

      1. Accession number:20094912531728
            Title:Variable structure robust design for variable frequency pump-control-motor speed governing system
            Authors:Wei, Haifeng1 ; Li, Pingping1 ; Jia, Hongping2
            Author affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
                           2 School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
            Corresponding author:Li, P. (lipingping@ujs.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:188-192 198
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A disturbance observer was proposed to estimate and to compensate the load disturbance of the variable frequency pump-control-motor speed governing system. In order to improve the robustness and performance of the system, a sliding mode variable structure controller was designed to weaken the impact on the system of the disturbance. The proof on robustness of the system was conducted. Simulation results verified that the designed controller shows good robustness to the load disturbance and system parameters uncertainty, which effectively improves the precision of speed control and meets the requirements of the pump-control-motor speed governing system.
            Number of references:11
            Main heading:Robust control
            Controlled terms:Automobile exhibitions  -  Controllers  -  Electric converters  -  Motors  -  Pumps  -  Robustness (control systems)  -  Sliding mode control  -  Speed  -  Synchronous motors
            Uncontrolled terms:Disturbance observer  -  Load disturbances  -  Motor speed  -  Parameters uncertainties  -  Robust designs  -  Robustness  -  Simulation result  -  Sliding mode variable structure -  Variable frequencies  -  Variable structure sliding mode control -  Variable structures
            Classification code:911.4 Marketing  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  705.3.1 AC Motors  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  705.3 Electric Motors  -  662 Automobiles and Smaller Vehicles  -  632.4 Pneumatic Equipment and Machinery  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery  -  618.2 Pumps  -  704.2 Electric Equipment
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      2.Accession number:20094912531703
            Title:Analysis on efficiency of the dimensional vibration sieve based on the movements of grains
            Authors:Ma, Lüzhong1 ; Lin, Yuzhen1 ; Yang, Wenliang1 ; Liu, Airong1 ; Xue, Cheng1 ; Wang, Jingjing1
            Author affiliation:1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
            Corresponding author:Ma, L. (mlz@ujs.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Based on theoretical analysis of nonlinear jump of the grain on the existing reciprocating screen, movements of grains on screen working in reciprocal and two new dimensional motion modes were researched respectively by using procedure LSDYNA, and a dispersion measure was designed to reflect the diversification of grains on the screen, in light of which, the comparative analysis of sifting efficiency of theses three screens was performed. The research established the analytical model according to the real structure and material characteristics of screen and grains. Considering effect of friction and collision of screen to grains and grain to grain, the law of motion of grains was solved out. Results of research showed that the two new dimensional movements of vibration screen make for increase in sifting efficiency.
            Number of references:7
            Main heading:Vibration analysis
            Controlled terms:Dispersions  -  Research
            Uncontrolled terms:Analytical model  -  Comparative analysis  -  Dispersion measure  -  LS-DYNA  -  Material characteristics  -  Motion modes  -  Real structure  -  Vibration screen
            Classification code:751.2 Acoustic Properties of Materials  -  801.3 Colloid Chemistry  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  951 Materials Science
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      3.Accession number:20094912531696
            Title:Analytical and experimental method of thermal load estimation for seals in transmission of vehicle
            Authors:Gong, Ran1 ; Zhou, Xiaojun1 ; Li, Hongwu2
            Author affiliation:1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
                           2 China North Vehicle Research Institute, Beijing 100072, China
      Corresponding author:Gong, R. (gr369@zju.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:28-32 13
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A coupled method based on numerical computation of heat transfer and experimental analysis was presented to estimate thermal loads on seals of the transmission. According to the working conditions of sealing rings, the transfer rule in the sealing system was investigated. Then the method to calculate the frictional heating of seal end face was put forward. Selecting reasonably boundary conditions on seal and simulating the actual operations of transmission, thermal responses such as temperature field and distribution, thermal deformation, and their variable curves between pressure and rotating speed were obtained by numerical computation of heat transfer. An experimental investigation was performed in the dynamic sealing performance test rig, by comparison of numerical and experimental results to enable an assessment of the accuracy level. Experimental results indicated that the predicted data agree well working mode, and has excellent reliability to predict sealing performances under thermal loads.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Seals
            Controlled terms:Deformation  -  Experiments  -  Heat exchangers  -  Heating  -  Thermal load  -  Thermoanalysis
            Uncontrolled terms:Accuracy level  -  Actual operation  -  Coupled method  -  Dynamic sealing  -  Estimation methods  -  Experimental analysis  -  Experimental investigations  -  Experimental methods  - Frictional heating  -  Numerical computations   -  Rotary seals  -  Rotating speed  -  Sealing performance  -  Sealing ring  -  Sealing system  -  Temperature field  -  Test data  -  Thermal deformation  -  Thermal response  -  Transfer rules   -  Working conditions  -  Working mode
            Classification code:901.3 Engineering Research  -  801 Chemistry  -  643.3 Air Conditioning  -  643.1 Space Heating  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  619.1.1 Pipe Accessories  -  616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  421 Strength of Building Materials;Mechanical Properties
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      4.Accession number:20094912531699
            Title:Design of the powered-chain anti-blocking mechanism for wheat no-till planter
            Authors:Zhang, Xirui1 ; He, Jin1 ; Li, Hongwen1 ; Li, Wenying1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
      Corresponding author:Li, H. (lhwen@cau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:This paper put forward the new anti-blocking principle combining residue-throwing by powered-chain finger and residue-cutting by knife type opener, and designed the powered chain anti-blocking mechanism for no-till planter according to the problem of residue blocking of no-till wheat planting in heavy corn residue cover fields in annual double cropping areas of North China plain. Furthermore, the key parameters for powered-chain, chain finger and knife type opener were determined based on the analyses of the movement of anti-blocking mechanism. The field experiment showed that the powered-chain anti-blocking mechanism could solve the residue blocking effectively, so as to ensure the passing of wheat no-till planter. Through real-time clearing of corn residues before the knife type opener, 12.3% of opening force was decreased. Compared with the strip roto-tilling wheat planter, the powered-chain wheat no-till planter could not only seed and fertilize at the suitable depths, but also decrease soil disturbance and fuel consumption by 66.4% and 8.07%, respectively, which indicates that this new planter can meet the requirements of agronomy in North China plain.
            Number of references:13
            Main heading:Machine design
            Controlled terms:Agricultural machinery  -  Agriculture  -  Soil conservation
            Uncontrolled terms:Blocking mechanisms  -  Conservation tillage  -  Corn residues  -  Double cropping  -  Field experiment  -  Key parameters  -  No-till  -  No-till planters  -  North China Plain  - Opening force   -  Roto-tilling  -  Soil disturbances
            Classification code:483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      5.Accession number:20094912531697
            Title:Numerical simulation of wheel sinkage on soft terrain based on multibody contact problem
            Authors:Zuo, Yanrui1 ; Zong, Zhijian1 ; Liu, Zhongtu1 ; Cheng, Yuan1 ; Fan, Shichao2
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen  University, Guangzhou 510006, China
                           2 Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Beijing 100094, China
            Corresponding author:Zuo, Y. (zuoyanrui@sina.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:33-38 23
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A new approach to realize the wheel-soil interaction simulation was proposed which applied the large-scale multibody contact problem and vehicle terramechanics theory. Using this method, we developed a wheel-soil simulation module in self-developed multibody dynamics simulation platform. Based on modeling of soil and wheel-soil contact, the computational implementation for wheel sinkage was depicted in detail. According to records, it needs only 20min to simulate the motion of wheel-soil testbed system about 30s on a microcomputer with general configuration. Under similar conditions simulation and experimental results have good consistency. This indicates that the simulation algorithm could meet the requirement of off-road driving simulation.
            Number of references:12
            Main heading:Wheels
            Controlled terms:Computer simulation  -  Landforms  -  Soils
            Uncontrolled terms:Contact problem  -  Multi-body dynamic  -  Soft terrain  -  Terrain vehicles  -  Terramechanics
            Classification code:481.1 Geology  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  723.5 Computer Applications
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      6.Accession number:20094912531730
            Title:Job-shop scheduling problem based on improved adaptive genetic algorithm with hormone modulation mechanism
            Authors:Wang, Lei1 ; Tang, Dunbing1 ; Wan, Min1 ; Xu, Meijian1 ; Yuan, Weidong1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
            Corresponding author:Wang, L. (wangdalei2000@126.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:199-202 172
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Aiming at job-shop scheduling problem with a view of minimizing the maximal makespan, an improved adaptive genetic algorithm based on hormone modulation mechanism was employed. This algorithm has such characteristics as avoiding inbreeding efficiently, no needing reproductive operation, overcoming premature phenomenon and slow evolution. An operation-based code was applied to job-shop scheduling problems along with the satisfied results. Numerical simulation demonstrated that within the framework of the newly designed improved adaptive genetic algorithm based on hormone modulation mechanism, the needed time for new optimal scheduling project and the minimal makespan were decreased, therefore the NP-hard job-shop scheduling problem can be solved efficiently.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Adaptive algorithms
            Controlled terms:Computational complexity  -  Computer simulation  - Genetic algorithms  -  Modulation  -  Optimization  -  Scheduling algorithms
            Uncontrolled terms:Adaptive genetic algorithms  -  Improved adaptive genetic algorithm  -  Job shop scheduling problems  -  Job-Shop scheduling  -  Makespan  -  NP-hard  -  Numerical simulation  -  Optimal scheduling
            Classification code:921 Mathematics  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory  -  717 Optical Communication  -  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and  Television  -  718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      7.Accession number:20094912531716
            Title:Improved application of FTIR spectral reconstitution technique in edible oils analysis
            Authors:Yu, Xiuzhu1 ; Du, Shuangkui1 ; Li, Zhixi1 ; Wang, Ling1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A and F University, Yangling Shaanxi 712100, China
            Corresponding author:Li, Z. (lizhixi@nwsuaf.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Edible oils, odorless mineral spirits (OMS), chromium hexacarbonyl (spectral marker) taken as raw materials, by using spectral reconstitution (SR-FTIR), the marker's ability to predict the true volume fraction (TVF) of OMS was evaluated and 2-D correlation spectroscopy was employed as a means to determine whether solvent bands could substitute for the marker. The results indicated 9 spectral wavelengths can be used to quantify the TVF in a single system of rapeseed oil. However, with the introduction of additional variables, including differing oil types and the presence of free fatty acids, the number of useful wavelengths was reduced to 4. The optimal wavelength exceeds the marker band in predicting OMS TVF and was insensitive to polarity changes associated with TVF changes. It was demonstrated that a very consistent, representative edible oil spectra can be derived using either marker or solvent wavelengths to remove the solvent spectral contribution.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
            Controlled terms:Chromium  -  Fatty acids  -  Solvents  -  Spectrum analysis  -  Spectrum analyzers  -  Vegetable oils
            Uncontrolled terms:Chromium hexacarbonyl  -  Correlation spectroscopy  -  Edible oil  -  Free fatty acid  -  FTIR  -  Odorless mineral spirits  -  Optimal wavelength  -  Polarity change  -  Rapeseed oil  -  Spectral analysis   -  Spectral contribution  -  Spectral markers  -  Spectral reconstitution technique
            Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  921 Mathematics  -  813.2 Coating Materials  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  801 Chemistry  -  543.1 Chromium and Alloys  -  822.3 Food Products
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      8.Accession number:20094912531709
            Title:Comparative analysis on energetics of agro-residues
            densification briquetting fuel
            Authors:Chen, Longjian1 ; Huang, Guangqun1 ; Xing, Li2 ; Han, Lujia1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                           2 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
            Corresponding author:Han, L. (hanlj@cau.edu.cn) of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Based on thermodynamic properties of agro-residues and engineering parameters related to briquetting equipment, the energetics of densification briquetting fuel from main agro-residues in China was compared with that of coal. The results indicated that energy required for producing densification briquetting fuel from agro-residues straw is so high that this type of briquetting fuel had similar energetically advantageous to coal for locations at a distance of above 4000km. In contrast, densification briquetting fuel from agro-residues husk consumed lower energy consumption and had a smaller critical transport distance. More specifically, densification briquetting fuel from agro-residues husk was found to be more energetically advantageous, similar energetically advantageous, and less energetically advantageous than coal for locations at a distance of above 2200km, between 1500 and 2200km, and below 1000km from the coal pithead, respectively.
            Number of references:13
            Main heading:Fuels
            Controlled terms:Agricultural wastes  -  Briquetting  -  Coal  -  Coal industry  -  Densification  -  Thermodynamic properties
            Uncontrolled terms:Agricultural residue  -  Agricultural residues  - Agro-residues  -  Comparative analysis  -  Critical transport  -  Engineering parameters  -  Lower energies
            Classification code:913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing  -  911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics  -  821.5 Agricultural Wastes  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  641.1 Thermodynamics  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  523 Liquid Fuels  -  522 Gas Fuels  -  503 Mines and Mining, Coal
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      9.Accession number:20094912531706
            Title:Development and optimization of a heat pump drying system driven by a diesel generator
            Authors:Xiang, Fei1 ; Wang, Li1 ; Yue, Xianfang1
            Author affiliation:1 School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
            Corresponding author:Wang, L. (liwang@me.ustb.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A mobile heat pump drying system driven by a diesel generator was designed to meet the need of the agricultural mechanical harvest. A horizontal multi-room fluidized bed serves as the drying chamber, and a vapor compression heat pump (R134a as refrigerant) supplies heat for this system. Heat exchangers are installed along the air duct to recover the waste heat from the cooling water and flue gas in the diesel generator, which increased the primary energy ratio(PER).A mathematical model for the system composed of fluidized bed, heat pump and diesel generator was also presented. Modeled results showed that the value of drying system's specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) was firstly up and then down, with air temperature in the range of 60-90°C, and reached a peak value around 70°C. Testing experiments of the prototype dryer showed that under the designed conditions, the mean coefficient of performance (COP) is 4.66, PER is 1.09 and SMER reaches 3.08kg/(kW·h). The model is in good agreement with experimental results, and this grain dryer is significantly energy saving.
            Number of references:13
            Main heading:Fluidized bed process
            Controlled terms:Cooling water  -  Curing  -  Dewatering  -  Dryers (equipment)  -  Energy conservation  -  Energy conversion  -  Flue gases  -  Fluid dynamics  -  Fluidization  -  Fluidized beds   -  Heat pump systems  -  Mathematical models  -  Pumps  -  Statistical tests  -  Waste heat  -  Waste heat utilization
            Uncontrolled terms:Air ducts  -  Air temperature  -  Coefficient of Performance  -  Designed conditions  -  Diesel generator  -  Diesel generators  -  Drying chambers  -  Drying systems  -  Energy saving  -  Heat pump drying   -  Heat pumps  -  Mechanical harvest  -  Peak values  -  Primary energy ratios  -  Specific moisture extraction rates  -  Vapor compression  -  Waste-heat recovery
            Classification code:931.1 Mechanics  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  - 641.2 Heat Transfer  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  642.2 Industrial Furnaces and Components  -  643.1 Space Heating  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  815.1 Polymeric Materials  -  818.3 Rubber and Elastomer Processing  -  921 Mathematics  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  618.2 Pumps  -  451.1 Air Pollution Sources  -  454.2 Environmental Impact and Protection  -  521 Fuel Combustion and Flame Research  -  521.2 Combustors  -  525.2 Energy Conservation  - 616.1 Heat Exchange Equipment and Components  -  525.3 Energy Utilization  -  525.5 Energy Conversion Issues  -  533.1 Ore Treatment  -  614.1 Steam Power Plant Design and Construction  -  616 Heat Exchangers  -  525.4 Energy Losses (industrial and residential)
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      10.Accession number:20094912531708
            Title:Experiment of kraft black liquor pyrolysis characteristics
            Authors:Yuan, Hongyou1, 2 ; Yin, Xiuli1 ; Li, Zhiwen1, 2 ; Zhou, Zhaoqiu1 ; Wu, Chuangzhi1 ; Wu, Shubin3
            Author affiliation:1 The Renewable Energy and Gas Hydrate Key Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
                           2 Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
                           3 State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
            Corresponding author:Yin, X. (xlyin@ms.giec.ac.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Black liquor pyrolysis/gasification is a promising alternative for conventional combustion method. The swelling of kraft black liquor was tested at 400-800°C under nitrogen atmosphere with a visualized single droplet reactor. The main permanent pyrolysis gas components of three kraft black liquors were investigated at temperatures up to 850°C. The measurements of hydrogen sulfide release during pyrolysis were realized by iodometry, the total sulfur release was evaluated through char analysis. At the runs which temperatures higher than 500°C, the droplet volumes began decrease after the droplets swelled to the maximums. Water contents of the black liquors had no significant effects on the hydrogen yields under the reaction atmosphere where nitrogen was used as carrier gas, so nearly all the hydrogen was generated from organic components at the considered experimental conditions. The hydrogen sulfide release has similar trend to total sulfur release, i.e., the release contents reached to the maximums at about 650°C, and below or above this temperature range they decreased.
            Number of references:21
            Main heading:Leakage (fluid)
            Controlled terms:Drop formation  -  Gasification  -  Hydrogen production  -  Hydrogen sulfide  -  Kraft process  -  Pulp cooking  -  Pyrolysis  -  Sulfur  -  Sulfur determination  -  Thermogravimetric analysis
            Uncontrolled terms:Black liquor  -  Carrier gas  -  Conventional combustions  -  Droplet volume  -  Experimental conditions  -  Gas component  -  Hydrogen yields  -  Kraft black liquor  -  Nitrogen atmospheres  -  Organic components  -  Reaction atmospheres  -  Single droplet  -  Sulfur release  -  Temperature range  -  Total sulfur
            Classification code:811.1.1 Papermaking Processes  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  801 Chemistry  -  522 Gas Fuels  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  452.3 Industrial Wastes  -  452.1 Sewage  -  619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      11.Accession number:20094912531702
            Title:Experimental study of axial-flow air-assisted electrostatic spraying
            Authors:Wen, Jianlong1 ; Zhang, Xing1 ; Song, Xiaoning1 ; Wang, Jing1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
            Corresponding author:Wen, J. (jlwen@ujs.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:58-61 80
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:High-voltage electrostatic spray tester was designed through combination of high-voltage electrostatic spraying and axial-flow air-assisted techniques with the fluid director applied for the experiment of spray. Experimental study for air flow field, droplet size, and deposition were performed. Results indicated that technology of axial-flow air-assisted electrostatic spraying can effectively decrease the droplets diameter, makes droplets distributing more uniform and deposition better, which reduces the environmental pollution. At the same time, the electrostatic function makes the droplets more activated, and improves the ability of absorption, with the increase in sterilization efficiency by about 20%.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Air
            Controlled terms:Drop formation  -  Electrostatics  -  Experiments  -  Flow fields
            Uncontrolled terms:Air flow fields  -  Droplet sizes  -  Electrostatic spray  - Electrostatic spraying  -  Environmental pollutions  -  Experimental studies  -  High-voltages
            Classification code:631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      12.Accession number:20094912531704
            Title:Design and experiment of air-impingement rotary dryer
            Authors:Yao, Xuedong1 ; Xiao, Hongwei1 ; Gao, Zhenjiang1 ; Tian, Songtao1 ; Du, Rong2
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing100083, China
                           2 Automobile Project Department, Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Shijiazhuang 050091, China
            Corresponding author:Gao, Z. (zjgao@cau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:An air-impingement rotary dryer was designed, with a high coefficient of heat transfer, uniform heating of materials, energy conservation, high-volume loading compared to conventional rotary dryer. Some special structural design was used in thermal insulation, recycling of hot air, and dehumidification. The technical and structural parameters of this dryer such as hot air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, rotary speed, branch nozzle diameter, height and angle, can be adjusted according to different materials properties and products requirement. Herbage seeds (Elymus dahuricus) and carrot cubes were adopted to test the performance of air-impingement rotary dryer. The results of drying can reach national first-class seed quality standard for Elymus dahuricus, and the value of L, a, b color difference, ΔE, between rehydration and raw materials of carrots was only 5.95.
            Number of references:11
            Main heading:Materials properties
            Controlled terms:Atmospheric humidity  -  Dryers (equipment)  -  Energy conservation  -  Geometry  -  Heating  -  Humidity control  - Reconstruction (structural)  -  Seed  -  Structural design  -  Thermal insulation
            Uncontrolled terms:Carrot cubes  -  Color difference  -  Herbage seeds  -  Hot air  -  Hot air temperature  -  Nozzle diameter  -  Relative humidities  -  Rotary dryers  -  Rotary speed  -  Seed quality   -  Structural parameter  -  Uniform heating  -  Volume loadings  -  Wind speed
            Classification code:642.1 Process Heating  -  642.2 Industrial Furnaces and Components  -  643.1 Space Heating  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  643.3 Air Conditioning  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  921 Mathematics  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  525.2 Energy Conservation  -  443.1 Atmospheric Properties  -  402 Buildings and Towers  -  405.2 Construction Methods  -  408.1 Structural Design, General  -  413.2 Heat Insulating Materials  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      13.Accession number:20094912531707
            Title:Process research on rapid manufacturing labyrinth channel
            Authors:Li, Chunfang1 ; Zuo, Chuncheng1 ; Zhang, Yumei1 ; Wang, Jun2 ; Zhang, Zhou1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
2 Department of Equipment 65370 of China People's Liberation Army, Changchun 130000, China
            Corresponding author:Zuo, C. (zuocc@jlu.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Labyrinth channels have a great influence on the hydraulic performance of the drip irrigation emitter. With the help of CAD and NC, sample piece of the labyrinth channels was produced. The application of refined machining-tools resolved the problem of measuring the channel size. The methods of hot modeling and hot embossing process were used to achieve the fast design and manufacture of labyrinth channels.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Irrigation
            Controlled terms:Hydraulics  -  Industrial research
            Uncontrolled terms:Channel sizes  -  Drip irrigation  -  Hot bonding  -  Hot embossing process  -  Hydraulic performance  -  Rapid manufacturing
            Classification code:632.1 Hydraulics  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  912.1 Industrial Engineering
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      14.Accession number:20094912531723
            Title:Positioning method of variable rate fertilizer applicator based on sensors
            Authors:Yu, Yingjie1 ; Zhang, Shuhui1 ; Qi, Jiangtao1 ; Zhang, Linhuan1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
            Corresponding author:Yu, Y. (yuyingjie58@yahoo.com.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A positioning method of a variable rate fertilizer applicator with sensors is introduced, to replace GPS in precision agriculture. In the positioning system, the controller receives pulse signals from the sensor and calculates the working distance of the variable rate fertilizer applicator, thus the grid in which the fertilizer applicator is working is identified by the algorithm of automatic grid recognition. The accumulative error of the system from the sensor is corrected by the error revising algorithm, and the correction results were tested in field. The experiment results showed that the accumulative errors for the photoelectric encoder and the proximity transducer are 2.32m and 2.34m, within 250m of working distance, respectively, i.e. the positioning errors is less than 6%. Under the above conditions, a variable rate fertilizer applicator can be applied in a larger working field if the working grid is divided longer.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Applicators
            Controlled terms:Error correction  -  Fertilizers  -  Sensors
            Uncontrolled terms:Accumulative errors  -  In-field  -  Photoelectric encoders  -  Positioning error  -  Positioning methods -  Positioning system  -  Precision Agriculture  -  Pulse signal  - Variable rate fertilizer applicators  -  Working distances
Classification code:601 Mechanical Design  -  721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory  -  732.2 Control Instrumentation  -  801 Chemistry  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  821.2 Agricultural Chemicals
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      15.Accession number:20094912531718
            Title:Effects of freezing-thawing cyclic treatment on condensed state structure and n-deacetylation of chitin
            Authors:Liu, Tingguo1 ; Chen, Yan2 ; Li, Bin3 ; Chen, Jian3 ; Huang, Jinsong1 ; Sheng, Min'gang1
            Author affiliation:1 Department of Chemistry and Food Science, Chizhou College, Chizhou 247100, China
2 Department of Physics and Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chizhou College, Chizhou 247100, China
3 College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
            Corresponding author:Li, B. (libinfood@mail.hzau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The effects of freezing-thawing cyclic (FTC) treatment on the condensed state structure and N-deacetylation of chitin were investigated. The mixture of chitin and concentrated NaOH solutions (40%) was frozen at -18°C and thawed at 40°C, repeatedly. Slowly freezing and low temperature thawing cycle process can thoroughly destruct the condensed state structure, especially the crystalline state structure, as a result of the ice crystals' repeatedly formed and recrystallizated. Furthermore, via three times FTC treatment at -18°C, chitin was completely dissolved in NaOH aqueous solution and the homogeneous solution with a chitin concentration about 4% and a final NaOH concentration of approximately 10% formed, which is likely applied to prepare partial N-deacetylated water-soluble-chitin.
            Number of references:23
            Main heading:Crystal structure
            Controlled terms:Acetylation  -  Binding sites  -  Chitin  -  Crystalline materials  -  Dissolution  -  Freezing  -  Hydrogen bonds  -  Sugar (sucrose)  -  Thawing
            Uncontrolled terms:Aqueous solutions  -  Condensed state  -  Crystalline state  -  Freezing-thawing  -  Freezing-thawing cyclic treatment  -  Homogeneous solutions  -  Ice crystals  -  Low temperatures  -  N-deacetylation  -  NaOH concentration   -  NaOH solutions  -  Thawing cycles
            Classification code:933.1.1 Crystal Lattice  -  933.1 Crystalline Solids  -  822.3 Food Products  -  822.2 Food Processing Operations  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  801.4 Physical Chemistry  -  801.2 Biochemistry  -  644.1 Refrigeration Methods  -  619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines  -  531.2 Metallography  -  482.2 Minerals
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      16.Accession number:20094912531712
            Title:Effect of vacuum pre-cooling on physiological activities of broccoli during storage
            Authors:Liu, Fen1 ; Zhang, Aiping1 ; Liu, Donghong1
            Author affiliation:1 School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
            Corresponding author:Liu, F.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The technology of vacuum pre-cooling was applied to the broccoli's keeping fresh at 5°C, whose effect on the physiological activities of broccoli was studied. The results showed that the respiration rate and ethylene production florets were inhibited, and sensory quality was improved. Weight loss was decreased by 2.18% at the end of storage. At the same time, the degradations of chlorophyll and vitamin C were delayed by vacuum pre-cooling followed. Chlorophyll content fall by about 50% of the original in a vacuum pre-cooling group had been postponed for 12days. Vacuum pre-cooling also delayed senescence of broccoli by regulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes.
            Number of references:14
            Main heading:Cooling
            Controlled terms:Chlorophyll  -  Ethylene  -  Fluorine containing polymers  -  Porphyrins  -  Vacuum  -  Vacuum applications  -  Vacuum technology
            Uncontrolled terms:Antioxidant enzyme  -  Chlorophyll contents  -  Ethylene production  -  Physiological activity  -  Pre-cooling  -  Respiration rate  -  Sensory qualities  -  Vacuum cooling  -  Vitamin C  -  Weight loss
            Classification code:815.1 Polymeric Materials  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  801.2 Biochemistry  -  641.2 Heat Transfer  -  633.1 Vacuum Applications  -  633 Vacuum Technology
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      17.Accession number:20094912531735
            Title:Generation of spiral tool path for sheet metal CNC incremental forming
            Authors:Zhu, Hu1 ; Fu, Jianhui1 ; Kang, Jaekuan2
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Shenyang 110136, China
2 School of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Kyungnam University, Masan 631701, Korea, Republic of
            Corresponding author:Zhu, H. (zhuhu100@yahoo.com.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:On the basis of characteristic analysis of the sheet metal CNC incremental forming, the problems of current incremental forming method based on contour line motion were proposed put forward, at the same time, an incremental forming method based on helix motion and the algorithm for generation of helix forming path based on STL model were presented. The isometric model of STL model was generated by using vertex offset method, and was intersected with a series of horizontal plane along with the planes that were parallel with the Z axis respectively. Then the points of the intersection lines were obtained which were linked to be the spiral tool path of forming. The case study indicated that the algorithm can generate non-inference spiral tool path of forming.
            Number of references:7
            Main heading:Sheet metal
            Controlled terms:Inference engines  -  Scanning
            Uncontrolled terms:Characteristic analysis  -  Contour line  -  Dieless forming  -  Horizontal planes  -  Incremental forming  -  Offset method  -  Path-based  -  Spiral tool paths
            Classification code:535.1 Metal Rolling  -  723.4.1 Expert Systems  -  741.3 Optical Devices and Systems
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      18.Accession number:20094912531711
            Title:Respiration characteristics of agaricus bisporus under modified atmosphere packaging
            Authors:Wang, Juan1, 2 ; Wang, Xiangyou2 ; Li, Xia2
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
2 School of Light Industry and Agricultural Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
            Corresponding author:Wang, X. (wxy@sdut.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:102-105 70
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The dynamic changes of the oxygen and carbon dioxide volume fraction of Agaricus bisporus which were packaged in three kinds of film with different thickness were studied at 2°C and 20°C. The results indicated that low temperature and MAP could inhibit the respiration of mushroom. A respiration model, based on MichaelisMenten type enzyme kinetics, was proposed for predicting respiration rates of Agaricus bisporus as a function of O2 and CO2 volume fraction at the storage temperature of 2°C and 20°C, which is essential to the design of modified atmosphere package.
            Number of references:17
            Main heading:Titration
            Controlled terms:Carbon dioxide  -  Enzyme kinetics  -  Oxygen
            Uncontrolled terms:Agaricus bisporus  -  Different thickness  -  Dynamic changes  -  Low temperatures  -  Michaelis-Menten  -  Modified atmosphere package  -  Modified atmosphere packaging  -  Respiration rate  -  Storage temperatures
            Classification code:804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions  -  801.2 Biochemistry  -  801 Chemistry  -  644.2 Refrigerants  -  461.8 Biotechnology
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      19.Accession number:20094912531714
            Title:Ohmic heating rate model and process optimization for colloidal solution with fruit granules
            Authors:Zhou, Yajun1 ; Wang, Shujie1 ; Su, Dan1 ; Qian, Xi1 ; Lü, Chenyan1 ; Li, Ying1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
            Corresponding author:Zhou, Y. (zhouyaj@jlu.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:121-125 160
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Influences of five factors which were size of pear particles, concentration of pear particles, ratio of potato starch to CMC-Na, concentration of colloidal solution and citric acid content respectively, on ohmic heating rate for colloidal solutions with fruit granules, as well as optimization process were studied. Heating rate models was established and optimized parameters were obtained by quadratic orthogonal rotation combination design with five factors and regression analysis. Results showed that effect order of five factors on ohmic heating rate is, according to priority, colloids concentration, ratio of potato starch to CMC-Na, citric acid content, size of pear particles, and concentration of pear particles; the optimal parameter is size of pear particles of 1.0cm, pear particles concentration of 30%, ratio of potato starch to CMC-Na of 40%, colloids concentration of 4% and citric acid content of 0.25%.
            Number of references:21
            Main heading:Fruits
            Controlled terms:Acids  -  Citric acid  -  Colloid chemistry  -  Concentration (process)  -  Granulation  -  Heating  -  Heating rate -  Optimization  -  Particles (particulate matter)  -  Process control   -  Regression analysis  -  Sodium  -  Starch
            Uncontrolled terms:Colloidal solution  -  Colloidal solutions  -  Combination design  -  Concentration of  -  Ohmic heating  -  Optimal parameter  -  Optimization process  -  Optimized parameter  -  Particles concentration  -  Potato starches   -  Process optimization  -  Quadratic orthogonal rotation  -  Rate models
            Classification code:951 Materials Science  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  815.1.1 Organic Polymers  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  822 Food Technology  -  822.3 Food Products  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals  -  451.1 Air Pollution Sources  -  549.1 Alkali Metals  - 641.2 Heat Transfer  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  801.3 Colloid Chemistry  -  643.1 Space Heating
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      20.Accession number:20094912531725
            Title:Dynamic forecasting model of humidity in greenhouse
            Authors:He, Fen1 ; Ma, Chengwei1 ; Zhang, Junxiong2
            Author affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                           2 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
            Corresponding author:Ma, C. (macwbs@cau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan
            Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Based on the water vapor balance in greenhouse, a dynamic forecasting model of humidity directly as a function of the inside and outside climate, greenhouse structure, crop growth, and soil moisture was presented. Meanwhile, some physical processes correlative with the water vapor change such as crop transpiration, soil evaporation, covering material condensation, and natural and mechanical ventilation were quantitative analyzed. To validate the correctness of the model, an experiment was carried out in the plastic multi-span greenhouse in North China during winter. The inner relative humidity forecasted agreed well with the measured data, with the root mean square error of 5.9%.
            Number of references:16
            Main heading:Water vapor
            Controlled terms:Atmospheric humidity  -  Crops  -  Forecasting  -  Geologic models  -  Greenhouses  -  Groundwater  -  Soil moisture  - Transpiration  -  Ventilation
            Uncontrolled terms:Covering material  -  Crop growth  -  Dynamic forecasting  -  Forecasting model  -  Forecasting models  -  Greenhouse structure  -  Measured data  -  Mechanical ventilation  - Multi-spans  -  North China   -  Physical process  -  Relative humidities  -  Root mean square errors
            Classification code:643 Space Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning  -  643.5 Ventilation  -  801.4 Physical Chemistry  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  912.2 Management  -  921 Mathematics  -  821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures  -  641.2 Heat Transfer  -  641 Heat and Mass Transfer; Thermodynamics  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  443.1 Atmospheric Properties  -  444.2 Groundwater  -  461.9 Biology  -  481.1 Geology  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      21.Accession number:20094912531701
            Title:Experiment and analysis on droplets motion and deposition parameters of 3 nozzles
            Authors:Lu, Jun1 ; Li, Pingping1 ; Jia, Weidong1 ; Qiu, Baijing1
            Author affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
            Corresponding author:Li, P. (lipingping@ujs.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:To study the effect of high voltage on the parameters of droplets motion and deposition in the state of induction charge, charged droplet's move-motional and depositional process of 3 nozzles were tested under the same condition of spray pressure and liquid medium. By using micrograph combining with digital image processing technology, the parameters of spraying deposition were calculated and analyzed. The results showed that with the increasing distance, droplet spraying coverage rises firstly and then declines, but the droplets density is of the opposite trend; with the increasing voltage, area of deposition increases obviously, but spraying uniformity declines. The appropriate voltage depends on the practical occasions of electrostatic spraying application, and adjusting charged voltage is an important measure for adding droplet deposition and spray uniformity.
            Number of references:11
            Main heading:Drop formation
            Controlled terms:Atomizers  -  Deposition  -  Digital image storage  -  Image processing  -  Imaging systems  -  Inductance  -  Nozzles  -  Pressure effects  -  Suspensions (fluids)
            Uncontrolled terms:Charged droplet  -  Charged voltage  -  Density images  -  Deposition Parameters  -  Digital image processing  -  Droplet deposition  -  Droplets density  -  Electrostatic spraying  -  Experiment and analysis  -  High voltage   -  Induction charge  - Liquid medium  -  Spray pressure  -  Spray uniformity  -  Spraying uniformity
            Classification code:931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  741.3 Optical Devices and Systems  -  746 Imaging Techniques  -  801.3 Colloid Chemistry  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  804 Chemical Products Generally  -  813.1 Coating Techniques  -  931.1 Mechanics  -  741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices  -  539.3 Metal Plating  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  631.1.1 Liquid Dynamics  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques  -  722.4 Digital Computers and Systems  -  703.1 Electric Networks
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      22.Accession number:20094912531698
            Title:Design of 2BMG24 no-till wheat planter
            Authors:Liu, Lijing1 ; Yang, Xuejun2 ; Li, Changrong2 ; Liu, Yucheng2 ; Liu, Diansheng2
            Author affiliation:1 Modern Agricultural Equipment Co. Ltd., Beijing 100083, China
                           2 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
            Corresponding author:Liu, L. (xyliulj@tom.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Medium-small no-till wheat planter hasn't already satisfy power need with the development of high-power tractor in the Mongolia and Sinkiang large farms, which restricted the application of conservation tillage. Therefore, it is necessary to study the large no-till planter matching with high-power tractor. Adopted the controlled flume dense dentiform seed meter to perform precision metering, the 2BMG24 no-till wheat planter was designed. Furthermore, the wavy disc coulters were used to cut stubble for sowing, and the double disc coulters were used to open furrow for fertilizing. The results of field test showed that the eligibility ratio of seed depth, the variance coefficient of metering equality and the seed damaged rate were 91%, 28% and 0.1%, respectively. The operating performance of this machine was equal to that of the overseas machines. At the same time, the cost was much lower than them, reduced by 60%-70%. Its application can save 16kg/hm2 fuels and increase 15%-20% incomes. Thus, the 2BMG24 no-till wheat planter can meet with the need of large farms, which is an indispensable equipment for the development of the China conservation tillage.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Seed
            Controlled terms:Agriculture  -  Cost reduction  -  Soil conservation  -  Tractors (agricultural)  -  Tractors (truck)
            Uncontrolled terms:Conservation tillage  -  Disc opener  -  Field test  High-power  -  Mongolia  -  No-till  -  No-till planters  - Operating performance  -  Power needs  -  Precision metering
            Classification code:911.2 Industrial Economics  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  912.2 Management  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  663.1 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      23.Accession number:20094912531726
            Title:Experiment of light emitting diode catching insect lamp on phototaxis of drosophila
            Authors:Liu, Xiaoying1 ; Jiao, Xuelei1 ; Guo, Shirong2 ; Xu, Zhigang1
            Author affiliation:1 Department of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
                           2 Department of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
            Corresponding author:Xu, Z. (xuzhigang@njau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:178-180 187
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan
            Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Catching insect flexible lamp with light emitting diode (LED) which can be controlled light intensity was designed, frequency and wavelength. In order to verify performance of the lamp, the experiment about phototaxis action of drosophila was performed, which shows that drosophila inclines to weak compound light of yellow and green at the 560nm.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Light emitting diodes
            Controlled terms:Light emission  -  Physical optics
            Uncontrolled terms:Light intensity  -  Light qualityClassification code:714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits  -  741.1 Light/Optics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      24.Accession number:20094912531727
            Title:Design and characteristics analysis of a high precision pneumatic proportional pressure valve
            Authors:Lu, Bo1 ; Tao, Guoliang1 ; Yuan, Yuefeng2 ; Liu, Hao1 ; Ban, Wei1
            Author affiliation:1 State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
                          2 College of Quality and Safety Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
            Corresponding author:Lu, B.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A high precision pneumatic proportional pressure valve was designed. The plunger-type structure with two-stage poppet was adopted for the valve. A proportional electromagnetic actuator was used as control component and the control method was electric closed-loop feedback. The output pressure can be adjusted continuously within 0.6MPa absolute with the steady-state precision of less than 0.25kPa. A completely nonlinear dynamic model was developed to analyze the effects of main physical and geometrical parameters on the valve's dynamic behavior and control performance. A self-adaptive fuzzy proportional plus integral controller with adjusting output scaling factor was designed for high precision and quickly control of different pressure target values, and carried out based on single chip-microcomputer ATmega16. Experimental results indicated that the valve has a good performance in pressure and flow characteristics under the designed pressure. Compared to traditional PI controller, the proposed fuzzy algorithm can improve the response and control stability of the system as well as the steady-tate precision drastically, which has better efficiency and robustness.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Fuzzy control
            Controlled terms:Algorithms  -  Control system stability  -  Controllers  -  Dynamic models  -  Fuzzy sets  -  Pneumatics  -  Pressure control  -  Pressure relief valves
            Uncontrolled terms:Characteristics analysis  -  Closed-loop feedback -  Control components  -  Control methods  -  Control performance  -  Control stability  -  Dynamic behaviors  -  Electromagnetic actuators  -  Flow characteristic  -  Fuzzy algorithms   -  Geometrical parameters  -  High precision  -  Nonlinear dynamic models  -  PI Controller  -  Proportional pressure valve  -  Proportional-plus-integral controllers  -  Scaling factors  -  Self-adaptive  -  Single chips  -  Target values   -  Two stage  -  Type structures
            Classification code:732.1 Control Equipment  -  731.4 System Stability  -  731.3 Specific Variables Control  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  921 Mathematics  -  723.4 Artificial Intelligence  -  632.3 Pneumatics  -  619.1.1 Pipe Accessories  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  723 Computer Software,
            Data Handling and Applications
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      25.Accession number:20094912531719
            Title:Judgment model on maturity of harvesting-tomato for robot under natural conditions
            Authors:Yin, Jianjun1 ; Mao, Hanping1 ; Wang, Xinzhong1 ; Shan, Baoguo1, 2
            Author affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
                           2 Zhenjiang Vocational College of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Zhenjiang 212013, China
            Corresponding author:Yin, J. (yinjianjun@ujs.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:146-150 168
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Aiming at the problems of selective harvesting-tomato for robot according to various purposes, feature extraction and analysis of tomato image from artificial selection were firstly performed. Proceeding from camera perspective geometry of tomato, difference value between rendering area ratio of red hue to whole tomato region and rendering area ratio of other hue to whole tomato region was presented by way of main grouping feature of judgment model to describe maturity of tomato. An automatic judgment model on maturity of tomato based on BP NN was built up by using above feature combined with hue mean and variance of whole rendering region of tomato. Validation test and noise level test of models show that the model can keep higher accuracy and nicer anti-interference when difference value of area ratio and hue mean are selected as two inputs of BP NN. The accuracy of validation test and noise level test is 97.5%. The accuracy can reach above 95.26% when noise level is under 0.05. The model can provide theoretical reference of automatic harvesting-tomato for robot.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Fruits
            Controlled terms:Computer vision  -  Feature extraction  -  Harvesting  -  Neural networks  -  Robots  -  Statistical tests
            Uncontrolled terms:Agricultural robot  -  Anti-interference  -  Area
            ratios  -  Artificial selection  -  Feature extraction and analysis 
            -  Natural conditions  -  Noise levels  -  Perspective geometry  - 
            Selective harvesting  -  Validation test
            Classification code:821.4 Agricultural Products  -  821.3
            Agricultural Methods  -  751.1 Acoustic Waves  -  741.2 Vision  - 
            741.1 Light/Optics  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  731.6 Robot
            Applications  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  723.4 Artificial
            Intelligence  -  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television 
            -  461.1 Biomedical Engineering  -  731.5 Robotics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      26.Accession number:20094912531700
            Title:Fuel consumption test and analysis for the ridge-till and no-till corn planter
            Authors:Luo, Hongqi1 ; Gao, Huanwen2 ; Li, Hongwen2 ; Liu, Xia3
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
                           2 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                           3 Department of Quality and Safety of Industrial and Consumer Products, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing 100088, China
            Corresponding author:Luo, H. (lhqfrq@126.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:It is difficult to extend the conservation tillage in ridge-till areas nowadays, because of lack of no-till planter, which can work on the permanent ridge stably with corn stubble, and have anti-blocking ability and good planting quality. The 2BML2 ridge-till and no-till planter was been designed on the base of low-bandwidth rotary tillage. Field test of fuel consumption was carried through. The result showed: when the parameters of openers, cover and press disks are invariable, the depth of rotary till is the most important factor, and the width of rotary is the second one, then is the approaching speed; in the range of fitness, with increase of the speed, the quantity of consumption becomes lower; compared to the 2BML2 planter, the fuel consumption in traditional tillage would increase more than 32%. A fuel consumption model was obtained through the field testing, which can calculate the fuel consumption conveniently according to actual condition and make for selecting appropriate work parameters and designing similar type planter.
            Number of references:4
            Main heading:Agriculture
            Controlled terms:Agricultural machinery  -  Fuels  -  Soil conservation  -  Steel metallurgy
            Uncontrolled terms:Conservation tillage  -  Field test  -  Field testing  -  Low-bandwidth  -  No-till  -  No-till planters  -  Ridge tillage  -  Test and analysis
            Classification code:821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  821.1 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  545.3 Steel  -  531.1 Metallurgy  -  524 Solid Fuels  -  523 Liquid Fuels  -  522 Gas Fuels  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      27.Accession number:20094912531715
            Title:Effect of porosity generators on absorbency rate starch-based superabsorbent
            Authors:Zhao, Yanyan1 ; Jiang, Shaotong1
            Author affiliation:1 School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
            Corresponding author:Zhao, Y. (zhaoyy33@163.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:In this paper, the synthesis of porous superabsorbent was performed using sodium bicarbonate, acetone, and sucrose as porosity generators. Compared to the superabsorbent prepared under porous-free condition, the results showed that porosity generators can improve absorbency rate effectively, and that sodium bicarbonate has a better effect than others. Morphological studies with scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the superabsorbent has the loose and porous structure.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Porosity
            Controlled terms:Acetone  -  Carbonates  -  Scanning electron microscopy Sodium  -  Sugar (sucrose)
            Uncontrolled terms:Morphological study  -  Porous structures  -  Scanning electron microscopes  -  Sodium bicarbonates  -  Starch-based  -  Super absorbent
Classification code:549.1 Alkali Metals  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  804.1 Organic Compounds  -  804.2 Inorganic Compounds  -  822.3 Food Products  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      28.Accession number:20094912531691
            Title:Modeling and verifying of EPS at all operating conditions
            Authors:Zhao, Linfeng1 ; Chen, Wuwei1 ; Liu, Gang1
            Author affiliation:1 School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
            Corresponding author:Zhao, L. (zhao.lin.feng@163.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:In order to overcome the shortage of the previous model of EPS, the dynamic model for steering system in steering and aligning condition was established, based on the combination of tire model of parking steer and 7 degree-of-freedom vehicle model with Doguff tyre model. For obtaining the characteristic of vehicle steering moment and return ability, the steer torque and return ability of manual steering system was analyzed at all operating conditions. The simulation result and road test showed the model built can accurately describe steering torque and return ability well and truly. Finally, a control strategy for controlling power assistant and self-align was framed based on sliding mode control theory (SMC). The simulation result and road test showed the sliding mode control strategy based on the model improved the steering easiness and vehicle self-align capability effectively.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Steering
            Controlled terms:Automobile steering equipment  -  Control theory  - Electric power measurement  -  Experiments  -  Force measurement  - Packet networks  -  Roads and streets  -  Simulators  -  Sliding mode control
            Uncontrolled terms:Control strategies  -  Electric power steering system  -  Freedom vehicle model  -  Manual steering  -  Operating condition  -  Road tests  -  Self-align  -  Simulation result  -  Sliding modes  -  Steering moment   -  Steering systems  -  Steering torque  -  Tire models  -  Tyre model
            Classification code:943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements  -  671.2 Ship Equipment  -  716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television  -  717 Optical Communication  -  718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications  -  721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  942.2 Electric Variables Measurements  -  671 Naval Architecture  -  406.2 Roads and Streets  -  621 Nuclear Reactors  - 654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components  -  655.2 Satellites  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      29.Accession number:20094912531729
            Title:Multiple sliding mode robust adaptive control for valve controlled asymmetric cylinder system
            Authors:Bai, Han1 ; Wang, Qingjiu1 ; Xu, Zhen1 ; Guan, Cheng1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
            Corresponding author:Bai, H. (bunnyjudybh@163.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Considering the characteristics of valve controlled asymmetric cylinder system, a multiple sliding mode robust adaptive controller was designed. First, backstepping technique and state feedback linearization method were used to attain a multiple sliding mode controller. Next, based on Lyapunov stability theory, the uncertain parameters adaptation laws were presented and a robust adaptive controller combined with sliding mode method was designed to track piston displacement accurately. Experimental results show that the multiple sliding mode robust adaptive control approach has a strong robustness and enhances the tracking performance remarkably.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Adaptive control systems
            Controlled terms:Backstepping  -  Controllers  -  Cylinders (shapes) -  Feedback linearization  -  Hydraulic equipment  -  Hydraulic servomechanisms  -  Hydraulic structures  -  Hydraulics  -  Robust control  -  Sliding mode control   -  State feedback  -  Uncertain systems  -  Uncertainty analysis
            Uncontrolled terms:Adaptation law  -  Adaptive Control  -  Backstepping technique  -  Cylinder systems  -  Hydraulic cylinders  -  Lyapunov stability theory  -  Multiple sliding mode control  -  Piston displacement  -  Robust adaptive controller  -  Robust-adaptive control   -  Sliding mode controller  -  Sliding modes  -  Tracking performance  -  Uncertain parameters
            Classification code:961 Systems Science  -  922.1 Probability Theory -  921 Mathematics  -  732.1 Control Equipment  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery  -  632.1 Hydraulics  -  611 Hydroelectric and Tidal Power Plants  -  446.2 Related Hydraulic Structures  -  441 Dams and Reservoirs; Hydro Development  -  408.2 Structural Members and Shapes  -  407.2 Waterways
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      30.Accession number:20094912531724
            Title:Detecting of chlorophyll content of cucumber leaves based on laser-induced fluorescence spectrum analysis technique
            Authors:Yang, Haoyu1 ; Yu, Haiye1 ; Zhang, Lei1 ; Sui, Yuanyuan1
            Author affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
            Corresponding author:Yang, H.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Chlorophyll content of cucumber leaf in vivo was detected by reflectance laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectrum analysis technique in this research. Fluorescence spectrums, which was induced by four power (2.5mW, 5.0mW, 7.5mW, 10.0mW) of center wavelength 473nm and 660nm laser respectively, were analyzed in the experiment. Results showed that the fluorescence spectrum has a favorable precision and stability under the condition of 7.5mW and 473nm laser, and there is a significant linear correlation between the ratio of chlorophyll fluorescence at 732nm to 685nm (F732/F685) and the chlorophyll content. Furthermore the regression model was established (R2>0.93, p<0.001) in this excitation light source condition. This research doesn't only extend the scope of the application of chlorophyll fluorescence detection technology, but also provides a theoretical basis of the development of portable and non-destructive plants chlorophyll content detection equipment.
            Number of references:14
            Main heading:Chlorophyll
            Controlled terms:Fluorescence  -  Interferometry  -  Laser produced plasmas  - Lasers  -  Light  -  Porphyrins  -  Reflection  -  Regression analysis  -  Spectrum analysis  -  Spectrum analyzers
            Uncontrolled terms:Center wavelength  -  Chlorophyll contents  -  Chlorophyll fluorescence  -  Excitation light sources  -  Fluorescence spectra  -  Fluorescence spectrum  -  In-vivo  -  Laser induced fluorescence  -  Linear correlation  -  Non destructive   -  Nondestructive detection  -  Reflectance spectrum  -  Regression model  -  Theoretical basis
            Classification code:944 Moisture, Pressure and Temperature, and Radiation Measuring Instruments  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  - 932.3 Plasma Physics  -  941 Acoustical and Optical Measuring Instruments  -  941.4 Optical Variables Measurements  -  942 Electric and Electronic Measuring Instruments  -  943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments  -  921 Mathematics  -  801.2 Biochemistry  -  744.9 Laser Applications  -  744.1 Lasers, General  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  711 Electromagnetic Waves  -  804.1 Organic Compounds
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      31.Accession number:20094912531693
            Title:Optimization of braking force distribution parameter of united brake system of automobile
            Authors:Zhao, Yingsheng1, 2 ; Zhao, Youqun2 ; Wei, Chao3
            Author affiliation:1 Technical College, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321019, China
                          2 College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
                          3 Department of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Zhejiang Industry and Trade Professional College, Wenzhou 325003, China
            Corresponding author:Zhao, Y. (eeastman@163.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The temperature change processes of functioning parts of the united braking system consist of eddy-current retarder and primary brakes were analyzed to put forward the optimal function for the braking force distribution of the united braking system, and the value of the braking force distribution parameter was suggested. The braking process simulation of an actual passenger car on a virtual multi-gradient ramp was carried out, and the results showed that the final temperature of eddy-current retarder rotor and disc brakes and drum brakes of the united braking force with optimal distribution parameter is relatively low, and varies in a uniform trend. The optimal result of braking force distribution parameter can be refered to for the engineering practice requirements.
            Number of references:13
            Main heading:Brakes
            Controlled terms:Automobile parts and equipment  -  Eddy currents  - Friction materials  -  Optimization  -  Thermal effects
            Uncontrolled terms:Automobile braking  -  Brake systems  -  Braking force  -  Braking force distribution  -  Braking force distribution parameter  -  Braking system  -  Disc brakes  -  Drum brakes  -  Eddy current retarder  -  Engineering practices   -  Multi gradient  -  Optimal distributions  -  Optimal function  -  Optimal results  - Process simulations  -  Temperature changes
            Classification code:951 Materials Science  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  663.2 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Components  -  662.4 Automobile and Smaller Vehicle Components  -  641 Heat and Mass Transfer; Thermodynamics  -  602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions  -  601.1 Mechanical Devices  -  531 Metallurgy and Metallography  -  421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      32.Accession number:20094912531734
            Title:Research on undercutting in cycloid ball planetary transmission based on space meshing theory
            Authors:Yang, Zuomei1 ; An, Zijun1 ; Zhang, Peng1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
      Corresponding author:An, Z. (zjan@ysu.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The structure and drive principle of the cycloid ball planetary transmission was introduced. The mathematic models for the tooth surfaces of epitrochoid and hypotrochoid enclosed grooves generated by cone milling cutter were proposed. According to space meshing theory, the meshing equations and the undercut limit functions were deduced. The variational regularity of undercut limit functions with the fundamental design parameters were analyzed through the numerical method. The analytical results showed that the undercutting phenomenon of the tooth surfaces of hypotrochoid and epitrochoid enclosed grooves occurred orderly corresponding to the variation of fundamental design parameters, and the first undercut point always occurred on inside tooth surface of hypotrochoid groove. Consequently, a simpler dimensionless inequality which can avoid the undercut was derived from the proposed analysis. Then, the conclusion was verified by the design examples and the computer simulations. The research results offer a theoretical basis for designing and manufacturing of the cycloid ball planetary transmission.
            Number of references:12
            Main heading:Spheres
            Controlled terms:Dentistry  -  Industrial research  -  Large scale systems  -  Milling (machining)  -  Simulators
            Uncontrolled terms:Analytical results  -  Fundamental design  -  Mathematic model  -  Planetary transmission  -  Research results  -  Theoretical basis  -  Tooth surface
            Classification code:657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  671 Naval Architecture  -  961 Systems Science  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  912.1 Industrial Engineering  -  912.3 Operations Research  -  901.3 Engineering Research  -  655.2 Satellites  -  654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  461.1 Biomedical Engineering  -  461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology  -  462.3 Dental Equipment and Supplies  -  604.2 Machining Operations  -  621 Nuclear Reactors  -  631 Fluid Flow
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      33.Accession number:20094912531692
            Title:Virtual prototyping modeling and validation of vehicle transmission system
            Authors:Li, Shenlong1 ; Yan, Qingdong1 ; Yao, Shouwen1
            Author affiliation:1 National Key Lab of Vehicular Transmission, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
            Corresponding author:Li, S. (lishenlong2004@sina.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A modeling method for virtual prototyping models of hydrodynamic torque converter with locked function, shifting clutch and vehicle transmission system was presented, and dynamics models were also established by analyzing the models based on the configuration and the principle of a hydro-mechanical transmission system widely used in vehicle transmission, to predict the performance of vehicle transmission system in design phrases. The virtual prototyping models were validated by the power input character and operating manner of start process test. Contrast of the simulation and test results shows that the virtual prototyping model is correct, reasonable and has higher accuracy.
            Number of references:5
            Main heading:Vehicle transmissions
            Controlled terms:Electric power transmission  -  Fluid dynamics  -  Hydraulic torque converters  -  Simulators  -  Vehicles  -  Vibrations (mechanical)
            Uncontrolled terms:Dynamics models  -  Hydro-mechanical transmission -  In-vehicle  -  Model validation  -  Modeling method  -  Power input  -  Test results  -  Transmission system  -  Transmission systems  -  Virtual prototyping   -  Virtual prototyping modeling
            Classification code:931.1 Mechanics  -  706.1.1 Electric Power Transmission  -  671 Naval Architecture  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena  -  655.2 Satellites  -  654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  632.2 Hydraulic Equipment and Machinery  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  621 Nuclear Reactors  -  602.2 Mechanical Transmissions  -  602 Mechanical Drives and Transmissions -  432 Highway Transportation
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      34.Accession number:20094912531713
            Title:Establishment of the system of microcomputer monitoring and measurement of vacuum precooling equipment
            Authors:He, Suyan1 ; Wang, Dechang1 ; Ma, Yongzhi1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
            Corresponding author:He, S. (hesuyan67829@sina.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:111-113 120
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:To explore the mechanics of vacuum cooling and optimize vacuum precooling instrument, the real-time measurement of the variation of multi-parameters such as the pressure in the vacuum chamber, temperature of the condenser, temperature and mass of fruits and vegetables during vacuum cooling was necessitated. The self-designed vacuum cooling set up and the data acquisition processing system were presented. It was the weight sensor innovatively taken into the vacuum chamber that realized the online measurement of product quality during vacuum cooling.
            Number of references:10
            Main heading:Vacuum
            Controlled terms:Capillary tubes  -  Cooling  -  Data processing  -  Mergers and acquisitions  -  Refrigerating machinery  -  Refrigeration  -  Refrigerators  -  Time measurement  -  Vacuum applications  -  Vacuum technology
            Uncontrolled terms:Multiparameters  -  On-line measurement  -  Processing systems  -  Product quality  -  Real time measurements  - Refrigeration system  -  Vacuum chambers  -  Vacuum cooling  -  Weight sensors
            Classification code:943.3 Special Purpose Instruments  -  912 Industrial Engineering and Management  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing  -  644.4 Cryogenics  -  644.3 Refrigeration Equipment and Components  -  644.1 Refrigeration Methods  -  641.2 Heat Transfer  -  633.1 Vacuum Applications  -  633 Vacuum Technology  -  619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      35.Accession number:20094912531732
            Title:Mechanical analysis of clypeus surface of dung beetle (Copris ochus Motschulsky) in soil-cutting resistance reduction
            Authors:Wu, Na1 ; Zhang, Fu2 ; Tong, Jin3
            Author affiliation:1 Department of Automotive Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Ji'nan 250023, China
                           2 Vehicle and Power Engineering Institute, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
                           3 Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
            Corresponding author:Tong, J. (jtong@jlu.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The 3-D point data of the clypeus surface of the dung beetle (Copris ochus Motschulsky) were simplified, and a 3-section wedge model was used for analyzing the applied force of the half clypeus surface in several directions. It was found that the advantageous mode of the clypeus in soil cut is the sliding cutting as a result of the optimized geometrical configuration of the clypeus of the dung beetle, through evolution over millions of years, which plays an important role in cutting resistance reduction of the clypeus. The potential applications of the clypeus in bionic cutting resistance reduction were analyzed.
            Number of references:16
            Main heading:Mathematical models
            Controlled terms:Bionics  -  Soils  -  Three dimensional
            Uncontrolled terms:3-D point data  -  Applied forces  -  Cutting resistance  -  Dung beetles  -  Geometrical configurations  -  Mechanical analysis  -  Potential applications  -  Resistance reduction
            Classification code:461.1 Biomedical Engineering  -  483.1 Soils and Soil Mechanics  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics  -  921 Mathematics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      36.Accession number:20094912531721
            Title:Simulation of tomato growth behavior in response to planting-density based on functional-structural model
            Authors:Yang, Lili1 ; Wang, Yiming1 ; Kang, Mengzhen2 ; Dong, Qiaoxue1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                           2 Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
            Corresponding author:Wang, Y. (ym_wang@263.net)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:In order to study the growth behavior of greenhouse tomato with different density, GreenLab, the functional-structural model, was improved. On the basis of improving the degree of fitting, the growth parameter of tomato with different density was obtained. Environment was connected with tomato plant growth behavior through the analysis of the parameter. The results show that the density influences production and distribution of assimilate, which was characterized by the exterior morpha such as leaf appearance rate, leaf thickness, fruit set rate and so on, and GreenLab model can reproduce this feedback relationship.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Fruits
            Controlled terms:Agriculture  -  Greenhouses  -  Model structures  - Plant life extension  -  Simulators
            Uncontrolled terms:Degree of fitting  -  Density-based  -  Fruit sets  -  Functional-structural models  -  Greenhouse tomatoes  -  GreenLab  -  GreenLab model  -  Growth behavior  -  Growth parameters  -  Leaf appearance   -  Leaf thickness  -  Tomato plants
            Classification code:821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control  -  671 Naval Architecture  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  912.1 Industrial Engineering  -  657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena  -  654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  621 Nuclear Reactors  -  408 Structural Design  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings  -  655.2 Satellites
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      37.Accession number:20094912531694
            Title:Sensitivity analysis on influence factors for braking performance of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder with uniform design
            Authors:Zhao, Xiaobo1, 2 ; Ji, Changying1 ; Zhao, Guozhu1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China
                           2 Guizhou Agriculture Commission, Guiyang 550001, China
            Corresponding author:Ji, C. (chyji@njau.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Based on the relationship between braking performance of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder and structure parameters, the method of uniform design and regression analysis were applied to sensitivity analysis on influence factors for braking performance of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder. The regressive models of braking torque were established concerning inside radius of rotor, circumferential length of permanent magnet, width of air-gap, axial width of rotor influenced and height of permanent magnet, the influences of structure parameters and it's interaction of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder on braking performance were studied systematically. Based on the result of uniform experimental design and sensitivity analysis, structure parameters were optimized by means of whole-arrangement method. The conclusion can be used in the option design, enhance braking torque and improved braking performance of permanent magnet type eddy current retarder.
            Number of references:15
            Main heading:Structural design
            Controlled terms:Eddy currents  -  Magnetic devices  -  Permanent magnets  -  Regression analysis  -  Sensitivity analysis  -  Skid resistance
            Uncontrolled terms:Air-gaps  -  Braking performance  -  Braking torque  -  Experimental design  -  Influence factors  -  Permanent magnet type eddy current retarder  -  Structure parameter  -  Uniform Design
            Classification code:921 Mathematics  -  914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention  -  818.5 Rubber Products  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  714 Electronic Components and Tubes  -  922.2 Mathematical Statistics  -  708.4 Magnetic Materials  -  704 Electric Components and Equipment  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  - 408.1 Structural Design, General  -  406.2 Roads and Streets  -  704.1 Electric Components
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      38.Accession number:20094912531705
            Title:Simulation and optimization of the wind field of the separation exit of alfalfa rotary drum dryer
            Authors:Luo, Xiaoyan1 ; Wang, Decheng1 ; Wang, Guanghui1 ; Ning, Guopeng1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
      Corresponding author:Luo, X.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:71-74 85
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The vertical separation principle of alfalfa in alfalfa rotary drum dryer was studied, and the wind field of separation exit of the three pass rotary drum dryer was optimized by using CFD based on the range of separation velocity when the gas temperature was about 90°C. An optimum structural dimension between the bottoms of the middle and outer drums of a triple pass rotary drum dryer, modified to achieve drying and leaf-stem separation of alfalfa in one process, was recommended based on the CFD simulation results of a series of the contours of velocity and wind field of velocity vectors at different dimensional conditions.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Structural optimization
            Controlled terms:Dryers (equipment)  -  Separation  -  Velocity
            Uncontrolled terms:CFD simulations  -  Gas temperature  -  Optimization-simulation  -  Rotary drum  -  Simulation and optimization  -  Structural dimensions  -  Terminal velocity  -  Three-pass  -  Velocity vectors  -  Vertical separation   -  Wind field  -  Wind field simulation
            Classification code:642.2 Industrial Furnaces and Components  -  802.1 Chemical Plants and Equipment  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  - 921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  931.1 Mechanics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      39.Accession number:20094912531720
            Title:Information acquisition for cucumber harvesting robot in greenhouse
            Authors:Yuan, Ting1 ; Li, Wei1 ; Tan, Yuzhi1 ; Yang, Qinghua2 ; Gao, Feng2 ; Ren, Yongxin1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                          2 Key Laboratory of Mechanical Manufacture and Automation, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China
            Corresponding author:Yuan, T. (swwwf@tom.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:By analyzing characteristic information of depth image for robotic fruit-picking, a combinatorial optimization matching algorithm based on epipolar geometry and gray correlation constraints was discussed, to improve target precision with convergent binocular stereovision system. Furthermore, a light analysis model was established by comparing the influence of illumination intensity variation on the navigation detection under different time scale, which was beneficial to the processes of robotic autonomous navigation. The experimental results showed that the visual system can detect the target of cucumbers with the positioning error in a ±5mm range.
            Number of references:7
            Main heading:Robots
            Controlled terms:Combinatorial optimization  -  Computer vision  -  Greenhouses  -  Harvesting  -  Navigation  -  Robotics  -  Stereo vision
            Uncontrolled terms:Analysis models  -  Autonomous navigation  -  Binocular stereovision  -  Cucumber harvesting  -  Depth image  -  Different time scale  -  Epipolar geometry  -  Gray correlation  -  Harvesting robot  -  Illumination intensity   -  Information acquisitions  -  Information perception  -  Positioning error  -  Visual systems
            Classification code:921.5 Optimization Techniques  -  921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory  -  821.6 Farm Buildings and Other Structures  -  821.3 Agricultural Methods  -  741.2 Vision  -  731.6 Robot Applications  -  731.5 Robotics  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  716.3 Radio Systems and Equipment  -  655.1 Spacecraft, General  -  434.4 Waterway Navigation  -  431.5 Air Navigation and Traffic Control  -  402.1 Industrial and Agricultural Buildings
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      40.Accession number:20094912531695
            Title:Analysis of energy indication characteristic of hydro-pneumatic spring based on damping valve parameter
            Authors:Zhao, Lihang1 ; Chen, Yijie1, 2 ; Yang, Zhanhua2 ; Gu, Liang1 ; Wang, Yajun2
            Author affiliation:1 School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
                           2 Department of Chassis Components Technology, China North Vehicle Research Institute, Beijing 100072, China
            Corresponding author:Zhao, L. (amouse1206@yahoo.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:24-27 7
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan
            Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A research method of modeling hydro-pneumatic spring mechanical characteristic was presented. According to the calculation method of the sectional linear speed characteristic, the structural parameters of damping valve at the valve open point and the maximal valve open point, such as aperture width, predeformation of slice and positive retainer ring, were designed respectively by using sheet mechanics theory and fluid mechanics theory. The elastic force of hydro-pneumatic spring was deduced by the modified perfect gas equation. The correctness of the design method was validated through the comparison between performance test and simulation data. Eventually, the influence rules of different cylinder bodies and physical parameters on the speed characteristic of hydro-pneumatic spring were programmed and analyzed so as to provide reference for the research on the internal characteristic of damping equipment.
            Number of references:4
            Main heading:Damping
            Controlled terms:Contacts (fluid mechanics)  -  Elasticity  -  Pneumatics  -  Speed  -  Springs (components)
            Uncontrolled terms:Damping force  -  Damping forces  -  Elastic force  -  Hydro-pneumatic spring  -  Speed characteristics
            Classification code:421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties  -  422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods  -  601.2 Machine Components  -  631.1 Fluid Flow, General  -  632.3 Pneumatics  -  931.1 Mechanics
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      41.Accession number:20094912531733
            Title:Model and simulation for numerical control machining of heavy duty spiral bevel gear cutting machine
            Authors:Xu, Yanwei1 ; Zhang, Lianhong1 ; Wei, Wei1 ; Wang, Leping1 ; Liu, Dequan2
            Author affiliation:1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
                  2 Tianjin No.1 Machine Tool Works, Tianjin 300180, China
            Corresponding author:Xu, Y. (xuyanweiluoyang@163.com)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The machine machining coordinate system of spiral bevel gear cutting machine was established by analyzing the machining mechanism of the spiral bevel gear and the relationships between the cutting machine. The 3-D structure model of the heavy duty spiral bevel gear cutting machine was built, using the cutter spindle feed method instead of the traditional workpiece box feed method or the machine cradle feed method so as to increases the machine's manufacture efficiency and machining precision, according to the machining characteristic of heavy duty spiral bevel gear. And the numerical control machining model of the heavy duty spiral bevel gear cutting machine was also proposed, by analyzing the shift principle from the traditional mechanical spiral bevel gear cutting machine's adjustment parameter to the heavy duty numerical controls spiral bevel gear cutting machine. Finally, the instantaneous position of the heavy duty numerical control spiral bevel gear cutting machine's kinematic axis was obtained through the example computation. The machining machine model of the heavy duty spiral bevel gear machine was built, and the simulation machining was also carried out. The functional verification requirement of spiral bevel gear machine can be satisfied by the simulation results.
            Number of references:9
            Main heading:Gear cutting
            Controlled terms:Bevel gears  -  Cutting machines (mining)  -  Gear cutters  -  Gear cutting machines  -  Gear manufacture  -  Machinery -  Machining  -  Numerical control systems  -  Simulators  -  Three dimensional
            Uncontrolled terms:3D structures  -  Adjustment parameter  -  Co-ordinate system  -  Cutting machines  -  Functional verification  -  Heavy duty  -  Heavy-duty cutting  -  Machine models  -  Machining characteristics  -  Machining mechanisms   -  Machining precision  -  Model and simulation  -  NC-machining  -  Numerical control  -  Numerical control machining  -  Simulation result  -  Spiral bevel gears  -  Work pieces
            Classification code:913.4 Manufacturing  -  654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  655.2 Satellites  -  657.1 Solar Energy and Phenomena  -  662.1 Automobiles  -  671 Naval Architecture  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  731.1 Control Systems  -  902.1 Engineering Graphics  -  621 Nuclear Reactors  -  502.2 Mine and Quarry Equipment  -  504 Mines and Mining, Metal  -  505.3 Nonmetallic Mining Equipment  -  604.2 Machining Operations  -  601 Mechanical Design  -  603.1 Machine Tools, General  -  604.1 Metal Cutting  -  601.2 Machine Components
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      42.Accession number:20094912531731
            Title:Disassembly path planning method of waste electromechanical products in remanufacturing
            Authors:Jiang, Jibin1 ; Xu, Mingsan1 ; Zeng, Shoujin1 ; Su, Fa1
            Author affiliation:1 Department of Mechanic-electronic Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350108, China

            Corresponding author:Jiang, J. (JibinJ@mail.hf.ah.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:To solve the problem of the automatic disassembly path planning for waste mechanic-electronic products in remanufacturing, one of automatic disassembly path planning methods based on assembly restraint and model interference examination of product assembly model was proposed. In this method, the direction collection was expressed by Gauss sphere which can be disassembled freely in unassembled parts. The possible disassembly direction set can be figured out through calculating the intersection of all assembly restraint Gauss sphere in parts. To verify the availability of the disassembly direction, the disassembled parts were scanned to be tool body along these directions, and the interference examination was performed through calculating the intersection between tool body and unstripped parts. The method is adapted to the needs of CAD/CAM integrated development system, and is effective and feasible by the software programming and practical engineering applications.
            Number of references:7
            Main heading:Assembly
            Controlled terms:Electronics industry  -  Process control  -  Process engineering
            Uncontrolled terms:Assembly constraints  -  Automatic disassembly  - Cad/cams  -  Collision detection  -  Disassembly process planning  -  Electronic product  -  Integrated development  -  Path planning method  -  Path-planning  -  Practical engineering applications   -  Product assembly  -  Software programming  -  Waste mechanics
            Classification code:712 Electronic and Thermionic Materials  -  713 Electronic Circuits  -  714 Electronic Components and Tubes  -  715 Electronic Equipment, General Purpose and Industrial  -  731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications  -  913.1 Production Engineering
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      43.Accession number:20094912531710
            Title:Influence of frequency of electric excitation signal on dielectric property of fuji apples with red-dot disease
            Authors:Ma, Haijun1 ; Song, Changbing2 ; Zhang, Jishu1 ; Zhang, Wei3 ; Hu,Fang1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Life Science, Northwest A and F University, Yangling Shannxi 712100, China
                           2 School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, The North University for Ethnics, Yinchuan 750002, China
                           3 Xi'an Creation College, Yan'an University, Xi'an 710100, China
            Corresponding author:Zhang, J. (jishu@nwsuaf.edu.cn)
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:97-101 96
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:The change of dielectric properties on Fuji apples with red-dot disease stored at constant temperature was investigated, which provides a new theoretical basis for revealing its pathogenetic mechanism at electrical properties. By applying LCR electronic measure instrument, the fruits' dielectric properties, which include the impedance, reactance and inductance, were determined at 100Hz, 1, 10, 100kHz and 1MHz at 20°C. The results indicated that the dielectric constant, impedance, reactance and inductance for all fruits decrease with the increase of frequency at the same stored days. Moreover, there was a significantly positive correlation among impedance, reactance and inductance, the value of the loss tangent and dielectric constant is significantly different  (P<0.05), but the value of the impedance, reactance and inductance is not significantly different (P>0.05) between the diseased and normal fruits from 100Hz to 1MHz. This research revealed that the loss tangent and dielectric constant could reflect the quality of apples in some extent.
            Number of references:20
            Main heading:Fruits
            Controlled terms:Inductance  -  Permittivity
            Uncontrolled terms:Constant temperature  -  Dielectric constants  -  Electrical property  -  Excitation signal  -  Excitation signals  -  Fuji apple  -  Loss tangent  -  Positive correlations  -  Theoretical basis
            Classification code:701 Electricity and Magnetism  -  701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena  -  703.1 Electric Networks  -  708.1 Dielectric Materials  -  821.4 Agricultural Products
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      44.Accession number:20094912531717
            Title:Effects of heat-shock lactobacillus helveticus on cheddar cheese ripening
            Authors:Sui, Xin1, 2 ; Chen, Lijun2 ; Ren, Fazheng1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
                           2 Technology Centre, Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China
            Corresponding author:Sui, X.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society
            of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Pages:135-139 164
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:Effects of modified Lactobacillus helveticus 6024 by using heat-shock treatment on its biochemical properties and Cheddar cheese ripening were investigated. Results showed that the cell acidification activity was only 6.4% at 6h cultivation when cells were subjected to the heat treatment of 10s at 70°C. However, the average level of aminopeptidase activity is maintained at around 25%. The cheese chemical compositions were not apparently affected by adding the heat-shock cells, but the levels of soluble nitrogen were found to be different. The level of WSN% was not significantly different between experimental cheese and control, and there was a 2-fold increase in the level of 5% PTA-SN% at 3 months ripening when compared to control (not adding the heat-shock cells). The results of TPA profiles and microstructure also indicated that the ripening of Cheddar cheese is accelerated as a result of the heat-shock cells.
            Number of references:14
            Main heading:Starters
            Uncontrolled terms:Acidification activity  -  Amino peptidase  -  Biochemical properties  -  Cheddar cheese  -  Cheese ripening  -  Chemical compositions  -  Heat-shock  -  Lactobacillus helveticusClassification code:612.1.1 Internal Combustion Engine Components  - 617 Turbines and Steam Turbines  -  661.2 Automotive Engine Components  -  705.1 Electric Machinery, General
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.

      45.Accession number:20094912531722
            Title:Xinjiang cotton seed color separation system based on computer vision
            Authors:Zhang, Junxiong1 ; Chen, Tao1 ; Yu, Zhendong1 ; Li, Wei1
            Author affiliation:1 College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
      Corresponding author:Zhang, J.
            Source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
            Abbreviated source title:Nongye Jixie Xuebao
            Issue date:October 2009
            Publication year:2009
            Document type:Journal article (JA)
            Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
            Abstract:A cotton seed on-line separation system based on computer vision was designed to realize the automatic separation of red-brown and black cotton seeds produced in Xinjiang Province. In the system, the seeds were projected horizontally, separated by compressed airflow in the air. Meanwhile, a method of capturing seed images was studied in an unordered arrangement. And the corresponding relationship between unordered seeds and the airflow nozzles was resolved by region subdivision of seed image. Lastly, a seed tracking and separating algorithm was proposed which memorized the position of each inspected seed until the seeds reached the separation region. The experiment results show that when the speed of the conveyer belt is 0.50m/s, the inspecting accuracy is 88.6%, and the separating ratio is 80.7%.
            Number of references:11
            Main heading:Seed
            Controlled terms:Belt conveyors  -  Color  -  Computer vision  -  Cotton  -  Image segmentation  -  Separation  -  Tracking (position)
            Uncontrolled terms:Color computers  -  Color separation  -  Conveyer belts  -  On-line separation  -  Seed tracking  -  Separating algorithm  -  Separation regions  -  Separation systems  -  Xinjiang
            Classification code:819.1 Natural Fibers  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  741.2 Vision  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  731.6 Robot Applications  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  723.5 Computer Applications  -  716.2 Radar Systems and Equipment  -  692.1 Conveyors  -  656.1 Space Flight  -  654.1 Rockets and Missiles  -  723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing
            Compilation and indexing terms, ? 2009 Elsevier Inc.
   46. Accession number: 20094912532370
Title: Influence factors of kinetics of infrared radiation drying for fruits and vegetables
         Authors: Wang, Xiangyou1 ; Lin, Xi'na1
Author affiliation: School of Light Industry and Agricultural Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
         Corresponding author: Wang, X. (wxy@sdut.edu.cn)
Source title: Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
         Abbreviated source title:  Nongye Jixie Xuebao
         Volume: 40
         Issue: 10
         Issue date: October 2009
         Publication year: 2009
         Pages: 114-120
         Language: Chinese
         ISSN: 10001298
         CODEN: NUYCA3
         Document type: Journal article (JA)
 Publisher: Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, No. 1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing, 100083, China
 Abstract: The mechanism of infrared radiation drying was introduced, and the intrinsic and external factors influencing infrared radiation drying kinetics for fruits and vegetables were synthetically analyzed. The relationships between dehydration and the controlling factors, including interior moisture removal and diffusion process of materials were discussed. Characteristics of heat and mass transfer in wet materials were investigated. Further research direction and development trends of infrared radiation drying for fruits and vegetables were presented based on seeking the regularities of drying.
         Number of references: 24
      Main heading: Infrared drying
Controlled terms: Curing  -  Dewatering  -  Electromagnetic waves  -  Fruits  -  Infrared radiation  -  Infrared spectroscopy  -  Mass transfer  -  Moisture control  -  Radiometers
Uncontrolled terms: Controlling factors  -  Development trends  -  Diffusion process  -  Drying kinetic  -  Drying rate  -  Drying rates  -  External factors  -  Heat and mass transfer  -  Influence factors  -  Moisture removal   -  Research directions
Classification code: 944.7 Radiation Measuring Instruments  -  815.1 Polymeric Materials  -  818.3 Rubber and Elastomer Processing  -  821.4 Agricultural Products  -  931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids  -  941.4 Optical Variables Measurements  -  944.2 Moisture Measurements  -  802.3 Chemical Operations  -  741.1 Light/Optics  -  731.3 Specific Variables Control  -  711 Electromagnetic Waves  -  642.1 Process Heating  -  641.3 Mass Transfer  -  802.2 Chemical Reactions
         Database:  Compendex
   Compilation and indexing terms,   2009 Elsevier Inc.

      ? 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.