2009年第40卷第1期共收录47篇 1.Accession number:090811914951 Title:Simulation of traction ability of lunar rover with different mechanics of lunar soil Authors:Li, Yinwu; Li, Jianqiao; Zou, Meng; Ren, Luquan Author affiliation:Key Laboratory for Terrain-Machine Bionics Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 1-4 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing,100083, China Abstract:Based on the results of the soil-bin test, the lunar soil traction characteristics were studied by DEM software PFC2D. The linear contact-stiffness model was used as DEM contact model for describing lunar soil and biax-test was used to adjust the micro parameters of particles. The results show that parameters of simulated lunar soil in this simulation are close to those of the lunar soil after adjusting the micro parameters. The paper researched the influence of the friction coefficient, porosity, rmax/rmin and gravity of the lunar soil to the traction ability of lunar rover. The results of the simulation test show that the draw bar pull (DP) increased with the increase of friction coefficient, the DP reduced with the increase of porosity, and the DP increased with the increase of rmax/rmin when the value of rmax/rmin is less than 5. The DP is increased with the increase of gravity and the DP is 77.3% of the primary value when the driving wheel passes the lunar soil with 1/6 of the gravity. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Moon Ei controlled terms:Computer software - Dynamic positioning - Extractive metallurgy - Friction - Geologic models - Geomorphology - Gravitation - Gravitational effects - Percolation (solid state) - Soils - Surveying - Tracking radar - Traction (friction) Uncontrolled terms:Discrete element method - Lunar rover - Lunar soil - Traction performance - Friction coefficients - Micro parameters - Simulation tests - Contact models - Driving wheels - Stiffness models - Linear contacts Ei classification codes:405.3 Surveying - 481.1 Geology - 481.1.1 Geomorphology - 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics - 531.1 Metallurgy - 533.1 Ore Treatment - 657.2 Extraterrestrial Physics and Stellar Phenomena - 671.2 Ship Equipment - 675.1 Ship Propulsion (Before , use code ) - 682.1.1 Railroad Cars - 682.1.2 Locomotives - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 931.1 Mechanics - 931.5 Gravitation, Relativity and String Theory - 933 Solid State Physics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 2.Accession number:090811914952 Title:Experimental analysis of the tractor automatic mechanism transmission dynamic power shifting schedule Authors:Wang, Tianhua; Mao, Enrong; Zhu, Zhongxiang; Song, Zhenghe; Xie, Bin Author affiliation:College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 5-8 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A curve of the tractor automatic mechanism transmission (AMT) dynamic power shifting schedule was presented by conducting an experiment. Taking the degree of jerk during shifting as the primary control parameter of the shifting quality, the AMT control system was developed based on the electric hydraulic servo system. By analyzing the experience of a skilled driver, a fuzzy controller was designed, and the control algorithm of the tractor AMT dynamic power shifting schedule was established. The experiment results show that the faster the shifting is, the bigger the jerk is. The biggest jerk was 4.76 m/s3 that happened at the clutch's lock-up time, all of the jerk's values were smaller than 17.64 m/s3, which was the biggest jerk that people can endure. The results indicate that the fuzzy control method is feasible for the tractor AMT control, and can improve the quality of the tractor AMT shifting. Number of references:6 Ei main heading:Quality control Ei controlled terms:Blood vessel prostheses - Control system analysis - Control systems - Control theory - Fuzzy control - Tractors (agricultural) - Tractors (truck) Uncontrolled terms:AMT - Shifting schedule - Tractor - Automatic mechanisms - Dynamic Power - Primary controls - Hydraulic servo systems - Transmission dynamics - Up time - Control algorithms - Fuzzy controllers - Control methods - Experimental analysis Ei classification codes:462.4 Prosthetics - 663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment - 913.3 Quality Assurance and Control - 921 Mathematics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 3.Accession number:090811914953 Title:Electro-hydraulic hitch system of tractors based on control area network Authors:Yuan, Yueyang; Lu, Zhixiong; Ju, Weiping; Chen, Mingjiang Author affiliation:College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 9-14 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:By using CAN bus protocol and CPU C8051F040/1, an electronic system based on CAN technique to control the tractor electro-hydraulic hitch was designed. The communication network, hardware circuit, and software program are researched and constructed. Based on these designs, a new method of distribution and definition for identifier (ID) and information data code was proposed. The system will be able to be used to control and monitor the tractor hydraulic hitch. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Control systems Ei controlled terms:Buses - Electronics industry - Hydraulics - Power electronics - Remote control - Servomechanisms - Tractors (agricultural) - Tractors (truck) Uncontrolled terms:CAN bus - Electronic control system - Hydraulic hitch - Tractor - Electro-hydraulic - Hardware circuits - Communication networks - Control and monitors - Information datum - Software programs - Electronic systems - Control area networks Ei classification codes:632.1 Hydraulics - 663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles - 705 Electric Generators and Motors - 712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials - 713 Electronic Circuits - 713.5 Other Electronic Circuits - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial - 715.2 Industrial Electronic Equipment - 731.1 Control Systems - 732.1 Control Equipment - 821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 4.Accession number:090811914954 Title:Auto-shift technology through integrated-control method based on heavy truck Authors:Wang, Yang; Xi, Junqiang; Liu, Fuqing; Chen, Huiyan Author affiliation:School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 15-19 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Improper shifting of the heavy truck which is installed with a manual 12 speed gear box usually makes the clutch wear and tear. To solve this problem, an auto-shift system was designed through integrated control method, and so were the automatic implements for gear box and clutch. Through interaction with electric controlling engine, the adapted control on the power driveline of the truck was carried out. The vehicle driving tests prove that the auto-shift system can resolve the excessive wear of the clutch, and improve the economical characteristic of fuel by 20%. Number of references:6 Ei main heading:Trucks Ei controlled terms:Clutches - Electric power transmission - Industrial management - Power transmission - Transmissions Uncontrolled terms:Control method - Heavy truck - Mechanical transmission system - Shifting - Shift systems - Gear-boxes - Economical characteristics - Driving tests - Driveline - Wear and tears Ei classification codes:602.2 Mechanical Transmissions - 663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles - 706.1.1 Electric Power Transmission - 912.2 Management Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 5.Accession number:090811914955 Title:Real-time tracking of the closest bifurcation for vehicle steady-state cornering stability Authors:Yang, Xiujian; Wang, Zengcai; Zhu, Shuliang; Peng, Weili Author affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250061, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 20-25 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:In order to investigate the nonlinear behaviour which leads the vehicle steady-state cornering to destabilization, a 4D (four-dimensional) nonlinear vehicle lateral dynamic system consisting of the roll and the planar motions was founded utilizing a quadratic tire model. Considering the relation between the vehicle destabilization and the saddle-node bifurcation in critical conditions, a method for analyzing vehicle steady-state cornering stability was proposed based on the real-time tracking of the closest bifurcation point. The objective is to compute the shortest distance from the current operating point to bifurcation by iteration method in the u-δf parameter space to evaluate the steady-state cornering stability margin. Testing computation conducted in symmetrical and μ-split conditions respectively demonstrates that the closest bifurcation point can be found after a short-time iteration which satisfies the real-time computation demand and this method can provide valuable information for vehicle stability control system. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Bifurcation (mathematics) Ei controlled terms:Automobile frames - Control systems - Dynamics - Stability - System stability - Vehicles Uncontrolled terms:Bifurcation point - Closest bifurcation - Cornering stability - Nonlinear dynamics - Vehicle Ei classification codes:432 Highway Transportation - 662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components - 663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components - 731.1 Control Systems - 731.4 System Stability - 801 Chemistry - 921 Mathematics - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 931.1 Mechanics - 951 Materials Science - 961 Systems Science Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 6.Accession number:090811914956 Title:Analysis of damping characteristics and experiment on controllable damping vane damper Authors:Wang, Wenrui; Huang, Hua; Gu, Liang Author affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 26-30 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A hydraulic model of controllable damping vane damper was established based on the structure analysis, the hydro-structure of which was simulated. Based on test data in different temperature of damping force and velocity input, the parameters of the hydraulic model were identified by the least squares fitting method. At different temperature, the comparison of the test data and results of calculation with the fitting parameters show that the parameters are reasonable and the method is valid. With the fitting parameters and calculation result, controllable damping vane damper design and characteristic analysis can be supported. The result also shows that the temperature can influence the damping force, but controllable damping vane damper can reduce the trend which makes the damping force lower. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Damping Ei controlled terms:Curve fitting - Hydraulic models - Hydraulic structures - Hydraulics - Test facilities Uncontrolled terms:Controllable damping vane damper - Damping characteristics - Hydraulic model - Parameter identity - Tracked vehicle Ei classification codes:402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings - 407.2 Waterways - 422.1 Test Equipment - 423.1 Test Equipment - 441 Dams and Reservoirs; Hydro Development - 446.2 Related Hydraulic Structures - 611 Hydroelectric and Tidal Power Plants - 632.1 Hydraulics - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 931.1 Mechanics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 7.Accession number:090811914957 Title:Model parameter identification and sliding mode control of automobile clutch driven disk test machine Authors:Zhang, Bangcheng; Lu, Hongwei; Chen, Diansheng; Zhou, Zhijie Author affiliation:School of Mechatronic Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130022, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 31-34 30 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A method to design a composite sliding mode variable structure controller of clutch driven disk towing separation testing machine was proposed. Based on the simplified mathematical model, the system model was established using least square method. Moreover, on the basis of the system model, the controller which was composed of velocity feed forward, force feed forward and sliding mode control was used to control the system. The numerical simulation shows that the system has the good steady precision and dynamic characteristics by the proposed method. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Identification (control systems) Ei controlled terms:Clutches - Control systems - Curve fitting - Disks (structural components) - Machine design - Model structures - Sliding mode control Uncontrolled terms:Automobile - Clutch driven disk - Parameter identification - Test - Feed forwards - System models - Dynamic characteristics - Simplified mathematical models - Test machines - Testing machines - Numerical simulations - Least square methods - Composite sliding - Model parameters Ei classification codes:408 Structural Design - 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes - 601 Mechanical Design - 602.2 Mechanical Transmissions - 731.1 Control Systems - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 8.Accession number:090811914958 Title:Research on electromagnetic field and braking torque for permanent magnet type eddy current retarder based on rogowski method Authors:Zhao, Xiaobo; Ji, Changying; Huang, Yiqi; Zhou, Jun Author affiliation:College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 35-39 14 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Electromagnetic field analysis for permanent magnet type eddy current retarder is the key part for designing. In order to research electromagnetic field distribution of the retarder, permanent magnet was made equivalent to a magnetized current. Flux density and eddy-current density in the air-gap and rotor of retarder were analysed and calculated respectively based on Rogowski method; meanwhile, the computation formulae of its braking torque were derived in order to reflect the relationship between braking torque and different design parameters. The analytical model was proved to be an effective model that can reveal the essence of electromagnetic field of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder, and the comparison of bench test result and computation result shows that the maximum error is less than 10%, which means Rogowski method is effective. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Magnets Ei controlled terms:Eddy currents - Electric fields - Electromagnetic field measurement - Electromagnetic fields - Electromagnetism - Magnetic devices - Magnetic materials - Permanent magnets - Skid resistance - Torque Uncontrolled terms:Braking performance - Braking torque - Electromagnetic field - Permanent magnet type eddy current retarder - Rogowski method - Vehicle Ei classification codes:406.2 Roads and Streets - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 704 Electric Components and Equipment - 704.1 Electric Components - 708.4 Magnetic Materials - 714 Electronic Components and Tubes - 818.5 Rubber Products - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 942.4 Magnetic Variables Measurements Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 9.Accession number:090811914959 Title:Test analysis and control research on the idling resonance of a certain vehicle Authors:Jia, Jide; Chen, Jian; Gao, Qunqin Author affiliation:Automobile Teching and Research Section, Bengbu Automobile Management Institute, Bengbu 233011, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 40-43 19 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:This paper focuses on the idling resonance problem of a certain kind of vehicle. Based on the noise and vibration measurement technology, the three dimensional vibration transmission path and vibration-sound coupling in the vehicle were analyzed. The reason of idling resonance was that engine lateral vibration was not reduced adequately by the mounting system, which caused the frequency coupling between the engine's twice rotational frequency and the frame natural frequency. Optimizing the design of mounting system, the mounting rigidity and natural frequency of mounting system were changed. Vibration isolation performance was enhanced so as to improve the ride comfort of the vehicle. Number of references:7 Ei main heading:Automobile engines Ei controlled terms:Automobile parts and equipment - Coupled circuits - Mountings - Natural frequencies - Resonance - Three dimensional - Vehicles - Vibration control - Vibration measurement - Vibrators Uncontrolled terms:Idling resonance - Test and analysis - Vehicle - Mounting systems - Noise and vibrations - Lateral vibrations - Three-dimensional vibrations - Rotational frequencies - Frequency couplings - Measurement technologies - Resonance problems - Vibration isolations - Ride comforts - Test analysis Ei classification codes:432 Highway Transportation - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 601.2 Machine Components - 661.1 Automotive Engines - 662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components - 663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components - 691.1 Materials Handling Equipment - 701 Electricity and Magnetism - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 713.5 Other Electronic Circuits - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 741.1 Light/Optics - 751.1 Acoustic Waves - 752.1 Acoustic Devices - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 931.1 Mechanics - 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 10.Accession number:090811914960 Title:Theoretical analysis of efficiency characteristic prediction on large pump and pump installation Authors:Li, Yanjun; Huang, Liangyong; Yuan, Shouqi; Yan, Dengfeng Author affiliation:Technology and Research Center of Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 44-49 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A comprehensive theoretical analysis was made on the conversion methods of efficiency characteristics between prototype and model pumps and pumping installations. Most efficiency conversion formulas existed did not analyze the theory sufficiently, and the conversion precision is not adequate. The formula recommended by JIS B 8327-2002 and the new formula recommended are the ones expressed more detailedly. But there are too many empirical constants in former one. The formulas of efficiency conversion recommended are theoretical ones, and are applicable not only to the pumps but also to the pump installations. Quantitative expression for the influence of variety of factors upon the results of efficiency conversion can also be achieved by the formula. Number of references:15 Ei main heading:Pumps Ei controlled terms:Electric network analysis - Installation - Programming theory Uncontrolled terms:Efficiency characteristic - Performance prediction - Pump - Pump installations - Scale effect Ei classification codes:601 Mechanical Design - 618.2 Pumps - 703.1.1 Electric Network Analysis - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 723.1 Computer Programming Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 11.Accession number:090811914961 Title:Numerical simulation on geometrical parameters for open pump sump Authors:Cheng, Li; Liu, Chao; Zhou, Jiren; Jin, Yan Author affiliation:College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 50-55 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The open sump is a typical inlet passage of middle and small pumping station. The design parameters of sump affect hydraulic performance of pump. The incompressible N-S equations are solved by the finite volume method. Base on the RNG k-ε model, the SIMPLEC algorithm is applied for the solution of the discretization governing equation. The results illustrate that, excessively small backwall-clearance (T) may lead to unidirectional flow above bellmoth and excessively large T may cause backflows near back wall. It can be observed that curvature of flow near bellmouth appears large while the bottom floor clearance (hc) is too small, but excessively large hc may cause larger head loss and non-uniform axial velocity distribution of blade inlet. The results show that the hydraulic performance of rectangle sump, trapezia sump and semicircle sump are similar, and the best one is ω-shape sump because the distributing flowfield of suction pipe is uniform. The numerical simulation results show that the recommenced parameters brought out and the best plane back wall shape and suitable dimensions of sump presented could be applied in projects. Number of references:15 Ei main heading:Mathematical models Ei controlled terms:Computer simulation - Hydraulics - Navier Stokes equations - Pumps Uncontrolled terms:Geometrical parameters - Hydraulic performance - Numerical simulation - Sump - Head loss - Unidirectional flows - N-s equations - Back flows - Governing equations - Non-uniform - Discretization - Design Parameters - Suction pipes - Flow-field - Simplec algorithms - Axial-velocity distributions - Finite volumes - Pumping stations - Pump sumps Ei classification codes:618.2 Pumps - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 632.1 Hydraulics - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921 Mathematics - 921.2 Calculus - 931.1 Mechanics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 12.Accession number:090811914962 Title:Construction of wireless sensor networks for precision irrigation Authors:Feng, Youbing; Zhang, Rongbiao; Shen, Min Author affiliation:School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 56-59 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A system structure for two-layer wireless sensor networks (WSN) was designed to meet the requirements of precision irrigation and characteristics of fixed pipeline type sprinkler irrigation system. Through analyzing the relation between sensor's detection radius and sprinkler's range, two analysis expressions for minimum number of nodes were theoretically educed under circumstances of full coverage in a region.combining network structure with nodes assignment, a data transmission mode was presented, and data transmission reliability was guaranteed by fault diagnosis with classifying management. The preliminary research indicates that communication via this network is feasible. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Wireless sensor networks Ei controlled terms:Electric power transmission - Fault detection - Irrigation - Pipelines - Reliability analysis - Reliability - Sensor networks - Sensor nodes - Sensors - Sprinkler systems (irrigation) Uncontrolled terms:Network structure - Precision irrigation - Sprinkling irrigation - Fault diagnosis - Sprinkler irrigations - Data transmissions - Data transmission modes - Analysis expressions - Two layers - System structures Ei classification codes:421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 422.2 Test Methods - 619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 706.1.1 Electric Power Transmission - 706.2 Electric Power Lines and Equipment - 716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment - 722.3 Data Communication, Equipment and Techniques - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 731.1 Control Systems - 732 Control Devices - 732.2 Control Instrumentation - 801 Chemistry - 821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment - 821.3 Agricultural Methods - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 913.3 Quality Assurance and Control - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 13.Accession number:090811914963 Title:Estimation and experiment of axial thrust in centrifugal pump based on CFD Authors:Shi, Weidong; Li, Qifeng; Lu, Weigang; Zhang, Desheng Author affiliation:Technology and Research Center of Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 60-63 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The forecast of axial thrust is a pivotal problem in the design of centrifugal pumps, especially in multistage pumps. The existing axial thrust predict methods always cost too much time and resource in experiment; the experiential formula has lower precision and narrow application range. Through the numerical simulation of the internal flow field of deep well pump, this paper obtained the pressure distribution of the pump axial end-face and the impeller surface, and the axial thrust was estimated accordingly. In order to obtain the axial thrust distribution in full condition, the experiment for the pump axial thrust was conducted. Estimated results are closely matched with the experimental results, and the maximum error is less than 10%. Number of references:12 Ei main heading:Pumps Ei controlled terms:Blowers - Centrifugal pumps - Computer simulation - Experiments - Flow simulation - Hydraulic machinery - Impellers - Mathematical models - Pressure distribution - Pumping plants - Rotary pumps - Well pumps Uncontrolled terms:Axial thrust - Numerical simulation - Application ranges - Lower precision - Deep well pumps - Maximum errors - Internal flow fields - Experiential formulas - Multistage pumps Ei classification codes:402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings - 446 Waterworks - 446.1 Water Supply Systems - 512.1.2 Development Operations - 512.2.2 Development Operations - 601.2 Machine Components - 618.2 Pumps - 618.3 Blowers and Fans -631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery - 723.5 Computer Applications - 901.3 Engineering Research - 921 Mathematics - 931.1 Mechanics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 14.Accession number:090811914964 Title:Numerical simulation of 3D turbulent flow fields through double-channel passage impeller Authors:Zhang, Jing; Qi, Xueyi; Hou, Yihua; Wang, Jiansen Author affiliation:College of Fluid Power and Control, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 64-68 55 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The internal flow in impeller and volute of QW9501555 double-channel passage pump was investigated. Based on the Reynolds-averaging NS equations and standard kε two-equation turbulent model, the simulations of turbulent flow between impellers are performed by using the flow computing software Fluent under different operating conditions. Important flow features were obtained. With the computing result, the distribution of velocity and pressure in the impeller was analyzed. The pressure and velocity distribution in impeller are similar to those in general centrifugal pump. Obvious asymmetry of flow field was observed in impeller in case of large flow operating condition. The internal flow in impeller is mixed spiral flow and the vortex core resulted by relative eddy is close to the back blind flange and pressured side. The circumferential distribution of pressure and absolute velocity at the outlet of impeller is periodic, which is corresponding to the periodicity of the passages of impeller. The asymmetry of pressure is relatively weak but that of velocity is strong.comparing the data of efficiency with the head produced by experiment and CFD, the result mainly tallies. Number of references:5 Ei main heading:Flow simulation Ei controlled terms:Blowers - Centrifugal pumps - Computer simulation - Computer software - Flow fields - Hydraulic machinery - Mathematical models - Pumps - Three dimensional - Turbulence models - Turbulence - Turbulent flow - Velocity - Vortex flow Uncontrolled terms:3D turbulent - Double channel - Impeller - Numerical simulation - Volute Ei classification codes:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 618.2 Pumps - 618.3 Blowers and Fans - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 921 Mathematics - 931.1 Mechanics - 932.3 Plasma Physics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 15.Accession number:090811914965 Title:Parameter analysis of the planting process of 2ZT-2 beet transplanter Authors:Wang, Wenming; Dou, Weiguo; Wang, Chunguang; Zhao, Shijie; Zhao, Manquan Author affiliation:Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xingtai Polytechnic College, Xingtai 054035, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 69-73 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Computer analysis and kinetic simulation of the planting process using 2ZT-2 beet transplanter were carried out. A modern designing theory was introduced and an ADAMS model of the transplanting implement in the transplanter was established. By going through dynamic analysis, the essential design parameters of 2ZT-2 beet transplanter were optimized. Based on the achievement, the influence law of the variation of each factor to the transplanting state of seedling raised in the paper tube was acquired and the appropriate characteristic values and duckbill clip opening motion law were found. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Dynamic analysis Ei controlled terms:Programming theory Uncontrolled terms:ADAMS - Beet transplanter - Parameter analysis - Kinetic simulations - Design Parameters - Paper tubes - Characteristic values - Motion laws - ADAMS models - Computer analysis Ei classification codes:422.2 Test Methods - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 723.1 Computer Programming Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 16.Accession number:090811914966 Title:Spray characteristics of PWM-based intermittent pulse variable spray Authors:Deng, Wei; Ding, Weimin; He, Xiongkui Author affiliation:College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 74-78 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Spray characteristics are the criteria to evaluate variable spray equipments and the index to analyze the applicability of the equipments. The switching mode solenoid valve was driven by the square signal with the tunable duty cycle and the adjustable frequency within 20 Hz. Through changing the turn-on and turn-off time of the valve, the intermittent pulse variable spray based on pulse width modulation (PWM) was realized. Taking flat-fan nozzle commonly used in agriculture as an example, the spray characteristics of PWM-based intermittent pulse variable spray were discussed in the aspects of the change rules of flow adjusting range, spray distribution pattern, spray angle, spray droplet size, droplet velocity and spray dynamic characteristics with flow changing. The results of flow adjusting range is 4.17; spray distribution pattern has small tend to concentrate toward the spray center and the spray droplet size decreases slightly when the flow-rate reduces. The change rates of spray angle and spray droplet size with the flow change are 0.0433 (°)/% and 0.616μm/%. It indicates the effects are all very trivial. Spray droplet velocity nearly has no change with the flow decreasing. And the change rates of kinetic energy median diameter (KEMD) and specific energy (SE) with flow change are -0.63μm/% and 0.2451 J/(kg·%) respectively. It also indicates that spray control has less impact on spray dynamic characteristics. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Pesticides Ei controlled terms:Counting circuits - Drop formation - Drops - Modulation - Pulse modulation - Pulse width modulation Uncontrolled terms:Spray characteristics - Variable spray - Spray droplets - Spray angles - Flow changes - Spray distribution patterns - Spray dynamics - Droplet velocities - Adjustable frequencies - Specific energies - Median diameters - Duty cycles - Fan nozzles - Solenoid valves - Flow-rate - Pulse-width modulations - Turn-off time - Switching modes - Spray equipments Ei classification codes:443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 443.2 Meteorological Instrumentation - 713.4 Pulse Circuits - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 821.2 Agricultural Chemicals - 931.1 Mechanics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 17.Accession number:090811914967 Title:Control strategy and program implementation of intelligent sprayer Authors:Chen, Yanyan; Liu, Quan; Shao, Lushou; Zhu, Jianhui Author affiliation:School of Engineering, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 79-82 73 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:This article introduced the work principle and system composition of a new intelligent spraying machine. The control strategy of the control host and the terminal's control strategy were expounded. The control method and strategy of spray terminal and the implementation of software designed for the method and strategy were emphatically introduced. This control system is real-time, automatic and intelligent. The experiment result indicates that the sprayer can expand the covering area of spray and improve the effectiveness of spray. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Concurrency control Ei controlled terms:Control systems - Flowcharting - Pesticides - Port terminals Uncontrolled terms:Control strategy - Program flowchart - Spraying machine - Work principles - Control methods - System compositions - Program implementations Ei classification codes:407.1 Maritime Structures - 723.1 Computer Programming - 723.3 Database Systems - 731.1 Control Systems - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 821.2 Agricultural Chemicals Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 18.Accession number:090811914968 Title:Investigation of liquid image processing methods for pesticide mixer Authors:Guo, Jingkun; Xu, Youlin; Wang, Xiwei Author affiliation:College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 83-86 90 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:In order to investigate the mixing effect of pesticide and water in sprayer, the mixing image in the mixer was acquired by a high speed camera through adding tracing particles in pesticide. And a new method using morphology to improve the nonuniformity was developed for the original mixing image. Then the mixing image was segmented by the method of gray-enhancing Otsu effectively. The parameters such as the coordinate of the particle's centroid were also calculated. Number of references:16 Ei main heading:Mixing Ei controlled terms:Digital image storage - Image processing - Imaging systems - Mixers (machinery) - Pesticide effects - Pesticides - Processing Uncontrolled terms:Liquid image processing - Pesticide mixer - Threshold segmentation - Mixing images - Non uniformities - Tracing particles - High-speed - Mixing effects - Image processing - methods Ei classification codes:405.1 Construction Equipment - 453.1 Water Pollution Sources - 454.2 Environmental Impact and Protection - 601.1 Mechanical Devices - 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques - 802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 816.2 Plants and Machinery for Plastics and Other Polymers - 821.2 Agricultural Chemicals - 913.4 Manufacturing Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 19.Accession number:090811914969 Title:Testing technique of precise seed-metering device based on virtual instrument Authors:Xia, Junfang; Zhou, Yong; Zhang, Pinghua Author affiliation:College of Engineering and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 87-90 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The precise seed-metering virtual instrument (VI) testing system was designed according to the VI design idea, using electro-optical sensor and VI. The seed-metering quality indexes, such as qualified rate, resowing rate, seeding absence rate, standard deviation and coefficient of variation had been obtained from marking the system and analyzing the grain distance of sample testing result. The reliability and accuracy of system had been validated. Number of references:12 Ei main heading:Instrument testing Ei controlled terms:Digital instruments - Seed - Testing - Vegetation Uncontrolled terms:Detection - Precise seed-metering - Virtual instrument - Design ideas - Testing systems - Electro-optical sensors - Standard deviations - Quality indices - Coefficient of variations - Sample testing - Seed-metering devices - Testing techniques Ei classification codes:422.2 Test Methods - 423.2 Test Methods - 461.9 Biology - 525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues - 821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 20.Accession number:090811914970 Title:Current status of biomass energy development in China Authors:Wu, Chuangzhi; Zhou, Zhaoqiu; Yin, Xiuli; Yi, Weiming Author affiliation:CAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 91-99 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The status quo and future development of biomass energy, as well as the existent problems and their corresponding developmental strategies are introduced. It is strongly suggested to develop main resource for bio-energy out of organic waste and energy plants growing in boundary land, for avoiding both foods strive against human and agrarian competition with farming. In the long term, the energy-oriented agriculture and energy-oriented forestry deserve more notices as the base of further development. Since Chine started the research and application of the modern bio-energy technology rather late, the overall level of utilization is quite low and leads to an awkward unbalance both in technological maturity and commercial application, whose solution requires a combined course of independent research and assimilation of foreign experience, breakthroughs of the key cruxes, and mastery of core technologies. In China, the development strategy of bio-energy industry should be diversification of the material and products, and intensification of the interdisciplinary research according to various technological methods and processing. Number of references:18 Ei main heading:Energy conversion Ei controlled terms:Biological materials - Biomass - Forestry - Industrial research - Planning - Renewable energy resources - Sewage - Strategic planning - Technology Uncontrolled terms:Biomass energy - Industrialization - Status - Trend - Bio energies - Long terms - Core technologies - Energy plants - Independent researches - Commercial applications - Development strategies - Technological methods - Interdisciplinary researches - Research and applications - Organic wastes - Current status Ei classification codes:403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development - 452.1 Sewage - 453.1 Water Pollution Sources - 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 805.1.1 Biochemical Engineering - 821.0 Woodlands and Forestry - 821.5 Agricultural Wastes - 901 Engineering Profession - 901.3 Engineering Research - 912.1 Industrial Engineering - 912.2 Management Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 21.Accession number:090811914971 Title:Design and experiment of downward vertical tube for heat transfer of particles Authors:Li, Zhihe; Liu, Huanwei; Gao, Qiaochun; Yi, Weiming Author affiliation:School of Light Industry and Agriculture Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 100-104 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:In order to investigate the heat exchange mechanism between the ceramic balls heat carrier, biomass particles and air, a downward vertical flow tube of particles separation apparatus was developed and the heat exchange experiments with ceramic balls heat carrier and biomass particles can be conducted with the apparatus. The feeding experiments of particles showed that the feeding rate of the ceramic balls and the biomass particles were stable and these two kinds of particles were separated completely. Based on the data obtained from the heat exchange experiments among the ceramic balls at 90°C and the air at room temperature, the convective heat exchange coefficient between the ceramic balls and the air was worked out and the value was about 291.3 W/(m2·K). The heat transfer experiments of ceramic balls and biomass particles at the condition of ceramic balls' mass flow rate were 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 kg/min, mass ratio of ceramic balls and biomass particles were 15, 20 and 25 respectively. The results indicate that the temperature variation of the biomass particles increases with the increase of ceramic balls mass flow rate and the mass ratio of ceramic balls and biomass particles. Number of references:12 Ei main heading:Ceramic materials Ei controlled terms:Air - Biological materials - Biomass - Civil aviation - Experiments - Feeding - Flow rate - Frost resistance - Heat exchangers - Heat transfer - Heating equipment - Mass transfer - Pipe flow - Renewable energy resources - Spheres - Thermoanalysis - Tubes (components) Uncontrolled terms:Biomass energy - Design - Downward vertical tube - Experiment - Heat transfer equipment Ei classification codes:405.1 Construction Equipment - 405.2 Construction Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 431.1 Air Transportation, General - 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 511.2 Oil Field Equipment - 525.1 Energy Resources and Renewable Energy Issues - 616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components - 619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 631 Fluid Flow - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 641.2 Heat Transfer - 641.3 Mass Transfer - 642.2 Industrial Furnaces and Components - 643.2 Space Heating Equipment and Components - 691.2 Materials Handling Methods - 801 Chemistry - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 805.1.1 Biochemical Engineering - 812.1 Ceramics - 821.5 Agricultural Wastes - 901.3 Engineering Research Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 22.Accession number:090811914972 Title:Optimization of technological parameters of microwave stabilization for wheat germ using response surface analysis method Authors:Zhou, Xianqing; Zhang, Yurong Author affiliation:College of Food Science and Engineering, He'nan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450052, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 105-109 119 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:In order to obtain the lowest lipase (E.C. relative activities of wheat germ, the factors and levels of microwave stabilization for wheat germ were selected to carry out the response surface analysis (RSA) based on the analysis of critical factors, which would influence the efficiency of lipase destroying in wheat germ after treatment. The mathematical model was established by using of the Design-Expert software, and the effect of various factors and their interactions were analyzed as well. The results showed that the interactions between wheat germ quantity (WGQ) and initial moisture content (IMC), WGQ and microwave power (MP), IMC and treatment time (TT), and MP and TT, on the lipase relative activity (LRA) of wheat germ after microwave treatment were significant, and the optimal parameters were MP 675 W, IMC 15%, WGQ 180 g, TT 3.0 min. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Surface analysis Ei controlled terms:Grain (agricultural product) - Heating - Microwave heating - Microwaves - Semiconducting intermetallics - Stabilization - Surface properties - Surface treatment Uncontrolled terms:Lipase relative activity - Response surface analysis method (RSAM) - Wheat germ - Treatment time - Microwave power - Initial moisture contents - After treatments - Optimal parameters - Microwave treatments - Critical factors - Technological parameters Ei classification codes:423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials - 539 Metals Corrosion and Protection; Metal Plating - 604.2 Machining Operations - 642.1 Process Heating - 643.1 Space Heating - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 711.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 802 Chemical Apparatus and Plants; Unit Operations; Unit Processes - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 951 Materials Science Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 23.Accession number:090811914973 Title:Chinese liquors identification by olfaction visualization technology Authors:Zou, Xiaobo; Zhao, Jiewen; Yin, Xiaoping; Shi, Jiyong Author affiliation:Agricultural Product Processing and Storage Lab., Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 110-113 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Four kinds of Chinese liquors were detected by the colorimetric sensor array, which was composed of thirty chemoresponsive sensors. Principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA) and back-propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) were used in the data analysis and pattern recognition. With principal component analysis, not only Chinese liquors could be identified according to alcoholicity, but also bouquet. Cluster analysis further proved the result of PCA, but some samples could not be classified by using this method. Finally, BP neural network was employed to identify the Chinese liquors, and the accuracy of recognition was 100%. This research shows the potential applications of the olfaction visualization technology for analyzing and identifying Chinese liquors. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Principal component analysis Ei controlled terms:Backpropagation - Cluster analysis - Neural networks - Pattern recognition - Sensors - Visualization Uncontrolled terms:BP-ANN - Chinese liquor - Olfaction visualization - Visualization technologies - Data analysis - Potential applications - Back-propagation artificial neural networks - BP neural networks - Colorimetric sensors Ei classification codes:461.1 Biomedical Engineering - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723.5 Computer Applications - 732.2 Control Instrumentation - 741.1 Light/Optics - 751.1 Acoustic Waves - 801 Chemistry - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 922 Statistical Methods - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 24.Accession number:090811914974 Title:FTIR measuring technique of trans fatty acids in edible oil using spectral reconstitution Authors:Yu, Xiuzhu; Du, Shuangkui; Yue, Tianli; Wang, Qinglin Author affiliation:College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling 712100, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 114-119 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The paper took edible oil, standard sample of trans fatty acids and odorless mineral spirit (OMS) as experiment materials, adopted Fourier transform infrared spectral reconstitution (SRFTIR) technique to detect trans fatty acid content in edible oils, the results of which were compared with those obtained through standard method (SBATRFTIR method). The results indicate that the trans acids content predicted by SRFTIR is linearly dependent on the added content, with a slope of 1.02 and an overall standard deviation less than 0.05. This paper provided a simple and accurate method with more than 20 times the sensitivity of the SBATRFTIR method. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Acids Ei controlled terms:Fatty acids - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - Fourier transforms - Isomers - Oils and fats - Standards Uncontrolled terms:Edible oils - FTIR - Measurement - Spectral reconstitution technique - Trans fatty acid Ei classification codes:801 Chemistry - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 822.3 Food Products - 902.2 Codes and Standards - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory - 931.1 Mechanics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 25.Accession number:090811914975 Title:Using FT-NIR spectra in non-invasive measurements of apple firmness Authors:Li, Guifeng; Zhao, Guojian; Liu, Xinghua; Xiao, Chunling Author affiliation:College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling 712100, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 120-123 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:This paper studied the feasibility of using rapid and non-invasive method to measure Fuji apple firmness by FT-NIR spectra techniques. Techniques of spectral analysis and pre-processingincluding multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), standard normal variate (SNV) and first deviate (FD) were used. The result shows that the MSC technique can effectively remove the base shift and deviation and remove the signal to noise ratio of absorbance spectrum greatly. The best statistical model was developed using partial least square (PLS) with respect to multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) in wavelength range of 1408-2355 nm. The correlation coefficient (R2) of the model was 0.9852, the root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) was 0.0398 kg/cm2 and the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 0.0166 kg/cm2. Then the model was optimized by weeding out outliers. Using the model to validate 25 samples, the results show that R2 is 0.9908 and RMSEP is 0.0147 kg/cm2. It is concluded that the model is reliable and the predicted result is effective. The method can meet the requirement of quick measuring of apple's firmness. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Fourier transforms Ei controlled terms:Agricultural products - Block codes - Cell culture - Curve fitting - Drug products - Flowcharting - Infrared devices - Infrared spectroscopy - Least squares approximations - Mean square error - Near infrared spectroscopy - Signal to noise ratio - Spectrum analysis - Spectrum analyzers Uncontrolled terms:Apple - Firmness - Fourier transform - Near infrared spectra - Partial least squares Ei classification codes:461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology - 461.8 Biotechnology - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 723.1 Computer Programming - 731.1 Control Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 801 Chemistry - 801.2 Biochemistry - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 805.1.1 Biochemical Engineering - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory - 921.6 Numerical Methods - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 26.Accession number:090811914976 Title:Influences of test locations on sugar content prediction of kiwifruit with near-infrared diffuse reflectance technique Authors:Chen, Xiangwei; Yang, Gongming Author affiliation:College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling 712100, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 124-128 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:To find reasonable position on the kiwifruit to collect near-infrared spectrum information for quality evaluation, near-infrared spectrum was collected at different locations near the equator on the kiwifruit applying the near-infrared spectrum diffuse reflection technology. Difference analysis on the average absorbance and the noise of the spectrum on the tested locations was carried out. The single factor variance analysis was conducted to the near-infrared spectrum wave ridge position and the absorbance at different locations, as well as the prediction precision of the Brix quantitative analysis model. The results showed that the variety for the average absorbance and noise for the spectrum at different locations around the equator on the same kiwifruit was low, and the wave ridge position difference was not remarkable. The difference of absorbance was not remarkable at different locations in the same wave ridge position for the same kiwifruit. The relatively standard deviation of the absorbance was greater when the wavelength was longer in the near infrared area. However, the degree of scatter of data was not high at all wavelength at different locations in the same wave ridge position. The deference for the Brix prediction models built by spectrum data at different locations was not remarkable. It is concluded that the near-infrared spectrum information collected at different locations around the equator of the kiwifruit can be used for quality evaluation for the entire fruit without high difference. Number of references:14 Ei main heading:Infrared spectroscopy Ei controlled terms:Infrared devices - Location - Quality control - Spectrum analysis - Sugar (sucrose) - Sugars Uncontrolled terms:Kiwifruit - Near-infrared spectrum - Nondestructive measurement - Sugar content - Test location Ei classification codes:741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 822.3 Food Products - 911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 913.3 Quality Assurance and Control - 921 Mathematics - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 27.Accession number:090811914977 Title:Experimentation of detecting the chlorpyrifos content in solution by near infrared spectroscopy Authors:Liu, Cuiling; Sui, Shuxia; Wu, Jingzhu; Sun, Xiaorong Author affiliation:Information Engineering College, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100037, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 129-131 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:This paper demonstrated the detecting of chlorpyrifos at trace level in pesticide solution based on near infrared (NIR) method. Forty seven samples were prepared by simulating vegetables and fruits ingredient, thirty seven of which were used for quantitative analysis. The range of chlorpyrifos consistency was from 0.005 mg/kg to 0.100 mg/kg, Other samples with no pesticide were used for cluster analysis. The results showed that NIR method is appropriate to analyze the mixing solution containing traces of chlorpyrifos (between 0.008 mg/kg and 0.090 mg/kg). Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Infrared spectroscopy Ei controlled terms:Cluster analysis - Infrared devices - Near infrared spectroscopy - Pesticides - Spectroscopic analysis - Spectrum analysis Uncontrolled terms:Chlorpyrifos - Organophosphorus pesticide - Quantitative analysis - Pesticide solutions - Trace levels Ei classification codes:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 801 Chemistry - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 821.2 Agricultural Chemicals - 921 Mathematics - 922 Statistical Methods - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 28.Accession number:090811914978 Title:Effect of fixing and drying process on the chlorogenic acid and total flavonoids contents in eucommia green tea Authors:Bai, Xiting; Zhu, Wenxue; Lian, Xiaomei Author affiliation:Food and Bioengineering Department, He'nan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 132-136 142 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The effect of different fixing methods, drying temperature and duration on the content of chlorogenic acid and flavonoids in Eucommia green tea were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry respectively. The results show that chlorogenic acid and total flavonoid content decrease significantly after fixing. Microwave fixing was the best fixing mode, next came the dry fixing and steam fixing, and the largest decline of the activity contents was caused by blanching of boiling water. The optimum microwave fixing conditions were 800 W and 1min. The single factor and quadratic general rotation design experiments suggested that roast temperature and duration affect the active ingredient obviously. After drying, the chlorogenic acid content decrease, and the total flavonoid content increase, but total flavonoid content decrease when the temperature exceeds 200°C. When the duration of drying was 9 minutes and the temperature was 130°C, the content of chlorogenic acid and the flavonoid reached maximum of 1.54% and 0.58% respectively. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Acids Ei controlled terms:Bleaching - Calcination - Chromatographic analysis - Curing - Dewatering - High pressure liquid chromatography - Liquid chromatography - Microwaves Uncontrolled terms:Chlorogenic acid - Drying - Eucommia green tea - Fixing - Flavonoids Ei classification codes:711 Electromagnetic Waves - 801 Chemistry - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 804 Chemical Products Generally - 811.1.1 Papermaking Processes - 815.1 Polymeric Materials - 818.3 Rubber and Elastomer Processing Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 29.Accession number:090811914979 Title:Application of fuzzy immune PID control in density of starch production-line Authors:He, Jingfeng; Shen, Gang; Cong, Dacheng; Bai, Xiaodong; Han, Junwei; Tang, Hui Author affiliation:School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 137-142 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:An idea that using fuzzy immune PID to regulate the density of the starch production-line was put forward after the analysis and comparison of the principle of tradition PID, Smith prediction PID and fuzzy immune PID. A mathematical model of one of density loop of starch production-line was built to design and simulate these three controllers. The simulation results show that the fuzzy immune PID is better than tradition PID on the hand of control effect and its robustness is higher than Smith prediction PID. DDE protocol and ActiveX of Matlab were adopted to realize data exchange with RSView32 of the starch production-line and transmit the algorithm of fuzzy immune PID to RSView32. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Proportional control systems Ei controlled terms:Control systems - Control theory - Fuzzy control - MATLAB - Starch Uncontrolled terms:Control system - Fuzzy immune PID - Smith prediction PID - Starch production-line - Data exchanges - Active X - Algorithm of fuzzy - Simulation results - P-i-d controls Ei classification codes:723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 815.1.1 Organic Polymers - 822.3 Food Products - 921 Mathematics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 30.Accession number:090811914980 Title:Design and experiment of opening picking robot for eggplant Authors:Song, Jian; Sun, Xueyan; Zhang, Tiezhong; Zhang, Bin; Xu, Liming Author affiliation:College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Weifang University, Weifang 261061, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 143-147 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The optimal design was made on the parameters of the robot framework and structure according to the growth distribution space of eggplant. A joint type robot with 4-degree freedom for fruit and vegetable picking was developed. The fixed bilateral threshold based histogram was adopted to split the GB gray images. To meet the vision requirement of the fruit and vegetable picking robot, the object's characters, such as outline, area, center of gravity, enclosing rectangle and the point of cutting off, were picked up. The performance test on the whole machine was done on the robot system with the method of single camera and two-step measuring distance, which shows that the measure error is within ± 18 mm when the measure distance ranges from 275 mm to 575 mm. The system runs smoothly and reliably. The success ratio of picking is 89% and the average time consumed is 37.4 s. Number of references:12 Ei main heading:Robotics Ei controlled terms:Control systems - Digital image storage - Fruits - Image processing - Imaging systems - Machine design - Robots Uncontrolled terms:Eggplant - Mechanism - Opening control system - Picking robot - Fruit and vegetables - Single cameras - Gray images - Distribution spaces - Performance tests - Cutting offs - Whole machines - Robot systems - Success ratios - Measuring distances - Measure distances - Measure errors - Center of gravities - Joint types - Optimal designs Ei classification codes:601 Mechanical Design - 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 731.1 Control Systems - 731.5 Robotics - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques - 821.4 Agricultural Products Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 31.Accession number:090811914981 Title:Apple fruit recognition based on support vector machine using in harvesting robot Authors:Wang, Jinjing; Zhao, Dean; Ji, Wei; Zhang, Chao Author affiliation:School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 148-151 147 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The critical task of the robot vision system in the apple harvesting robot is to recognize and locate each single apple. To solve recognition problems such as the big error, too much calculation and time consuming, a new recognizing method, support vector machine (SVM) was applied to improve recognition accuracy and efficiency. Firstly, vector median filter method was used to remove the color images noise of apple fruit. Secondly, segmentation of the images based on region growing method and color properties was done. At last, color properties and shape properties of color image were extracted, and the classification method of SVM for recognition ofapple fruit was used. Experimental results indicate that the classification performance of SVM is better than that of neural networks. Recognition rate of apple fruit based on SVM combined withcolor and shape properties is higher than only using the color or shape properties. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Support vector machines Ei controlled terms:Color image processing - Color - Computer vision - Fruits - Harvesting - Image processing - Image retrieval - Neural networks - Robotics - Robots - Vectors Uncontrolled terms:Apple - Harvesting robot - Recognition - Robot vision - Support vector machine Ei classification codes:461.1 Biomedical Engineering - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731.5 Robotics - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.2 Vision - 821.3 Agricultural Methods - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 921.1 Algebra Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 32.Accession number:090811914982 Title:Vision servoing control system of fruit harvesting robot Authors:Zhao, Qingbo; Zhao, Dean; Ji, Wei; Zhang, Chao; Shen, Jingfeng Author affiliation:School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 152-156 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The article analyzed the fruit harvesting robot's kinematic relation between the target position and the joint angle of the robot, and then a coordinate transformation formula was given. According to the servo control's features, the fuzzy PID control method was introduced into the robot servo control. Fuzzy control strategy which can tune PID parameters on-line-self adaptively was adopted to enhance the control system's dynamic and static performances. Simulative and experimental results validated the rationality and the effectiveness of the design. Number of references:7 Ei main heading:Computer vision Ei controlled terms:Control systems - Control theory - Fourier transforms - Fruits -Fuzzy control - Harvesting - Motion control - Motion planning - Pneumatic control equipment - Proportional control systems - Robotics - Robots - Visual servoing Uncontrolled terms:FuzzyPID control - Harvesting robot - Servo controls - Fruit harvesting - System's dynamics - Co-ordinate transformations - Pid parameters - Fuzzy control strategies - Static performance - P-i-d controls - Joint angles - Target positions Ei classification codes:431.5 Air Navigation and Traffic Control - 632.4 Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 731.5 Robotics - 731.6 Robot Applications - 732 Control Devices - 732.1 Control Equipment - 741.2 Vision - 821.3 Agricultural Methods - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 921 Mathematics - 921.3 Mathematical Transformations Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 33.Accession number:090811914983 Title:In-field multi-spectral computer vision system design based on virtual instrument technology Authors:Qi, Long; Ma, Xu; Zhou, Haibo Author affiliation:College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun130025, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 157-161 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:An in-field multi-spectral computer vision system was developed using virtual instrument for capturing crop growth status precisely in real time to supervise a variable rate application. The system used a high resolution multi-spectral camera (MS3100) of acquiring excellent multi-spectral images (near-infrared, red and green) to shoot crop images. Labview and its vision development module were adopted to do image acquisition, processing and analysis programs for measuring the crop reflectance of red, green and near-infrared. The test trail of system shows that it can analyze the crop multi-spectral images and compute the spectral characteristics correctly. The average running time of acquiring and processing images of each group (NIR, R and G) were 311 ms in the range of 2.4 m × 1.8 m. The running speed of system can satisfy the in-field on-line job of the variable precision application. Number of references:13 Ei main heading:Image processing Ei controlled terms:Computer vision - Crops - Digital image storage - Digital instruments - Image acquisition - Imaging systems - Infrared devices - Mergers and acquisitions Uncontrolled terms:Field information acquisition - Multi-spectral computer vision - Virtual instrument - In fields - Multi-spectral images - Computer-vision systems - Near infra reds - Multi-spectral cameras - High resolutions - Variable precision - Running speed - Running time - Variable rate applications - Spectral characteristics - LabViEW - Real time - Crop growths Ei classification codes:722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 741.2 Vision - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 746 Imaging Techniques - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 34.Accession number:090811914984 Title:Weed identification method based on SVM in the corn field Authors:Wu, Lanlan; Liu, Jianying; Wen, Youxian; Deng, Xiaoyan Author affiliation:College of Engineering and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 162-166 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:This paper proposed a method for corn-weed recognition by using the combination technique of image processing and support vector machine (SVM). A gray processing algorithm was proposed based on the features of corn-weed color images. The object could be separated effectively by denoising the gray image. The shape features of the object were extracted and taken as feature vectors, which could be used to propose the SVM method for the recognition of corn-weed.comparing the SVM method with the neural-network one, the former is better than the latter one seeing from the experimental results. Experimental results also show that the presented method is effective, and this method gives a recognition rate 98.3% with the properly selected kernel function. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Support vector machines Ei controlled terms:Functions - Image processing - Image retrieval - Probability density function - Vectors Uncontrolled terms:Corn - Kernel function - Preprocessing - Support vector machine - Weed identification Ei classification codes:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 921 Mathematics - 921.1 Algebra - 922.1 Probability Theory Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 35.Accession number:090811914985 Title:Virtual plant model based on Open-L system and recursive expression Authors:Tang, Weidong; Liu, Changxin; Li, Pingping; Lu, Zhangping Author affiliation:School of Information and Multi-Media Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 167-170 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:It is an important basis to construct virtual plant model according with the law of botany before simulating the development process of plant dynamically. To improve the function of Open-L system and overcome the shortcoming and inconvenience in application, a modeling framework of information communication between the plant and its growth environment was founded. It introduced a recursive method to construct a virtual plant model. An example of modeling plant through new method was given, which showed that the modeling method was effective in simulating the plant growth under the interaction with the environment. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Plants (botany) Ei controlled terms:Growth (materials) - Plant life extension - Recursive functions - Virtual reality Uncontrolled terms:Model - Open-L system - Recursive expression - Virtual plant Virtual plant models - Plant growths - Modeling frameworks - Modeling methods - Recursive methods - Information communications - Development process Ei classification codes:402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings - 461.9 Biology - 712.1 Semiconducting Materials - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 912.1 Industrial Engineering - 933.1.2 Crystal Growth - 951 Materials Science Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 36.Accession number:090811914986 Title:Acquisition method of dynamic image sequence of fruit flow for fruit machine vision grader Authors:Wei, Xinhua; Hu, Xuetong; Zhou, Xingpeng; Li, Guangti Author affiliation:School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 171-175 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:An image acquisition system was designed for fruit machine vision grader to obtain image information about the whole surface of each fruit in fruit flow on the roller conveyor of the grader. The conveyor could transport quasi-spherical fruits with different size and force them rotating with an approximately equal rotational speed on the rollers. With the conveyor and a synchronization control system, a real-time acquisition method of dynamic image sequence of the fruit flow was presented, which could acquire dynamic image sequence of the fruit flow with approximately equal fruit rotation angle between consecutive images. Experimental results show that the image acquisition system can capture 6 sequential images of each fruit in the fruit flow, and fruits regardless of size rotate about 60° between two consecutive images. One complete revolution could be done in 6 sequential images. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Fruits Ei controlled terms:Computer vision - Control systems - Conveyors - Image acquisition - Image segmentation - Light measurement - Mergers and acquisitions - Rollers (machine components) - Rotation Uncontrolled terms:Acquisition - Fruit - Grading - Image - Rotational angle Ei classification codes:601.1 Mechanical Devices - 601.2 Machine Components - 692.1 Conveyors - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 723.5 Computer Applications - 731.1 Control Systems - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 741.2 Vision - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 931.1 Mechanics - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 37.Accession number:090811914987 Title:Experiment on the probe configuration of stem water content measuring sensor Authors:Wang, Hailan; Bai, Chenxiang; Zhao, Yandong Author affiliation:College of Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 176-179 175 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A probe based on standing wave ratio (SWR) to measure stem water content was presented. Two experiments were taken to study the configuration of probe: (1) Simulation experiment. Different organic solutions were chosen as the testing media to simulate the stem which contains water. The result shows that the output voltage changed lineally with the length change of the probe. (2) Calibration experiment. The sample of arborvitae was selected and the oven temperature was kept at 60°C constantly. The result shows that the relationship between water content of stem and the output voltage was linear. It can be concluded that the probe we studied could be used to measure stem water content. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Water content Ei controlled terms:Elastic waves - Experiments - Humidity control - Probes - Sensors - Standing wave meters - Waves Uncontrolled terms:Probe configuration - Sensor - Standing wave ratio - Stem - Stem water contents - Output voltages - Organic solutions - Simulation experiments - Oven temperatures - Probe-based Ei classification codes:402 Buildings and Towers - 444 Water Resources - 643.3 Air Conditioning - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 732.2 Control Instrumentation - 741.1 Light/Optics - 751.1 Acoustic Waves - 801 Chemistry - 901.3 Engineering Research - 931.1 Mechanics - 941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments - 942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments - 942.1 Electric and Electronic Instruments - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments - 944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 38.Accession number:090811914988 Title:Biology coupling characteristics of anti-erosive wear of desert lizard's skin Authors:Gao, Feng; Ren, Luquan; Huang, He; Yu, Yali Author affiliation:Key Laboratory for Terrain-Machine Bionics Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 180-183 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The skin tissue and squama conformation of Laudakin stoliczkana's and Phrynocephalus versicolor's different parts were observed. The configuration, structural style, arrange mode, multilayer structure under conform environment condition were compared and the otherness and environment adjustability were analyzed by the microscope. This two lizards have the coupling structure of configuration, structural style, arrange mode and the coupling structure of multilayer, which can reduce the friction of erosive wear and the damage of body. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Skin Ei controlled terms:Multilayers Uncontrolled terms:Bionics - Erosive wear - Laudakin stoliczkana - Phrynocephalus versicolor - Coupling structures - Structural styles - Adjustability - Environment conditions - Skin tissues - Multi-layer structures - Coupling characteristics Ei classification codes:461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering - 813.2 Coating Materials - 933.1 Crystalline Solids Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 39.Accession number:090811914989 Title:Discrete element simulation of cone penetration process Authors:Sun, Peng; Gao, Feng; Li, Wen; Yao, Shengzhuo; Gong, Yongtao Author affiliation:School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 184-188 226 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Based on the results of cone penetration laboratory tests on alumina balls, glass balls and Toyoura sand, the discrete element method (DEM) was used to simulate cone penetration process.compared the numerical simulation with experimental results, the curves of simulation have the same tendency as those of penetration experiment, which indicates that DEM can effectively simulate the force between particles, the force between a particle and the cone when the cone is penetrating, and get the reasonable macroscopic characteristics. Both the simulation and the penetration experiment indicate that the penetration resistance decreased with the increase of the porosity. Finally, the influences on the numerical simulation, caused by the variation of mesoscopic parameters, penetration speed, quantities of the particles and particle shape, were analyzed. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Mathematical models Ei controlled terms:Alumina - Computer simulation - Geomorphology - Superconducting materials - Surveying - Tracking radar Uncontrolled terms:Cone penetration - Discrete element method - Mesoscopic parameter - Numerical simulation - Penetration speed - Toyoura sands - Particle shapes - Glass balls - Penetration resistances - Alumina balls - Laboratory tests - Discrete element simulations Ei classification codes:405.3 Surveying - 481.1.1 Geomorphology - 708.3 Superconducting Materials - 716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment - 723.5 Computer Applications - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 812.1 Ceramics - 921 Mathematics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 40.Accession number:090811914990 Title:Design reuse strategy for mass customization and its application Authors:Wu, Shoufei; Pan, Xiaohong Author affiliation:Institute of Modern Manufacture Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 189-193 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:How to meet the diverse requirements while keeping the low cost for product development and high efficiency is the main problem of designing reuse in mass customization. Based on the idea of "decreasing the internal diversity, increasing the external diversity" of mass customization, a "multi-view, multi-layer, multi-granularity" design reuse model was proposed. Both the practical and economical requirements of the product were encountered. Design reuse strategy for mass customization was studied and a combined strategy of product family, component modularization, part standardization, feature generalization was given. On one hand, the strategy ensured the economy of design reuse; on the other hand, the diverse requirements of customs were encountered commendably. Finally, the application instance was given; the software system was developed and applied. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Design Ei controlled terms:Modular construction - Product development - Project management Uncontrolled terms:Design reuse - Mass customization - Reuse model - Reuse strategy - Modularization - Product families - Multi views - Multi granularities - Software systems - Multi layers - High efficiencies - Low costs Ei classification codes:405.2 Construction Methods - 408 Structural Design - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 912.2 Management - 913.1 Production Engineering - 913.6 Product Development; Concurrent Engineering Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 41.Accession number:090811914991 Title:Method for kinematics analysis of the 6-SPR parallel mechanism Authors:Sun, Henghui; Liu, Zhengshi; Chen, Enwei Author affiliation:School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 194-197 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Aiming to identify the inertial parameter of parallel robots, an improving method for the kinematics analysis of 6-SPR was proposed. First, by using the methods similar to series robot, the special position of each component in each branch was determined for constructing influence coefficient matrixes. Second, the barycentric coordinates were separated from the matrixes with proper simplifications. Then the motions of components can be linked linearly with its barycentric coordinates. An example about upper mounting plate's motion was simulated by the ADAMS software to show the effectiveness of the method. Number of references:10 Ei main heading:Mechanics Ei controlled terms:Computational mechanics - Kinematics - Mechanisms - Robotics - Robots - Surface plasmon resonance Uncontrolled terms:Influence coefficient - Kinematics analysis - Parallel mechanism - Special positions - Barycentric coordinates - Influence coefficient matrixes - Adams softwares - matrixes - Parallel robots - Inertial parameters Ei classification codes:601.3 Mechanisms - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 731.5 Robotics - 731.6 Robot Applications - 741.1 Light/Optics - 921 Mathematics - 931.1 Mechanics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 42.Accession number:090811914992 Title:Flow control characteristic of the orifice in spool valve with notches Authors:Ji, Hong; Wang, Dongsheng; Ryu, Shohei; Fu, Xin Author affiliation:College of Fluid Power and Control Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 198-202 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A principle to determine the orifice area of spool valve with two-stage notches was proposed based on the series parallel effects of fluid flowing in channel of the notches. The formulas to calculate the orifice area were obtained and the corresponding computational program was worked out. Then, the experimental results on the flow characteristic of two-stage notches were analyzed. The results show that the flow coefficient of two-stage notch is the combination of that of each single notch. When the spool displacement was small or near to full open, the flow coefficient increased quickly. At the middle part of displacements, the flow coefficient was about 0.7-0.8. The flow coefficient in flow-out direction was larger than that of flow-in, which was about 0.1. A new concept of orifice area of flow control for defining the flow control function of the orifice was proposed. Number of references:9 Ei main heading:Orifices Ei controlled terms:Flow control - Reels Uncontrolled terms:Flow coefficient - Orifice area - Orifice area of flow control - Spool valve - Two-stage notches Ei classification codes:619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 691.2 Materials Handling Methods - 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 742.2 Photographic Equipment Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 43.Accession number:090811914993 Title:Decoupling of multi-quality characteristics and robust design optimization Authors:Guo, Huixin; Ren, Pishun; Zhang, Guoping Author affiliation:Department of Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, Changsha University, Changsha 410003, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 203-207 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:The coupling relations between the multi-quality characteristics and design parameters of products were analyzed. An index for measuring the coupling degree of multi-quality characteristics was defined and a robust design criterion was put forward to achieve the decoupling of characteristics approximately. A modeling method of the robust design with multi-quality characteristics was proposed. On one hand, according to the requirement of Suh's first design axiom (the information axiom), the robustness of each characteristic was optimized to reduce its contents of uncertainties; on the other hand, according to the requirement of Suh's second design axiom (the independence axiom), the characteristics of a product were decoupled approximately to improve the integrated robustness. A back-propagation neural network was designed as the substitution for the nonlinear stochastic functions in the established model. With genetic algorithm combined with stochastic simulations, an intelligent optimization algorithm was developed for solving the established model effectively. An example was presented, and the results show that this method is effective and feasible. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Design Ei controlled terms:Neural networks - Random processes - Stochastic models Uncontrolled terms:Coupling - Decouple - Design axiom - Multi-quality characteristics - Robust design Ei classification codes:408 Structural Design - 461.1 Biomedical Engineering - 723.4 Artificial Intelligence - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 922.1 Probability Theory Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 44.Accession number:090811914994 Title:Research on the technique of mechanical inertia mix electric simulation Authors:Gong, Wenbin; Liu, Anlong; Jiang, Kuo; Qu, Bo Author affiliation:Institute of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 208-212 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:According to the changing law of the rotational speed after original flywheels rotational inertia system produced a brake, in this work, computer was used to gather real-time parameters of spindle speed, brake pressure, brake torque, brake distance ect. With the help of direct current motor and four-quadrant speed regulation system combined with the control algorithm of electrical simulation system for mechanical rotational inertia, simulating the larger moment of inertia by making use of small mechanical flywheel system was realized. As a result, the reduction of traditional mechanical flywheel was accomplished and the stepless adjustment of inertia was realized by the application of mechanical inertia and electric inertia hybrid simulation method. Number of references:8 Ei main heading:Brakes Ei controlled terms:Electric energy storage - Flywheels - Laws and legislation - Systems engineering - Wheels Uncontrolled terms:Electric simulation - Inertia bench - Mechanical inertia - Rotational inertias - Control algorithms - Brake torques - Brake pressures - Four quadrants - Spindle speed - Speed regulation systems - Direct current motors - Electrical simulations - Stepless adjustments - Moment of inertias - Flywheel systems - Brake distances - Hybrid simulations - Time parameters - Rotational speed Ei classification codes:601.1 Mechanical Devices - 601.2 Machine Components - 602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions - 702 Electric Batteries and Fuel Cells - 902.3 Legal Aspects - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 961 Systems Science - 971 Social Sciences Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 45.Accession number:090811914995 Title:Crossing order tracking of multi axle machinery with adaptive filter Authors:Kong, Qingpeng; Liu, Jingbiao; Zhang, Xueting; Sheng, Qinghua Author affiliation:School of Electronic Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 213-216 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:Vibration is complicated in run-up and coast-down process of rotating and reciprocating combustion machinery which has multiple independent axles. Orders that frequency interact in different axle reference cause beating phenomena which makes order separation difficult. Through studying haracteristic of periodic loading machine system, vibration model including state equation and observation equation was constructed. Order tracking was implemented by decouple adaptive filter and crossing order was separated and extracted. Adaptive filter order tracking method overcomes shortcoming that fail to separate crossing order of other order tracking methods. Number of references:13 Ei main heading:Electric filters Ei controlled terms:Adaptive filtering - Adaptive filters - Axles - Crossings (pipe and cable) - Machinery - Wheels Uncontrolled terms:Adaptive filter - Beating - Crossing order - Decouple - Order tracking Ei classification codes:601 Mechanical Design - 601.2 Machine Components - 619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components - 663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components - 682.1.1 Railroad Cars - 703.2 Electric Filters - 706.2 Electric Power Lines and Equipment - 731.1 Control Systems Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 46.Accession number:090811914996 Title:Constant scallop-height tool path planning by constructing envelope surface Authors:Wu, Fuzhong Author affiliation:School of Engineering, Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences, Shaoxing 312000, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 217-221 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A constant scallop-height tool path planning method was presented based on envelope surface construction. Firstly, in the process of calculation, the machined surface was offset by the distance of tool radius and scallop-height respectively, then the scallop surface and the tool center surface were obtained. Then the envelope surface, whose section radius was equal to the tool's, was constructed along the last tool path. The scallop curve was obtained by the envelope surface intersection calculation with the scallop surface. The envelope surface was again constructed along the scallop curve. The adjacent tool path was the intersection line of the envelope surface and the tool center surface. All tool paths could be determined by recurring in turn. A method of boundary verification was described to avoid undercut. Finally the validity of present method was demonstrated by an example. The calculation results of the present method were compared with those of the existed algorithms. The results indicate that the machining precision and efficiency can be enhanced greatly with three-axis free form surface machining. Number of references:11 Ei main heading:Scanning Ei controlled terms:Intersections - Machining Uncontrolled terms:Constant scallop-height - Free form surface - NC - Tool envelope surface - Tool path Ei classification codes:406 Highway Engineering - 604.2 Machining Operations - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS 47.Accession number:090811914997 Title:Compensation of machining errors of CNC spiral bevel gear grinding machine Authors:Wang, Zhiyong; Yu, Shuiqin; Zeng, Tao Author affiliation:College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University,Changsha 410075, China Serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Abbreviated serial title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao Volume:v 40 Issue:n 1 Issue date:January 2009 Publication year:2009 Pages:p 222-226 Language:Chinese ISSN:1000-1298 CODEN:NUYCA3 Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, Beijing, 100083, China Abstract:A method for improving machining precision of CNC spiral bevel gear grinding machine was investigated. The tooth surface of spiral bevel gears was discretized and a method for calculating the position vector and normal vector of discrete points was developed according to the mathematical model of the tooth surface. The relation between proportional change parameters and tooth form errors caused by machining errors was analyzed. Based on the proportional change parameters obtained from machine settings calculation and freewill modification characteristics of grinding wheel, a method for compensating machining errors was proposed. By applying optimization algorithm, the coefficients of proportional change parameters and the variation of grinding wheel parameters were computed. The proposed method was validated via practical machining on YK20100 grinding machine and inspecting on M and M Sigma 7 gear measuring instrument. The results show that this method can reduce the tooth form errors within 5.4μm. Number of references:12 Ei main heading:Bevel gears Ei controlled terms:Abrasives - Dentistry - Error compensation - Errors - Grinding (comminution) - Grinding (machining) - Grinding machines - Grinding mills - Grinding wheels - Machinery - Machining - Wheels Uncontrolled terms:Grinding machine - Machining errors - Spiral bevel gear - Proportional changes - Form errors - Tooth surfaces - Machine settings - Position vectors - Measuring instruments - Optimization algorithms - Discrete points - Normal vectors - Machining precision Ei classification codes:461.1 Biomedical Engineering - 461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology - 462.3 Dental Equipment and Supplies - 601 Mechanical Design - 601.2 Machine Components - 603.1 Machine Tools, General - 604.2 Machining Operations - 606.1 Abrasive Materials - 606.2 Abrasive Devices and Processes - 721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 921 Mathematics - 922.2 Mathematical Statistics Database:Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. Full-text and Local Holdings Links FULL TEXT LINKS Results Manager ? 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.