustion duration. CR16.2 will lead to an increase in BSFC due to its much lower compression ratio. The results of numerical simulation and test demonstrate that NOx and soot emissions of CR17.5 are highest of all at a given EGR rate under high load conditions. However, the final soot level of CR17.5 is lower than that of CR16.2.Compared with other combustion chambers, CR16.8 can reduce soot and improve the trade-off of NOx-soot due to its higher turbulent kinetic energy. The tested results concerning fuel injector matching show that relative to the fuel injector with straight holes, soot can be reduced and the trade off of NOx-soot can be improved greatly via using S4 and S5, both of which have taper holes.
  Number of references:  11
  Main heading:   Dust
  Controlled terms:  Combustion chambers  -  Compression ratio (machinery)  -  Computational fluid dynamics  -  Computer simulation  -  Diesel engines  -  Economic and social effects  -  Exhaust gas recirculation  -  Fuel injection  -  Kinetic energy  -  Kinetics   -  Mixtures  -  Numerical models  -  Soot
  Uncontrolled terms:  Combustion duration  -  Combustion pro-cess  -  Hd diesel engines  -  Homogeneous mixtures  -  Injector  -  Performance and emissions  -  Structural parameter  -  Turbulent kinetic energy
  Classification code:   931.1 Mechanics  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  921 Mathematics  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  971 Social Sciences  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  612 Engines  -  521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research  -  451.1 Air Pollution Sources  -  654.2 Rocket Engines
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.003
  Database:    Compendex

44. Accession number: 20135017076040
  Title: Analysis on capacity and energy consumption of biomass circular mould granulator
  Authors: Cong, Hongbin1, 2 ; Zhao, Lixin1, 2 ; Yao, Zonglu1, 2 ; Tian, Yishui1, 2 ; Meng, Haibo1, 2  
  Author affiliation: 1  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100125, China
 2  Key Laboratory of Energy Resource Utilization from Agriculture Residue, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China
  Corresponding author: Meng, H. (newmhb7209@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  144-149
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    By analysis on influence of machine technical parameters and material parameters on equipment capacity and energy consumption, a theoretical basis for product seriation design can be provided. Capacity and the energy consumption modeling were done, and isolines of capacity and energy consumption at different equipment technical parameters and material properties were drawn, based on the analysis of forming process and mechanics. Isoline distribution show that the greater mould diameter and mould rotation speed are, the more obvious influences of them on capacity and energy consumption become. Compared with other parameters, the frictions coefficient between material and roller as well as between material and circular mould have greater influence on equipment capacity, it can enhance the equipment capacity to improve the surface structure or surface material of the roller and circular mould; the influence of diameter ratio of roller to circular mould on the equipment capacity was larger than its influence on the energy consumption, the larger the parameter is, the lower the energy consumption for certain capacity becomes, so it is necessary to enlarge the parameter as much as possible.
  Number of references:  14
  Main heading:   Energy utilization
  Controlled terms:  Biomass  -  Granulators  -  Molds  -  Product design  -  Rollers (machine components)
  Uncontrolled terms:  Capacity  -  Diameter ratio  -  Different equipment  -  Energy consumption model  -  Equipment capacities  -  Material parameter  -  Rotation speed  -  Surface materials
  Classification code:   525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues  -  525.3 Energy Utilization  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  816.2 Plants and Machinery for Plastics and Other Polymers  -  913.1 Production Engineering
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.026
  Database:    Compendex

45. Accession number: 20135017076049
  Title: Optimization of ultrasound-assisted 7S-maltodextrin graft reaction by response surface methodology
  Authors: Chi, Yujie1, 2 ; Zhang, Bo1, 2 ; Li, Bing1, 2 
  Author affiliation: 1  Food Science College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
 2  Chinese Education Ministry's and Provincial Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  Corresponding author: Chi, Y. (yjchi323@126.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  195-201 223
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Defatted soybean meal was employed as an original material to get β-conglycinin (7S) through separation and purification. And 7S was grafted with maltodextrin by using ultrasound-assisted to modify its properties. Taking the emulsifying activity (EAI) and emulsion stability (ESI) of the modified products as indexes, Box-Behnken model was used to optimize reaction conditions. In addition, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis were also investigated to verify that 7S molecule was grafted with the saccharide molecule. Response surface analysis revealed that the optimized modified conditions were as follows: the amount of maltodextrin of 9.5%, ultrasound time of 30 min, ultrasound power of 450 W. On these conditions, the emulsifying activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability index (ESI) reached to 1.142 and 27.13 min, which were 60.59% and 57.06% times against the native β-conglycinin, respectively.
  Number of references:  26
  Main heading:   Ultrasonics
  Controlled terms:  Electrophoresis  -  Emulsification  -  Grafting (chemical)  -  Molecules  -  Optimization  -  Polysaccharides  -  Scanning electron microscopy  -  Surface analysis
  Uncontrolled terms:  Emulsifying activity indices  -  Emulsifying property  -  Maltodextrins  -  Response surface analysis  -  Response surface methodology  -  Sds-page electrophoresis  -  Separation and purification  -  Soy protein isolates
  Classification code:   931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  951 Materials Science  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  801.3 Colloid Chemistry  -  753.1 Ultrasonic Waves  -  423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.035
  Database:    Compendex

46. Accession number: 20135017076035
  Title: DTW-ILC algorithm application in agriculture irrigation control
  Authors: Gu, Qun1 ; Hao, Xiaohong2 ; Ju, Yuanyuan1 ; Xu, Weitao1 ; Li, Hengjie1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
 2  College of Computer and Communication, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
  Corresponding author: Hao, X. (lzgq66@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  117-120
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to improve the utilization rate of agricultural irrigation water, according to the agricultural irrigation water use, two-steps irrigation was used. The strategy of first stockpile water and then irrigation was applied. Before irrigation every time, in accordance with the DTW-ILC algorithm, the irrigation water was calculated and then stored in the irrigation tank. The calculated irrigation water stored in pool was modified repeatedly close to the actual water consumption in agricultural irrigation. At the same time, the next irrigation water stored in the reservoir could be useful for preventing anhydrous irrigation. The simulation results showed that the actual water use in agriculture irrigation could be tracked well after several times of irrigation process.
  Number of references:  13
  Main heading:   Irrigation
  Controlled terms:  Algorithms  -  Reservoirs (water)  -  Two term control systems  -  Water supply
  Uncontrolled terms:  Agricultural irrigation  -  Agricultural irrigation water  -  Dynamic time warping  -  Irrigation controls  -  Irrigation waters  -  Iterative learning control  -  Optimization algorithms  -  Water consumption
  Classification code:   441.2 Reservoirs  -  446.1 Water Supply Systems  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.021
  Database:    Compendex

47. Accession number: 20135017076066
  Title: Dynamics analysis of parallel mechanism with joint friction
  Authors: Wang, Gengxiang1 ; Liu, Hongzhao1 ; Gong, Chunyuan1 ; Yuan, Daning1 
  Author affiliation: 1  School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, G. (wanggengxiang27@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  308-315
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The kinematics of a 4-SPS/CU parallel mechanism was analyzed. In order to quantitatively analyze the influence of joint friction acted as non-conservative force on the mechanism dynamics, the calculation of the normal force corresponding to joint friction was important. For simplifying the dynamics model, the driving chain was treated as a rigid body so the driving friction could be seemed as internal force. Based on the "Coulomb viscous" friction model, the dynamics model with joint friction of up platform, driving chain and driven chain were built respectively by using Newton-Euler formulation, which could obtain the joint constraint forces/torques with giving motion trajectory of the mechanism's up platform. Subsequently, the driving friction models were established on account of the relationship between the driving chain's normal forces and joint constraint reactions. The iterative procedure of complicated dynamics equations was formulated for the effective simulation. The research results showed that joint friction forces significantly impacted on the driving forces of the mechanism.
  Number of references:  26
  Main heading:   Friction
  Controlled terms:  Chains  -  Dynamics  -  Iterative methods  -  Mechanisms  -  Tribology
  Uncontrolled terms:  Dynamics analysis  -  Dynamics equation  -  Motion trajectories  -  Newton Euler formulation  -  Newton-Euler methods  -  Non-conservative forces  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Viscous friction
  Classification code:   601.3 Mechanisms  -  602.1 Mechanical Drives  -  921.6 Numerical Methods  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity  -  931.1 Mechanics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.052
  Database:    Compendex

48. Accession number: 20135017076055
  Title: Field plants detection based on leaf morphology
  Authors: Wu, Lulu1 ; Ma, Xu2 ; Qi, Long1 ; Li, Zehua1 ; Zheng, Zhixiong1 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
 2  Key Laboratory of Key Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, Ministry of Education, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
  Corresponding author: Ma, X. (maxu1959@scau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  241-246 240
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The plant detection methods were studied by field pictures of rice and image processing. Combined improved normalized difference index of blue-green IDNBG and chromatic model, extracted of plant leaves were extracted by classification, recognition and image threshold segmentation. Forward and reverse morphological operation was used to repair integrity of inside blade. 4-connectivity chain code was used to detect leaf edge and repair smoothly. 40 pictures were taken under the conditions of visible and field. The average correct extraction rate of plant leaves was 83.07%, and the average error extraction rate 3.57%. 90 edge lines were repaired smoothly which resulted in the reduction of correct extraction rate of leaves by 0.63%. The main factors of plant detection were analyzed. It showed that imaging different conditions affected the brightness factor which served as main factor of chromatic model. Morphological dilation operator and forward and reverse filter operator remained some small dew and lesion, so that inside of extracted blade was complete. The chain code could smooth the blade edges and remove some part of correct blades.
  Number of references:  15
  Main heading:   Plants (botany)
  Controlled terms:  Extraction  -  Image processing  -  Mathematical morphology  -  Morphology  -  Repair
  Uncontrolled terms:  Chain codes  -  Extraction rate  -  Image threshold  -  Leaf morphology  -  Morphological dilation  -  Morphological operations  -  Normalized difference indices  -  Plant detections
  Classification code:   461.9 Biology  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  913.5 Maintenance  -  921 Mathematics  -  951 Materials Science
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.041
  Database:    Compendex

49. Accession number: 20135017076032
  Title: Heavy metal contents in pig manure and feeds under intensive farming and potential hazard on farmlands in Shaanxi province, China
  Authors: Zhu, Jianchun1 ; Li, Ronghua2, 3 ; Zhang, Zengqiang2, 3 ; Mao, Hui3 ; Fan, Zhimin4  
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center for Rural Society, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 2  Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 3  College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 4  College of Humanities, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  Corresponding author: Fan, Z. (fzhmlyl@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  98-104
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, As, Pb, and Cd in pig manure and feed samples were analyzed by randomly collecting pairs of pig feeds and manures samples from 64 pig farms in different regions of Shannxi province, China. The results indicated that the 7 target heavy metals were detected in the pig feed and manure samples. The contents of investigated heavy metals in pig feed and manure samples varied among different farms in different regions. The highest amount of Cu and Zn occurred in pig manure and feeds samples, with the mean contents of 38.33-805.61 mg/kg and 90.69-1 208.19 mg/kg in feeds and 78.99-1543.28 mg/kg and 68.72-3 011.72 mg/kg in manure, respectively. The maximum contents of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, As, Pb, and Cd in pig feeds were in 5.44, 34.27, 0.98, 0.08, 10.86, and 7.67 times than the limits in the national standards and are the main source of heavy metals in pig manure. The addition of heavy metals such as Cu, Zn and Cd etc. in pig feeds could lead the serious ecological environmental hazards and would forbid the organic fertilizer farmland application. The farmland heavy metals pollution risk evaluation indicated was conducted by geoaccumulation index method, and the result that farmlands in Shannxi provience have received overloaded manure Cd with the application of pig manures in farmlands.
  Number of references:  30
  Main heading:   Farms
  Controlled terms:  Chemical contamination  -  Copper  -  Fertilizers  -  Hazards  -  Heavy metals  -  Lead  -  Manures  -  Nickel  -  Pollution  -  Zinc
  Uncontrolled terms:  Environmental hazards  -  Geo-accumulation index  -  Heavy metal contents  -  Heavy metals pollution  -  Intensive farming  -  Organic fertilizers  -  Pig feed  -  Pig manures
  Classification code:   914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention  -  822.3 Food Products  -  821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  548.1 Nickel  -  546.3 Zinc and Alloys  -  546.1 Lead and Alloys  -  544.1 Copper  -  531 Metallurgy and Metallography  -  454.2 Environmental Impact and Protection
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.018
  Database:    Compendex

50. Accession number: 20135017076022
  Title: Influence of turbulence model on performance prediction of mixed-flow pump
  Authors: Bing, Hao1 ; Cao, Shuliang1 ; Wang, Yuchuan1 
  Author affiliation: 1  State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  Corresponding author: Cao, S. (caoshl@tsinghua.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  42-47
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to study the influences of different turbulence models on the hydraulic performance prediction of the mixed-flow pump, the mixed-flow pump model with a specific speed of 465 was selected and numerical calculation was processed by employing the standard k-Ε, RNG k-Ε, k-ω, SST k-ω turbulence models respectively based on SIMPLEC algorithm and unstructured tetrahedral grids. The head coefficient, the efficiency and the shaft power were predicted by the simulation and then compared with the test data. In addition, the pressure and the relative velocity distributions were also analyzed. The results showed that the performance curves predicted based on the four selected turbulence models had basically consistent trends with the test data curves. Among the obtained results, the prediction results based on the standard k-Ε and RNG k-Ε model were more close to each other and the prediction results based on the k-ω and SST k-ω model were more close to each other. For the head coefficient and the efficiency, the prediction results based on the k-ω and SST k-ω model were more accurate under (0.6-0.9)Qd and the prediction results based on the standard k-Ε and RNG k-Ε model were more accurate under (0.9-1.3)Qd. For the mixed-flow pump model designed, it could be ensured that the performance prediction accuracy was within ±5%, which could meet the requirements of engineering calculation, by choosing k-ω model under (0.7-0.9)Qd and the standard k-Ε model under (0.9-1.2)Qd.
  Number of references:  33
  Main heading:   Forecasting
  Controlled terms:  Computer simulation  -  Pumps  -  Turbulence models
  Uncontrolled terms:  Engineering calculation  -  Head coefficients  -  Hydraulic performance  -  Mixed flow pump  -  Numerical calculation  -  Performance prediction  -  SIMPLEC algorithm  -  Tetrahedral grids
  Classification code:   443.1 Atmospheric Properties  -  618.2 Pumps  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.008
  Database:    Compendex

51. Accession number: 20135017076053
  Title: Environment factor prediction models based on plant electrical signals
  Authors: Lu, Jingxia1 ; Yu, Haiming1 ; Chen, Shijin1 ; Ling, Weilong2 ; Ding, Weimin1  
  Author affiliation: 1  Key Laboratory of Intelligent Agricultural Equipment in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China
 2  School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
  Corresponding author: Ding, W. (wmding@njau.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  229-233
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    The typical characteristic values of electrical signals in plant from time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain were analyzed and the electrical signals in plant were to be as physiological indicators. To establish environment prediction models, typical features of electrical signals and some environmental parameters were chosen to be as input of neural network with the extreme learning machine algorithm characterized by fast learning speed and good generalization. The results showed that the plants electrical signals were the low-frequency weak signals by analysis of the electrical signals in Peperomia tetraphylla leaf on different domains, and by extreme learning machine three prediction models such as temperature, humidity and illumination were established to make plants grow well. Compared with the traditional BP neural network, the root mean square error with ELM algorithm is less than 0.97, while the coefficient of determination is more than 0.92 and each training time is less than 0.03 s. This method provided the scientific basis for greenhouse environmental regulating and was verified to be feasible.
  Number of references:  18
  Main heading:   Mathematical models
  Controlled terms:  Algorithms  -  Frequency domain analysis  -  Knowledge acquisition  -  Learning systems  -  Mean square error  -  Neural networks  -  Turbofan engines
  Uncontrolled terms:  Characteristic value  -  Electrical signal  -  Environment factors  -  Extreme learning machine  -  Forecasting modeling
  Classification code:   653.1 Aircraft Engines, General  -  723.4 Artificial Intelligence  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.3 Mathematical Transformations
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.039
  Database:    Compendex

52. Accession number: 20135017076026
  Title: Rotordynamic analysis of leakage flow in centrifugal pump
  Authors: Pan, Zhongyong1 ; Pan, Xiwei1 ; Li, Xiaojun1 ; Chen, Shixing1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Pan, Z. (pzy@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  67-71
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    In order to study how the leakage flow affect the vibration characteristics of rotors in centrifugal pump and calculate the rotordynamic forces from the unsymmetrical pressures acting on the shroud, the front cavity leakage flow was modeled, and an analysis of numerical simulation of rotordynamic forces arising from the front cavity leakage flow was presented in a centrifugal pump. Firstly, numerical simulation of whole flow field was conducted on a centrifugal pump. Secondly, the simulated results was used as the initial conditions of numerical simulation of the front cavity, and the velocity and pressure distributions of the interior flow field of the front cavity passage were obtained and analyzed. Both normal and tangential rotordynamic forces for various whirl frequency ratios were calculated. Last, rotordynamic forces and all six rotordynamic coefficients were calculated via a second order curve-fit, and the results showed that numerical simulation could accurately calculate the rotordynamic forces arising from the front cavity leakage flow.
  Number of references:  17
  Main heading:   Leakage (fluid)
  Controlled terms:  Centrifugal pumps  -  Computer simulation  -  Flow fields  -  Flow measurement  -  Numerical models
  Uncontrolled terms:  Interior flow field  -  Leakage flow  -  Rotor dynamic analysis  -  Rotor dynamic coefficients  -  Rotordynamic forces  -  Unsymmetrical pressures  -  Vibration characteristics  -  Whirl frequency ratios
  Classification code:   452.3 Industrial Wastes  -  618.2 Pumps  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.012
  Database:    Compendex

53. Accession number: 20135017076056
  Title: Microcontroller-based suspension-weighing lysimeter for evapotranspiration measurement of potted plants
  Authors: Han, Wenting1, 2 ; Zhang, Chao1 ; Qiao, Jun1 ; Guo, Junjie1 ; Wu, Pute3 ; Ooi, Su Ki4 
  Author affiliation: 1  College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 2  Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 3  Institute of Water Saving Agriculture in Arid Regions of China, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
 4  Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC3010, Australia
  Corresponding author: Wu, P. (gjzwpt@vip.sina.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  247-252
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    A suspension-weighing lysimeter was developed with weighing capacity of 100 kg in order to study the evapotranspiration of the potted plants conveniently and effectively. The method of integration and optimization between slave microcontroller and host computer were used. The lysimeter was mainly composed of six parts, weighing sensor, slave microcontroller, host computer, adapting pieces, stand and plant pot. Slave microcontroller of lysimeter includes a microcontroller, data collection and display modules, real time clock, storage module, communication and power modules. The circuits for these parts were designed. Performance tests showed that without human supervision, the slave microcontroller was able to automatically collect, display, store and communicate data through serial interface to the host computer and then the host computer displayed, stored and analyzed the transmitted data. The results showed that the absolute and maximum relative error of lysimeter were 100 g and 0.50%, respectively. The ET results of potted plant obtained with the instrument were proved well matched with their actual ET of potted plants with time. It could meet with the requirements of convenience, high accuracy and real time in ET measurement.
  Number of references:  22
  Main heading:   Controllers
  Controlled terms:  Data processing  -  Digital storage  -  Evapotranspiration  -  Lysimeters  -  Microcontrollers  -  Soil surveys  -  Water supply  -  Weighing
  Uncontrolled terms:  Display modules  -  Human supervision  -  Maximum relative errors  -  Method of integration  -  Microcontroller-based  -  Performance tests  -  Potted plants  -  Serial interfaces
  Classification code:   943.3 Special Purpose Instruments  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques  -  446.1 Water Supply Systems  -  444.1 Surface Water  -  406.2 Roads and Streets
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.042
  Database:    Compendex

54. Accession number: 20135017076058
  Title: Design of automatic picking up seedling end-effector based on mechanical properties of plug seedlings
  Authors: Han, Lühua1 ; Mao, Hanping1 ; Miao, Xiaohua1 ; Hu, Jianping1 ; Yang, Xuejun2 
  Author affiliation: 1  Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
 2  State Key Laboratory of Soil-Plant-Machinery System Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author: Mao, H. (maohp@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  260-265
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Mechanical properties of plug seedlings related to auto-transplanting were analyzed by tests of clamping seedling to pull it out, friction tests of the plug seedling bowl and the plane compression tests of the bowl, which provided the basis for mechanism design. Technical design of the auto-picking seedling was carried out in order to acquire the theoretical relationship between pulling force, compressive strength of the bowl, gripping angle, gripping size and friction coefficient for the picking seedling end-effector of two-needle gripping type. The picking seedling end-effector adapting to mechanical properties of plug seedlings was designed according to the mechanical characteristics of plug seedling by using gripping parameters relationship. Gripping forces were studied by the physical prototype testing. Test results showed that there was no significant difference between gripping force testing data and calculated data, which demonstrated the reliability of the theoretical design. When the frequency of picking seedlings was 30 plants per minute, the success rate of picking seelings in the testing moisture contents was up to 95.16%.
  Number of references:  14
  Main heading:   Seed
  Controlled terms:  Compression testing  -  Compressive strength  -  Friction  -  Machine design  -  Mechanical properties
  Uncontrolled terms:  Friction coefficients  -  Mechanical characteristics  -  Parameters relationship  -  Plane compressions  -  Plug seedling  -  Prototype testing  -  Theoretical design  -  Transplanter
  Classification code:   421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.044
  Database:    Compendex

55. Accession number: 20135017076027
  Title: Effects of number of blades on cavitation of high specific speed axial flow pump
  Authors: Shi, Weidong1 ; Wu, Suqing1 ; Zhang, Desheng1 ; Yao, Jie1 ; Zhang, Guangjian1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author: Shi, W. (wdshi@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  72-77
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Based on turbulence model of shear stress transport (SST) k-ω, homogeneous multiphase model, and Zwart cavitation model, numerical simulations for high specific speed axial flow pumps with three difference blade number impellers were conducted. External characteristic curves and head performances of cavitation were obtained. Through the analysis, critical NPSHc of three impellers, whose blade number were 3, 4, 5, was respectively 6.19 m, 5.122 m and 4.765 m. In severe cavitation area, the more blades the impeller had, the faster head declined with NPSH reducing. Aiming at the two cavitation type in axial flow pump: fixed cavitation on suction side and vortex cavitation in tip region, the cavitating distribution rule in different NPSH value was found. Compared among three impellers, in the same NPSH, the five blades impeller got smaller cavitating distribution on suction side, which meant lower cavitation degree. However, this impeller would get a sharp head decline when it came to severe cavitation area. Low pressure zone caused by tip leakage vortex moved and expanded to upstream with the decreasing number of impeller blades. Moreover, cavitating volume in the impeller with smaller blade number was larger than the others, and it indicated that this impeller's cavitation degree was severer than others. So the effect of blades number on different cavitation types and different NPSH was not the same.
  Number of references:  12
  Main heading:   Cavitation
  Controlled terms:  Axial flow  -  Impellers  -  Leakage (fluid)  -  Turbulence models  -  Well pumps
  Uncontrolled terms:  Axial flow pump  -  Blade numbers  -  Cavitating  -  External characteristic  -  High specific speed  -  Shear-stress transport  -  Tip leakage vortex  -  TLV
  Classification code:   446.1 Water Supply Systems  -  452.3 Industrial Wastes  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.013
  Database:    Compendex

56. Accession number: 20135017076052
  Title: Design of space plant cultivation device and environmental monitoring system
  Authors: Wang, Jing1 ; Li, Detian1 ; Zhou, Hui1 ; Wang, Changsheng1 ; Wang, Chunyong1 ; Zhou, Ying1 
  Author affiliation: 1  Lanzhou Physics Institute, Lanzhou 730000, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, J. (lzwj510@163.com
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  224-228
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    A device was developed on the basis of the full investigation of biological culture devices in international space vehicles. According to the plants in different growth stages, the parameters of space culture devices could be adjusted automatically by PC software. The temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and ethene in plant growth chamber were controlled by using semiconductor heating element. It provided adequate water and nutrients, appropriate light intensity and duration. The image information was acquired. It also had the function of gas exchange and condensate water recovery. System test showed that this method was feasible. The control precision could meet the requirements of plants. The fluctuation of parameters, such as temperature, humidity, ethylene and CO2, was within the range of plant growth needs.
  Number of references:  21
  Main heading:   Spacecraft
  Controlled terms:  Carbon dioxide  -  Ethylene
  Uncontrolled terms:  Biological cultures  -  Condensate waters  -  Control precision  -  Different growth stages  -  Environment monitoring  -  Environmental monitoring system  -  International Space stations  -  Plant cultivation device
  Classification code:   655.1 Spacecraft, General  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.038
  Database:    Compendex

57. Accession number: 20135017076033
  Title: Experiment on single crop cofficient of summer maize under different furrow irrigations
  Authors: Wang, Shunsheng1, 2 ; Fei, Liangjun1 ; Gao, Chuanchang2 ; Wang, Xing2 ; Sun, Jingsheng3 
  Author affiliation: 1  Institute of Water Resources, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
 2  School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
 3  Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinxiang 453003, China
  Corresponding author: Wang, S. (wangshunsheng@ncwu.edu.cn
  Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Volume: 44
  Issue: 11
  Issue date: November 2013
  Publication year: 2013
  Pages:  105-111
  Language:  Chinese
  ISSN:   10001298
  Document type:   Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:    Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:    Different water treatments (80%, 70% and 60% of field water holding) of summer maize crop coefficient under conventional furrow irrigation and controlling alternative furrow irrigation by using single crop coefficient method FAO recommended were studied. The results showed that irrigation pattern correction coefficient was available to be indicated by the relative amount transpiration and having a good relationship of 6 times a function with the days after sowing. With different furrow irrigation ways, single crop coefficient showed the same pulse fluctuations trend, but in alternative furrow irrigation crop coefficient was smaller than conventional furrow irrigation. The crop water requirement deviations between that calculated by using single crop coefficient method and the measured value were less than 10%, which was in good agreement.
  Number of references:  17
  Main heading:   Crops
  Controlled terms:  Irrigation
  Uncontrolled terms:  Crop coefficient  -  Crop water requirements  -  Furrow irrigation  -  Irrigation patterns  -  Measured values  -  Summer maize  -  Water holding
  Classification code:   821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  821.4 Agricultural Products
  DOI:   10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2013.11.019
  Database:    Compendex