



1. Research on phase transition of grape during freezing-thawing process

Accession number: 20163902857962

Authors: Zhang, Zhe (1); Hao, Junjie (1); Zhao, Jing (1); Wang, Huaiwen (1); Ji, Hongwei (1); Zhang, Ping (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Tianjin Key Laboratory of Refrigeration Technology, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin; 300134, China; (2) Tianjin Key Laboratory of Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Agricultural Products, National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Preservation of Agricultural Products, Tianjin; 300384, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 241-248

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: With the improvement of people’s living standard, people are more and more concerned about the quality of fruits and vegetables during freezing and cold storage. However, fruits and vegetables are constant in the process of freezing-thawing during freezing and cold storage. Therefore, it is very important to research the phase transition of fruits and vegetables during the freezing-thawing process. The phase transition of fruits and vegetables in the freezing-thawing process was studied by using red grape as the test object. Grape pulp was tested with different rates, frequencies, time intervals, rate gradients and the rates through maximum ice crystal generation zone during the freezing-thawing process by DSC. By analyzing the heat flow curve in the experiment, the effect of freezing-thawing process on grape sample under different conditions was found. The greater the freezing rate was, the lower the freezing point temperature was, the shorter the time during the freezing process was. With the increase of the rate, the peak temperature of phase transition, the end point of phase transition temperature and the latent heat of phase change all increased during the process of thawing. In the process of temperature change from 2/min to 20/min, the latent heat of phase change increased 1.79 times, the peak temperature of phase transition increased 0.94 times, and the end point of phase transition temperature increased 5.07 times. The study provides a basis of quality recovery after freezing-thawing process for fruits and vegetables. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 17

Main heading: Phase transitions

Controlled terms: Cold storage? - ?Freezing? - ?Fruits? - ?Latent heat? - ?Point contacts? - ?Temperature? - ?Thawing? - ?Thermal processing (foods)? - ?Vegetables

Uncontrolled terms: DSC systems? - ?Freezing process? - ?Freezing-thawing? - ?Fruits and vegetables? - ?Living standards? - ?Peak temperatures? - ?Quality recovery? - ?Temperature changes

Classification code: 641.1 Thermodynamics


? - ?644.3 Refrigeration Equipment and Components

Refrigeration Equipment and Components

? - ?704.1 Electric Components

Electric Components

? - ?801.4 Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?822.2 Food Processing Operations

Food Processing Operations

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.034

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


2. Analysis of rill flow shear stress based on ANSYS CFX

Accession number: 20163902857951

Authors: Wang, You (1); Wang, Jian (1, 2); Huo, Chunping (3); Ma, Yuhong (3); Niu, Yinhuan (3); Li, He (1, 4)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (2) College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (3) Xi’an Soil and Water Conservation Station, Xi’an; 710016, China; (4) China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan; 430061, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Jian(Wangjian@nwsuaf.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 154-160

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to understand the relation between the developing process of rill erosion and flow shear stress, the paper simulated the developing process of rill erosion applying hydrodynamics software ANSYS CFX (version 15.0.7) to explore the distribution of flow velocity and shearing stress in the rill section. Based on flume experiment, 6 m long flush tank was used and rill development in 8 sections was measured. The experimental flow rate was 800 L/h. The paper anaylized the characteristics of flow velocity and sheer stress combined with the measured value of rill section and it is a supplement in computing hydrodynamics of the fracture mechanism of rills under water flow. The results showed that the rill section average flow velocity was 0.71 times of the surface velocity, the correction coefficient was 0.78 with the dye method to determine the rill flow velocity when using the way of CFX numerical simulate pattern method. Rill section shape affects the magnitude of shear stress. The sheer stress value of broad-shallow section was less than the narrow-deep section which is between 1.41~2.10 Pa. The shear stress determined the rill development, and the point sheer stress distribution of rill section was normal distribution. The point sheer stress of rill section was consistent with the rill development and sheer stress was tightly correlated with the development of each point in the section. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Shear flow

Controlled terms: Erosion? - ?Flow of water? - ?Flow velocity? - ?Fluid dynamics? - ?Hydrodynamics? - ?Normal distribution? - ?Numerical methods? - ?Shear stress? - ?Velocity

Uncontrolled terms: Computing hydrodynamics? - ?Correction coefficients? - ?Developing process? - ?Flow shear stress? - ?Fracture mechanisms? - ?Numerical simulate? - ?Rill erosion? - ?Section development

Classification code: 631 Fluid Flow

Fluid Flow

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

? - ?922.1 Probability Theory

Probability Theory

? - ?931.1 Mechanics


Numerical data indexing: Pressure 1.41e+00Pa to 2.10e+00Pa, Size 6.00e+00m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.023

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


3. Positioning method of axillary bud removal point for cherry tomato

Accession number: 20163902857932

Authors: Wang, Meng (1); Li, Jianping (1); Yu, Qingcang (2); Ji, Mingdong (1); Zhu, Songming (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Bio-systems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou; 310058, China; (2) School of Informatics and Electronics, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou; 310018, China

Corresponding author: Li, Jianping(jpli@zju.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 23-28

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The existence of axillary buds of cherry tomato growing between stem and branches will waste nutrients, resulting in a decrease in production. So they should be removed regularly. At present, they are removed manually, which increases the cost of production greatly. Using robots instead of by hands can reduce the costs. The key issue was the position of cherry tomato buds growing point detected by machine vision. An image processing method based on blue light staining was proposed. A monocular camera assisted with ultrasonic displacement sensor was used for capturing images and getting the 3D coordinate of axillary bud growing point. It was difficult to segment image, because the color of the axillary buds, branches and stems of cherry tomato was same to those of background. A blue LED light source was used to irradiate the axillary buds in order to dye the buds blue. The background was the other tomato plants whose color was green, so it was easy to extract the object from image. The image collected was complete, when the distance between the LED light source and the plant was 13 cm. B component image in RGB spatial domain was a gray image and its histogram was bimodal. The gray value was selected as a threshold, and then the image was segmented, the outline of the object could be gotten clearly. However, there were burrs on the edge of the outline, so the gray image should be translated into frequency-domain diagram by fast Fourier transform (FFT). A low pass filter was used to filter out the burrs at high frequency, and the outline at low frequency was retained. The cutoff frequency was set to 2.8% of the maximum frequency of the image. After the inverse transformation, the burrs could be removed completely. Deformation would occur at the edge of the contour, but it did not affect the subsequent processing. The corner points at both ends of the axillary bud were key feature points. In order to highlight the characteristics of the key feature points, the morphological dilation of image was processed by the 7×7 cross structure element. Then all the corners on the image were found out by using the Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithm. A discriminant condition was set after analyzing the growth characteristics of cherry tomato axillary buds. Then all the corners were iterated over, if there were two corners in accordance with the discriminant requirement, then the two points were the key feature points, and the mid-point of the two points was the axillary bud growth point. If there was not a couple of corners meet the requirement, then there was no axillary bud growth. If there were two couples corner points meet the discriminant requirement, it showed that there were two buds. There were errors between the axillary bud growth points located by the images and actual points. The error could be accepted since it was within 1 cm. 90 images of cherry tomato plants with axillary buds growing were identified, 82 images could be detected the axillary bud successfully, the correct recognition rate was 93.94%. After the removal of axillary buds, stubble length less than 1 cm accounted for 88.9%. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Image processing

Controlled terms: Computer vision? - ?Cutoff frequency? - ?Edge detection? - ?Fast Fourier transforms? - ?Frequency domain analysis? - ?Fruits? - ?Image segmentation? - ?Light emitting diodes? - ?Light sources? - ?Low pass filters ? - ?Processing? - ?Ultrasonic applications

Uncontrolled terms: Axillary bud? - ?Blue light? - ?Cherry tomatoes? - ?Corner detection? - ?Image processing - methods? - ?Inverse transformations? - ?Morphological dilation? - ?Shi tomasi corner detections

Classification code: 703.2 Electric Filters

Electric Filters

? - ?714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits

? - ?723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

? - ?753.3 Ultrasonic Applications

Ultrasonic Applications

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?913.4 Manufacturing


? - ?921.3 Mathematical Transformations

Mathematical Transformations

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.80e+00%, Percentage 8.89e+01%, Percentage 9.39e+01%, Size 1.00e-02m, Size 1.30e-01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.004

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


4. Design and experiment of self-exciting vibration deep-loosening and sub-soiling machine

Accession number: 20163902857935

Authors: Zhang, Junchang (1); Yan, Xiaoli (1); Lin, Zekun (1); Zhu, Ruixiang (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Yan, Xiaoli(yxl9212@nwsuaf.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 44-49 and 72

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To reduce operating resistance and improve the stability of deep-loosening, a self-exciting vibration deep-loosening and sub-soiling machine with controllable cutting angle was designed. The range of the cutting angle was controlled in 19°~25°. To optimize parameters of elastic component and validate the effect of drag reduction, the experiment in the soil bin was carried out, furthermore, the field experiment of operation quality and performance of the machine was conducted. The experiment in soil bin showed that the parameter of elastic significantly affected the resistance reduction, when the stiffness of the elastic was 194 N/mm, the traction resistance can be reduced about 29.8%. Also the effect of elastic component parameters on the drag reduction was significant, and under the condition of self-exciting vibration, with controllable penetration angle, the traction resistance was decreased by 8.9% than that with uncontrollable penetration angle. The results of the field experiments showed that the qualified rate of sub-soiling depth was 100%, stability coefficient reached 95.49%, the average of soil fluffy and soil disturbance coefficient were 19.34% and 56.62% respectively, the land surface was flat after sub-soiling, and the average of the soil crushing rate was 76.4%. Moreover, the trafficability in the period of the test was good, and the machine met the subsoiling technical requirements in double-cropping area in northwest China. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Soil surveys

Controlled terms: Bins? - ?Drag? - ?Drag reduction? - ?Soils

Uncontrolled terms: Elastic components? - ?Field test? - ?Operation quality? - ?Resistance reduction? - ?Self-exciting? - ?Stability coefficient? - ?Technical requirement? - ?Traction resistance

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?694.4 Storage


Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00e+02%, Percentage 1.93e+01%, Percentage 2.98e+01%, Percentage 5.66e+01%, Percentage 7.64e+01%, Percentage 8.90e+00%, Percentage 9.55e+01%, Surface_Tension 1.94e-01N*m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.007

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


5. Design of adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode controller for P-ECHPS

Accession number: 20163902857978

Authors: Jiang, Haobin (1); Gong, Xiaoqing (1); Geng, Guoqing (1); Chen, Long (2); Tang, Bin (2); Wang, Aixian (3)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (2) Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China; (3) Jiangsu Chaoli Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Danyang; 212300, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 374-381

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The permanent magnet slip clutch-electronically controlled hydraulic power steering system which is referred as P-ECHPS was proposed. The speed control model of permanent magnet slip clutch (PMSC) which is the key transmission part of P-ECHPS was established and all subsystems of P-ECHPS including of mechanical systems, hydraulic systems and three degrees of freedom steering dynamics system were also established in Matlab/Simulink. The variable assist characteristic curves were designed by analyzing the requirements of steering system under different speeds. According to the variable assist characteristic curves and the model of steering pump, the ideal speed of steering pump was obtained. For P-ECHPS containing various uncertain factors during steering process, such as parameter perturbation and external disturbance, and requirement of fast response, the adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode was used to control the speed of PMSC. Further it can realize the indirect control of P-ECHPS. The controller was designed according to the adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control strategy. Through simulation, the results show that adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control can ensure the output speed of PMSC track to the ideal speed quickly and has great robustness. The convergence rate of adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control respectively increased by about 82.9% and 66.7% than that of sliding mode control and nonsingular terminal sliding mode control. It can also realize variable assist characteristic accurately to meet the handling stability and energy efficiency. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Sliding mode control

Controlled terms: Clutches? - ?Controllers? - ?Degrees of freedom (mechanics)? - ?Energy efficiency? - ?Hydraulic equipment? - ?Magnets? - ?MATLAB? - ?Permanent magnets? - ?Power control? - ?Speed ? - ?Uncertainty analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Assist characteristic? - ?Fast terminal sliding mode controls? - ?Hydraulic power steering? - ?Hydraulic power steering systems? - ?Non-singular terminal sliding mode controls? - ?Speed-regulating? - ?Terminal sliding mode? - ?Three degrees of freedom

Classification code: 525.2 Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

? - ?602.2 Mechanical Transmissions

Mechanical Transmissions

? - ?632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery

? - ?704.1 Electric Components

Electric Components

? - ?731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

? - ?731.3 Specific Variables Control

Specific Variables Control

? - ?732.1 Control Equipment

Control Equipment

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?922.1 Probability Theory

Probability Theory

? - ?931.1 Mechanics


Numerical data indexing: Percentage 6.67e+01%, Percentage 8.29e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.050

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


6. Preparation and characterization of microencapsulated phase change materials for greenhouse application

Accession number: 20163902857975

Authors: Wang, Yuxin (1); Liu, Shuang (1); Wang, Pingzhi (1); Shi, Guangying (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 348-358

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Among the phase change material microencapsulation process, In Situ Polymerization, Interfacial Polymerization, and other polymerization method are more commonly used in small scale laboratory chemical preparation. In the process of In Situ Polymerization, wall materials of monomer or prepolymer and the catalyst need soluble in the continuous phase, while Interfacial Polymerization reaction requires two kinds of wall material monomers dissolving in immiscible dispersed phase and a continuous phase respectively. Characteristics of microencapsulated phase change material include its apparent morphology, thermal properties of the core material, particle size distribution, toughness and thickness of wall materials and other factors. Selection of core materials in microencapsulation mainly considers their phase transition temperature and ambient temperature of applications, and the screening of wall materials mainly observed their balling effect, chemical stability, thermal stability and mechanical strength, etc. Latent functionally thermal fluid means when microencapsulated phase change material powder is added in a single-phase heat transfer fluid, a stable suspension of solid-liquid two-phase fluid is made, namely phase-change microcapsule suspension. In order to develop a proper kind of microencapsulated phase change material (MEPCM) which can be applied in greenhouse heat storage, three different kinds of MEPCMs were prepared, with butyl stearate, No. 30 paraffin and their mixture as the core materials respectively, melamine resin and polyurea resin and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as wall materials respectively. The property characterization analysis demonstrated that melamine resin microcapsule performed the best: the particle sac wall was smooth and tight; the particle size distribution was uniform and concentrated at about 1 μm, and the average diameter of microcapsule granules was 75.15 μm; the heat resistant temperature was higher than 100, meeting the demands of solar greenhouse application; the thermal gravimetric surplus rate of the microcapsules was more than 50%, far larger than that of the other two kinds of polyurea resin and polymethyl methacrylate microcapsules, namely with relatively higher thermo-stability. Therefore, the melamine resin can be used as suitable wall material of microcapsules for preparing microencapsulated phase change material suspensions which can be utilized as liquid medium for solar heat collection, conveyance and release in greenhouses. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 18

Main heading: Phase change materials

Controlled terms: Characterization? - ?Chemical stability? - ?Coremaking? - ?Greenhouses? - ?Heat storage? - ?Heat transfer? - ?Light transmission? - ?Microencapsulation? - ?Microstructure? - ?Monomers ? - ?Particle size? - ?Particle size analysis? - ?Particles (particulate matter)? - ?Polymerization? - ?Polymethyl methacrylates? - ?Resins? - ?Size distribution? - ?Slurries? - ?Solar heating? - ?Suspensions (fluids) ? - ?Synthetic resins? - ?Temperature

Uncontrolled terms: Latent functionally thermal fluid? - ?Microencapsulated phase change material? - ?Microencapsulated phase change material (MEPCM)? - ?Microencapsulated phase change material suspension? - ?Preparation method? - ?Property characterizations? - ?Single phase heat transfers? - ?Solid-liquid two-phase fluid

Classification code: 534.2 Foundry Practice

Foundry Practice

? - ?641.1 Thermodynamics


? - ?641.2 Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

? - ?657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena

Solar Energy and Phenomena

? - ?741.1 Light/Optics


? - ?801 Chemistry


? - ?801.3 Colloid Chemistry

Colloid Chemistry

? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

? - ?813.2 Coating Materials

Coating Materials

? - ?815.1.1 Organic Polymers

Organic Polymers

? - ?815.2 Polymerization


? - ?821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures

Farm Buildings and Other Structures

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 5.00e+01%, Size 1.00e-06m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.047

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


7. Detecting moisture content of cow’s milk using dielectric spectra and chemometrics

Accession number: 20163902857963

Authors: Guo, Wenchuan (1); Lin, Biying (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 249-255

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To explore a rapid method for detecting moisture content of cow’s milk, a network analyzer and an open-ended coaxial-line probe were applied to measure the dielectric properties (relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor) of 105 milk samples over the frequency range of 20~4 500 MHz at room temperature (25±0.5). The low linear correlation coefficient between the moisture content and the permittivities at a single frequency of used milk samples showed that it was difficult to predict the moisture content of milk using a single permittivity value. Therefore, the dielectric spectra combined with chemometrics were used to determine the moisture content of milk. All samples were partitioned into calibration set (75 samples) and prediction set (30 samples) by using set partitioning method based on joint X-Y distances. Fifteen characteristic variables that predicting moisture content of cow’s milk were selected by successive projection algorithm from full spectra. The generalized regression neural network, support vector machine and extreme learning machine models were established to predict moisture content of milk (87.28%~91.30%), based on the original full dielectric spectra and characteristic variables. The results showed that the extreme learning machine model established using the characteristic variables selected by successive projection algorithm was the best model in determining moisture content of milk, with the correlation coefficient of prediction, root-mean-square error of prediction, and residual prediction deviation of 0.988, 0.119%, and 6.723, respectively. The study indicates that the dielectric spectra combined with chemometrics could be used to detect moisture content of milk. The research is helpful to develop a new milk moisture detector which could be used in situ or online detection. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 27

Main heading: Moisture

Controlled terms: Dairy products? - ?Dielectric losses? - ?Dielectric properties? - ?Forecasting? - ?Knowledge acquisition? - ?Learning systems? - ?Mean square error? - ?Microwave measurement? - ?Moisture determination? - ?Neural networks ? - ?Permittivity

Uncontrolled terms: Chemometrics? - ?Cow’s milk? - ?Generalized regression neural networks? - ?Linear correlation coefficient? - ?Open-ended coaxial-line probe? - ?Relative dielectric constant? - ?Root-mean-square error of predictions? - ?Successive projection algorithms

Classification code: 708.1 Dielectric Materials

Dielectric Materials

? - ?723.4 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

? - ?822.3 Food Products

Food Products

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

? - ?931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

? - ?942.2 Electric Variables Measurements

Electric Variables Measurements

? - ?944.2 Moisture Measurements

Moisture Measurements

Numerical data indexing: Frequency 2.00e+07Hz to 4.50e+09Hz, Percentage 1.19e-01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.035

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


8. Synthesis of eight-bar linkage for specified 6R loop through four positions

Accession number: 20163902857840

Authors: Han, Jianyou (1); Cao, Yanping (1); Cui, Guangzhen (1)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing; 100083, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 382-388

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: There are 32 ways in which the two RR constraints are added to the 6R loop to form 1-DOF eight-bar linkage. First, the solution curve was obtained based on expanding burmester curve theory. Then the eight-bar linkage can be synthesized by adding two RR constraints on the solution curves. Each point on the solution curve can be viewed as the added RR constraint, so infinitely many solutions can be got. The solution curve can be converted into the solution plane which presents infinitely many solutions. The solution plane was called solution region. The solution region was divided into two categories according to whether the two added RR constraints were related. The linkages were classified by the method of Assur group. The motion of eight-bar linkage was analyzed by the iterative position analysis method which relegated the four-bar Assur groups or six-bar Assur groups to several two-bar Assur groups. Whether a linkage could be defected depends on if it can sequently move through the four positions of 6R loop. After the defect linkages were removed, the feasible solution region can be got. In the solution region, the feasible linkage can be classified into two types, the crank and the non-crank, according to the rotatable angle range of the driving link. The solution region synthesis theory makes designers choose the feasible linkage directly and accurately, so the design efficiency was improved. In addition, eight-bar linkage can achieve more movement function compared with six-bar linkage and four-bar linkage. The synthesis of eight-bar linkage for 6R loop through four positions makes the solution region synthesis theory more perfectly, provides more choices for designer and lays the foundation for the application of eight-bar linkage in practice. Finally, an example of eight-bar linkage specifies the four positions synthesis. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Iterative methods

Uncontrolled terms: 6R loop? - ?Bar linkages? - ?Design efficiency? - ?Feasible solution? - ?Four-bar linkage? - ?Position analysis? - ?Six-bar linkages? - ?Synthesis theory

Classification code: 921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.051

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


9. FSLIC superpixel segmentation algorithm for apple image in natural scene

Accession number: 20163902857929

Authors: Xu, Weiyue (1, 2); Tian, Guangzhao (1, 2); Ji, Changying (1, 2); Zhang, Bo (1, 2); Jiang, Sijie (1, 2); Zhang, Chun (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing; 210031, China; (2) Intelligent Agriculture Equipment Key Laboratory in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing; 210031, China

Corresponding author: Ji, Changying(chyji@njau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 1-10 and 28

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Real time efficiency is one of the bottleneck problems in the field of image processing, especially in the natural scene of the agricultural robot vision system. Nowadays superpixel segmentation algorithm was proposed as the high robustness to deal with the random uncertainty in natural scene. Simple linear iterative clustering(SLIC) has drawn much attention due to its outstanding performance in terms of accuracy, speed, anti-shadow and anti-highlight. In this paper, by applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we derived a condition to leave unnecessary operations from the cluster inspection procedure. In the proposed algorithm, we reduced the redundant computation by using a robust inequality condition based on weighted L2-norm of pixel and cluster center representation. Then we put up with an advanced algorithm: FSLIC algorithm. We built a database with 2000 apple images in almost all natural conditions. Several kinds of extreme situations were chosen: high intensity of illumination light condition, low intensity of illumination backlight condition, uneven illumination of cloudy condition, adjacency and severe adhesion condition. The error rate curves of the insufficient segmentation, the hit rate curves of the boundary and execution time were analyzed with the 500 apple images; the GCE, FNR and FPR were detected with the 30 images in extreme condition. In the experimental results, it was confirmed that the GCE in Graph-based and FSLIC algorithm was reduced by 13% than BP algorithm, WT algorithm and SVM algorithm, the GCE in FSLIC algorithm was reduced by 19% than the traditional algorithms. The hit rate of the boundary in FSLIC algorithm was increased by 21.7% and the speed was 1.83 times than Graph-based algorithm. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 37

Main heading: Clustering algorithms

Controlled terms: Computer vision? - ?Digital image storage? - ?Fruits? - ?Graphic methods? - ?Image processing? - ?Image segmentation? - ?Iterative methods? - ?Pixels

Uncontrolled terms: Apple image? - ?Cauchy-Schwarz inequality? - ?Graph-based algorithms? - ?Inspection procedures? - ?Iterative clustering? - ?Natural scenes? - ?Redundant computation? - ?Superpixel segmentations

Classification code: 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques

Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques

? - ?723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?903.1 Information Sources and Analysis

Information Sources and Analysis

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.30e+01%, Percentage 1.90e+01%, Percentage 2.17e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.001

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


10. Design and experiment of double-roller semi-feeding peanut picking device for breeding in mini type area

Accession number: 20163902857942

Authors: Gao, Lianxing (1, 2); Su, Zhan (1); Chen, Zhongyu (1, 3); Liu, Zhixia (1); Lü, Changyi (1); Li, Hua (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang; 110866, China; (2) Peanut Institute, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang; 110866, China; (3) College of Automotive Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Industry Technology, Yancheng; 224005, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 93-98

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Peanut breeding in mini area has the characteristics of various varieties, many deals in mini area, little yield and no mixed peanut in mini area and in variety. In order to solve the problems of time and working consuming, lower efficacy and easy to mix in artificial harvesting, an overall scheme of semi-feeding peanut picking device was proposed. The structure of staggered matched stack form and the picking parts, including reinforced type, bow tooth and rectangular tooth with adjustable swing diameters were adopted. The structure and parameters of peanuts picking parts were designed. Preliminary experiment was carried out for choosing eventual form of picking parts. The main peanut varieties “huayu30” in Liaoning province were selected as test materials, through orthogonal experiment analysis, the three parameters: picking roller rotating speed, angle of picking roller and overlap distance of picking roller were selected as experimental factors, peanut picking rate and peanut breaking rate were selected as experimental indexes. The structure and working parameter of threshing performance were optimized. Experimental results indicated that picking roller rotating speed, angle of picking roller and the overlap distance of picking roller all had significant impact on peanut picking rate and peanut breaking rate. The most optimum combination index of the picking roller rotating speed was 400 r/min, the angle of picking roller was 45° and the overlap distance of picking roller was 10 mm. The results of the analysis of the peanut picking rate was 98.96% and the peanut breaking rate was 1.03%. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Oilseeds

Controlled terms: Feeding? - ?Rollers (machine components)? - ?Rotating machinery

Uncontrolled terms: Breading peanut? - ?Double-roller? - ?Experimental factors? - ?Liaoning Province? - ?Optimum combination? - ?Orthogonal experiment? - ?Picking device? - ?Structure and working parameters

Classification code: 601.1 Mechanical Devices

Mechanical Devices

? - ?601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

? - ?691.2 Materials Handling Methods

Materials Handling Methods

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.03e+00%, Percentage 9.90e+01%, Rotational_Speed 4.00e+02RPM, Size 1.00e-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.014

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


11. Soil and water resources information classification in high resolution images with optimal segmentation scale

Accession number: 20163902857972

Authors: Lu, Heng (1, 2); Fu, Xiao (3, 4); Li, Longguo (1, 2); Liu, Chao (1, 2); Bai, Ruyue (5); Li, Naiwen (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu; 610065, China; (2) College of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu; 610065, China; (3) Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu; 611756, China; (4) Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, University of Hannover, Hannover; 30167, Germany; (5) Zondy-LH Co., Ltd., Chengdu; 610042, China

Corresponding author: Li, Longguo(cwrh_awr@scu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 327-333

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: With the rapid development of agricultural informationization, the demand for accuracy and reality of regional soil and water resources information data becomes higher and higher. The progress of remote sensing technology makes the selectable data source richer. High spatial resolution images contain rich shape and texture information which are widely used in soil and water resources survey, while traditional image classification method cannot satisfy the requirement any more.Because of this, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images were used as experimental objects, and the image object-oriented classification method based on optimal segmentation scale and decision tree was proposed. Firstly, a segmentation quality function was established based on internal homogeneity and heterogeneity of images, and the optimal segmentation scale was obtained according to this function. Then, optimal segmentation scale evaluation model based on spectral and area information was proposed to evaluate segmentation result. Lastly, soil and water resource information classification was completed by introducing decision tree rule mechanism, and compared with the maximum likelihood classification results. The experimental results showed that the segmentation quality function can obtain optimal segmentation scale accurately, and avoid the subjectivity of manual segmentation. The overall accuracy is 86.78% and compared with 77.59% of maximum likelihood classification method has a great improvement in classification accuracy. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 14

Main heading: Image classification

Controlled terms: Classification (of information)? - ?Decision trees? - ?Function evaluation? - ?Image segmentation? - ?Maximum likelihood? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Soils? - ?Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)? - ?Water resources

Uncontrolled terms: Classification accuracy? - ?Classification methods? - ?High resolution image? - ?High spatial resolution images? - ?Maximum likelihood classifications? - ?Optimal segmentation? - ?Remote sensing technology? - ?Resources information

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?652.1 Aircraft, General

Aircraft, General

? - ?716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing

Information Theory and Signal Processing

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

? - ?922.1 Probability Theory

Probability Theory

? - ?961 Systems Science

Systems Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 7.76e+01%, Percentage 8.68e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.044

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


12. Temporal and spatial variation of crop planting structure and its correlation analysis with groundwater in large irrigation area

Accession number: 20163902857957

Authors: Bai, Liangliang (1, 2); Cai, Jiabing (1, 2); Liu, Yu (1, 2); Cai, Xueliang (3); Chen, He (1, 2); Zhang, Baozhong (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing; 100038, China; (2) National Center for Efficient Irrigation Engineering and Technology Research, Beijing; 100048, China; (3) Southern Africa Office, International Water Management Institute, Pretoria; 0184, South Africa

Corresponding author: Liu, Yu(liuyu@iwhr.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 202-211

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Crop planting structure was generally considered to be basic data for assessment of water productivity and agricultural irrigation water management. And the adjustment and spatial distribution of crop planting structure was closely related to the water consumption and the improvement of soil and water environment, especially in large irrigation district of north China. To deal with water resources crisis caused by climate change and intensified human activities in Hetao irrigation district in north China, many water-saving irrigation projects were taken to solve the problems since 1999. In recent years, net water diversion and ground water depth tended to decrease obviously, and the irrigation efficiency of irrigation districts tended to increase which showed good result of water conservation projects. The purpose of this study was to discover the changes of planting structure adjustment, the characteristics of spatial distribution, the effect on agricultural water consumption changes and the response to the distribution of groundwater. A data fusion approach (Enhance spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model, ESTAFM) was applied to generate synthetic Landsat7 ETM+ data with MODIS and construct the high spatial and temporal NDVI data sets. And major crop types were extracted successfully by spectral matching technique (SMT) in 2015. The positional accuracy of maize, sunflower, wheat and interplanting were 95%, 88%, 91% and 90% respectively and the historical change of total area of different crops was consistent with the statistics data. Using this method, the planting structure of Jiefangzha irrigation area, the second largest irrigation field in Hetao irrigation district, was effectively extracted over the years and its temporal and spatial variation and correlation with the distribution of groundwater depth were acquired. The result showed that the area of maize and wheat was increasing, the sunflower was decreasing firstly and later converted into an upward trend, and the interplanting area was declining year by year. The factor for the changes of crop planting structure mainly attributed to the market demand and national policies. For spatial distribution, sunflower concentrated in the region with severe salinization in shallow groundwater level, on the contrary, the maize, wheat and intercropping concentrated in the region with slight salinization in deeper groundwater level. The spatial distribution of crop planting was not only closely related to water and soil environment but also physiological characteristics of crops. Although net water diverted from Yellow River decreased year by year, the agricultural evapotranspiration showed an upward trend which caused by planting structure, especially the variation of maize. The groundwater depth declined from 1.76 m to 2.33 m and the water and soil environment was improved which was contributed to the good performance of water-saving projection. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Spatial distribution

Controlled terms: Agriculture? - ?Climate change? - ?Conservation? - ?Crops? - ?Data fusion? - ?Flood control? - ?Groundwater? - ?Groundwater resources? - ?Information management? - ?Irrigation ? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Soil surveys? - ?Soils? - ?Water conservation? - ?Water management? - ?Water resources? - ?Water supply

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural irrigation water? - ?Hetao irrigation districts? - ?Physiological characteristics? - ?Shallow groundwater levels? - ?Spectral matching techniques? - ?Temporal and spatial variation? - ?Water - savings? - ?Water-saving irrigation

Classification code: 442.1 Flood Control

Flood Control

? - ?443.1 Atmospheric Properties

Atmospheric Properties

? - ?444 Water Resources

Water Resources

? - ?444.2 Groundwater


? - ?446.1 Water Supply Systems

Water Supply Systems

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

? - ?921 Mathematics


Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.80e+01%, Percentage 9.00e+01%, Percentage 9.10e+01%, Percentage 9.50e+01%, Size 1.76e+00m to 2.33e+00m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.029

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


13. A method for lichee’s tree-crown information extraction based on high spatial resolution image

Accession number: 20163902857931

Authors: Jiang, Renrong (1, 2); Wang, Chunyan (1); Shen, Liqiang (1); Wang, Peifa (3)

Author affiliation: (1) Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resource Research Center, Shenzhen; 518040, China; (2) Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Land and Resource, Shenzhen; 518040, China; (3) School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing; 210044, China

Corresponding author: Wang, Peifa(wangpeifa1980@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 17-22

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: As high spatial resolution remotely sensed image be acquired more easily, there is a great potential for obtaining forest inventory automatically and cost-efficiently. A method was proposed to detect the lichee’s treetop and delineate tree-crown. The method can be divided into three steps. In the first step, a 3×3 mean filter was utilized to smooth image, and then the image was inverted through subtracting image from the maximum of the filtered image. The second step was individual tree detection, namely treetop detection. The inverted image can be viewed as a topographic surface, the flow direction grid was built and then the depressions grid was extracted. The depressions distributed on roads and constructions were deleted according to the predefined threshold. Watersheds were delineated to obtain the contributing area of depressions viewing depressions as the pour point. For solving that the multiple depressions were erroneously identified within the same crown, the depressions were deleted if the distance to the nearest depression was less than threshold and the mean value of depression in the filtered image was not the maximum in multiple depressions, the watersheds of multiple depressions were merged. The remaining depressions were viewed as the detected treetop. The third step was to delineate the tree-crown by using region growing method. The remaining depressions were used for seed points, crown regions were expanded from depression to surrounding pixels until the difference between the pixel and mean value of depression exceeded the predefined threshold or to the boundary of depression watershed. A 324 pixel×483 pixel Pléiades image with 0.5 m resolution was employed to test the method. A promising agreement between the detected results and manual delineation results was achieved in counting the number of trees and the area of delineating tree crowns. For individual tree detection, the overall accuracy was 87.75%, user’s accuracy was 80.69%, producer’s accuracy was 96.06%; for individual tree-crow delineation, the overall accuracy was 78.69%, user’s accuracy was 71.32%, producer’s accuracy was 87.76%. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 29

Main heading: Forestry

Controlled terms: Image processing? - ?Image resolution? - ?Pixels? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Watersheds

Uncontrolled terms: Hydrological analysis? - ?Individual tree crown? - ?Individual tree detections? - ?Lichee? - ?Region growing? - ?Remotely sensed images

Classification code: 444.1 Surface Water

Surface Water

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 7.13e+01%, Percentage 7.87e+01%, Percentage 8.07e+01%, Percentage 8.78e+01%, Size 5.00e-01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.003

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


14. Simulation on ecological land use expansion based on EnKF-MCRP model

Accession number: 20163902857967

Authors: Yu, Qiang (1); Yue, Depeng (1); Di, Yang (2); Zhang, Qibin (1); Ma, Huan (1); Li, Yutong (3)

Author affiliation: (1) Beijing Key Laboratory of Precision Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Department of Geography University of Florida, Gainesville; FL; 32611, United States; (3) Center for Land Consolidation, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing; 100035, China

Corresponding author: Yue, Depeng(yuedepeng@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 285-293

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In the ecologically vulnerable area which locates in northwest arid and semiarid areas, ecological land is the important guarantee to maintain the security and stability of regional ecological environment. Studying the simulation of ecological land use change is of great significance. Accordingly, based on the typical ecologically vulnerable area-Dengkou County, this paper simulates ecological land use evolution of Dengkou County, using the four remote sensing image interpretation data of 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2015. Taking ecological eco-resistance barriers and EnKF-MCRP model into account, an ecological resistance surface was built. The EnKF-MCRP model was constructed to simulate the evolution of ecological sources considering the ecological sources change, ecological source level, distance and base surface resistance characteristics. The results showed that the combination of data assimilation and EnKF-CA/Markov model made a total accuracy of 82.4%, by using ensemble Kalman filter, the model can accumulate less errors and improve the accuracy of simulation, i.e., data assimilation can reduce the accumulation of errors. According to the expandability, ecological sources of Dengkou County were divided into five grades, of which the spatial layout of 3, 4, 5 grades formed the northeast-southwest and northwest-southwest pattern of desertification prevention. The building of EnKF-MCRP which takes the ecological source evolution into consideration made the highest precision. And the area of ecological sources and spatial distribution were the closest to the reality, of which the variance met 0.4. Different levels of ecological sources and ecological barriers were used to modify the model, which can improve the accuracy of the simulation results. This study could provide a scientific basis for the current and future ecological land planning and management. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Ecology

Controlled terms: Forestry? - ?Image reconstruction? - ?Land use? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Surface resistance

Uncontrolled terms: Arid and semi-arid areas? - ?Data assimilation? - ?Dengkou counties? - ?Ecological environments? - ?Ecologically vulnerable areas? - ?Ensemble Kalman Filter? - ?Remote sensing image interpretations? - ?Resistance characteristics

Classification code: 403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development

Urban and Regional Planning and Development

? - ?454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology and Ecosystems

? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.24e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.039

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


15. Prediction of winter wheat tiller number based on 4-waveband crop monitor with spectral reflectance

Accession number: 20163902857974

Authors: Zhang, Meng (1, 2); Sun, Hong (1); Li, Minzan (1); Zhang, Qin (2); Zheng, Lihua (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research, Ministry of Education, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems, Washington State University, Prosser; WA; 99350-8694, United States

Corresponding author: Li, Minzan(limz@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 341-347

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The number of tillers has a significant effect on the winter wheat field management and the prediction of winter wheat yield. However, the traditional manual counting method of the tiller counting is inefficient. With the development of spectral technology and the application of low altitude remote sensing technology in agriculture, a method was provided for monitoring the number of tillers and growth of the winter wheat by calculating crop canopy reflectance and vegetation index. A 4-waveband crop monitor with spectral reflectance was used to carry on the experiment (Tainong 18). The instrument can obtain the crop canopy reflecting signals at 550 nm, 650 nm, 766 nm and 850 nm simultaneously. After that the crop canopy reflectance was first calculated and then nine vegetation indexes: OSAVI, MSAVI, SAVI, EVI2, TVI, NDGI, NDVI, RVI and DVI, were also calculated. The relationship between the tillering of winter wheat and each index of nine vegetation indexes was analyzed in both regreening and erecting stages. In regreening stage, the correlation between OSAVI(650, 850)and tillers was the highest (R2is 0.85, RMSE is 118.93), while in erecting stage, the correlation between EVI2(650, 850)and tillers was the highest (R2is 0.84, RMSE is 73.04). The results of the test showed that there was a significant relationship between the winter wheat tillers and the two vegetation indexes. This may help the development of the instrument for winter wheat tillers counting based on canopy spectral reflection. The conclusions can be used in rapid predicting of wheat tillering and giving suggestions to field precision management. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Crops

Controlled terms: Forecasting? - ?Reflection? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Vegetation

Uncontrolled terms: Canopy spectral reflectance? - ?EVI2? - ?OSAVI? - ?Tiller number? - ?Wheat

Classification code: 821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

Numerical data indexing: Size 5.50e-07m, Size 6.50e-07m, Size 7.66e-07m, Size 8.50e-07m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.046

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


16. Research progress analysis of mainly agricultural diseases detection and early warning technologies

Accession number: 20163902857965

Authors: Wang, Xiangyu (1); Wen, Haojie (1, 2); Li, Xinxing (2, 3); Fu, Zetian (1, 2); Lü, Xiongjie (4); Zhang, Lingxian (3, 5)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, Beijing; 100083, China; (3) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (4) Information Institute, Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tianjin; 300192, China; (5) Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Acquisition Technology (Beijing), Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Lingxian(zlx131@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 266-277

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The occurrence of agricultural diseases has been one of the restrict factors of sustainable agricultural development for a long time, and agricultural diseases early warning technology gradually becomes a hot issue in China and abroad. Based on the literature review, the important meaning of agricultural diseases early warning technology for agricultural development was presented. This article expounded the characteristics and classification of agriculture diseases early warning firstly. And then a systematical analysis and discussion were carried on the key technologies for agricultural diseases early warning information acquisition, mainly summarizing the internet of things and sensor technology, 3S technology, spectrum technology and pathogenic microorganism examination technology. And also an introduction of agricultural diseases early warning information processing technologies was made, such as image processing technology, expert system of disease early warning and disease prediction technology. Finally, the conclusion of the whole article was obtained. The results indicated that the integration and combination of muti-technology would cover the whole agricultural diseases early warning area and get a higher accuracy of disease early warning; the acquisition of agricultural information was becoming precision and extensive; the early detection, diagnose and warning of agricultural diseases would be a new development direction; the agricultural disease early warning systems and equipment would be developed with lower cost; the real-time and online agricultural diseases automatic early warning will be an important research direction. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 70

Main heading: Agriculture

Controlled terms: Expert systems? - ?Image processing? - ?Internet? - ?Internet of things? - ?Microorganisms? - ?Online systems? - ?Real time systems

Uncontrolled terms: 3S Technology? - ?Agricultural development? - ?Agricultural informations? - ?Disease detection? - ?Early warning? - ?Image processing technology? - ?Pathogenic microorganisms? - ?Sustainable agricultural development

Classification code: 461.9 Biology


? - ?722.4 Digital Computers and Systems

Digital Computers and Systems

? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

? - ?723.4.1 Expert Systems

Expert Systems

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.037

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


17. Differential change construction based geometric error compensation for machine tools

Accession number: 20163902857842

Authors: Qi, Jibao (1); Yang, Weimin (2)

Author affiliation: (1) Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College, Shaoxing; 312000, China; (2) School of Electromechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College, Yiwu; 322000, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 398-405

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to make error compensation of machine tools relate to error modeling closely, and to avoid the tedious calculation of Jacobian matrix, a geometric error compensation method of machine tools based on differential change construction was proposed. At first, geometric error modeling of machine tools was developed using differential change matrices of coordinate frames. According to the forward kinematic chain of the machine tool, differential change matrix of each axis was established. The differential motion vector of each axis was obtained according to the properties of geometric errors. On the basis, the impacts of geometric errors of each axis on the precision of the tool were calculated. The integrated differential motion vector in the coordinate frame of tool was obtained by adding these impacts together. Then, based on homogeneous motion matrix of forward kinematics chain of the machine tool, the integrated geometric error model of the machine tool was established by transforming the integrated differential motion vector to coordinate frame of the working table. Next, the differential change construction was used to extract the corresponding column vector of differential change matrix of each axis to establish Jacobian matrix of the machine tool. The Jacobian matrix can compensate the integrated differential motion vector in the coordinated frame of tool. The differential change construction does not need extra calculation, and reuses the differential change matrices established in modeling. At last, the workpiece cutting experiments were carried out on Carver800T three-axis machine tool. The results show that the geometric error compensation based on differential change construction is effective. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 17

Main heading: Error compensation

Controlled terms: Chains? - ?Errors? - ?Geometry? - ?Image compression? - ?Jacobian matrices? - ?Kinematics? - ?Machine tools? - ?Vectors

Uncontrolled terms: Column vector? - ?Cutting experiment? - ?Differential motion vectors? - ?Forward kinematics? - ?Geometric errors? - ?Motion matrix? - ?Tedious calculation? - ?Working table

Classification code: 602.1 Mechanical Drives

Mechanical Drives

? - ?603.1 Machine Tools, General

Machine Tools, General

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?921.1 Algebra


? - ?931.1 Mechanics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.053

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


18. Crops distribution information extracted by remote sensing based on decision tree and object-oriented method

Accession number: 20163902857971

Authors: Zhou, Jingping (1); Li, Cunjun (1, 2); Shi, Leigang (1); Shi, Shu (3); Hu, Haitang (1); Huai, Heju (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (2) Beijing Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance for Intelligence Internet of Things Industry in Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (3) The Third Surveying and Mapping Engineering Institute of Sichuan, Chengdu; 610500, China

Corresponding author: Li, Cunjun(licj@nercita.org.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 318-326 and 333

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Accurately acquiring crops distribution information is of great significance for agricultural production management and yield estimation, but the roads, forest belts and ditches in the farmland seriously affect the accuracy of crops classification and extraction. Chinese small satellite constellation of small satellites for environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting (HJ-1A/1B satellite) is a good data source for crops classification, because it is free for researchers and has a higher spatial resolution of 30 m and a higher time resolution of two days. In this paper, Shuanghe farm in Heilongjiang province of China was the research area, 23 time-series HJ-1A/1B images which cover the growth period of the major crops from April 3th to November 9th, 2012, were used to monitor the roads and forest belts in the farm, extract spatial distribution of the major crops based on decision tree and object-oriented method, and the classification result was compared to traditional decision tree. The time-series image set and the time-series characteristic index set such as NDVI, DVI, RVI, EVI and NDWI were built after the original image data pretreatment. Firstly, the road in the farm was extracted with object-oriented classification based on elements of length-width ratio and other parameters, then the time-series set was masked by the road in order to rule out the interference of roads, forest belts and ditches for the extraction of crops information. Secondly, seven effective characteristic parameters and 14 sensitive time phases were chosen by using the object spectrum, time phase and time series characteristics. The thresholds of characteristic parameters were determined, and the decision tree classification model of major crops was established. Finally, the major crops in Shuanghe farm such as corn and rice were extracted. The result showed that using many characteristic indices to classify crops was very effective, and especially NDWI was very helpful for rice extraction. The method of decision tree and object-oriented classification was better than the traditional decision tree for extracting the spatial distribution of major crops in Shuanghe farm, it could effectively eliminate the interference of roads, forest belts and ditches in the farm for crops classification, and the total accuracy was increased from 89.22% to 95.18%. The integration of decision tree and object-oriented classification can provide reference for crops distribution information extraction in other agricultural areas with low cost and high precision. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 20

Main heading: Classification (of information)

Controlled terms: Agriculture? - ?Crops? - ?Data mining? - ?Decision trees? - ?Forestry? - ?Information analysis? - ?Information retrieval? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Roads and streets? - ?Satellites ? - ?Spatial distribution? - ?Time series? - ?Transportation

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural production management? - ?Classification results? - ?Decision tree classification? - ?Effective characteristics? - ?Object oriented? - ?Object oriented classification? - ?Small satellite constellation? - ?Time series characteristic

Classification code: 406.2 Roads and Streets

Roads and Streets

? - ?655.2 Satellites


? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?903.1 Information Sources and Analysis

Information Sources and Analysis

? - ?903.3 Information Retrieval and Use

Information Retrieval and Use

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

? - ?961 Systems Science

Systems Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.92e+01% to 9.52e+01%, Size 3.00e+01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.043

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


19. Research on polyline soil-breaking blade subsoiler based on subsoiling soil model using discrete element method

Accession number: 20163902857938

Authors: Zheng, Kan (1); He, Jin (1); Li, Hongwen (1); Diao, Peisong (2); Wang, Qingjie (1); Zhao, Hongbo (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) College of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo; 255049, China

Corresponding author: He, Jin(hejin@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 62-72

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: According to the existing problems of subsoilers applied in loam soil area in North-China Plain, such as high working resistance, high fuel consumption, poor surface flatness and poor soil moisture conservation due to the formation of crack after subsoiling, a polyline soil-breaking blade subsoiler which could effectively reduce working resistance and fuel consumption was designed based on the difference of soil layer thickness and physical properties among plough layer, plow pan layer and subsoil layer. Discrete element method(DEM) was used to establish soil model, the soil particle contact model was set, and virtual simulation parameters of different soil particles in plough layer, plow pan layer and subsoil layer were measured. A virtual simulation experiment on subsoiler performance was conducted using EDEM. As shown in the result, minimum working resistance was detected when the rake angle (θ) of soil-breaking blade was ranged from 40°~45°; minimum power dissipation was obtained when the corresponding shearing angle (φ) to the higher, middle and lower parts of soil-breaking blade were 31°, 36°, 33°, respectively; when comparing with circular arc subsoiler, polyline soil-breaking blade subsoiler resulted in less impact on soil particles, reduced soil disturbance, decreased tractive resistance, significantly improved surface flatness and groove width. The field test indicated that the polyline soil-breaking blade subsoiler effectively decreased soil bulk density and compactness of plow pan layer, hence the working resistance was reduced by 11.52% with better working stability and reliability with comparison to circular arc subsoiler. The rationality and feasibility of three-layer DEM soil model was confirmed through the comparison of field test and virtual simulation experiment, and the model could satisfy the requirement of subsoiler performance experiment. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 36

Main heading: Soils

Controlled terms: Agricultural machinery? - ?Finite difference method? - ?Moisture control? - ?Soil conservation? - ?Soil moisture? - ?Soil testing? - ?Surface resistance? - ?Water conservation

Uncontrolled terms: Existing problems? - ?Moisture conservation? - ?North China Plain? - ?Performance experiment? - ?Soil bulk density? - ?Subsoiler? - ?Virtual simulations? - ?Working stabilities

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?731.3 Specific Variables Control

Specific Variables Control

? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.15e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.010

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


20. Research on wet type torque motor based on symmetrical magnetic circuit with single-phase excitation

Accession number: 20163902857843

Authors: Meng, Bin (1); Lin, Qiong (1); Ruan, Jian (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and Advanced Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou; 310014, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 406-412

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to solve problems that conventional electro-mechanical converter of 2D valve had deficiency of complicated magnetic circuit, intricate structure and lacking high pressure resistance, a torque motor with simple structure, limited working stroke and high pressure resistance was developed based on symmetrical magnetic circuit with single-phase excitation. Working principle and detailed structure were discussed. Prototype motor was fabricated and test rig for static and dynamic characteristics was built. Torque-angle characteristics and frequency response were studied using approaches of magnetic circuit analysis, FEM simulation and experiments. The experimental results were in a close agreement with the simulated results, which indicated the torque-angle characteristic was close to linear relationship and its amplitude increased with excited current. The simulated results don’t have hysteresis characteristics since it is a static electro-magnetic simulation. And experimental curves show slight hysteresis, which are mainly due to magnetic hysteresis loops of soft magnetic materials and each static and dynamic frictions existing in the test rig. The maximum static torque reaches about 0.042 N·m and the experimental frequency width can meet requirements of 2D proportional and directional valves. Therefore the proposed torque motor is appropriate to be an electro-mechanical converter of such applications. If proper heat treatment can be performed, the static and dynamic characteristics of torque motor will be further improved. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 11

Main heading: Magnetic circuits

Controlled terms: Dynamics? - ?Electric network analysis? - ?Electromechanical devices? - ?Frequency response? - ?Hysteresis? - ?Magnetic materials? - ?Magnetism? - ?Power converters? - ?Reconfigurable hardware? - ?Soft magnetic materials ? - ?Torque? - ?Torque motors? - ?Valves (mechanical)

Uncontrolled terms: Electro-mechanical converters? - ?Experimental frequencies? - ?High pressure resistance? - ?Hysteresis characteristics? - ?Single-phase excitations? - ?Static and dynamic characteristics? - ?Torque-angle characteristics? - ?Wet type

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

? - ?701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

? - ?703.1.1 Electric Network Analysis

Electric Network Analysis

? - ?705.3 Electric Motors

Electric Motors

? - ?708.4 Magnetic Materials

Magnetic Materials

? - ?721.3 Computer Circuits

Computer Circuits

? - ?931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids

? - ?961 Systems Science

Systems Science

Numerical data indexing: Torque 4.20e-02N*m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.054

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


21. Analysis and test of vehicle stability based on active pulsed steering

Accession number: 20163902857977

Authors: Zhang, Baozhen (1); Xie, Hui (1); Huang, Jing (1); Khajepour, Amir (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha; 410082, China; (2) College of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo; N2L 3G1, Canada

Corresponding author: Xie, Hui(danielxie@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 366-373

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The active steering system can provide steering intervention to improve the vehicle handling stability. In order to improve the vehicle stability, a rear wheel active pulsed steering system was proposed and its performance was analyzed and verified by simulation and vehicle test. Firstly, a hydraulic pulsed steering system was designed and modeled. A simplified 2-DOF vehicle model was considered as the analytical model, and a rear suspension ADAMS model with the hydraulic pulse actuator was developed. Secondly, the effect of the steering system on vehicle stability was studied and the pulse signal parameters (frequency and amplitude) were evaluated to determine their optimum values. And then, a control structure and algorithm were designed, and the simulations were addressed based on CarSim and Simulink to verify the performance of the proposed system. Finally, a set of hydraulic pulse steering device was designed and assembled to carry out road experiments to assess the applicability of the proposed system. Results from simulation and test indicated considerable improvements in vehicle yaw stability can be achieved and also the roll angle was reduced for improving the vehicle rollover ability. Sideslip angle and lateral acceleration in the peak were reduced by 46.8% and 23.5%, which improved the vehicle lateral stability. Roll factor can be controlled in the set threshold limits [-0.8, 0.8] and vehicle roll angle was decreased by 25.4%, the vehicle anti rollover ability was improved and showed a better control effect than the active steering system. The considerable improvements in vehicle stability can be achieved. The proposed system is a very promising for improving the vehicle stability. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 14

Main heading: Automobile steering equipment

Controlled terms: Fault tolerant computer systems? - ?Hydraulic actuators? - ?Identification (control systems)? - ?Magnetic levitation vehicles? - ?Stability? - ?Steering? - ?System stability? - ?Vehicles

Uncontrolled terms: Control structure? - ?Handling stabilities? - ?Lateral acceleration? - ?Lateral stability? - ?Vehicle roll angle? - ?Vehicle rollovers? - ?Vehicle stability? - ?Vehicle tests

Classification code: 662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components

Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components

? - ?722.4 Digital Computers and Systems

Digital Computers and Systems

? - ?731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

? - ?732.1 Control Equipment

Control Equipment

? - ?961 Systems Science

Systems Science

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.35e+01%, Percentage 2.54e+01%, Percentage 4.68e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.049

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


22. Inversion study on leaf area index of summer maize using remote sensing

Accession number: 20163902857970

Authors: Liu, Jun (1, 2); Pang, Xin (3); Li, Yanrong (3); Du, Lingtong (4)

Author affiliation: (1) Postdoctoral Scientific Research Station of Safety Technology and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan; 030024, China; (2) Postdoctoral Research Workstation of Shanxi Transportation Research Institute, Taiyuan; 030006, China; (3) College of Mining Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan; 030024, China; (4) Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in North-Western China, Ministry of Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan; 750021, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 309-317

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The observation data of LAI-2000 and vegetation index was generated by satellite remote sensing data of HJ, combining three kinds of commonly used regression model. LAI (Leaf area index) inversion model was constructed according to growth period, growth stage and threshold boundaries of summer maize, respectively. The optimal LAI inversion model was acquired based on the above three modes. The summer corn LAI scatter grams of the vegetative growth period, the tasseling stage as well as the reproductive stage were generated after verification and evaluation of the model reliability. The productions of MODIS LAI (MOD15A2) were verified by LAIHJbased on the inversion of model HJ image. According to the survey, except HJVI, during the whole growth period of summer maize, a linear model of RVI with LAI was regarded as the best fitting model (R2= 0.662); during the vegetative growth period, a linear model of OSAVI with LAI was regarded as the best fitting model (R2=0.724); at the tasseling stage, index model of OSAVI with LAI was regarded as the best fitting model(R2=0.749); at the reproductive stage, a linear model of NDVI with LAI was regarded as the best fitting model(R2=0.700). The correlation of HJVI and LAI at the growth period achieved to 0.875, and the correlation at different growth stages with LAI is higher than the other vegetation indexes (during the vegetative period, R2=0.769; at the tasseling stage, R2=0.783; at the reproductive stage, R2=0.703). EVI is the best index when LAI is less than 3 (R2=0.358), while OSAVI is the best when LAI is more than 3(R2=0.515). During the three reproductive periods, R2of LAIMand LAIHJis 0.732, 0.761 and 0.661. Conclusions were drawn: the inversion method of LAI at different stages is optimal. HJVI shows obvious advantage for LAI inversion ability. The production of MODIS LAI could be used for crop monitoring in special situation. The study not only broadens the mode of inversion LAI using vegetation index, but also confirms the importance of HJ data in agricultural field. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 29

Main heading: Remote sensing

Controlled terms: Radiometers? - ?Regression analysis? - ?Vegetation

Uncontrolled terms: HJ satellites? - ?Inversion? - ?Leaf Area Index? - ?Summer maize? - ?Vegetation index

Classification code: 922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

? - ?944.7 Radiation Measuring Instruments

Radiation Measuring Instruments

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.042

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


23. Segmentation algorithm of cucumber leaf disease image based on saliency detection

Accession number: 20163902857930

Authors: Ren, Shougang (1); Lu, Haifei (1); Yuan, Peisen (1); Xue, Wei (1); Xu, Huanliang (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing; 210095, China; (2) The State Information of Agricultural Engineering Technology Center, Nanjing; 210095, China

Corresponding author: Xu, Huanliang(huanliangxu@njau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 11-16

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low accuracy of cucumber leaf disease image segmentation in complex background, a new segmentation algorithm of cucumber leaf disease image based on saliency detection (SCLDSD) was proposed. The proposed algorithm mainly consists of two parts: saliency detection in cucumber disease image which is used to get the leaf extraction and image segmentation which is used to get cucumber leaf disease. The algorithm first used the superpixel segmentation method to divide the cucumber image into blocks, got the edge of cucumber leaf preferably, and proposed a new method to calculate the weights among different superpixels. Then the algorithm used Harris points and convex hull to select saliency seeds. After using manifold ranking to compute the saliency map, the threshold segmentation was adopted on the obtained saliency map to get the binary map. At last, the cucumber disease leaf and background of the original image were separated by adding the binary map to the original image. In order to obtain the disease parts, ExG was used to expand the disparity of green parts and lesion parts and then threshold was used to carry out the segmentation. Finally, the morphological operation was processed in order to obtain fuller lesion. The proposed algorithm was tested on common cucumber disease images. The experimental result shows that the algorithm effectively solves the redundant segmentation and it’s more accurate with the error rate less than 5% and the average execution time of the algorithm less than 4 000 ms in segmentation. From the results it can be concluded that the algorithm verifies the feasibility and practicality of the saliency detection algorithm in processing of disease images. Meanwhile it lays the foundation for the subsequent establishment of the automatic identification system of cucumber disease. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Image segmentation

Controlled terms: Automation? - ?Bins? - ?Edge detection? - ?Error analysis? - ?Image processing? - ?Mathematical morphology? - ?Pixels

Uncontrolled terms: Automatic identification system? - ?Average Execution Time? - ?Cucumber? - ?Manifold ranking? - ?Morphological operations? - ?Saliency detection? - ?Segmentation algorithms? - ?Superpixel segmentations

Classification code: 694.4 Storage


? - ?731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 5.00e+00%, Time 4.00e+03m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.002

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


24. Performance test of walnut shelling using flexible-belt and differential velocity extrusion

Accession number: 20163902857943

Authors: Liu, Mingzheng (1); Li, Changhe (1); Zhang, Yanbin (1); Yang, Min (1); Hou, Yali (1); Gao, Lianxing (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao; 266520, China; (2) College of Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang; 110866, China

Corresponding author: Li, Changhe(sy_lichanghe@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 99-107

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A walnut shelling machine with functions of shell crushing, kernel taking and shell-kernel separating was designed, which could increase the shell-broken rate and kernel-unbroken rate. However, the problems of incomplete broken-shell and unhulling crushed-shell were also remained. Thus, the flexible-belt and differential velocity extrusion system was used to make the walnut kernel out and the effect of that operation was analyzed. The results showed that when the mean crack length was 20 mm and the critical external force for crack extension was 19.1 N, the cracks could be further extended. One-factor test was carried out to explore the influences of the top and low section belt spacing (A), top and low section speed difference (B) and upper belt tension (C) on hulling, and the orthogonal experiment was carried out to analyze the influence of the above three factors. According to the experimental results, the influences on the first grade kernel rate and the second grade kernel rate were C>A>B, and for kernel-breaking rate and kernel-unseen rate, A>C>B. When the top and low section belt spacing was 14 mm, top and low section speed difference was 0.19 m/s and upper belt tension was 231 N, the hulling effect was optimal(hulling rate was 98% and kernel-unbroken rate was 93.7%). ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 11

Main heading: Shells (structures)

Controlled terms: Cracks? - ?Extrusion? - ?Tensile strength

Uncontrolled terms: Crack extension? - ?Differential velocity? - ?External force? - ?Orthogonal experiment? - ?Performance tests? - ?Shelling? - ?Speed difference? - ?Walnut

Classification code: 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes

Structural Members and Shapes

Numerical data indexing: Force 1.91e+01N, Force 2.31e+02N, Percentage 9.37e+01%, Percentage 9.80e+01%, Size 1.40e-02m, Size 2.00e-02m, Velocity 1.90e-01m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.015

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


25. Recognition of calf basic behaviors based on video analysis

Accession number: 20163902857968

Authors: He, Dongjian (1); Meng, Fanchang (1); Zhao, Kaixuan (1); Zhang, Zhao (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 294-300

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Daily behaviors are the important indicators of health status for calves. The suitability of using behavioural changes to provide an early indication of calf’s disease was studied. The possibility of achieving a real-time analysis of a number of specific changes in behaviours, such as lying, standing, walking, running, and jumping, is crucial for disease prevention. Considering the limitation for sensing animal behavior by contacting device and in order to improve the welfare of calves, a method based on video analysis was studied and applied to recognize calf basic behaviors. Firstly, a looping algorithm based on maximum connected region was proposed for fast detection of calf target under complex environment. Secondly, a real-time model was built to renew the background and detect the calf’s target quickly and accurately. Thirdly, the position of the centroid, the ratio of the height and width of the target outline, and differences of the centroid moving curve were extracted as the features of behaviors. These features could be the characterizations of the internal properties of behaviors constituted the sequence structure of calf behaviors. Finally, a classifier based on structure similarity of behavior features was designed to recognize basic behaviors of the calf. By testing 162 videos, the results demonstrated that the recognition rate of lying, standing, walking and run-jump were 100%, 96.17%, 95.85% and 97.26%, respectively. On the basis of these research outcomes, the proposed method is feasible for computing calf behavioural indices and the real-time detection of behavioural changes, and also lays a foundation for recognizing and understanding senior behaviors of large animal. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Behavioral research

Controlled terms: Animals

Uncontrolled terms: Behavior recognition? - ?Behavior sequences? - ?Calf? - ?Structure similarity? - ?Video analysis

Classification code: 971 Social Sciences

Social Sciences

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00e+02%, Percentage 9.58e+01%, Percentage 9.62e+01%, Percentage 9.73e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.040

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


26. Virtual knotting method of knotter based on rigid-flexible contact dynamics

Accession number: 20163902857941

Authors: Yin, Jianjun (1); Gao, Qiang (1); Chen, Yaming (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 85-92

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of increasing investment cost of knotter production due to difficulty in evaluation of good or bad design after structure improvement or parameters adjustment of the knotter, a kind of virtual knotting method of knotter based on rigid-flexible contact dynamics was presented according to the judgment rule of whether the knotter could tie a knot during design phase. The method used the Bushing connection tool under ADAMS to build up dynamic model of flexible rope with large deformation. A complete virtual knotting simulation process of the knotter was implemented by setting up multiple contact constraint between the rope and rigid component of the knotter and applying load to the rope. Rigid-flexible interactive mechanical behaviors of tying a knot of the knotter were studied under the action of pulling force of the rope. The comparison analyses between knotting movements of the knotter prototype and virtual knotting results validated the correctness of dynamic model of the rope and simulation model of rigid-flexible contact dynamics. It may be regarded as an effective method to evaluate good or bad design and guarantee disposable successful production of the knotter. The effects of the timing sequence difference value φ between the motion of knotting hook and the motion of rope-holding plate on knotting motion of the knotter were analyzed by using the proposed virtual knotting method, which can play visual validation role to judge whether the knotter can knot or tie a good and bad knot after parameters match of the knotter. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Rigid structures

Controlled terms: Dynamic models? - ?Dynamics? - ?Rope

Uncontrolled terms: ADAMS? - ?Baler? - ?Contact dynamics? - ?Knotter? - ?Virtual knotting

Classification code: 408 Structural Design

Structural Design

? - ?921 Mathematics


DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.013

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


27. Design and experiment of twice-receiving device on 4HBL-2 peanut combine

Accession number: 20163902857945

Authors: Yang, Ranbing (1); Fan, Yubin (1); Shang, Shuqi (1); Liu, Lihui (1); Cui, Gongpei (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao; 266109, China

Corresponding author: Shang, Shuqi(sqshang@qau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 115-120 and 107

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to solve the existing problems of the leakage and dropping of fruit in the process of peanut harvest using machine, this paper designed the twice-receiving device on 4HBL-2 peanut combine. The device is mainly composed of twice-receiving shovel, conveying device, fixed frame and transmission chain, etc. It can finish the process of twice-receiving, cleaning and gripping fruit when harvesting. Besides, this paper designed and did analysis on twice-receiving device and determined the optimal structural parameters and working parameters: the twice-receiving installation angle was 20°, the twice-receiving chain conveyor speed was 1.2 m/s, the bar was 10 mm. When the unit speed was 0.6 m/s, the peanuts average net fruit rate was 90.16%, the average leakage rate was 0.12%, improving the quality of peanut harvester, reducing the labor intensity of the peanut twice-receiving and operating costs. This equipment will give theory and technical support for the design of twice-receiving multi-function peanut combine. Others, the technical level of peanut combine in China has been greatly improved, and has developed many machines, such as: 4HB-2A, 4HBL-2 and 4HL-2, etc. Those machines can complete the work of mining, picking, soil-clearing, fruit-picking, cleaning, and collecting, etc. But the problems of leakage off of peanut fruit in the process of peanut harvesting, there is an average of 5%~8% of the losing. Besides, the cost of twice-receiving of artificial is high and there is no research of twice-receiving on peanut combine in China or at abroad. The main reasons of the existing peanut combine on leakage and off are: first, because of the high maturity of peanuts, the peanut roots and fruit node relay can’t meet the requirements of harvesting; second, some peanuts in the process of soil-clearing fell-off on the ground. So the research of this twice-receiving device of peanut combine has important significance. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 14

Main heading: Oilseeds

Controlled terms: Chain conveyors? - ?Chains? - ?Design? - ?Experiments? - ?Fruits? - ?Harvesting? - ?Operating costs? - ?Structural optimization

Uncontrolled terms: Existing problems? - ?Installation angle? - ?Structural parameter? - ?Technical levels? - ?Technical support? - ?Transmission chains? - ?Twice-receiving device? - ?Working parameters

Classification code: 602.1 Mechanical Drives

Mechanical Drives

? - ?692.1 Conveyors


? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

? - ?911.1 Cost Accounting

Cost Accounting

? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.20e-01%, Percentage 9.02e+01%, Size 1.00e-02m, Velocity 1.20e+00m/s, Velocity 6.00e-01m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.017

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


28. Intermittent infiltration of surge irrigation model research based on Green-Ampt and Philip models

Accession number: 20163902857956

Authors: Fu, Yuliang (1); Fei, Liangjun (1); Nie, Weibo (1); Chen, Lin (1); Wu, Junhu (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Water Resources Research, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an; 710048, China

Corresponding author: Fei, Liangjun(feiliangjun2008@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 194-201

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to reveal the further influence mechanism and law of intermittent infiltration of surge irrigation, based on the theory of Green-Ampt and Philip models, this paper proposes the concept of dividing the infiltration and wetting zone of the second water supply period and later period of water supply into two zones. The two zones were humid region of gravity potential and matrix potential. And the infiltration of concept characteristics of two zones was described. Building a mathematical model of the increasing capacity of volumetric water content by the inner relationship between the parameters of the two models (Green-Ampt and Philip models) and based on the linear pattern characteristics between the increment of soil volumetric water content and cumulative infiltration capacity, the water movement parameters of different water supply periods were determined. One of the water movement parameters was suction value of wetting flog hfand another was characterized saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks. The value of hfof intermittent period has the decreasing trend with the increase of the number of cycles. Finally, using the improved model to compare the calculated cumulative infiltration capacity and wetting front with measured data, a higher fitting precision was acquired. Compared with the measured data, the overall average relative deviations were 3.6% and 8.6% respectively. The improved model has good applicability. Hence a more accurate description of the mechanism of intermittent infiltration of surge irrigation could be described by this model which provides theoretical basis for the reasonable design of surge flow irrigation technology. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Infiltration

Controlled terms: Hydraulic conductivity? - ?Irrigation? - ?Water supply? - ?Wetting

Uncontrolled terms: Cumulative infiltrations? - ?Green-Ampt model? - ?Saturated hydraulic conductivity? - ?Soil volumetric water contents? - ?Surge flow irrigation? - ?Surge irrigation? - ?Volumetric water content? - ?Wetting fronts

Classification code: 446.1 Water Supply Systems

Water Supply Systems

? - ?632.1 Hydraulics


? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 3.60e+00%, Percentage 8.60e+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.028

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


29. Design and pressure drop analysis of hybrid fluid flow magnetorheological valve

Accession number: 20163902857841

Authors: Hu, Guoliang (1); Zhong, Fang (1); Liao, Mingke (1); Gong, Meihui (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment, Ministry of Education, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang; 330013, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 389-397

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Magnetorheological (MR) valve is a kind of smart control mechanism that using magnetorheologcial fluid as the working fluid. A compact hybrid fluid flow MR valve was developed and prototyped, the fluid flow paths of the proposed MR valve were consisted of a single annular flow channel, a single radial flow channel and an orifice flow channel through structural design. In order to investigate the changes of the magnetic flux density and yield stress along the fluid flow paths under the four different radial resistance gaps, the magnetic circuit design and finite element analysis were carried out. The simulation results showed that this design methodology can provide a larger pressure drop of 3 342 kPa at 0.5 mm radial resistance gap and 1.0 mm annular resistance gap, which constrained in a volume space of MR valve with an outer diameter of 62 mm and overall length of 80 mm. Meanwhile, the experimental pressure drop under the four different radial resistance gaps was also carried out on the test rig. The results showed that the pressure drop was increased as the applied current increased, and the pressure drop also increased as the radial resistance gap decreased from 1.5 mm to 0.5 mm, the maximum pressure drop was approximately 2 650 kPa at the applied current of 1.2 A when the radial resistance gap was 0.5 mm, which was well accorded with the simulation results. This proposed MR valve significantly improved its efficiency through compact design and changeable radial resistance gap, which is beneficial to control the MR damper as a bypass control valve for its good pressure regulating capability. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 24

Main heading: Flow of fluids

Controlled terms: Channel flow? - ?Damping? - ?Drops? - ?Finite element method? - ?Magnetic circuits? - ?Pressure drop? - ?Radial flow? - ?Structural design? - ?Yield stress

Uncontrolled terms: Design Methodology? - ?Its efficiencies? - ?Magnetic circuit design? - ?Magneto-rheological? - ?Magnetorheological valve? - ?Maximum pressure drops? - ?Pressure drop analysis? - ?Smart control mechanisms

Classification code: 408.1 Structural Design, General

Structural Design, General

? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

? - ?701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

? - ?931.1 Mechanics


? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Electric_Current 1.20e+00A, Pressure 2.65e+06Pa, Pressure 3.34e+06Pa, Size 1.00e-03m, Size 1.50e-03m to 5.00e-04m, Size 5.00e-04m, Size 6.20e-02m, Size 8.00e-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.052

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


30. Autonomous navigation of solar energy canal feed sprinkler irrigation machine

Accession number: 20163902857949

Authors: Liu, Ke’nan (1); Wu, Pute (1, 2); Zhu, Delan (1, 2); Han, Wenting (2); Dai, Wenkai (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (2) Institute of Water-saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Wu, Pute(gjzwpt@vip.sina.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 141-146

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In view of the planting characteristics which are mainly consisted of small farmers and some large growing farmers in China, the solar energy technology was combined with spray irrigation technology together. In addition, a light and small solar energy canal feed sprinkler irrigation machine was developed. An autonomous navigation system was developed on self-developed solar energy canal feed sprinkler machine. Under different working conditions, angle sensor and electronic compass were adopted for the autonomous navigation test. The precision irrigation control system and spraying domain control system were integrated to realize automatic control of sprinkler machine. According to the attitude information of the sprinkler machine acquired from angle sensor, electronic compass and wheel speed sensor, a fuzzy controller for autonomous navigation was built. By adjusting the speed of driving wheels on both sides, a close-loop feedback control system of steering was also built. Besides, to verify the navigation accuracy of the system, a tracking experiment was carried out. The results indicated that the lateral tracking error could be well eliminated with travelling speeds of 0.5 m/min and 1.0 m/min, which showed that the sprinkler machine was provided with high reliability and stability. In other words, the control system can well meet the demand of spraying work. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Sprinkler systems (irrigation)

Controlled terms: Adaptive control systems? - ?Agriculture? - ?Automation? - ?Control? - ?Control systems? - ?Feedback control? - ?Hydraulic structures? - ?Irrigation? - ?Navigation? - ?Navigation systems ? - ?Process control? - ?Solar energy? - ?Wheels

Uncontrolled terms: Autonomous navigation? - ?Autonomous navigation systems? - ?Electronic compass? - ?Navigation accuracy? - ?Precision irrigation? - ?Solar energy technologies? - ?Sprinkler irrigation? - ?Wheel speed sensors

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

? - ?657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena

Solar Energy and Phenomena

? - ?731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Automatic Control Principles and Applications

? - ?731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.021

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


31. Design and experiment of continuous clamping and pulling intestine removing machine for Procambarus clarkii

Accession number: 20163902857947

Authors: Wang, Shucai (1); Mei, Zhimin (1); Xia, Gaobing (1); Cheng, Fang (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural of University, Wuhan; 430070, China; (2) College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou; 310058, China

Corresponding author: Cheng, Fang(fcheng@zju.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 128-133

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: At present, Procambarus clarkii processing enterprises mainly remove shrimp intestines manually. The problems of large labor intensity, low production efficiency and easy to pollution were existed. A continuous clamping and pulling intestine removing machine for Procambarus clarkii was designed. After the head-removing process, the shrimp tail was put in the clamping device and moved with it at the same time. The upper cover of the shrimp tail was closed with the action of the clip cover guide rail and the spring. When the shrimp tail moved to the intestine removing device, the shrimp sausage component was driven by chains. The tail fan got into the intestine removing clamp mouth along the tail fan guide. The intestine removing clamp mouth first clamped the tail fan, and then pulled it out with the shrimp intestines. The key parts of continuous clamping and pulling intestine removing machine were descripted, including shrimp intestines institutions, shrimp intestines guide rail, conveyer, shrimp tail clamp lock, shrimp intestine cleaning, etc. The transmission system design and prototype test were also accomplished. Though adjusting the relative position of the shrimp tail clamp and intestinal clamp mouth, different sizes of Procambarus clarkii could adapted well. Through the prototype test, the following result could be got as intestine removing rate of 91.0%, net rate of 86.5%, production efficiency of single mechanism of 1.4 shrimp per second. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 15

Main heading: Shellfish

Controlled terms: Design? - ?Efficiency? - ?Experiments

Uncontrolled terms: Continuous? - ?Different sizes? - ?Labor intensity? - ?Procambarus clarkii? - ?Production efficiency? - ?Relative positions? - ?Single mechanisms? - ?Transmission system design

Classification code: 461.9 Biology


? - ?901.3 Engineering Research

Engineering Research

? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.65e+01%, Percentage 9.10e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.019

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


32. Cavitation process and flow characteristics inside diesel injector nozzle

Accession number: 20163902857976

Authors: Qiu, Tao (1, 2); Song, Xin (1); Lei, Yan (1); Xu, Hui (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China; (2) Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing, Beijing; 100081, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 359-365

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To study the cavitation occurring in diesel nozzle and its effects on the flow capacity, the process of cavitation and the flow characteristics in diesel injector orifice were analyzed based on optical testing and three-dimensional CFD simulation. In the experiment, the visualization of cavitation was recorded by a high-speed camera, the frame rate was set to 6 688 frames per second. The high-frequency Kistler pressure transducers were assembled before and after the nozzle to acquire pressure. Ultimately, the data of pictures and pressure were stored by a computer. The 3D CFD diesel cavitation simulations were carried out under conditions of different inlet pressures and back pressures based on the commercial code Fluent. The CFD simulations were validated by the experimental data. The results showed that: when K>2.49, there were no bubbles in the nozzle, which was named no-cavitation period; during no-cavitation period, both the gas-liquid mixed phase volume fraction and the fuel mass flow in each section did not increase and the flow coefficient was constant. When K≤2.49, it is the cavitation developing period when the gas-liquid mixed phase volume fraction of the entrance of the nozzle (plane A) started to increase which represented cavitation inception. At the same time, the growth rate of fuel mass flow reduced, and the flow coefficient began to decreased. When K≤1.91, the gas-liquid mixed phase volume at plane A became stable, which meant the cavitation saturation period. During the saturation period, the fuel mass flow rised to its maximum and maintained stable while the flow coefficient decreased. It can be seen that the cavitation occurred in diesel injector nozzle had large impact on the flow characteristics. Meanwhile, the cavitation had impact on the fuel mass flow, the flow coefficient and the gas-liquid mixing phase volume fraction at different nozzle cross sections. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Computational fluid dynamics

Controlled terms: Cavitation? - ?Computer simulation? - ?Fuels? - ?High speed cameras? - ?Liquids? - ?Mass transfer? - ?Nozzles? - ?Volume fraction

Uncontrolled terms: Cavitation inception? - ?Diesel? - ?Diesel injector nozzles? - ?Flow charac-teristics? - ?Frames per seconds? - ?Gas-liquid mixing? - ?Phase volume fraction? - ?Saturation periods

Classification code: 631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics

Liquid Dynamics

? - ?641.1 Thermodynamics


? - ?641.3 Mass Transfer

Mass Transfer

? - ?723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

? - ?742.2 Photographic Equipment

Photographic Equipment

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.048

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


33. Research on ontology non-taxonomic relations extraction in plant domain knowledge graph construction

Accession number: 20163902857966

Authors: Zhao, Ming (1); Du, Yaru (1); Du, Huifang (1); Zhang, Jiajun (1); Wang, Hongshuo (1); Chen, Ying (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Ying(chenying@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 278-284

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to provide more specific knowledge and technology of plant field, the main task of KG (knowledge graph) is to extract a wealth of concepts and relationships. Due to the relation extraction is the most difficult in KG construction, this paper makes use of ontology learning, and proposes a non-taxonomic relation learning method to obtain representative concepts and their relations from unstructured and semi-structured texts of Baidu Encyclopedia entry content by using lexicon-syntactic patterns based on dependency grammar analysis. Moreover, the methods of adding constraint models and words filtering were adopted to build heavy weight ontology automatically based on a lightweight ontology and greatly improved the precision of the relation extraction. The approach established a concept structure from the plant domain corpus, ameliorated the discovery of the most representative non-taxonomic relation, and formalized them in the standardized OWL 2.0. A set of experiments was performed using the approach implemented in the plant domain. The results indicated that extraction by patterns should be performed directly after natural language processing, which has a comparatively high accuracy compared to the former algorithms, and this approach can extract non-taxonomic relations with high effectiveness, which lays the foundation for KG construction of plant field. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Plant extracts

Controlled terms: Extraction? - ?Natural language processing systems? - ?Syntactics

Uncontrolled terms: Baidu Encyclopedia? - ?Domain ontologies? - ?Knowledge graphs? - ?Non-taxonomic relation? - ?Ontology learning

Classification code: 461.9 Biology


? - ?723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing

Data Processing and Image Processing

? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.038

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


34. Study of rill flow soil erosion mechanism on loess slope surface

Accession number: 20163902857948

Authors: Ma, Xiaoling (1); Zhang, Kuandi (1, 2); Dong, Xu (1); Yang, Mingyi (2); Yang, Fan (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Zhang, Kuandi(zhangkuandi428@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 134-140

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Rill erosion is one of the most important slope erosion in loess area, and soil detachment process is an important link of rill erosion. However, the existing studies only are based on a single soil conditions, while the simple relationship between soil detachment rate and water dynamics cannot fully reflect the coupling mechanism of the soil detachment rate under different types of soil. More importantly, the existing research involves little on the relationship between the detachment rate and bed surface morphology. The article adopted the combination of six kinds of slope gradients (2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10° and 12°) and five discharges (8 L/min, 16 L/min, 24 L/min, 32 L/min, 40 L/min) to do scouring experiment. The results showed that: soil detachment rate had power function relationship with discharge and slope, and slope had a greater influence than discharge; Different types of non-dimensional soil detachment rate and non-dimensional unit stream power had zoned phenomenon with non-dimensional flow velocity which showed that soil detachment had other influence factors except diameter of particles; Non-dimensional soil detachment rate and non-dimensional shear stress double-log function had a linear increase relationship, and there was no partition; Soil detachment rate had a trend of increase power function with the increase of down hole development coefficient, and the soil detachment rate had a power function decreasing trend with the L/H increases. This results show that the more complex bed surface morphology increased, the more mature down hole developed increasingly and the more intense soil detachment is. The results of the study have some theoretical value to the mechanism of sediment transport on rill flow erosion, moreover it has a certain guiding significance on loess slope surface soil detachment control and ecological restoration. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Soil conservation

Controlled terms: Erosion? - ?Flow velocity? - ?Sediment transport? - ?Sediments? - ?Shear flow? - ?Shear stress? - ?Soils? - ?Surface morphology

Uncontrolled terms: Bed forms? - ?Loess hillslope? - ?Rill erosion? - ?Soil detachment? - ?Water dynamics

Classification code: 483 Soil Mechanics and Foundations

Soil Mechanics and Foundations

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?631 Fluid Flow

Fluid Flow

? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.020

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


35. Soil nematode and microbial community diversity in Lycium barbarum L. orchard

Accession number: 20163902857952

Authors: Zhang, Junhua (1); Zhang, Yi (2); Li, Ming (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Institute of Environmental Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan; 750021, China; (2) College of Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan; 750021, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 161-170

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Soil nematode and microbes are essential and very sensitive to any upsets in terrestrial ecosystems. In order to reveal the tendency of soil quality of wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) orchard, make the origin of L. barbarum as the objective region, different stand ages of soil were selected in wolfberry orchard. The objective of the study was achieved by nematode and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarker analysis of soil samples from L. barbarum orchards in the objective region. The change rule of soil nematode and microbial community diversity with the change of season, soil layer and stand age was analyzed. The results showed that the abundance of nematode was increased and then decreased in 0~20 cm of soil, with the highest nematode at the stand age of 6. The proportion of bacterivores was the highest (57.23% and 61.19% in summer and autumn, respectively), and plant parasites nematode was next, fungivorous nematode and predators-omnivore had the lowest abundance. Plant parasites nematode was relatively higher at 20~40 cm than that at 0~20 cm. The average concentrations of total and bacterial PLFAs in the surface soil were initially decreased and then increased, and the highest microbial PLFA concentrations were obtained in 9th year. The tendency change of total and bacterial PLFAs were similar to nematode abundance at 20~40 cm in summer. With longer stand age, Shannon diversity index (H’) and richness index (SR) of nematode were increased and then decreased, however, H’ and SRof microbial were decreased, and dominant index was increased. The change tendency of abundance, H’ and SRof soil nematode were similar to soil microbial. There was significant negative correlation between soil pH value, EC, microbial and bacteria PLFA. The organic matter, total nitrogen and available P were significantly positively correlated to the abundance of nematodes and concentration of microbial PLFA, respectively. Total abundance of nematode, bacterivores and bacteria, fungi and actinomyces PLFA were significantly positively correlated. On the whole, the season, layer and stand age had different effects on the nematode and microbial community, and the stand age had the least effect; the season, soil layer and stand age had more significant effect on microbe than nematode. Furthermore, the microenvironment of soil was improved and then declined gradually as the stand age increased in the same season as well as the soil layer. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 44

Main heading: Soils

Controlled terms: Bacteria? - ?Ecology? - ?Ecosystems? - ?Farms? - ?Fatty acids? - ?Microorganisms? - ?Orchards? - ?Phospholipids

Uncontrolled terms: Ecological indices? - ?Lycium barbarum L? - ?Phospholipid fatty acids? - ?Soil nematode? - ?Soil physicochemical characteristics

Classification code: 454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology and Ecosystems

? - ?461.9 Biology


? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?804.1 Organic Compounds

Organic Compounds

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 5.72e+01%, Percentage 6.12e+01%, Size 0.00e+00m to 2.00e-01m, Size 2.00e-01m to 4.00e-01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.024

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


36. Rapid cultivation of anaerobic granular sludge within artificial sludge bed and analysis of adsorption kinetics

Accession number: 20163902857960

Authors: Shi, Yunfen (1); Sun, Meng (1); Zhang, Gengyu (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Chemical Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin; 132012, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 227-233 and 255

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: The installation of artificial sludge blanket layer to the anaerobic ponds has accelerated the sludge formation rates, shortened the cultivation time and improved the sludge activity. It also enhances the operability of the formation process of the anaerobic granular sludge.The impacts on the formation of anaerobic granular sludge from the artificial sludge bed and the mechanisms of granular sludge adsorption were investigated. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to measure the shapes of the anaerobic granular sludge and furthermore determine their fractal dimension. A granular sludge adsorption model was developed based on the distribution patterns, average particle sizes and water contents of the granular sludge. Results show that when attached to the artificial sludge blanket layer, the anaerobic granular sludge was evenly distributed across the layer, with particle sizes between 4 mm and 5 mm, and made up to 80% of the total sludge in the system. Under the SEM, their shapes were clearly observed and their fractal dimensions were between 2.68 and 2.83. Results also show strong stability of granular sludge on the artificial sludge layer. When the hydraulic loading rate reached 5 kg/(L·d), they still maintained an average concentration of 5.84 kg/m3. Results from the granular sludge adsorption model indicated that the internal circulation of the sludge inside the reaction pond can stimulate the formation of the anaerobic granular sludge. Peak adsorption capacity of the anaerobic granular sludge was achieved when the concentration ratio of up-flow/down-flow sludge fell between 0.8 and 0.9. This study will provide a reference to the formation of anaerobic granular sludge for the industrial treatment of wastewater with high organic concentrations. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Particles (particulate matter)

Controlled terms: Adsorption? - ?Dynamics? - ?Fractal dimension? - ?Fractals? - ?Granular materials? - ?Industrial water treatment? - ?Lakes? - ?Particle size? - ?Scanning electron microscopy? - ?Wastewater treatment

Uncontrolled terms: Adsorption capacities? - ?Anaerobic granular sludge? - ?Artificial sludge blanket? - ?Average concentration? - ?Average particle size? - ?Distribution patterns? - ?Hydraulic loading rates? - ?Internal circulations

Classification code: 445.1.2 Water Treatment Techniques for Industrial Use

Water Treatment Techniques for Industrial Use

? - ?452.4 Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal

Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal

? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Mass_Density 5.84e+00kg/m3, Percentage 8.00e+01%, Size 4.00e-03m to 5.00e-03m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.032

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


37. Optimization of structural parameters for threshing and separating device in oblique tangential-longitudinal combine

Accession number: 20163902857937

Authors: Li, Yaoming (1); Chen, Yang (1); Xu, Lizhang (1); Li, Lei (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang; 212013, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 56-61

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: With the advancement of the rice cultivation technology and the vigorously promotion of the super hybrid rice, the rice yield is increased rapidly, which proposes higher demand for the performance of the threshing and separating device for the large-amount feeding combine harvester (7~9 kg/s feeding amount). When facing large feeding amount, the transition between tangential flow roller and longitudinal-axial flow separating roller will easily get blocking. In order to optimize the structure of new-style threshing and separating device in oblique tangential-longitudinal combine and to meet the requirements of high-yielding rice harvest at present in China, rice harvest in field was conducted to study the influence of speeds of tangential drum and longitudinal drum, structure form of the tangential drum concave, gap of the conical spiral transition and cover on the performance of total consumption and total loss. The combine was re-constructed based on self-developed oblique tangential-longitudinal combine and load test system was built for the combine. Orthogonal test with three factors and three levels was carried out in the combine. Optimal parameters were gained by orthogonal test range analysis method. According to the analyzed results of orthogonal test, the rotational speeds of tangential drum and longitudinal drum were 862 r/min and 806 r/min. The structure form of the tangential drum concave was the type of orientation and separation hole. The gap of the conical spiral transition and cover was 50 mm. Under the optimal parameters, the field experiment results were total loss rate of 0.62% and total power consumption of 40.42 kW. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 10

Main heading: Structural optimization

Controlled terms: Agriculture? - ?Combines? - ?Feeding? - ?Harvesters

Uncontrolled terms: Combine harvesters? - ?Oblique tangential-longitudinal? - ?Orthogonal experiment? - ?Parameter optimization? - ?Spiral transitions? - ?Structural parameter? - ?Threshing and separating? - ?Total power consumption

Classification code: 691.2 Materials Handling Methods

Materials Handling Methods

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

Numerical data indexing: Mass_Flow_Rate 7.00e+00kg/s to 9.00e+00kg/s, Percentage 6.20e-01%, Power 4.04e+04W, Rotational_Speed 8.06e+02RPM, Rotational_Speed 8.62e+02RPM, Size 5.00e-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.009

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


38. Extraction and identification of extracellular proteins from lactobacilli and a reference extracellular proteomic map of Lactobacillus paracasei L14

Accession number: 20163902857961

Authors: Zhao, Wei (1); Guo, Huiyuan (1); Ren, Fazheng (1); Chen, Shangwu (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Shangwu(Swchen@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 234-240

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Lactobacillus extracellular proteins are key molecular factors in promoting the probiotic-host crosstalk and signal transduction. Their extractions and identifications could contribute to unravelling the probiotic molecular mechanisms such as adhesion to intestinal surfaces, modulating immune response and enhancing antagonism towards pathogens. A protocol based on trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-acetone precipitation of proteins was presented and optimized. The method was tested on seven Lactobacillus strains after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The extracellular proteins secretion capacity of L. paracasei SW2 in different growth phases was studied and some protein bands were selected for identification by tandem MS. The extracellular proteome of L. paracasei L14 were analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis (2-DE). The results showed that the final concentration of 6% TCA was the most suitable for extracting extracellular proteins from lactobacilli. More extracellular proteins could be extracted in the stationary phase than mid-exponential growth phase. Three of extracellular proteins extracted from L. paracasei SW2 were successfully identified. The extracellular samples extracted from semi-defined medium (SDM) could be analyzed by 2-DE. 130±10 spots, corresponding to about 46% coverage of the predicted secretome of L. paracasei, were detected in the 2-DE map of L. paracasei L14 extracellular proteome. In conclusion, this study preliminarily established the extraction method and 2-DE analysis system of extracellular proteins from lactobacilli and paved the way for a more comprehensive insight into relevant research. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 34

Main heading: Enzyme activity

Controlled terms: Acetone? - ?Bacilli? - ?Electrophoresis? - ?Extraction? - ?Proteins? - ?Signal transduction? - ?Sodium dodecyl sulfate? - ?Sodium sulfate? - ?Space division multiple access? - ?Trichloroacetic acid

Uncontrolled terms: 2-D electrophoresis? - ?Acetone precipitations? - ?Exponential growth phase? - ?Extracellular proteins? - ?Extraction method? - ?Lactobacillus? - ?Lactobacillus strains? - ?Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Classification code: 461.9 Biology


? - ?701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena

? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

? - ?803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 4.60e+01%, Percentage 6.00e+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.033

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


39. Fractal characteristics and influence factors analysis of irrigation water use efficiency in Heilongjiang province

Accession number: 20163902857950

Authors: Fu, Qiang (1); Liu, Wei (1); Liu, Dong (1); Li, Tianxiao (1); Cui, Song (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Water Conservancy and Architecture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 147-153

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to investigate the fractal characteristics and influence factors of irrigation water use efficiency in different scales irrigation areas, the measuring results of irrigation water use efficiency in 115 different scales irrigation area were selected as samples during 2009-2014. The fractal characteristics of above samples were studied by using the method of rank-size distribution, and the influence factors of irrigation water use efficiency of Heilongjiang province were analyzed by using principal component analysis. The result showed that the fractal dimension value D of irrigation water use efficiency of Heilongjiang province was ranged in 5.26~6.25 in 2009-2014, and the distribution of irrigation water use efficiency changed from multi-fractal structure to single fractal structure. For the large-middle scale irrigation area (D1=4.58), irrigation water use efficiency was the maximum of 44.44%. For the miniature irrigation area (D2=4.79), irrigation water use efficiency was the maximum of 53.81%. For the pure well irrigation area (D3=6.98), irrigation water use efficiency can reach maximum of 70.41%. For the whole province (D=5.13), irrigation water use efficiency can reach maximum value of 57.03%. In the influence factors analysis for irrigation water use efficiency of different scales irrigation area, the channel lining rate and engineering equipment rate were the most two influential factors to irrigation water use efficiency of large-middle scale irrigation area. To miniature irrigation area, the influence of the channel lining rate was the most, and the influence of the ratio of evaporation to transpiration was the least. Field leakage was the most influential factor to irrigation water use efficiency of pure well irrigation area. The research results provided a theoretical basis for the balanced promotion of irrigation water use efficiency in Heilongjiang province. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 28

Main heading: Irrigation

Controlled terms: Efficiency? - ?Factor analysis? - ?Fractal dimension? - ?Fractals? - ?Principal component analysis? - ?Transpiration? - ?Water? - ?Water supply

Uncontrolled terms: Fractal theory? - ?Heilongjiang? - ?Influence factor? - ?Irrigation water use efficiency? - ?Rank-size method

Classification code: 446.1 Water Supply Systems

Water Supply Systems

? - ?461.9 Biology


? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 4.44e+01%, Percentage 5.38e+01%, Percentage 5.70e+01%, Percentage 7.04e+01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.022

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


40. Comprehensive evaluation method for applicability of plant protection machinery based on analytic hierarchy process

Accession number: 20163902857939

Authors: Gong, Yan (1); Zhang, Xiao (1); Liu, Yan (1); Wang, Guo (1); Chen, Xiao (1); Chen, Xiaobing (1)

Author affiliation: (1) Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing; 210014, China

Corresponding author: Chen, Xiaobing(chxibi@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 73-78

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to comprehensively evaluate the applicability of plant protection machinery, this paper established the evaluation index system from three aspects:technical index, economic index and operation condition index, used analytic hierarchy process to calculate the results of the expert questionnaires based on the structure model of the evaluation system, and determined the weights of each evaluation index by using judgment matrix and weighted geometric average method. And then it obtained the scores of the third level indicators by the method of test, as well as survey and evaluation of users, and then got the index scores of all levels through analysis and calculation. Finally the comprehensive evaluation index system for the applicability of plant protection machinery was built. This paper evaluated the self-propelled boom sprayer for example, and obtained the conclusions of the single index evaluation and the comprehensive evaluation. This can provide scientific basis for popularization and application of plant protection machinery by the comprehensive evaluation system, at the same time, it has guiding significance to the optimization and promotion of mechanical performance and operations quality of plant protection machinery. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 19

Main heading: Quality control

Controlled terms: Analytic hierarchy process? - ?Machinery? - ?Surveys

Uncontrolled terms: Analysis and calculations? - ?Applicability? - ?Comprehensive evaluation? - ?Comprehensive evaluation index system? - ?Comprehensive evaluation system? - ?Evaluation system? - ?Plant protection? - ?Weighted geometric averages

Classification code: 913.3 Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control

? - ?961 Systems Science

Systems Science

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.011

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


41. Design and experiment of combined hole-type metering device of rice hill-drop drilling machine

Accession number: 20163902857933

Authors: Zhang, Minghua (1, 2); Luo, Xiwen (1, 2); Wang, Zaiman (1, 2); Dai, Yizheng (1, 2); Wang, Baolong (1, 2); Zheng, Le (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Key Laboratory of Key Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment, Ministry of Education, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou; 510642, China; (2) Southern Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops in China, Changsha; 410128, China

Corresponding author: Luo, Xiwen(xwluo@scau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 29-36

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Due to the differences of soil, climate, varieties in different regions and different planting habits, the rice planting agronomic requirements are different. In order to meet the seeding requirement of conventional rice and hybrid rice simultaneously and to adjust the seeding rate quickly, a combined hole-type metering device was designed based on a simple hole-type metering device which was developed by South China Agricultural University. The device included hole-type shell, hole-type roller and adjusting mechanism. A complete hole-type was comprised by the label through holes which were uniformly distributed on the hole-type shell and the small/big hole-type which were uniformly distributed on hole-type roller. The shape, size and style of the hole-type and the adjusting mechanism were designed and optimized. The reliability experiments of the adjusting mechanism were carried out and the result showed that its structure was reasonable and the seeding rate adjusting process could be completed in 5 s. According to the existed model and theory, the outline dimensions of the hole-type were calculated and the results confirmed that the number of the hole-type was 8, the big radius was 5 mm, the small radius was 4.5 mm and the length was 11 mm. To further study on the main impact factors of the seeding performance of the metering device, the length and the chamfering angle of the guiding groove and the type of the hole-type were selected as the factors of the performance experiment while the conventional rice pre-germinated seed Yuxiangyouzhan was selected as the experimental material. The results indicated that the optimal combination parameters were the length of the guiding groove of 6.5 mm, the chamfering angle of 60°, the big hole-type on the hole-type roller with 6.5 mm cylindrical hole and the small hole-type with 4 mm spoon-shaped hole. The test results with rotational speed of 50 r/min showed that the qualified rate of the seed number per hole of the small hole-type was 87%, the seeding qualified rate of the big hole-type was 87.67%, and the seeding variable coefficients of these towed hole-type were 22.60% and 20.46% which could meet the rice seeding requirement. The correlation analysis showed that the main effect on the qualified rate was the type of the hole-type, and the length and the chamfering angle of the guiding groove had effects on the seeding variable coefficients as well. Furthermore, the adaptability experiment was designed by 4 varieties pre-germinated rice seeds and 4 rotational speeds (30 r/min, 40 r/min, 50 r/min and 60 r/min). The results showed that the combined hole-type metering device had good adaptability of seeding conventional rice seeds such as Xiushui 134 and Yuxiangyouzhan, and hybrid rice seeds such as Huayou 14 and Peizataifeng. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 17

Main heading: Agricultural machinery

Controlled terms: Reliability theory? - ?Rollers (machine components)

Uncontrolled terms: Combined hole-type? - ?Guiding groove? - ?Metering devices? - ?Rice? - ?Seeding rate

Classification code: 601.2 Machine Components

Machine Components

? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.05e+01%, Percentage 2.26e+01%, Percentage 8.70e+01%, Percentage 8.77e+01%, Rotational_Speed 3.00e+01RPM, Rotational_Speed 4.00e+01RPM, Rotational_Speed 5.00e+01RPM, Rotational_Speed 6.00e+01RPM, Size 1.10e-02m, Size 4.00e-03m, Size 4.50e-03m, Size 5.00e-03m, Size 6.50e-03m, Time 5.00e+00s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.005

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


42. Decomposition characteristics of crop residues among different agricultural treatments

Accession number: 20163902857958

Authors: Cao, Yingfei (1, 2); Zhang, Hong (1, 2); Liu, Ke (1); Lü, Jialong (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China; (2) State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, Yangling; Shaanxi; 712100, China

Corresponding author: Lü, Jialong(ljlll@nwsuaf.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 212-219

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: This study was about crop decomposition characteristic changes of corn and bean residues (with different water conditions and C/N ratios) decomposition in the fields of three land uses (vineyard, peach orchard, farmland), using nylon mesh bags method and thermogravimetry (TG), which can provide a scientific basis for the rational use of straw resources. The results showed that at the early stage of the decomposition (0~20 d), the decomposition rate was more than 20% and the decomposition rate of bean straws was faster than that of corn straws. On 0~90 d of the decomposition, they were relatively stable. Then the decomposition rates increased to 60%~70% at the end (300 d). In TG-DTG curves, the mass loss of 200~300 stage(20%~30%) was caused by the corn straws during the decomposition (20~45 d). At the end of decomposition, the 300~400 mass losses of bean straws were significantly higher than those of corn straws. The values of 600~700 in TG and DTG curves at the end of the decomposition (300 d) were about 6%. The decomposition rates and percentages of fixed carbon and volatile matters were significantly different between fresh and dry treatments, corn residues and bean residues, and low C/N ratio and high C/N ratio treatments (P 0.05). The decomposition rates and fixed carbon contents were significantly positively related to soil temperature and precipitation (P < 0.05), and volatile matters were negatively correlated with soil temperature and precipitation (P < 0.05). Corn and bean straws in soils could increase the carbon content. Type, C/N ratio and water condition of crop residues, and soil temperature and precipitation could affect the crop straw decomposition in the soil. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 33

Main heading: Crops

Controlled terms: Agricultural wastes? - ?Farms? - ?Land use? - ?Soils? - ?Temperature? - ?Thermogravimetric analysis

Uncontrolled terms: Carbon content? - ?Crop residue? - ?Decomposition characteristics? - ?Decomposition rate? - ?Scientific basis? - ?Soil temperature? - ?Volatile matters? - ?Water conditions

Classification code: 403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development

Urban and Regional Planning and Development

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?641.1 Thermodynamics


? - ?801 Chemistry


? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 2.00e+01%, Percentage 6.00e+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.030

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


43. Substrate degradation and gases emission during co-composting of chicken manure digestion

Accession number: 20163902857959

Authors: Huang, Guangqun (1); Huang, Jing (1); Zhang, Yang (1); Han, Lujia (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Han, Lujia(hanlj@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 220-226

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A laboratory scale experiment of chicken manure digestion co-composting was carried out using a reactor system with oxygen monitoring and feedback control. The physiochemical indexes, including temperature, oxygen concentration, volatile solid content (VS), moisture, C/N, pH value, EC, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, biological index, and main gas emissions (CH4, NH3and N2O) were monitored and analyzed, respectively. Physical, chemical and biological indicators presented a good dynamic corresponding relationship, and the degradation of cellulose materials mainly appeared at the middle and later periods of aerobic co-composting. Temperature and oxygen concentration had an effect on gas emissions: high temperature promoted the emissions of NH3and N2O with a significantly positive correlation (r=0.378; r=0.695), high temperature and oxygen concentration decreased the emission of CH4with a significantly negative correlation (r=-0.470; r=-0.494). Gas emissions can be controlled through adjusting the levels of composing oxygen concentration and temperature. Multi-parameters characterization and correlation analyses can provide theoretical and methodological basis for process optimization of chicken manure and digestion co-composting. However, characterization and the coordination mechanism should be explored in depth on fermentation performance and gas emissions combining with comprehensive multi-indexes during and digestion co-composting in future studies. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 30

Main heading: Gas emissions

Controlled terms: Animals? - ?Biological materials? - ?Cellulose? - ?Composting? - ?Correlation methods? - ?Degradation? - ?Fertilizers? - ?Gases? - ?Indicators (chemical)? - ?Manures ? - ?Optimization? - ?Oxygen

Uncontrolled terms: Chemical and biologicals? - ?Chicken manure? - ?Coordination mechanisms? - ?Correlation analysis? - ?Fermentation performance? - ?Oxygen concentrations? - ?Positive correlations? - ?Substrate degradation

Classification code: 461.2 Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering

Biological Materials and Tissue Engineering

? - ?802.2 Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

? - ?811.3 Cellulose, Lignin and Derivatives

Cellulose, Lignin and Derivatives

? - ?821.5 Agricultural Wastes

Agricultural Wastes

? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.031

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


44. Structure optimization of cleaning screen for maize harvester

Accession number: 20163902857944

Authors: Wang, Lijun (1); Zhang, Chuan’gen (1); Ding, Zhenjun (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 108-114

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to improve cleaning performance of cross air-and-screen cleaning device in maize harvester, through comparing the screening performance of woven screen and shell screen, the structure of shell screen was selected as the main object of study. In order to obtain the optimal parameters of the shell screen, computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method (CFD-DEM) were coupled in the quadratic orthogonal rotational-combinational simulation tests. Objective indexes were screening efficiency of shell screen and cleaning rate of grain. The factors were the length and height of screen hole and the space between screen holes. The test data were analyzed by the response surface method and the regression mathematical models were multi-objective optimized by using Design-Expert software. Simulation results showed that height of screen holes had the most significant effect on the indexes, followed by the space between screen holes, then the length of screen holes. The optimized parameters were the length of screen hole of 21.68 mm, height of screen hole of 10.86 mm and space between screen holes of 55.04 mm. The results of verified test showed that screening efficiency was increased from 81.79% to 89.91% and the cleaning rate of grain was increased to 97.28%, which were consistent with the simulated results. The performance of the cleaning device was enhanced. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 16

Main heading: Air cleaners

Controlled terms: Cleaning? - ?Computational fluid dynamics? - ?Efficiency? - ?Harvesters? - ?Multiobjective optimization? - ?Shells (structures)? - ?Software testing? - ?Structural optimization

Uncontrolled terms: Cleaning devices? - ?Optimal parameter? - ?Optimized parameter? - ?Response surface method? - ?Screening efficiency? - ?Screening performance? - ?Simulated results? - ?Structure optimization

Classification code: 408.2 Structural Members and Shapes

Structural Members and Shapes

? - ?451.2 Air Pollution Control

Air Pollution Control

? - ?723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

? - ?821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

Agricultural Machinery and Equipment

? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 8.18e+01% to 8.99e+01%, Percentage 9.73e+01%, Size 1.09e-02m, Size 2.17e-02m, Size 5.50e-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.016

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


45. Working parameters optimization and experiment of precision hole fertilization control mechanism for intertilled crop

Accession number: 20163902857934

Authors: Li, Mutong (1); Wen, Xiangyu (1); Zhou, Fujun (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin; 150030, China

Corresponding author: Zhou, Fujun(fjzhou@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 37-43

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In order to increase the yield of intertilled crops and enhance the effective utilization rate of fertilizer, a kind of corn automatic hole fertilization control mechanism for intertilled crop was designed. The structure and working parameters of hole fertilization control mechanism were analyzed by soil bin testing. The influence law of parameters of transmission mechanism on the accuracy of fertilizing control was studied. The orthogonal rotation combination method was used with the power output shaft speed, vehicle forward speed and seedling needle height as impact factors, the seedling injury rate and the fitting degree of holes and plants as response functions. The regression analysis of Design-Expert platform and the response surface method were used. The single-factor and multi-factor orthogonal experiment was carried out. The results showed that, when the vehicle forward speed was 1.25 m/s, power output shaft speed was 16.5 r/min, seedling needle height was 5 mm, the fitting degree of holes and plants can reach to 0.796 and seedling injury rate was close to 10%. The optimized parameters can meet the requirements of corn fertilization during seedling stage. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 6

Main heading: Crops

Controlled terms: Automation? - ?Control? - ?Crashworthiness? - ?Needles? - ?Orthogonal functions? - ?Regression analysis? - ?Soil testing

Uncontrolled terms: Hole fertilization? - ?Orthogonal experiment? - ?Orthogonal rotations? - ?Parameter optimization? - ?Precision fertilizations? - ?Response surface method? - ?Structure and working parameters? - ?Transmission mechanisms

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications

Automatic Control Principles and Applications

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention

Accidents and Accident Prevention

? - ?921 Mathematics


? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.00e+01%, Rotational_Speed 1.65e+01RPM, Size 5.00e-03m, Velocity 1.25e+00m/s

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.006

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


46. Pterocarya stenoptera growth model in aquatic-terrestrial ecotones based on competitiveness index

Accession number: 20163902857969

Authors: Wang, Chunling (1); Jiang, Qi (1); Wang, Dongmei (2); Lu, Yang (2)

Author affiliation: (1) School of Information Science & Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing; 100083, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 301-308

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In recent years, the phenomenon of the landscape degradation in the river basin has been more and more serious because of over ecotourism, and the forestry visualization technology provides important reference for ecosystem restoration and landscape optimization decision, therefore, it is necessary and practically significant to research the visual simulation of vegetation growth in the river basin. This paper presented the case of pterocarya stenoptera in aquatic-terrestrial ecotones in Lijiang River, and found that total nitrogen content of soil plays a critical role during its growth after analyzing the correlation between soil sample and growth data. Based on this finding, the modified Hegyi’s simple competition index model with added nitrogen factors was adopted to the single tree growth model for pterocarya stenoptera stands built in Lijiang River, then diameter distribution model and random algorithm were applied to whole stand model. In the process of simulation, the information of location and diameter at breast height distribution of pterocarya stenoptera in the plot was confirmed by the trees distribution model first; the next step, the height and the crown of each pterocarya stenoptera were simulated according to the fitting relationship between tree height and diameter at breast height, crowns with diameter at breast height and the diameter at breast height of each pterocarya stenoptera were measured, and then, the growth of pterocarya stenoptera was simulated by iterative execution of the growth model using the data got before; after that two-dimensional simulation with different soil nitrogen contents was achieved by implementing C# programming language and GDI+ technology, and then the dot and the circle in two-dimensional simulation would be mapped into specific pterocarya stenoptera model on 3D Max; finally the three-dimensional visual simulation of the growth of pterocarya stenoptera in Virtools platform was achieved. The result showed that a significantly positively relationship existed between diameter at breast height growth and soil total nitrogen content of pterocarya stenoptera, and the correlation coefficient was 0.749; a significantly negative relationship exists between competition index and diameter at breast height growth, and the correlation coefficient improved from -0.621 to -0.657 with the competition index model improved; the error rates were 6.25% and 11.9% respectively when fitting the diameter distribution of pterocarya stenoptera in the simulation and the decision coefficient of diameter at breast height growth model reached 0.734. It’s found that adopting modified Hegyi’s simple competition index model and random algorithm had strong applicability and higher fidelity for pterocarya stenoptera growth simulation in aquatic-terrestrial ecotone. The originality of this paper is to adopte modified Hegyi’s simple competition index model with added nitrogen factors, with the help of Virtools platform, to lay the foundation for further development of human-computer interaction and real time walkthrough. In this article, it provides theoretical basis and reference for the vegetation restoration and succession simulation in Lijiang River watershed, and presents a feasible research idea and implementation method for the forestry visualization research by visualization simulation of pterocarya stenoptera growth in the Lijiang River watershed. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 29

Main heading: Forestry

Controlled terms: Computer simulation languages? - ?Ecology? - ?Ecosystems? - ?Flow visualization? - ?Human computer interaction? - ?Iterative methods? - ?Nitrogen? - ?Optimization? - ?Restoration? - ?Rivers ? - ?Soils? - ?Timber? - ?Vegetation? - ?Visual languages? - ?Visualization? - ?Watersheds

Uncontrolled terms: Aquatic-terrestrial ecotones? - ?Competition index? - ?Diameter distribution models? - ?Diameter-at-breast heights? - ?Growth modeling? - ?Pterocarya stenoptera? - ?Two-dimensional simulations? - ?Visualization technologies

Classification code: 444.1 Surface Water

Surface Water

? - ?454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology and Ecosystems

? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

? - ?723.1.1 Computer Programming Languages

Computer Programming Languages

? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

? - ?921.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 1.19e+01%, Percentage 6.25e+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.041

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


47. Swirling jet mixture mechanism of fat-soluble pesticides and numerical simulation of mixer field

Accession number: 20163902857940

Authors: Song, Haichao (1, 2); Xu, Youlin (1); Zheng, Jiaqiang (1); Zhu, Heping (3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing; 210037, China; (2) College of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology, Nanjing; 210023, China; (3) USDA-ARS-ATRU, Wooster; OH; 44691, United States

Corresponding author: Xu, Youlin(youlinxu@njfu.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 79-84

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To characterize jet mixture profiles for in-line injection of pesticides, two-phase flow fields in conventional mixing chambers were investigated under various test conditions. The two-phase flow was formed with water mixed with either a water-soluble liquid or a fat-soluble liquid (silicon oil). Test results illustrated that there were limitations for the conventional mixers to obtain uniform mixtures with the fat-soluble pesticide. To overcome these limitations, a new mixing device based on the swirling jet mechanism was conceived and developed to improve the mixture uniformity of water and the fat-soluble pesticide. The swirling jet mixer consisted of a spiral curved shrink tube, a diffuser and a guide vane to accelerate the two-phase flow spiral movement and blend the two liquids. A computational fluid dynamics program (Fluent) was used to simulate the flow field inside the swirling jet mixer to optimize its design. The mixture uniformity was evaluated by introducing the uniformity index γa, representing that the two liquids were blended homogenously as γawas 1. Simulated results showed that the γawas 0.998 9 across the entire cross sections inside the mixer, confirming uniform mixture profiles with the new mixer design. Therefore, the new swirling jet mixer would solve the non-uniform mixture problem associated with conventional mixers and could significantly improve the in-line injection technology to reduce pesticide waste. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 14

Main heading: Two phase flow

Controlled terms: Computational fluid dynamics? - ?Diffusers (fluid)? - ?Fighter aircraft? - ?Flow fields? - ?Liquids? - ?Mixers (machinery)? - ?Mixing? - ?Mixtures? - ?Pesticides

Uncontrolled terms: Injection technology? - ?Mixing chamber? - ?Non-uniform mixtures? - ?Simulated results? - ?Swirling jets? - ?Test condition? - ?Uniform mixtures? - ?Uniformity index

Classification code: 631.1 Fluid Flow, General

Fluid Flow, General

? - ?652.1.2 Military Aircraft

Military Aircraft

? - ?723.5 Computer Applications

Computer Applications

? - ?802.3 Chemical Operations

Chemical Operations

? - ?803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.012

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


48. Research advances and perspectives of evaluation on ecological value of cultivated land

Accession number: 20163902857964

Authors: Tang, Xiumei (1, 2); Chen, Baiming (3); Liu, Yu (1, 2); Pan, Yuchun (1, 2); Sun, Chao (1, 2); Ren, Yanmin (1, 2)

Author affiliation: (1) Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (2) National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing; 100097, China; (3) Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing; 100101, China

Corresponding author: Liu, Yu(Liuyu@nercita.org.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 256-265

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Cultivated land(CL) resource is an important resource for human survival and development, and it bears the function of ensuring food security and social stability. The research on the value evaluation of CL resources provides a theoretical basis for the protection of CL, and has important practical significance. With the scarcity of ecosystem services become more and more prominent, the ecological value (EV) evaluation of CL has received unprecedented attention.This paper explored the research advances and perspectives of evaluation on EV of CL. Firstly, the current value of CL classification system and the connotation were summarized. The research of the CL resources value has experienced the development process from the value of no value to a single value then to the comprehensive value accounting at home and abroad, and scholars focused on how much food and how many people will be able to produce, and gradual transition to the economic output value of the cultivated land, the social security function and the value of ecological services, the EV of CL were defined on the basis of the study above. Secondly, the accounting methods of EV of CL were summarized at home and abroad, including equivalent value correction method, substitute market method and simulation market method, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method were summarized. Finally, this paper put forward the focus of future research about EV evaluation of CL, including the follows: research on EV system of CL, the EV of CL evaluation method research, the EV refinement and evaluation of CL and in the eco-compensation for CL in applied research.The research results and conclusions had great significance for the theory and method of the EV evaluation of CL. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 103

Main heading: Function evaluation

Controlled terms: Commerce? - ?Ecology? - ?Economic and social effects? - ?Ecosystems? - ?Food supply? - ?Land use

Uncontrolled terms: Accounting methods? - ?Classification system? - ?Cultivated lands? - ?Development process? - ?Ecological services? - ?Ecological values? - ?Evaluation? - ?Multi-functions

Classification code: 403 Urban and Regional Planning and Development

Urban and Regional Planning and Development

? - ?454.3 Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology and Ecosystems

? - ?822.3 Food Products

Food Products

? - ?921.6 Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods

? - ?971 Social Sciences

Social Sciences

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.036

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


49. Design and test of intelligent residual film recovery device based on EtherCAT & GPRS

Accession number: 20163902857936

Authors: Wu, Xiaoyan (1); Wang, Shu (1); Zhou, Huixing (1); Hou, Shulin (1); Jian, Jianming (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Hou, Shulin(hsl010@126.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 50-55

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: At present, the residual film recovery device needs to stop artificially and adjust repeatedly for its ground-breaking depth and rolling speed based on actual situation during the work. It often leads to low levels of mechanization and efficiency. In order to improve intelligence and efficiency of the plastic film recovery unit, the subject takes the elastic tooth residual film recovery device of existing independently developed as the research object. BECKHOFF CX2030 controller and the module were used to collect the data of each sensor in real time and control the operation of the servo motor. Then through the Ethernet interface which based on EtherCAT bus and the GPRS network, it can realize the film shovel automatic lifting adjustment, the film cutting speed online detection, the residual film recovery online visual feedback, the data transmission and monitoring. Through the structure design, theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the intelligent film shovel, the inclination angle of the blade was obtained as 65° to 75°, the safety ground breaking depth was 20 mm to 50 mm. The application of image technology and computer simulation software was conducive to the real-time feedback of residual film legacy and scientific calculation of residual film recovery rate and operating efficiency. The field experiment in sandy loam soil of potato ridge using the intelligent residual film recovery device based on EtherCAT & GPRS showed that, the effect of the residual film recovery operations was significant in the intelligent level and residual film recovery rate, and the overall level of the device was greatly improved. The successful research and development of the device will greatly promote the residual film recovery to multifunction, intelligence, digitization and automation. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 12

Main heading: Interfaces (materials)

Controlled terms: Application programs? - ?Computer software? - ?Efficiency? - ?Feedback? - ?Ground penetrating radar systems? - ?Machinery? - ?Plastic films? - ?Recovery? - ?Shovels? - ?Soils ? - ?Visual communication

Uncontrolled terms: Agricultural plastic films? - ?EtherCAT? - ?Experimental verification? - ?Intelligence? - ?Operating efficiency? - ?Research and development? - ?Residual films? - ?Scientific calculations

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment

Radar Systems and Equipment

? - ?717.1 Optical Communication Systems

Optical Communication Systems

? - ?723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications

? - ?731.1 Control Systems

Control Systems

? - ?817.1 Polymer Products

Polymer Products

? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

Numerical data indexing: Size 2.00e-02m to 5.00e-02m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.008

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


50. Photosynthesis characteristics and transpiration efficiency of rice plants under controlled irrigation technology in arid region

Accession number: 20163902857955

Authors: He, Haibing (1); Wu, Liquan (1); Yang, Ru (2); Ma, Fuyu (2); Huang, Yide (1, 3)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Agriculture, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei; 230036, China; (2) College of Agriculture, Shihezi University, Shihezi; 832000, China; (3) Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing; 210095, China

Corresponding author: Ma, Fuyu(mfy_agr@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 186-193

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: To investigate the effects of water regimes on yield formation, photosynthetic characteristics and transpiration efficiency of rice plants in arid region, plot experiments were conducted in 2011 and 2012 in Shihezi City with three water treatments, including flooding irrigation (W1), controlled irrigation technology (W2) and aerobic rice (W3). The results showed that there was no significant difference for net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in W1 and W2 treatments before anthesis, but W1 treatment was 11.29%~20.91% higher than W2 treatment, and 38.65%~52.03% higher than W3 treatment after anthesis across both years. Further analysis indicated that little difference of the parameters of Pn, carboxylation efficiency, saturation light intensity, and compensation light intensity were existed in W1 and W2 treatments in saturated soil moisture, the lower Pnin W2 and W3 treatments than that in W1 treatment was mainly due to significantly decreased Pnin W2 and W3 treatments when soil water content was unsaturated in 2011 and 2012 (pnwas higher in W1 treatment than that in W2 and W3 treatments during whole observed times, and the difference was greater on forenoon (before 12:00) than on afternoon (after 14:00) among treatments. Finally, the grain yield in W2 and W3 treatments only decreased by 4.43%~18.72% and 31.23%~39.45% when compared with W1 treatment considering both years. The transpiration efficiency in W2 treatment was always significantly greater than that in W1 and W3 treatments during whole growth stages in both years (p<0.05). Generally speaking, the W2 treatment performs high grain yield and high water use efficiency in arid region, meanwhile, the grain yield in W2 treatment could be increased when improving photosynthetic produce ability in the afternoon at grain-filling stage. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 21

Main heading: Grain (agricultural product)

Controlled terms: Arid regions? - ?Carboxylation? - ?Efficiency? - ?Irrigation? - ?Soil moisture? - ?Transpiration? - ?Water content

Uncontrolled terms: Carboxylation efficiencies? - ?Controlled irrigations? - ?Net photosynthetic rate? - ?Photosynthetic characteristics? - ?Rice? - ?Soil water content? - ?Transpiration efficiency? - ?Yield formations

Classification code: 443 Meteorology


? - ?444 Water Resources

Water Resources

? - ?461.9 Biology


? - ?483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?802.2 Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

? - ?821.3 Agricultural Methods

Agricultural Methods

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?913.1 Production Engineering

Production Engineering

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.027

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


51. Interference factors and measurement model of soil nitrate-nitrogen detection based on electrode method

Accession number: 20163902857953

Authors: Du, Shangfeng (1); Cao, Shushu (1); Pan, Qi (1); Zhu, Ying (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 171-179

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: In the ion selective electrode (ISE) based soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3--N) detection, co-existing chloridion (Cl-), changing of temperature and soil moisture are the primary interference factors. Aiming at improving the accuracy and timeliness of NO3--N detection on site, measurement models for eliminating interference factor’s effects were studied. First, theoretical analysis of modeling and fresh field soil immediate detection was carried on. Modeling theoretical analysis was based on ISE detection principle and multivariate calibration in chemometrics. And to improve timeliness of soil NO3--N detection on site, how to detect fresh field soil immediately and calculate NO3--N content were discussed. Second, two groups of experiments were conducted. One was ISE potential signals collection of mixed solutions with different concentrations (NO3-and Cl-) at various temperatures measured by detection instrument. According to modeling dataset of ISE potential signals, interference factor’s effects were discussed and three kinds of measurement models were built, including unitary linear regression model of 25(base model), multivariate linear regression model of 25(simultaneous detection of NO3-and Cl-), and multivariate temperature correction model of 5~30(simultaneous detection of NO3-and Cl-at changing temperature). And the accuracy of three models were verified and compared according to validation dataset. The other one was NO3--N content detection of fresh field soil measured by corrected and uncorrected NO3--N content conservation equation. The results showed that when Cl-existed and environment temperature changed, multivariate linear regression model of 25 was the best (relative error of NO3-and Cl-was respectively less than -8.37% and -12.03%). Besides, corrected soil NO3--N content conservation equation can reduce the error caused by soil moisture. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 12

Main heading: Soil surveys

Controlled terms: Electrodes? - ?Ion selective electrodes? - ?Linear regression? - ?Moisture? - ?Nitrates? - ?Nitrogen? - ?Regression analysis? - ?Soil conservation? - ?Soil moisture? - ?Soils

Uncontrolled terms: Chloridion? - ?Interference factor? - ?Linear regression models? - ?Measurement model? - ?Multivariate calibration? - ?Multivariate linear regression model? - ?Nitrate nitrogen? - ?Temperature correction models

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment

Chemical Plants and Equipment

? - ?804 Chemical Products Generally

Chemical Products Generally

? - ?804.2 Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic Compounds

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage -1.20e+01%, Percentage -8.37e+00%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.025

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


52. Research on contact properties of soil-tyre based on FRIDA model

Accession number: 20163902857946

Authors: Wang, Xianliang (1); Wang, Qingjie (1); Li, Hongwen (1); He, Jin (1); Zhang, Yifu (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China

Corresponding author: Li, Hongwen(lhwen@cau.edu.cn)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 121-127

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: A lot of study has shown that the distribution of vertical stress in soil just below a loaded tyre is not uniform, and the stress distribution as well as the size and form of the tyre-soil interface are decisive for the topsoil compaction. The distribution of vertical stress was measured in the contact area for three different tyre inflation pressures (85, 100, 120 kPa) and load of 21 kN. The study took place on a sandy soil in Zhuozhou city, Hebei province. The effects of three different inflation pressures were tested in a randomized block design with three replicates. The vertical stress was measured with load cells located in about 0.1 m soil depth. The collected data in the experiment was used to calibrate and validate the FRIDA model. The validated FRIDA was used to predict soil-tyre contact area and the stress distribution across soil-tyre interface. The validation results showed that the RMSE(root mean square errors) and Bias (standard deviation) for soil-tyre contact area were ranged from 0.022 m2to 0.013 m2and from -0.19 m2to 0.019 m2, respectively. The decision coefficient of contact-area between the tested and simulated values was 0.948. The relative errors (RE) of measured and predicted values of peak stress and mean stress were generally less than 0.1. Results showed that the FRIDA model could predict the soil compaction problems in sandy soil of north China. The FRIDA model was used to simulate the soil-tyre contact properties and stress distribution at different tyre inflation pressures. At the recommended inflation pressure, tyre displayed a stress distribution across the width of the wheel that could be evaluated as optimal with regard to a minimized topsoil compaction. The FRIDA model seems very well suited for describing the stress distribution at soil-tyre interface, but should be validated with other soil conditions. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 23

Main heading: Soils

Controlled terms: Compaction? - ?Mean square error? - ?Sand? - ?Soil mechanics? - ?Stress concentration? - ?Tires

Uncontrolled terms: Inflation pressures? - ?Root mean square errors? - ?Soil compaction? - ?Soil stress? - ?Standard deviation? - ?Tyre? - ?Tyre inflation pressures? - ?Validation results

Classification code: 483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics

Soils and Soil Mechanics

? - ?818.5 Rubber Products

Rubber Products

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Area -1.90e-01m2 to 1.90e-02m2, Area 2.20e-02m2 to 1.30e-02m2, Force 2.10e+04N, Pressure 1.20e+05Pa, Size 1.00e-01m

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.018

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


53. Drought impact assessment based on principal component analysis and copula function

Accession number: 20163902857973

Authors: Wang, Pengxin (1); Feng, Mingyue (1); Sun, Huitao (1); Li, Li (1); Zhang, Shuyu (2); Jing, Yigang (2)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Xi’an; 710014, China

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 334-340

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Drought is one of the most important agricultural disasters in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Assessing the influence of the droughts in the plain accurately can provide reference for drought mitigation and maintaining stable crop yields. Based on remotely sensed vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) which was calculated at ten-day intervals for monitoring droughts in the years of 2008-2013 in the plain, the Copula function method was used to assess the effect of drought at the main growth stages of winter wheat on the yields. The mutually independent principal factors were extracted from the VTCIs at the main growth stages of winter wheat by using principal component analysis (PCA), overcoming difficulty of parameter estimation for multivariate Copula, and then incorporated into the Copula function to establish a PCA-Copula method. The comprehensive values of VTCIs at the main growth stages were determined by the PCA-Copula method, and then linear regression model between the comprehensive VTCIs and wheat yields was established to assess the effect of drought on the yields. The results showed that the linear correlation coefficient between the wheat yields and comprehensive VTCIs was at the extremely significant level (P2and 0.66%, respectively. These results indicated that the PCA-Copula method was a better approach for accessing the impact of droughts at the main growth stages of winter wheat on the yield. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 26

Main heading: Principal component analysis

Controlled terms: Agriculture? - ?Crops? - ?Drought? - ?Linear regression? - ?Mean square error? - ?Regression analysis? - ?Vegetation

Uncontrolled terms: Average relative error? - ?Copula functions? - ?Determination coefficients? - ?Impact assessments? - ?Linear correlation coefficient? - ?Linear regression models? - ?Root mean square errors? - ?Vegetation temperature condition index

Classification code: 444 Water Resources

Water Resources

? - ?821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control

? - ?821.4 Agricultural Products

Agricultural Products

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

Numerical data indexing: Percentage 6.60e-01%

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.045

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village


54. Upscaling leaf angle distribution using terrestrial laser scanning technique

Accession number: 20163902857954

Authors: Su, Wei (1); Zhan, Junge (1); Li, Jing (2); Ma, Hongyuan (1); Wu, Daiying (1); Zhang, Rui (1)

Author affiliation: (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing; 100083, China; (2) Satellite Environment Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing; 100094, China

Corresponding author: Li, Jing(li_jingly@163.com)

Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

Abbreviated source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao

Volume: 47

Issue: 9

Issue date: September 25, 2016

Publication year: 2016

Pages: 180-185 and 160

Language: Chinese

ISSN: 10001298


Document type: Journal article (JA)

Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

Abstract: Leaf angle distribution (LAD) can be used to describe the canopy structure of vegetation completely, such as crops, trees and grass. It’s one of the important parameters to quantitative description of vegetation canopy structure. At the present, there are few studies used the spectral data to inverse LAD, and results of the most existing studies of mean leaf tilt angle and leaf angle distribution were the locational inversion. Therefore, this study set the study site in five counties of Baoding City, Hebei Province, using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to acquire the leaf angle distribution data of maize. Combining the Landsat8 remote sensing data, firstly, the principle component analysis was taken to extract the principle information of measured leaf angle distribution of maize. Secondly, the back propagation artificial neural network was taken to model the relationship of principal information and spectral data. Then, the model was used in the whole study area to accomplish the upscaling transform. Finally, the upscaled mean tilt angel (MTA) was calculated based on the predicted LAD by principal component inverse transformation, in order to quantitate the leaf angle data. The cross validation result showed that the accuracy (R2) between upscaled MTA and measured MTA was 0.786 2, and the mean square root error (RMSE) was 3.04°. Consequently, it shows that this method can realize the aim of LAD upscaling. ? 2016, Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All right reserved.

Number of references: 25

Main heading: Principal component analysis

Controlled terms: Backpropagation? - ?Inverse problems? - ?Laser applications? - ?Metadata? - ?Neural networks? - ?Remote sensing? - ?Scanning? - ?Steel beams and girders? - ?Surface analysis? - ?Surveying instruments ? - ?Vegetation

Uncontrolled terms: Back propagation neural networks? - ?Leaf angle distributions? - ?Principal components analysis? - ?Terrestrial laser scanning? - ?Upscaling

Classification code: 405.3 Surveying


? - ?408.2 Structural Members and Shapes

Structural Members and Shapes

? - ?723.4 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

? - ?744.9 Laser Applications

Laser Applications

? - ?922.2 Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics

? - ?951 Materials Science

Materials Science

DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.09.026

Compendex references: YES

Database: Compendex

Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.

Data Provider: Engineering Village