

2. Accession number:20124915762992
  Title:On-line measurement of tobacco leaf area based on machine vision
  Authors:Xia, Yingwei1 ; Xu, Dayong2 ; Du, Jinsong2 ; Zhang, Long1 ; Liu, Yong1 ; Wang, An1  
  Author affiliation:1  Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
                 2  Key Laboratory of Tabacco Processing Technology, Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC, Zhengzhou 450001, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, A. (wangan@aiofm.ac.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:To improve detection efficiency of tobacco strip size distribution in the process of tobacco leaf threshing and redrying, a quick on-line measuring method of tobacco leaf area for analyzing tobacco strip size distribution was investigated. Leafs area were measured on-line by analyzing the leaf images on the conveyor. The field curvature blur of line camera was restored by means of space variant blur matrix, and the image distortion was rectified by Zhang Zhengyou calibration method. A threshold segmenting method which uses the difference of R and G component was proposed. The segmentation method which is insensitive to noise and illumination can segment the leaf image form background accurately. An efficient method of leaf area accumulating was proposed to replace the image stitching and the problem of single leaf partitioned in two images was solved. The parallel image processing software was written by using multi-threading technology. The repeatability tests results show that the image processing speed reaches to 22 frame in each second, the relative error is less than 0.50% and the coefficient of variation is less than 1.01% which is in the 100-2500 mm2 measuring range.
  Number of references:23
  Main heading:Tobacco
  Controlled terms:Agriculture  -  Computer vision  -  Image segmentation  -  Plants (botany)  -  Size distribution
  Uncontrolled terms:Calibration method  -  Coefficient of variation  -  Detection efficiency  -  Field curvature  -  Image distortions  -  Image stitching  -  Leaf area  -  Leaf images  -  Line cameras  -  Multi-threading   -  On-line measurement  -  Online measuring  -  Parallel image processing  -  Relative errors  -  Segmentation methods
  Classification code:423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials  -  461.9 Biology  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

3. Accession number:20124915762968
  Title:Design of proportional raise valve in electro-hydraulic lifting mechanism of big-power tractor
  Authors:Li, Mingsheng1 ; Zhu, Zhongxiang1 ; Mao, Enrong1 ; Song, Zhenghe1 ; Xie, Bin1 ; Li, Changlin2 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                2  School of Material and Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
  Corresponding author:Zhu, Z. (zhuzhongxiang@cau.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:31-35 89
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A proportional raise valve was designed to meet the requirement of electro-hydraulic rockshaft on big-power tractors. The flow rate characteristics of four types of regulator orifice were analyzed. The mathematical model of the valve was established based on state space method, then the stable performance and dynamic performance of the valve were simulated by using Matlab/Simulink. An indoor test-bed was built to test the designed proportional raise valve. The results showed that the valve core with half-round regulator orifice had shorter travel and better low-flow rate characteristics. The coefficient of determination of the linearity of flow rate curve due to the control current change was 0.9986. The overshoot of step response was 6.25% and the set up time was 0.3 s.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Tractors (agricultural)
  Controlled terms:Design  -  Mathematical models  -  Orifices  -  State space methods  -  Tractors (truck)
  Uncontrolled terms:Coefficient of determination  -  Control current  -  Dynamic performance  -  Electro-hydraulics  -  Flow-rate characteristics  -  Set-up time
  Classification code:408 Structural Design  -  619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines  -  663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles  -  921 Mathematics

6. Accession number:20124915762990
  Title:SLAM method for mobile robot based on interval analysis unscented particle filter
  Authors:Liu, Dongbo1, 2 ; Liu, Guorong1, 2 ; Wang, Yingxu1 ; Xiao, Peng1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Computer and Communication, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China
                 2  College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
  Corresponding author:Liu, D. (ldbymh@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In particle filter simultaneous localization and mapping method (SLAM) for mobile robots, linearization of nonlinear systems and derivation of the Jacobian matrices lead to large computing and system state estimation problem of low accuracy. To solve this problem, a SLAM method based on interval analysis and unscented particle filter was proposed. The number of particles was seriously reduced based on the interval analysis for pose estimation. The nature landmarks were updated through unscented Kalman filter to improve map estimation accuracy. This approach improved the state estimation accuracy and computational effort with a smaller number of particles than previous approaches. The results indicated that the proposed method was valid.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Robotics
  Controlled terms:Jacobian matrices  -  Mathematical techniques  -  Mobile robots  -  Monte Carlo methods  -  Nonlinear filtering  -  State estimation
  Uncontrolled terms:Computational effort  -  Interval analysis  -  Large-computing  -  MAP estimation  -  Particle filter  -  Pose estimation  -  Simultaneous localization and mapping  -  SLAM  -  Unscented Kalman Filter  -  Unscented particle filters
  Classification code:731.1 Control Systems  -  731.5 Robotics  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.1 Algebra  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

10. Accession number:20124915763000
  Title:Calibration of 6-DOF parallel mechanism using joint force sensors
  Authors:Pi, Yangjun1 ; Wang, Xuanyin2 ; Hu, Yumei1 
  Author affiliation:1  The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
                 2  The State Key Lab. of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
  Corresponding author:Pi, Y. (cqpp@cqu.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A calibration method of 6-DOF parallel mechanism based on joint force sensors was presented to improve the accuracy of parallel mechanism. In this method, both dynamics and kinematics of parallel mechanism were used to construct identification model. Only the data of force sensors installed on the end of joint actuators was required. Simulation results revealed the convenience and effectiveness of the proposed calibration method.
  Number of references:15
  Main heading:Calibration
  Controlled terms:Mechanisms  -  Sensors
  Uncontrolled terms:Calibration method  -  Force sensor  -  Identification model  -  Joint actuators  -  Joint forces  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Structural parameter
  Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms  -  801 Chemistry  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments

12. Accession number:20124915762971
  Title:Dynamic analysis and experiment of conjugate cam seedling-pushing device applied on walking-type rice transplanter
  Authors:Wang, Ying1 ; Chen, Jianneng1 ; Zhou, Lisha1 ; Li, Pengpeng1 ; Zhang, Guofeng1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci.-Tech. University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  Corresponding author:Chen, J. (jiannengchen@zstu.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:47-52 100
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:For further studies on the dynamic characteristics of the conjugate cam seedling-pushing device applied on walking-type rice transplanter, the dynamic model of this device was established. And then, the dynamic analysis was carried out by using the auxiliary analysis software which was compiled based on Visual Basic 6.0. Finally, the 3-D analysis model was established and its corresponding virtual test was conducted. The result of theoretical calculation coincided very well with that of the simulation test, which proved that the dynamic analysis model was reliable. Besides, it can provide the mathematical model for dynamic optimization and also the basis for subsequent strength calculation and structural design. Compared with the traditional seedling-pushing device, the support position of this new device had smaller force, noise and fluctuation of the force, which can indicate that this novel conjugate cam seedling-pushing device had good dynamic characteristics.
  Number of references:11
  Main heading:Cams
  Controlled terms:Computer simulation  -  Dynamic analysis  -  Mathematical models  -  Structural design  -  Visual BASIC
  Uncontrolled terms:Analysis models  -  Analysis softwares  -  Dynamic characteristics  -  Dynamic optimization  -  New devices  -  Noise  -  Rice transplanter  -  Seedling-pushing device  -  Simulation tests  -  Strength calculation   -  Theoretical calculations  -  Virtual tests  -  Visual Basic 6.0
  Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General  -  422.2 Strength of Building Materials : Test Methods  -  601.3 Mechanisms  -  723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics

13. Accession number:20124915762989
  Title:Design of end-effector for kiwifruit harvesting robot
  Authors:Chen, Jun1 ; Wang, Hu1 ; Jiang, Haoran1 ; Gao, Hao1 ; Lei, Wangli1 ; Dang, Gerong1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  Corresponding author:Chen, J. (chenjun_jdxy@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:151-154 199
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:An end-effector for harvesting kiwifruit was developed. The compressibility properties and other related physical properties of the kiwifruit were measured. The body structure, perception system and control system of the end-effector were designed. The experiment of kiwifruit picking was finally conducted. The results showed that the success ratio of clamping and picking kiwifruit reached to 100% and 90%, respectively. Picking time of 9 s was needed to perform one action of harvesting.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Machine design
  Controlled terms:Design  -  Harvesting
  Uncontrolled terms:Body structure  -  Compressibility properties  -  Harvesting robot  -  Kiwifruits  -  Perception systems  -  Success ratio
  Classification code:408 Structural Design  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods

16. Accession number:20124915762998
  Title:Spherical 4R function synthesis based on solution regions for four precision points
  Authors:Yang, Tong1 ; Han, Jianyou1 ; Yin, Lairong2 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
                 2  School of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China
  Corresponding author:Han, J. (jyhan@ustb.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A synthesis approach was introduced for spherical 4R function generator of four precision points. Firstly, the spherical 4R function synthesis was converted to motion generation synthesis by employing an inversion method. The equations of spherical Burmester curves were derived. The calculation and classification of Burmester points were introduced. Then mechanism types of an infinite number of solutions are expressed on finite circle solution regions with illustrative examples.
  Number of references:15
  Main heading:Spheres
  Controlled terms:Function generators
  Uncontrolled terms:Burmester points  -  Illustrative examples  -  Infinite numbers  -  Inversion methods  -  Motion generation  -  Precision point  -  Spherical mechanisms
  Classification code:631 Fluid Flow  -  713.5 Electronic Circuits Other Than Amplifiers, Oscillators, Modulators, Limiters, Discriminators or Mixers

19. Accession number:20124915762976
  Title:Optimization and experiment for threshing and cleaning parts of 4LZ-1.0Q cereal combine harvester
  Authors:Zhong, Ting1 ; Hu, Zhichao1 ; Gu, Fengwei1 ; Cao, Mingzhu1 ; Chen, Nanyun1 ; Wang, Haiou1 
  Author affiliation:1  Research Center of Agricultural By-products Processing Engineering Technology, Nanjing Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing 210014, China
  Corresponding author:Hu, Z. (nfzhongzi@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Orthogonal experiment of threshing and cleaning parts of 4LZ-1.0Q cereal combine harvester was designed. Wheat field experiments with fuzzy analysis of synthesize evaluation were analyzed. The optimized group of parameters in roller, concave board screen, cover plate, vibration sieve and centrifugal blower was got. Test results indicated the sequences of factors influencing the threshing performance were roller linear velocity, separating interval, guide number of cover plate, mesh size and screening area of concave board screen and threshing interval. The values were 25 m/s, 55 mm, 4, 204°, 36 mm×15 mm and 15 mm, respectively. The sequences of factors influencing the cleaning performance were vibration sieve crank rotating speed, vibration sieve type, centrifugal blower rotating and amplitude of vibration sieve. The values were 404 r/min, 16 mm, 1787 r/min and 30 mm. Thus, the impurity rate was less than 3%, the broken rate was less than 1% and the loss rate was less than 1.5%.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Vibrations (mechanical)
  Controlled terms:Agriculture  -  Blowers  -  Centrifugation  -  Cleaning  -  Experiments  -  Harvesters  -  Optimization  -  Sieves
  Uncontrolled terms:Centrifugal blower  -  Combine harvesters  -  Cover plate  -  Fuzzy analysis  -  Linear velocity  -  Loss rates  -  Mesh size  -  Orthogonal experiment  -  Rotating speed  -  Threshing   -  Wheat fields
  Classification code:921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  618.3 Blowers and Fans  -  605 Small Tools and Hardware  -  802.3 Chemical Operations

20. Accession number:20124915762973
  Title:Optimization design and experiment of liquid-fertilizer applying deep-fertilization mechanism for planetary elliptic gears
  Authors:Wang, Jinwu1 ; Liu, Yahua1 ; Wang, Jinfeng1 ; He, Jiannan1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, J. (jinwuw@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:60-65 59
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:To satisfy the requirements of high working efficiency and smooth operation of liquid-fertilizer applicator, a kind of transmission mechanism with planetary elliptic gears was designed for deep-fertilization of liquid fertilizer. The analysis model of this mechanism was established. Its kinematic model was accomplished by means of theoretical derivation. Optimization design on the flow route of liquid fertilizer was conducted by employing the method of anti-twisting design of the mechanism. Finally, the mechanism was tested on the test-bed. After the data processing by using Design-Expert 6.0.1 software, the optimum working parameters were determined, which the working pressure of liquid pump is 0.47 MPa, the rotating rate of planetary frame is 40 r/min, therefore, the fertilizer volume is 20 mL at a time, and fertilizer loss rate is 3.2%. Observation from the test showed that, the mechanism ran smoothly with no interference, the liquid fertilizer transmitted smoothly characterized by reliable seal, which met the requirement of the design.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Fertilizers
  Controlled terms:Data processing  -  Design  -  Liquids  -  Optimization
  Uncontrolled terms:Analysis models  -  Anti-twisting  -  Deep-fertilization  -  Design-expert  -  Elliptic gears  -  Flow routes  -  Kinematic model  -  Liquid fertilizers  -  Liquid pump  -  Loss rates   -  Optimization design  -  Optimum working parameters  -  Rotating rates  -  Theoretical derivations  -  Transmission mechanisms  -  Working efficiency  -  Working pressures
  Classification code:408 Structural Design  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

22. Accession number:20124915762963
  Title:Energy management control system design for electro-mechanical transmission based on V-mode
  Authors:Zhang, Wei1 ; Wang, Weida2 ; Che, Jianzhi3 ; Zhang, Xike1 ; Jin, Jin1 
  Author affiliation:1  China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
                 2  National Key Lab. of Vehicular Transmission, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
                 3  Research Institute, Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co. Ltd., Baotou 014030, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, W. (wangwd0430@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:1-7 13
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The energy management control system of electro-mechanical transmission (EMT) system was designed and verified based on V-mode development. It realized the power management and integrative control by running the control strategy and driving the actuators. The control system was verified and validated by the road test. The results indicate that the design scheme of power-split and control system and control strategy are correct and feasible. The developed control system can realize the function of power management and integrative control. The design and validation work is easier to implement by using the V-mode method and the research and development efficiency is improved.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Control systems
  Controlled terms:Energy management  -  Industrial management  -  Roads and streets  -  Transmissions
  Uncontrolled terms:Control strategies  -  Design scheme  -  Electro-mechanical  -  Integrative control  -  Management control system  -  Power managements  -  Research and development  -  Road tests  -  V-mode
  Classification code:406.2 Roads and Streets  -  525 Energy Management and Conversion  -  602.2 Mechanical Transmissions  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  912.2 Management

24. Accession number:20124915762975
  Title:Numerical simulation and experiment on wind performance of disc atomizer
  Authors:Zhou, Liangfu1 ; Zhang, Xiaoxin2 ; Lü, Xiaolan1 ; Ding, Suming1 
  Author affiliation:1  Nanjing Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing 210014, China
                 2  College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  Corresponding author:Zhang, X. (xxzhang1@jlonline.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:72-75 81
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In order to investigate the characteristic of properties of the disc atomizer, the experimental and computational simulation methods were adopted. The optimum working rotational speed and the air velocity field at different rotational speeds of the disc atomizer were studied and validated by the experiment data. The results showed that the optimum rotational speed was 1400 r/min at the selected impeller. The velocity field of the disc atomizer was axial symmetry. The velocity of central plane diffused at a fixed angle and decayed along the centre line. The simulation data was closely related to the experiment data.
  Number of references:17
  Main heading:Experiments
  Controlled terms:Computer simulation  -  Velocity
  Uncontrolled terms:Air velocities  -  Axial symmetry  -  Centre line  -  Computational simulation  -  Disc atomizer  -  Experiment data  -  Fixed angles  -  Rotational speed  -  Simulation data  -  Velocity field   -  Wind performance
  Classification code:723.5 Computer Applications  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  931.1 Mechanics
26. Accession number:20124915762978
  Title:Parameter optimization on separating mechanism for rind and pith of corn straw
  Authors:Wang, Defu1 ; Chen, Zhengguang2 ; Yu, Keqiang2 
  Author affiliation:1   College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
                 2  College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, D. (dfwang0203@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:For studying the separation equipment for rind and pith of corn straw, the key mechanism for separation of rind and pith was experimented. In experiments, distance between pith-stripping blades and supporting blade, quantity and installation angle of pith-stripping blades, rotation speed of pith-stripping roll were chosen as experimental factors. Rind-intact percentage and pith-remain percentage were decided as evaluation indexes. The results showed that with distance of 2.0-3.0 mm, quantity of blades of 6 pieces, installation angle of blades of 15°and rotation speed of roll of 1000 r/min, rind-intact percentage was over 95% and pith-remain percentage was below 2%.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Experiments
  Controlled terms:Agricultural engineering  -  Mechanical engineering
  Uncontrolled terms:Corn straws  -  Evaluation index  -  Experimental factors  -  Installation angle  -  Parameter optimization  -  Rind and pith  -  Rotation speed  -  Separation equipment  -  Theory analysis
  Classification code:608 Mechanical Engineering, General  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  901.3 Engineering Research

27. Accession number:20124915762987
  Title:Effect of ultrasonic on enzymolysis for glucoamylase
  Authors:Gao, Zhenpeng1 ; Yue, Tianli1 ; Yuan, Yahong1 ; Ning, Long1 ; Zhou, Zhengkun1 ; Li, Zhao1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  Corresponding author:Yue, T. (yuetl@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The sweet potato liquefaction juice was used as raw material. Ultrasound was employed in the processing of glucoamylase enzymatic digestion. The influence of ultrasonic power, frequency, enzymolysis temperature and enzyme dosage on glucoamylase enzymolysis reaction were studied by using single factor experiment and orthogonal test. The optimum condition of glucoamylase enzymolysis reaction was obtained. Research results indicated that, under the optimal conditions of ultrasonic power of 420 W, frequency of 45 kHz, enzymolysis temperature of 65°C and enzyme dosage of 150 U/g, the reducing sugar content arrived to 1.541 mg/mL, which increased by 24.78% compared with control.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Ultrasonics
  Controlled terms:Enzymes
  Uncontrolled terms:Enzymatic digestions  -  Enzyme dosage  -  Enzymolysis  -  Glucoamylase  -  Optimal conditions  -  Optimum conditions  -  Orthogonal test  -  Reducing sugars  -  Research results  -  Sweet potato   -  Ultrasonic power
  Classification code:753.1 Ultrasonic Waves  -  804.1 Organic Compounds

31. Accession number:20124915762986
  Title:Antioxidant activity of non-volatiles from clove
  Authors:Shen, Yonggen1 ; Cai, Zhipeng1 ; Jiang, Shenhua2 ; Shangguan, Xinchen1 ; Xu, Mingsheng1 ; Liao, Liang2 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Food Science and Engineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
                 2  College of Life Science, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332000, China
  Corresponding author:Jiang, S. (jiangshenhua66@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The non-volatiles from clove were fractionated by liquid-liquid partition by using ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water, respectively. The antioxidant activity of three different fractions was evaluated by using different antioxidant tests, including total antioxidant activity, superoxide radical, hydroxyl radicals scavenging activities and inhibition of peroxidation of linoleic acid. In the above four assays, ethyl acetate fraction exhibited more antioxidant potency than other fractions and was effective fraction. Correlation analysis indicated that there was a linear relationship between antioxidant activity and the content of phenolic compounds. Through the use of thin-layer chromatography (TLC), there were eight major constituents in the effective fraction. Furthermore, the effective fraction was found to be more effective by acid hydrolysis in total antioxidant activity, hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radical scavenging activity.
  Number of references:26
  Main heading:Linoleic acid
  Controlled terms:Hydrolysis  -  Oxygen  -  Phenols  -  Thin layer chromatography
  Uncontrolled terms:Acid hydrolysis  -  Antioxidant activities  -  Clove  -  Correlation analysis  -  Effective fractions  -  Ethyl acetates  -  Hydroxyl radicals  -  Linear relationships  -  Liquid-liquid partition  -  N-butanol   -  Non-volatiles  -  Peroxidation  -  Phenolic compounds  -  Scavenging activities  -  Superoxide radical
  Classification code:801 Chemistry  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  804.1 Organic Compounds

32. Accession number:20124915762997
  Title:Effect of concentration of iron element in aeroponics cultivation on photosynthesis and yield of potato minituber
  Authors:Xiao, Yingkui1 ; Yu, Haiye1 ; Li, Jiman1 ; Zhang, Yanping2 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
                  2  Cerestar China Resources Maize Industry Co. Ltd., Songyuan 138006, China
  Corresponding author:Xiao, Y. (xiaoyk@jlu.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Under the aeroponics cultivation experiment of the different levels of Fe, the relative physiological indexes of the potato minituber was tested. The effect of the different concentrations of Fe ion on relative physiological indexes of the potato minituber was analyzed to explore reasonable application of Fe for improving the quality and yield of potato minituber. The results showed that iron content would affect the synthesization of chlorophyll a and b. Protein contents decreased in a certain extent. Photosynthesis and the accumulation of photosynthetic products decreased. The experiment validated that the unsuitable application of Fe reduced the quality and yield of potato minituber. The suitable Fe ion concentration of nutrient solution in cultivation of the potato minituber with aeroponics method in greenhouse was put forward.
  Number of references:13
  Main heading:Physiology
  Controlled terms:Chlorophyll  -  Experiments  -  Photosynthesis
  Uncontrolled terms:Aeroponics  -  Chlorophyll a  -  Ion concentrations  -  Iron concentrations  -  Iron content  -  Nutrient solution  -  Physiological indices  -  Protein contents  -  Synthesization
  Classification code:461.9 Biology  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  901.3 Engineering Research

33. Accession number:20124915762966
  Title:Credibility analysis of simulation model for torque converters based on complexity measurement
  Authors:Liu, Shucheng1 ; Wei, Wei1 ; Yan, Qingdong1 ; Lai, Yuyang2 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
                  2  Soyotec Technologies Co. Ltd., Beijing 100081, China
  Corresponding author:Liu, S. (liushucheng@vip.126.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In order to objectively and accurately evaluate the credibility of hydrodynamic torque converter's flow field simulation model, 300 performance tests of one hydrodynamic torque converter were conducted, and a same number of simulation using the same input variables with the tests was also carried out. Results of both the tests and simulation were compared. Based on theory of complexity measurement, a credibility evaluation system covering three levels, including single-variable, dual-variables and multi-variables was set up, and corresponding quantitative credibility indexes based on complexity, relevance and robustness were put forward. The results showed that overall credibility of the simulation model was 72%.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Computer simulation
  Controlled terms:Fluid dynamics  -  Fluid mechanics  -  Hydraulic torque converters  -  Multivariable systems  -  Torque converters
  Uncontrolled terms:Complexity measurement  -  Credibility evaluation  -  Flow field simulation  -  Input variables  -  Multi variables  -  Performance tests  -  Simulation model  -  Theory of complexity
  Classification code:602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions  -  602.1 Mechanical Drives  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  961 Systems Science

35. Accession number:20124915762996
  Title:Dynamic detection of transpiration rate and water using efficiency for plantlets
  Authors:Wu, Yanyou1 ; Zhao, Kuan1 ; Chen, Ying1 ; Pang, Jing1 ; Xu, Hongcheng1 ; Mao, Hanping1 
  Author affiliation:1  Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author:Wu, Y. (yanyouwu@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The growth information and transpiration information of plantlets in vitro were acquired by image processing and utilization of the law of mass conservation, respectively. The Logistic, linear and nonlinear hyperbolic equations were used for fitting the relationship of biomass of plantlet in vitro and culture time, water loss and culture time, transpiration water loss and biomass of plantlet in vitro. The models of growth prediction, transpiration of water loss and water using efficiency of plantlet were established. The transpiration rate and water using efficiency of plantlet in vitro were calculated. The transpiration rate and water using efficiency of Atractlodes lancea plantlets in vitro at different nitrogen levels in the medium and subculture generation were measured. The transpiration was strong with less subculture generation and higher nitrogen content in culture medium.
  Number of references:17
  Main heading:Evapotranspiration
  Controlled terms:Efficiency  -  Image analysis  -  Image processing  -  Partial differential equations  -  Tissue culture  -  Transpiration
  Uncontrolled terms:Culture medium  -  Culture time  -  Dynamic detection  -  Dynamic determination  -  Growth information  -  In-vitro  -  Mass conservation  -  Nitrogen content  -  Nitrogen levels  -  Nonlinear hyperbolic equation   -  Plantlets  -  Transpiration rates  -  Water loss  -  Water using efficiency
  Classification code:444.1 Surface Water  -  461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering  -  643 Space Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  913.1 Production Engineering  -  921.2 Calculus

37. Accession number:20124915762985
  Title:Preparation technology of glycinin with high gel strength
  Authors:Chi, Yujie1 ; Fan, Miao1 
  Author affiliation:1  Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology, Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  Corresponding author:Chi, Y. (yjchi@126.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Aimed at increasing the gel strength of product, the experiment employed defatted soybean meal as raw material, and obtained soybean glycinin through separation and purification (11S). Glycosylation modification was realized by adding glucose. The operation conditions for modification were established by single factor experiment. On the basis, Box-Behnken model was used to optimize technological conditions, test and analyze the gel strength of modified products under various conditions. The results illustrated the optimum reaction conditions as follows, reaction temperature was 78.61°C, reaction time was 60.36 min, the augmenter of glucose was 2.84%, and the gel strength could achieve 271.37 g. According to actual situation, reaction temperature was set to 80°C, reaction time was set to 60 min, and the augmenter of glucose was set to 3.0%. Under these conditions, the proof test's result was 270.52 g which was 3.07 times of the unmodified glycinin. The experiment proved that the modification technology can effectively and significantly increase gel strength of glycinin.
  Number of references:26
  Main heading:Strength of materials
  Controlled terms:Esterification  -  Experiments  -  Glucose  -  Glycosylation  -  Oilseeds
  Uncontrolled terms:Box-Behnken  -  Gel strengths  -  Glycinin  -  Modification technology  -  Modified products  -  Operation conditions  -  Optimum reaction conditions  -  Preparation technology  -  Proof test  -  Reaction temperature   -  Separation and purification  -  Soybean meal  -  Technological conditions
  Classification code:901.3 Engineering Research  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  951 Materials Science  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  461.9 Biology

42. Accession number:20124915762984
  Title:Comparison between infrared and hot water blanching processing on enzyme inactivation for potato slice
  Authors:Li, Shujun1 ; Zhang, Hu1 ; Lin, Yaling1 ; Liu, Bin1 ; Xie, An1 ; Liu, Xingjing1 
  Author affiliation:1  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author:Li, S. (lisj@caams.org.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The changes of potato polyphenol oxidase relative activity, brightness, chromaticity and vitamin C content were inspected by comparing potato slice processed with infrared and hot water blanching inactivation process, respectively. The optimum technology parameters were obtained by using multivariate nonlinear fitting method and they are as follows: when the infrared intensity is 4.0 kW/m2 and the thickness of the slice is 3 mm, the processing time and vitamin C remaining content would be 2.5 min and 6.983 mg/(100 g). When the blanching temperature is 100°C with the same thickness of the slice, the processing time and the vitamin C remaining content would be 4.0 min and 7.068 mg/(100 g). Compared with the traditional hot water blanching processing, the processing time can be decrease by 37.5% with infrared processing.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Blanching
  Controlled terms:Enzymes  -  Vitamins  -  Water
  Uncontrolled terms:Enzyme inactivation  -  Hot water  -  Inactivation process  -  Infrared intensity  -  Infrared processing  -  Nonlinear fitting method  -  Polyphenol oxidase  -  Potato slices  -  Processing time  -  Relative activities   -  Technology parameters  -  Vitamin C
  Classification code:444 Water Resources  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  822.2 Food Processing Operations

44. Accession number:20124915762977
  Title:Parameter analysis and simulation of spring-finger cylinder pickup collector
  Authors:Wang, Wenming1, 2 ; Wang, Chunguang1  
  Author affiliation:1  College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, China
                  2  Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xingtai Polytechnic College, Xingtai 054035, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, C. (wcgjdy@yahoo.com.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Theoretical analysis and kinematics simulation for study of the working process of spring-finger cylinder pickup collector were carried out. A modern designing theory was introduced and ADAMS model was established for the pickup collector. By going through kinetics analysis, the essential design parameters of pickup collector were improved. Based on the achievement, the affecting law of the variation of each factor to the moving state of spring-finger and the appropriate design method of slide track cam were acquired. Working parameters of cylinder pickup collector at given structure parameters were found. It showed that the analytical results of simulation were good agreed with the experiment results. This result showed the feasibility of using simulation method to analyze the performance of the cylinder pickup collector.
  Number of references:11
  Main heading:Pickups
  Controlled terms:Cylinders (shapes)
  Uncontrolled terms:ADAMS model  -  Analytical results  -  Design method  -  Design parameters  -  Kinematics simulation  -  Kinetics analysis  -  Parameter analysis  -  Simulation  -  Simulation methods  -  Spring-finger   -  Structure parameter  -  Working parameters  -  Working process
  Classification code:408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  752.3.1 Sound Reproduction Equipment

46. Accession number:20124915762983
  Title:Monitoring of straw solid-state fermentation based on NIR and one-class support vector machine
  Authors:Jiang, Hui1 ; Liu, Guohai1 ; Mei, Congli1 ; Xiao, Xiahong1 ; Yu, Shuang1 ; Ding, Yuhan1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author:Liu, G. (ghliu@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:114-117 166
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy coupled with one-class support vector machine (OC-SVM) were used to rapidly and accurately monitor physical and chemical changes in solid-state fermentation (SSF) of crop straws without the need for chemical analysis. Raw spectra of fermented samples were acquired with wavelength range of 10000-4000 cm-1. Then the top seven PCs as input vectors were extracted by principal component analysis (PCA). OC-SVM algorithm was implemented to develop identification model, and some parameters of OC-SVM model were optimized by cross-validation in calibrating model. Experimental results showed that OC-SVM model revealed its incomparable superiority than SVM model in handling imbalance training sets under the same condition. The discrimination rate of OC-SVM model was 85% in the validation set when the ratio of samples from target class to those from non-target class was one to eight in the training set.
  Number of references:15
  Main heading:Support vector machines
  Controlled terms:Fermentation  -  Infrared devices  -  Near infrared spectroscopy  -  Principal component analysis  -  Straw
  Uncontrolled terms:Chemical change  -  Cross validation  -  Discrimination rates  -  Identification model  -  Input vector  -  One-class support vector machine  -  Solid-state fermentation  -  SVM model  -  Target class  -  Training sets   -  Wavelength ranges
  Classification code:723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  741.3 Optical Devices and Systems  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics

48. Accession number:20124915762979
  Title:Design and experiment of cob-picking and stalk-chopping united mechanism
  Authors:Cui, Tao1 ; Liu, Jia1 ; Zhang, Dongxing1 ; Yang, Li1  
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author:Yang, L. (yl_hb68@126.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A corn cob-picking mechanism with stalk-choppingfunction was designed. It consists of a cob-picking plate, a pair of stem pull-rollers with rib and a cutting knife roller. Two functions can be achieved by the one mechanism. The corn stalk was chopped by the cutout disk which through the space of pull-roller units when it was being pull down by the two stem pull-rollers. The corn stalks' characteristics of motion in the mechanism were analyzed by a model of motion process. It was found that the motion trail of the corn stalk in the pull-rollers has quite good straightness. And the test results showed that the seed damage, shattering loss and corn stalk broken were decreased a lot by using this mechanism. The cob-picking were nicely achieved when the stalk were chopped. Remarkable power consumption reduced revealed by the 35% lesser average power consumption compared with traditional way.
  Number of references:19
  Main heading:Rollers (machine components)
  Controlled terms:Design  -  Experiments
  Uncontrolled terms:Corn stalk  -  Cutting knives  -  Seed damage  -  Stalk chopping
  Classification code:408 Structural Design  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  901.3 Engineering Research

49. Accession number:20124915762965
  Title:CAA technology for planetary transmission
  Authors:Tang, Zhenghua1, 2 ; Yan, Qingdong1 ; Leng, Shaohua3 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
                 2  Department of Vehicle Using, Academy of Armored Forces, Bengbu 233050, China
                 3  President's Office, Shandong Vocational College of Economics and Business, Weifang 261011, China
  Corresponding author:Yan, Q. (yanqd@bit.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:To improve the efficiency of the design and analysis, a computer-aided analysis technology for the planetary transmission was conducted. According to the analysis of planetary transmission and the connection of its module, the general mathematical models of the revolution and torque, which based on the model library for the planetary, clutch and brake, were constructed, and the kinetic equations of planetary transmission were automatic listed. A corresponding computer-aided analysis (CAA) software was programmed which realized the rapid modeling, automatic listing and equations solving, and performance analysis for the planetary transmission system.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Computer aided analysis
  Controlled terms:Automotive engineering  -  Integral equations  -  Mathematical models
  Uncontrolled terms:Design and analysis  -  Equations solving  -  Kinetic equations  -  Model library  -  Performance analysis  -  Planetary transmission  -  Vehicle engineering
  Classification code:664 Automotive Engineering, General  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921 Mathematics  -  921.2 Calculus

54. Accession number:20124915762964
  Title:Control system and flux-weakening algorithm of electric vehicle
  Authors:Cheng, Bo1 ; Li, Xue1 ; Ye, Min1 ; Wang, Fengkai2 ; Cao, Binggang2 
  Author affiliation:1  Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China
                 2  School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
  Corresponding author:Cheng, B. (chengbo7681@126.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Corresponding to the interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) used in electric vehicle (EV), control system was designed. Based on the experts experience and motor response curve, combining the actual running state of EV, the fuzzy control rules were made. The fuzzy-PI controller was designed and embedded in the vector control system, and then the simulation was completed. A double-condition considering both speed and duty cycle was utilized to judge whether the flux-weakening control was necessary. A subsection control strategy was adopted according to the speed threshold. Finally, by the running experiment of IPMSM used in EV, it was proved that the response performance and running stability of the motor were improved, and the controllable speed range was widened.
  Number of references:13
  Main heading:Control systems
  Controlled terms:Electric vehicles  -  Fuzzy control  -  Permanent magnets  -  Synchronous motors  -  Water craft
  Uncontrolled terms:Flux weakening  -  Flux weakening control  -  Fuzzy control rules  -  Fuzzy optimum  -  Fuzzy-PI controllers  -  Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor  -  Motor response  -  Response performance  -  Running stability  -  Speed range   -  Sub-section control  -  Vector control systems  -  Vector controls
  Classification code:921 Mathematics  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  705.3.1 AC Motors  -  704.1 Electric Components  -  674.1 Small Marine Craft  -  432 Highway Transportation

58. Accession number:20124915762980
  Title:Tea sieving based on three translation parallel mechanism
  Authors:Xie, Jun1 ; Zhang, Xiaoqing1 ; Wang, Chengjun2 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
                 2  School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
  Corresponding author:Xie, J. (xiejun@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Based on the theory of parallel mechanism, a 3-DOF mechanism which was completely decoupled was chosen as the main part of the tea sieving machine to solve the problem that the traditional tea sieving machines can not complete multi-dimensional vibration. D-H matrix was applied to calculate the forward and reverse solution of the position, and the orthogonal experiment was used to test the screening performance. The test shows that the 3-D vibration makes the tea spread fast in the screen surface, short the time by nearly 20 times and get a better screening performance.
  Number of references:10
  Main heading:Mechanisms
  Controlled terms:Experiments  -  Sieves
  Uncontrolled terms:Orthogonal experiment  -  Parallel mechanisms  -  Reverse solution  -  Screening performance  -  Sieving machines
  Classification code:601.3 Mechanisms  -  605 Small Tools and Hardware  -  901.3 Engineering Research

61. Accession number:20124915762967
  Title:Simulation and experiment of in-situ steering of large wheel tractor with hinge swing link
  Authors:Zhang, Guangqing1 ; Zhu, Sihong1 ; Li, Weihua2 ; Xiao, Pengcheng2 ; Chen, Qiang2 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China
                2  Xuzhou KAT Machinery Co. Ltd., Xulun Group, Xuzhou 221000, China
  Corresponding author:Zhu, S. (zhusihong@njau.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:25-30 18
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:The multi-body system spatial model with 12-DOF concerning in-situ steering of the articulated tractor was set up with the augmented formulation based on Euler Four Parameters. The mathematical models of the hydraulic steering system of large wheel tractor were set up with state space method by 12 parameter varieties. The simulation programs of multi-body dynamics and hydraulic system were developed with help of Matlab software. In-situ experiments on rigid road were carried out, and the steering multi-body system model was validated by the experimental results. Dynamic characteristics of in-situ steering of the tractor were obtained, and it will be beneficial to the subsequent research on the steering by wire system and automatic driving technology of this type tractor.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Tractors (agricultural)
  Controlled terms:Automobile drivers  -  Experiments  -  Hydraulic equipment  -  Mathematical models  -  MATLAB  -  State space methods  -  Tractors (truck)  -  Wheels
  Uncontrolled terms:Automatic driving  -  By-wire systems  -  Dynamic characteristics  -  Hydraulic system  -  In-situ experiments  -  Matlab- software  -  Multi Body Systems  -  Multi-body dynamic  -  Multi-body system model  -  Simulation   -  Simulation program  -  Spatial models  -  Steering systems
  Classification code:432 Highway Transportation  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery  -  663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  921 Mathematics

62. Accession number:20124915763001
  Title:Design and experiment of eccentric modified gears
  Authors:Fan, Suxiang1, 2 ; Hou, Shulin1 ; Zhao, Yun3  
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                 2  School of Mechanical Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450011, China
                 3  College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
  Corresponding author:Zhao, Y. (zhaoyun@neau.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:219-223 234
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A transmission mechanism was proposed to solve the problem of tooth backlash change, composed by an eccentric gear and an eccentric modified gear. The design principle of the eccentric gears was described. According to the involutes tooth profile generating principle, the tooth profile data was obtained. The eccentric modified gears were manufactured through powder metallurgy and applied to the planetary transplanting mechanism. It passed the field testing.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Gear manufacture
  Controlled terms:Design  -  Experiments  -  Gears  -  Powder metallurgy
  Uncontrolled terms:Design Principles  -  Eccentric gears  -  Field testing  -  Tooth profile  -  Transmission mechanisms
  Classification code:408 Structural Design  -  536 Powder Metallurgy  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  901.3 Engineering Research

64. Accession number:20124915763003
  Title:Double adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for hydraulic servo system of parallel machine
  Authors:Tang, Rui1, 2 ; Wang, Shaojiang1 ; Hou, Li1 ; Zhang, Qi1 ; Jiang, Ping1 ; Ren, Wenjuan1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
                 2  School of Machinery and Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua 617000, China
  Corresponding author:Hou, L. (houli4@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Taking a single-channel control of parallel machine tools as the research object, an double adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control method adapted to the asymmetric cylinder hydraulic servo system controlled by symmetric valve was presented to make the output of the system follow the reference signal progressively, so that the problems of dynamic performance asymmetry, low accuracy, low stability were resolved. Double adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control was more suited to complex systems with higher order nonlinearity and strong interference. The simulation results demonstrated that the double adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control system could greatly improve the dynamic performance and control precision of parallel machine tools. The steady-state error is only 20% of PID controller.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Adaptive control systems
  Controlled terms:Fuzzy systems  -  Hydraulic servomechanisms  -  Machine tools  -  Sliding mode control
  Uncontrolled terms:Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controls (AFSMC)  -  Control precision  -  Dynamic performance  -  Higher order nonlinearity  -  Hydraulic servo system  -  Parallel machine  -  Parallel machine tool  -  PID controllers  -  Reference signals  -  Research object   -  Single-channel  -  Steady state errors  -  Strong interference
  Classification code:603.1 Machine Tools, General  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  732.1 Control Equipment

65. Accession number:20124915762974
  Title:Experiment on spraying performance of super-high clearance boom sprayer with air-assisted system
  Authors:Zhang, Tie1 ; Yang, Xuejun1 ; Dong, Xiang1 ; Liu, Shumin1 ; Wang, Jinjiang1 ; Dou, Lingjing1 
  Author affiliation:1  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author:Yang, X. (camms@263.net
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Various field experiments were conducted in order to measure the performance of air-assisted spraying system on super-high clearance sprayer. The effects of spray pressure and speed of sprayer, air flow rate of air curtain and plant canopy characteristics on droplet distribution, deposition uniformity and droplet drift were studied. The experiment results indicated that droplet drift could reduce obviously with air-assisted spraying system. It also showed that air flow rate of air-assisted was the determinant factor, and the penetrability and deposition of droplets had positive correlation. Plant canopy characteristics had significant effect on droplet deposition. The deposit rate increased and the effect of deposition improved with the same sprayer speed when the spray pressure increased. However, it has no obvious effect on penetration of droplet. The speed of sprayer had no obvious effect on the droplet deposition.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Drops
  Controlled terms:Agricultural machinery  -  Air  -  Deposition  -  Experiments  -  Flow rate
  Uncontrolled terms:Air-assisted  -  Boom sprayer  -  Deposition distribution  -  Drift  -  Super-high clearance
  Classification code:443.1 Atmospheric Properties  -  631 Fluid Flow  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  813.1 Coating Techniques  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  901.3 Engineering Research

67. Accession number:20124915762972
  Title:Kinematic analysis of separating-transplanting mechanism with differential eccentric gear train based on inequality model
  Authors:Yin, Jianjun1 ; Wu, Chuanyu2 ; Yang, Simon X3 ; Liu, Yan1 
  Author affiliation:1  Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
                 2  School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci.-Tech. University, Hangzhou 310018, China
                 3  School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph N1G 2W1, Canada
  Corresponding author:Yin, J. (Yinjianjun@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:An inequality model was proposed to correct the intersection and separation of working contours of matching teeth under equality model, which should not take place in real eccentric involute gear transmission. When 5000 coordinate points of involutes working contours of benchmark tooth were determined to compute the inequality model, the coordinate control precision of searching meshing points can reach 0.001 mm and the angle error can reach 0.001°. Computation showed that the angle error will become bigger with the increment of gear eccentricity, and be exaggerated gradually when multistage eccentric involute gears drive. The inequality model may solve accurately relative motion relationship between gear box and planting arm, and its accurate position and posture can be obtained when seedling-claw takes seedlings from seedling box and pushes seedlings into soil. Angle values of driven gears round both sides of the center gear are not equal with driving gear angle at the 180°, which results in path misalignment of seedling-claws fixed on forward planting arm and backward planting arm. Simulation result of ADAMS software validated that the solutions of the inequality model were correct. The path error was less than 1.01 mm when gear eccentricity was 0.1043.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Geologic models
  Controlled terms:Seed
  Uncontrolled terms:ADAMS software  -  Coordinate control  -  Eccentric gears  -  Gear-boxes  -  Involute gear  -  Kinematic Analysis  -  Relative motion
  Classification code:481.1 Geology  -  821.4 Agricultural Products

69. Accession number:20124915762991
  Title:Navigation information acquisition based on illumination chromaticity stability analysis for greenhouse robot
  Authors:Yuan, Ting1 ; Ren, Yongxin2 ; Li, Wei1 ; Ji, Chao1 ; Tan, Yuzhi1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                 2  China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology, Beijing 100044, China
  Corresponding author:Li, W. (liww@cau.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:For the problem of sunlight fluctuation influence on vision navigation in greenhouse environment, a navigation information acquisition method based on illumination chromaticity stability was proposed. By comparing the distribution of navigation line image in different color spaces, a light-color analysis model was established to the processes of navigation detection in variable illuminations. Combination model of g, Cr, Cb color components was used to extract guidance line rapidly and effectively. The navigation parameters including lateral deviation and angle deviation were obtained from reference navigation line fitted by an optimized Hough transformation. 150 images with navigation information taken under different light conditions were tested by the recognition algorithm, which can detect navigation line with a right recognition rate of 93.9%. The navigation experimental results showed the average processing time of navigation parameters acquisition was about 95 ms, and the maximum error of path tracking was less than 6 cm with the speed lower than 1.5 m/s, which satisfied real-time requirements of vision navigation.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Robots
  Controlled terms:Color  -  Computer vision  -  Greenhouses  -  Navigation
  Uncontrolled terms:Analysis models  -  Color component  -  Color space  -  Combination models  -  Greenhouse environment  -  Hough Transformation  -  Information recognition  -  Lateral deviation  -  Light conditions  -  Line images   -  Maximum error  -  Navigation in formation  -  Navigation parameters  -  Path tracking  -  Processing time  -  Real time requirement  -  Recognition algorithm  -  Recognition rates  -  Stability analysis  -  Variable illumination   -  Vision navigation
  Classification code:402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment  -  731.5 Robotics  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  741.2 Vision

79. Accession number:20124915762999
  Title:Output force control of pneumatic flexible dexterous hand
  Authors:Wang, Zhiheng1 ; Yang, Qinghua1 ; Qian, Shaoming1 ; Bao, Guanjun1 ; Zhang, Libin1  
  Author affiliation:1  Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and Advanced Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
  Corresponding author:Zhang, L. (robot@zjut.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A kind of flexible pneumatic actuator (FPA) was introduced, and a new type of FPA-driven pneumatic flexible dexterous hand, named ZJUT Hand, was also proposed. Taking ZJUT Hand as the research object, the static model of the finger was established based on differential kinematics theory. Semi-closed loop control experiments for static force tracking of the finger were carried out. It was concluded from experimental results that fingertip output force could be controlled easily. Based on 5-component force/torque sensor installed on the fingertip, a control strategy for dynamic adaptive fuzzy fingertip force tracking was proposed. Experiments of dynamic fingertip force tracking were completed. Experimental results show that the control strategy can realize fast and accurate dynamic fingertip force tracking under an unknown environment. The response time is 1 s. The force tracking error is within ±0.15 N.
  Number of references:24
  Main heading:Pneumatic actuators
  Controlled terms:Experiments  -  Pneumatic equipment  -  Pneumatics  -  Robotic arms
  Uncontrolled terms:Dexterous hands  -  Flexible pneumatic actuator  -  Fuzzy fingertip force  -  Static model  -  Tracking controls
  Classification code:632.3 Pneumatics  -  632.4 Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery  -  731.5 Robotics  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  901.3 Engineering Research

81. Accession number:20124915762969
  Title:Terramechanics of all terrain adaptive locomotion chassis for farmland
  Authors:Liu, Pingyi1 ; Gao, Jincheng2 ; Li, Haitao1 ; Zhang, Shaoying1 ; Wei, Wenjun1  
  Author affiliation:1  College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                 2  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  Corresponding author:Wei, W. (mech01@cau.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:According to the technical measures for reducing the mechanical soil compaction, all terrain adaptive locomotion chassis for farmland with ultra-low pressure tires was proposed as solution scheme based on the conventional wheeled locomotion mechanism. The mechanical model between the tire and ultra-low pressure was established. The terramechanics of all terrain adaptive locomotion chassis for farmland which used ultra-low pressure tires was anayled. At last, compared with the existing four-wheel drive tractor, it was proved that all terrain adaptive locomotion vehicles for farmland could reduce the mechanical soil compaction and met the modern agriculture's need with well performance and tractive effort.
  Number of references:17
  Main heading:Farms
  Controlled terms:All wheel drive vehicles  -  Chassis  -  Landforms  -  Soil mechanics  -  Tires
  Uncontrolled terms:Adaptive locomotion  -  Four-wheel drives  -  Locomotion mechanism  -  Mechanical model  -  Soil compaction  -  Technical measures  -  Terramechanics  -  Tractive effort  -  Well performance
  Classification code:818.5 Rubber Products  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components  -  663 Buses, Tractors and Trucks  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  481.1 Geology  -  662 Automobiles and Smaller Vehicles

87. Accession number:20124915762970
  Title:Analysis and optimization of wide-narrow distance transplanting mechanism with spatial planetary gear train of variable speed transmission
  Authors:Sun, Liang1 ; Zhao, Yun1 ; Yao, Jiaming1 ; Zheng, Jian1 ; Yu, Gaohong1 ; Zhu, Yu1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci.-Tech. University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  Corresponding author:Zhao, Y. (zhaoyun@zstu.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:41-46 71
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In order to solve the problems such as grasping seedling obliquely and shaping wider plant hole, a wide-narrow distance transplanting mechanism with spatial planetary gear train composed of elliptical bevel gears and crossed cylindrical gears was put forward. Kinematical model was established based on the transmission characteristics. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism was proved capable of taking the advantages, which known as grasping seedling more vertically and shaping narrower plant hole, by the analysis on relation among the lateral offsets, lateral plant hole of spatial planting trajectory and shaft angle. A optimization program about wide-narrow distance transplanting mechanism was written to research on the kinematics, and a set of optimal parameters meeting the working requirements of wide-narrow distance rice transplanter was obtained by the method of human-computer conversation afterward. Then configuration of elliptical bevel gear was achieved and virtual prototype test was performed by the software named ADAMS. Finally, a model machining of the transplanting mechanism as well as its testing was made, and concluding that the structural design and its parameters was suited to the requirements of wide-narrow distance rice transplanter.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Bevel gears
  Controlled terms:Optimization  -  Software testing  -  Structural design  -  Variable speed transmissions
  Uncontrolled terms:Cylindrical gear  -  Elliptical bevel gears  -  Human-computer conversations  -  Kinematical models  -  Optimal parameter  -  Optimization programs  -  Planetary gear train  -  Rice transplanter  -  Transmission characteristics  -  Virtual prototype   -  Wide-narrow distance
  Classification code:408.1 Structural Design, General  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  602.2 Mechanical Transmissions  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques

88. Accession number:20124915762988
  Title:Formula optimization of low sodium silver carp surimi by response surface methodology
  Authors:Lu, Jianfeng1 ; Deng, Wei1 ; Lin, Lin1 ; Ye, Yingwang1 ; Jiang, Shaotong1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
  Corresponding author:Lu, J. (lujf@sibs.ac.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:To reduce the sodium salt content of silver carp surimi-based products, the effects of three types of salt (sodium chloride, potassium chloride and calcium chloride) on properties of silver carp surimi gel were investigated by using gel strength, water-holding capacity (WHC) and whiteness as the indexes of surimi quality assessment during the chopping process. Box-Benhnken design (BBD) and response surface methodology (RSM) were adopted to obtain the optimum formula on the basis of results of single-factor experiments. The result indicated that the optimum formula was sodium chloride 1.0% by mass, potassium chloride 1.0% by mass and calcium chloride 0.5% by mass, respectively. The sodium salt content was lowered to 1.0% by mass, and the total salt content only reached to 2.5% by mass. Under the above conditions, the gel strength of silver carp surimi was 196.50 g·cm, the WHC value was 76.37% and the whiteness was 75.44.
  Number of references:24
  Main heading:Silver
  Controlled terms:Calcium chloride  -  Sodium chloride  -  Surface properties
  Uncontrolled terms:Gel strengths  -  Low-sodium surimi  -  Response surface methodology  -  Silver carp  -  Water holding capacity  -  Whiteness
  Classification code:547.1 Precious Metals  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  951 Materials Science

95. Accession number:20124915762981
  Title:Degradation kinetics of hemicellulose of wheat straw pretreated by propionic acid
  Authors:Tian, Long1, 2 ; Ma, Xiaojian1  
  Author affiliation:1  School of Chemical Engineering and Energy, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
                 2  School of Life Science and Technology, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, China
  Corresponding author:Ma, X. (maxj@zzu.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:105-109 123
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:Degradation kinetics of hemicellulose of wheat straw pretreated by propionic acid was studied. The results showed that two distinct phases occurred during the degradation process of hemicellulose of wheat straw, the fast degradation stage from the beginning to 60 min and the mild degradation stage from 60 min to 180 min. The rate constant and the order of reaction were determined through the establishment of kinetic equation. Under the temperature of 60°C, 70°C, 80°C and 90°C, the rate constants were 1.98×10-4, 1.67×10-3, 1.79×10-2 and 4.42×10-2 , respectively. At the same time, the order of reactions were 1.99, 1.40, 0.61, 0.46, respectively. The experiment was carried out in a certain range of temperature and time, the average active energy was 180.16 kJ/mol, and the frequency constant was 5.27×1024 L/(mol·min).
  Number of references:11
  Main heading:Degradation
  Controlled terms:Cellulose  -  Integral equations  -  Kinetics  -  Rate constants  -  Saturated fatty acids  -  Straw
  Uncontrolled terms:Active energy  -  Degradation kinetics  -  Degradation process  -  Frequency constant  -  Hemicellulose  -  Kinetic equations  -  Order of reaction  -  Propionic acids  -  Wheat straws
  Classification code:802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  815.1.1 rganic Polymers  -  821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  921.2 Calculus  -  931 Classical Physics; Quantum Theory; Relativity

101. Accession number:20124915762993
  Title:Rapid detection of Azotobacter chroococcum concentration based on image processing
  Authors:Zhang, Rongbiao1 ; Huang, Yizhen1 ; Sun, Xiaojun1 ; Yang, Ning1 ; Hong, Yangying1 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  Corresponding author:Zhang, R. (zrb@ujs.edu.cn
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A measuring method using image processing techniques for the rapid detection of Azotobacter chroococcum was put forward. Based on the microscopic image collection, preprocessing, segmentation and feature extraction, as well as the support vector machine (SVM) identification, classification and counting, Azotobacter chroococcum concentration density was acquired. The rapid Azotobacter chroococcum activity detection was realized. Experiments showed that detection precision of the proposed method was higher, and its relative error was less than 4% compared with precisely manual counting. Meanwhile, the detection method was more time saving. As for the other special detecting devices, the measuring detection cost was much lower.
  Number of references:15
  Main heading:Support vector machines
  Controlled terms:Error detection  -  Feature extraction  -  Image processing
  Uncontrolled terms:Activity detection  -  Azotobacter chroococcum  -  Detecting devices  -  Detection methods  -  Image processing technique  -  Measuring method  -  Microscopic image  -  Rapid detection  -  Relative errors
  Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television  -  721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices

103. Accession number:20124915762982
  Title:Orthogonal experiment of sugarcane leaves dry anaerobic fermentation
  Authors:Jiao, Jing1 ; Wang, Jinli1 ; Zhang, Jin1 ; Deng, Yiguo1 ; Zheng, Yong1 ; Wang, Gang1 
  Author affiliation:1  Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Zhanjiang 524091, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, J. (jinliw@tom.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:110-113 142
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In order to determine the optimum technological parameters of dry anaerobic fermentation of sugarcane leaves, an orthogonal experiment was conducted with method of composting, grass-manure ratio and fermentation temperature as three key factors in the experiment. The maximum gas yield of 655.30 L was obtained with natural composting at optimum grass-manure ratio of 1 and optimum fermentation temperature of 38°C. The results also showed that pig manure had a great impact on the dry anaerobic fermentation of sugarcane leaves. When the amount of manure was relatively small, the increasing of the fermentation temperature could also improve the gas production. The adding of two agents, Green Straw Decomposition and Stalk Rot Agent, had no effect on fermentation of sugarcane leaves in composting.
  Number of references:14
  Main heading:Experiments
  Controlled terms:Fermentation  -  Manures
  Uncontrolled terms:Anaerobic fermentation  -  Fermentation temperature  -  Gas productions  -  Gas yields  -  Orthogonal experiment  -  Pig manures  -  Technological parameters
  Classification code:452.3 Industrial Wastes  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  901.3 Engineering Research

105. Accession number:20124915762994
  Title:Plant disease stress analysis based on cylindrical near-field acoustic holography
  Authors:Wang, Xiuqing1 ; Wang, Yinchao1 ; Yang, Shifeng1 ; Zhao, Jimin1 ; Zhang, Jingya1 
  Author affiliation:1  College of Electronic Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300222, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, X. (lwxqly@163.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:When plant suffered from disease, the acoustic emission signal released. In order to understand the acoustic emission signal distribution regularities, the relationship between the degree of plant disease and acoustic emission signal's position was analyzed. The near-field acoustic holography based on spatial transformation of sound fields was used for the purpose of reconstruction model. The reconstruction algorithm was given out in order to realize the simulation through Matlab software. The parameters, such as the size of holographic cylindrical, the spacing of measurement points, the holographic radius, the reconstruction radius and so on should be adjusted constantly to obtain the optimal parameters. In view of the impact of environmental noise and acoustic emission signal characteristics, the window function was introduced into ultrasonic frequency signal to obtain the optimum simulation results. It was showed that cylindrical near-field acoustic holography based on spatial transformation of sound fields can be applied for recognition and positioning of acoustic emission signal accurately.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Acoustic holography
  Controlled terms:Acoustic field measurement  -  Acoustic fields  -  Computer software  -  MATLAB  -  Signal processing  -  Stress analysis
  Uncontrolled terms:Acoustic emission signal  -  Environmental noise  -  Matlab- software  -  Measurement points  -  Nearfield Acoustic Holography  -  Optimal parameter  -  Plant  -  Plant disease  -  Reconstruction algorithms  -  Spatial transformation   -  Ultrasonic frequency  -  Window functions
  Classification code:951 Materials Science  -  921 Mathematics  -  751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials  -  751 Acoustics, Noise. Sound  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties

106. Accession number:20124915763002
  Title:Autonomous task control system of construction tele-robot based on stereo vision
  Authors:Tang, Xinxing1 ; Ni, Tao2 ; He, Lipeng1 ; Zhang, Bangcheng1 ; Gao, Jinku3 
  Author affiliation:  1  School of Mechatronic Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130022, China
                    2   Institute of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
                    3   Jilin Oil Field Natural Gas Company, Songyuan 138000, China
  Corresponding author:Tang, X. (petertang1975@sina.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:224-228 214
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:In order to enhance the autonomy of construction tele-robot (CTR), a complete autonomous task control system of CTR based on stereo vision technology was established. Firstly, automation recognition and space location of the target object were studied by stereo vision and image processing technology. And then, forward and reverse kinematics equations, trajectory planning and control were discussed. To make the autonomous movement smoothly, trajectory function must be continuous and smooth, and expectation joint displacement and velocity would be obtained by forward kinematics equation. A fuzzy controller was designed. Finally, experiments of the autonomous task control were carried out on CTR test-bed. The experiments results indicated that autonomous task control system of CTR based on stereo vision technology was reliable and safe to complete their task, and task process was smooth.
  Number of references:12
  Main heading:Robot programming
  Controlled terms:Control systems  -  Experiments  -  Fuzzy control  -  Image processing  -  Robots  -  Stereo vision  -  Trajectories
  Uncontrolled terms:Autonomous movement  -  Autonomous task  -  Forward kinematics equations  -  Fuzzy controllers  -  Image processing technology  -  Kinematics equation  -  Space location  -  Target object  -  Task process  -  Trajectory functions   -  Trajectory Planning  -  Vision technology
  Classification code:404.1 Military Engineering  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  741.2 Vision  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  921 Mathematics

112. Accession number:20124915762995
  Title:Image texture classification based on Curvelet-scattering features
  Authors:Feng, Xin1 ; Wang, Xiaoming1 ; Dang, Jianwu2 
  Author affiliation:1  School of Electric Engineering and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
                 2  School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730050, China
  Corresponding author:Wang, X. (majing111111@sina.com
  Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
  Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
  Issue date:October 2012
  Publication year:2012
  Pages:184-189 199
  Document type:Journal article (JA)
  Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
  Abstract:A Curvelet feature with rotation invariant was put forward on the basis of the theory of the second generation Curvelet, and used for classification of texture images combination with the scattering feature vectors which have translation invariance and Lipschitz succession. With systematic analysis and rigorous experiments, the proposed Curvelet features significantly outperforms the widely used Gabor texture features. The combination features of Curvelet-scattering had high accuracy and computation efficiency for texture classification, and had a certain advantages compared with the single scattering features.
  Number of references:22
  Main heading:Forward scattering
  Controlled terms:Image texture  -  Textures
  Uncontrolled terms:Curvelets  -  Gabor texture  -  Rotation invariance  -  Scattering vectors  -  Translation invariance
  Classification code:711 Electromagnetic Waves  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  933 Solid State Physics